1993 Gerking Reunion Minutes
August 8, 1993

Richland Community Park, Richland, Oregon
Hosts: Lola Graves and Family

    At 10:00 a.m. several members of the Gerking family gathered at the park for a praise service which included music by the Bixby Quartet. After that pictures, both individual and group, were taken by family member Ian Clark, who operates Crystal Clear Photo. Those who wish additional photos can contact him at (503) 784-4719.
    Following the usual great potluck meal, President Martha Wells called the 1993 meeting of the Gerking Family Association to order a little after 2:00 p.m. Thirty-two Gerking family members signed the guest register, a slight decrease from the 1992 reunion.  Two registration books were circulated—one the official Gerking Family book, and the other a memory book for hostess Lola Graves. For the third year in a row the only registered Gerking surname belonged to Ralph Gerkings of Hillsboro, Oregon. Additional copies of the June, 1993 Gerking Family Newsletter were available on the registration table.
    It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the 1992 Gerking Family Reunion by acclamation. The motion passed.
    Treasurer Beth Johnston reported a balance of $1,696.86 in the Gerking Family savings account at Bank of America in Newport. It was moved, seconded and passed to accept the treasurer’s report.
    President Martha read a letter from Florence and Larry Bowe expressing the unhappiness at having to miss this reunion because Florence hasn’t been feeling well. There was general agreement that they were sorely missed by those at the reunion. Florence also suggested the family think about making a donation to help restore the old Kees Cemetery (now called Blue Mountain Cemetery), in which many Gerking ancestors are buried. Vandalism of the cemetery had been called to Florence Bowe’s attention by Mildred Miley of Athena. It was moved, seconded, and passed that $100.00 be donated by the Gerking Family to help with restoration of the Kees Cemetery.
    The hat was passed and a total of $76.00 was collected to help Lola and her family defray expenses for the reunion.
    A poll was taken of the family lines present. Of those responding, 22 said they were descendants of James Gerking, and 8 descendants of Jonathan Rice Gerking.
    Beth invited the family to meet for its reunion in Newport, Oregon next year. It was moved, seconded and passed that the 1994 reunion be held in Newport.
    Wally Young asked where Jonathan Rice Gerking is buried. An attorney in Pendleton had told him that his body had been dug up and removed from Athena to a small town in Missouri. No one had an asnwer for his question, so it was decided to ask Florence what she knows about this.
    It was moved, seconded and passed that Martha Wells continue as President, Beth Johnston continue as Secretary-Treasurer, and Florence Bowe continue as Historian.
    Lola’s family had celebrated her birthday the previous day, and it was discovered today was Beth Johnston’s birthday. The family joined in a spontaneous rendition of “Happy Birthday” to all those with August birthdays.

Respectfully submitted,
Beth Johnston, Secretary

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