Life history of Angeline Vilate Stewart Buttars


      Angeline Vilate Stewart was born in Clarkston, Cache, Utah on June 30, 1874; fifth in a family of twelve children. There were seven boys and five girls. Her parents were Samuel Thompson Stewart and Mary Ann Clark Stewart. They lived in Clarkston, west across the road from the Clarkston meetinghouse that now stands.
      When Angeline was in her teenage years, most of her family moved to Teton and St. Anthony, Idaho, leaving her the only one of the family in Utah.
      She got her schooling in Clarkston in the log schoolhouse across the road south from the southeast comer of the town square. She completed the five Readers, and Arithmetic, and took the penmanship class given by Alfred White.
      She was baptized a member of the LDS Church in the Clarkston creek at age 8.
      As a teenager, her sister Julie was dating Charles William Buttars. When Julie didn't think she liked Charley well enough to marry him, Angie said, "Let me have him." Her father told her, "One thing about it, he will always be a good provider." At the age of 18 years old, Angeline married Charles in the Logan Temple on May 18, 1892. They were sealed for time and all eternity.
      They started their newly married life in a two-room log house about 2 ½ miles north of Clarkston, on a ranch of about 240 acres. It was a homestead ranch. The interior of the log house was lined with "factory cloth" which was kept whitewashed to be spotlessly clean and sweet smelling.
      Angeline did the work of a pioneer woman, carrying water from the creek to do her washing on a washboard. She cared for her family efficiently. She cooked and cared for many hired men. She picked currants and gooseberries from the thorny bushes to put up her fruit. She also grew her own rhubarb and sageplant. She was a busy woman, a good manager, and a happy wife.
      Angeline dearly loved and greatly admired her husband Charles. He was good and kind to her and gave her anything she wanted, as near as possible. She was left alone a lot, as Charley would get home after midnight many times from the range. She would wait for him. She could tell he was coming by the smooth gallop and tune he whistled sometime before he arrived.
      They raised a family of nine children, five girls and four boys. The eldest child, a boy named Archie, died in infancy. They lived on the ranch until the fourth child was old enough to start school.
      Their home in town was a two-room log house with an attic upstairs. A lean-to was built onto the west and south later. It was about three blocks north of town, out by City Creek. During her childbearing years Angie contract asthma, which was a detriment to her health. She would sit up most of the night sometimes, because she couldn't breathe when she lay down. Charles had a lot of horses and he took a great deal of pride in them. He would hitch up the team and take Angeline to the mountains in the night because she could breathe better up there. This went on quite a long time. Then she decided to go to the temple and be given a prayer for her health. After that she improved gradually until she was relieved and cured. This was a faith-promoting incident to all of her children. They were so happy to have their mother well.
      When her husband, Charles, was 37 years old, very suddenly one morning he became sick and was in a lot of pain with an appendicitis attack. Getting a doctor to come from Logan took many hours in those days. Charles suffered terribly all day. The family did all they could to help him, but he did not improve. By 6 p.m. that night when the doctor arrived, he was nearly dead. The doctor couldn't do anything except to give him a pill to relieve the pain. Charles died that night of October 5, 1908, of a ruptured appendix. Angie was in poor health at that time and was unable to attend the funeral because of her asthma. The family was sadly stricken.
      He left a family of nine children under the age of 14. The oldest boy, Ben, was only 10 years old and the baby boy, Earl, was 4 months old. That was when Angeline's qualities as a good woman were brought forth and put into action. The load was heavy with a large family, a 320-acre farm with a $6,000 debt against it, eighty head of horses still on the range, and fall crops (October) not yet planted. Charley's brothers got together and decided what could be done. They advised Angie to sell the farm; but it would be difficult to do with the debt. The oldest boy, Ben, was only ten years old. Angie decided to keep the farm and sell the horses to pay the debt.
      Somehow they got by. Ben helped round up the horses and found all but eighteen. All were sold except a gentle team of trotters for the buggy, and a mare to raise colts. By the time Ben was sixteen, he ran the farm and provided for the family by himself.
      Angie was lenient with her children in things she gave them, but in matters of principles, she was very strict. Being mother and father both, she kept a stick in the corner and used it when they were disobedient. She, like her husband, was very meticulous. She whitewashed her walls every spring, even in her log house that only had a dirt floor. Where she couldn't whitewash, she hung sheets to look clean and bright. The Depression brought further financial problems, as well as the loss of her oldest daughter with five little children.
      Angie developed sugar diabetes (as did her son, Ben). She had been given a blessing early in her life that she would live until the time her family was grown. When her youngest child, Earl, was 23 years old, she died on May 30, 1931, at the age of 57 years. All her children were married in the temple.


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