
Central High School, [ Tulsa High School ] Tulsa, Oklahoma

Graduating Class, 1925 [472 students]

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Supt. Of City Schools, Philander P. Claxton
Principal, Tulsa High Sch., Merle Prunty
Dean of boys, Lawrence W. Lavengood
Vice Principal,
Ward H. Green
Dean of girls, Floy Elliott

Click linked names for Photo & Info.

Senior Officers:

Roy Smith, President
John Brooks, Vice President
James Campbell, Treasurer
Sponsor, Miss Isabel Watkins
Margaret Robinson, Secretary [succeeded by Floyd Cummings

Click HERE for Photos & Class History

Football Queen, Alice Mae Kistler, 1924 /25--PHOTO

Names With Annotations
A B C--D E F--G H I--J K L--M N O--P Q R S--T thru Z
Names Only and some Pictures

The Salt Story
Class Schedule of Ruth Fancher

In Memory of our Schoolmates

Hayes Gruell, Class of '26 born May 14, 1907 died March 17, 1925
Walter Wehner, Class of '26 born March 20, 1907 died Feb. 23, 1925
David Brannon, Class of '27 born Feb. 5, 1908 died Sept. 22, 1924
Charles Coon, Class of '28 born Feb. 16, 1910 died March 9, 1925

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Tulsa Central High School Graduating Class of 1925

Click the linked names to see page containing picture and annotations.  More will be linked as time permits.

Aaronson To Ferrell

Aaronson, Herbert Bartleson, Maggie Burhans, James Courtney, Raymond F.
Abbott, Emmett Beebe, Clyde Burhans, Mildred Cowan, Sigma
Abercrombie, Claribelle Beistle, Bennett Burke, Lorene Cramberg, Raymond
Abernathy, James Belden, Katherine Burkhardt, Thompson Cromwell, Eillen
Acosta, Domingo Benzel, Robert Burley, Danafaye Crowe, Raymond
Adams, Helen Berry, Harry Burns, Mabel Crowell, Alfred
Adams, Hiram Clark Biles, Mabel Claire Burris, Helen Cummings, Floyd
Adamson, Juanita Bilyeu, Gerald Butler, Hattie Cunningham, Don
Adkinson, Harold Bitterling, Ruth Butler, Jessie Dale, Edna
Albitz, Faustina Booker, Louis Byers, Mary Darling, Max
Alderman, Glenn Borah, Lee Calvin, Donald Davenport, Andree
Alderson, Waneta Bounds, Edna Campbell, Harold Davies, Earl
Alix, Irene Bowen, Mildred Campbell, James Davis, Dorothy A.
Allen, Vivian Ruth Bowers, Oklahoma Campbell, Levone Day Guilford
Ammerman, Howard B. Bowles, Paul Card, Dorothy Denny, Paul
Andrews, Helen J. Boysell, James Carnahan, Robert Denton, Joe
Angus, Launa Bradley, David Carter, Maurice Dickinson, Hilda
Appleman, Marion Brandborg, Gustave Chambers, Ruth Dimon, Edward B.
Aspin, Harriet Brandeberry, Bud Chaney, Bernice Dixon, Horace
Aubertin, Lodema Branham, Myrtle Chapin, Robert Dotson, Fern
Auxier, Florence Brannon, Orpha Chick, Selden Dowell, Homer
Auxier, Hazel BreDahl, Florence Childes, Jack Downing, Don
Auxier, Georgia M. Bright, Floy G. Chrisman, Thelma Drain, William
Backus, John Brinkman, Bernice Christie, Lucille Drake, Norman
Backus, Mary Esther Brockman, Maxine Christie, Princess Drouot, Alfred
Bagwell, Wanetta Brooks, John Church, Eunice Faye Drum, Gay
Bailey, Daniel Brooks, Leslie Ernest Church, Hila Duck, James
Bailey, Samuella Brown, Merritt Clark, Leland Duncan, Edrie
Baker, Warren Brown, Opal Mae Clark, Viola Duncan, Lowell
Ball, Fae Brown, Pauline Claypool, Florence Edgett, Eva
Ballard, Mark Brownlee, Marion Cline, Anna Elegar, George A.
Barnes, Eleanor Bumgarner, John Cody, Carrol Ellison, Charlotte
Barr, Elgy Bumgarner, Kenneth Cole, Vernon Ferguson, Coy
Barr, Ruth Bumpus, Hazel Conry, Margaret Ferguson, Louis
Barrett, Randall Burgess, Allen Corby, Glynn William Ferrell, Kenneth
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Finley To Marr

Click linked names to see picture

Finley, Virginia Grant, Chester Holmes, Dorothea Kistler, Alice[photo]
Fisher, Eugene Gray, Warner Hood, Evelyn Kittrell, Ramona
Fisher/Fischer, Gladys Green, Pauline Hornbeck, Evelyn Knaell, Tom
Fisher, Margaret Greene, Mildred Hornecker, Chauncey Knepper, Keneth
Fleetwood, William Griggs, Bob Hough, Anna Koons, Pauline
Ford, Harry Guinn, Marie Hough, Ralph Krebs, Betty
Fore, Flora Mae Gunsten, Helen Hudlin, Frances Kriete, Archie K.
Forman, Harry Guthrie, Opal Hudson, Helen Kuentzel, Justine
Fox, Bill Hackett, Archie Hughes, Virginia Laidley, Delvin
Francisco, Mary Haggard, Laura Hull, Robert Lamar, Evelyn
Frank, Ruth Haley, Mildred Hunt, Frances Lamar, Lee
Frazee, Mary Hall, Allen Hutchings, Ed Land, Mae
Freed, Arthur Hall, Helen Eunice Hutchison, Gregory Lanning, Ed
Freeman, Leona Halm, Charles Insull, Margaret Lansdon, Lolita
Friedman, Rosa Hangs, Frank E. Irvan, Marjorie Lantz, Harry
Frost, Hazel Harper, George Jackson, Faye Lassiter, Leota
Frost, Maud Harris, Virginia Jacobs, Clyde Lee, Jewel
Gallagher, Bob Harrison, Mary Vivian Jacobs, Helen May Lee, Katheryn
Garner, Charles Hartman, Jack Donald Jenkins, Percy Lee, Wanda
Gates, George Hatcher, Martha Johnson, Charlie B. Leitenberger, Portia
German, Mary Elizabeth Hawkins, Argo Johnson, Donald Lewis, Georgia
Gholsten, Leora Hawkins, Chester Johnson, Eddie Lewis, Robert
Giddens, Bob Hawkins, Dorothy Jones, Ida Lich, Vernon
Gierow, Margaret Hayden, Margaret Jordan, Don Lindsay, Forrest H.
Gilger, Helen Hendrix, Elizabeth Jordan, Walter Lingo, Eva
Gillespie, Harold   Henke, Gordon Keeling, Dorothy Lint, Muriel Margaret
Gillian, Ralph Herbold, Lorin Keely / Keily, Julia Livingston, Gertrude
Gilliland, Jeanette Hershkowitz, Esther Keim, Leila Katheryn Logan, Earl
Glass, Guy Hester, Wilna ? Kellough, Helen V. Lottinville, Savoie
Godfrey, Mary A. Higginbotham, LaVoy Kelsey, Jane Lowe, Boyd
Goeppinger, Edith Hildt, John Kerst, Kathryn Lundy, Bill
Goodale, George Hilford, Estherann Kimball, Margaret Malroney, Ed
Goodwin, Juanita Hills, Minnetta Kimball, Melvin Manes, Anna
Gordon, Pearl Hodge, Bernice Kirk, Jane Manion, Kenneth
Gore, Ralph Hogue, Katheryn Arvilla Kirkpatrick, Glade Markovitz, Sam
Graham, Leona Hoke, Alice Kiskaddon, Gladys Marr Shelby
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Marshall To Thompson

Click the linked names to see pictures

Marshall, Nellie Mullenburg, Mary Reed, Reginald Slutzky, Lillian
Martin, Bernice Murray, David Renfro, Fay Smith, Albert
Masek, Mamie Dorene Murray, Mary Jane Renfro, Rosco Smith, Edna
Mattocks, Madeline Murrell, Ansolea Rice, William Smith, Ethel Mae
Maxey, Mildred Myers, Velma Ritchie, Claude Smith, Paul G.
Maxey, Tom Neal, Jessie Roberts, Sara Smith, Rosanna
May, Ralph Neely, Mary Louise Robinson, Margaret Smith, Roy Lee
McBirney, Don Neptune, John Rose, Anna Smith, Wendell
McBroom, Dorothy Noland, Clyde Rose, Goldie Sollars, Paul
McCabe, Mildred Norvell, George Rose, Roxie Sowders, Clyde
McCall, Leonard Novak, Mary Rowe, Dan Stahl, Winifred
McClaran, Mittie Obermiller, Grace Roxe, Shirley Stalker, Mary Louise
McClaren William Onstott, Faye Hoy, Richard C. Stekoll, Jennie
McCoy George Ostenberg, Dorothy Ryan, Donald Stevens, Merle
McCracken, Gerald Ozbun, Lucile Ryan, Fitz Stewart, Clieo
McCullough, Roy O'Connell, Marie Sams, Lillie Stewart, Oscar E.
McGruder, Helen O'Hara, Bill Sandler, Clara Ruth Stewart
McLaughlin, Kathryn Pahmeyer, Marjorie Sawyer, Melborne Stone, Clyde
McMorris, Maude Passmore, Kenneth Scaggs, Bernice Strait, Leslie
McMorris, William Peckenpaugh, Marian Scheig, Thelma Streater, Harold
McNally, Florence Peterson, Frank Schmuck, Marie Stroh, Gauen
Meadors, Edith Phillips, Bill Schultz, Gordon Stuart, Clieo
Megee, Kermit Pickel, Helen Scott, George Stueve, Alma Mary
Miller, Ann Potter, Ewart Scott, Gerald Stutsman, Ray
Miller, Meyer Prater, Alice Shaw, Elizabeth Summers, Geneva
Miller, Orville Pray, Clyde Shaw, Marcella Sumner, William
Miller, Oscar Price, Lorene Shelton, Haskell Sutherland, Marie
Miller, Scott Purdy, Josephine Sherman, Arthur Swain, Marion
Miner, Clair A. Putnam, Christine Shields, Verna Swartz, Dorothy
Minshall, Eugene Rabkin, Isadore Shreve, Darrell Rhea Talbot, Elizabeth
Mitchell, Irwin Rabkin, Ruth Sigmon, Nancy Taulbee, Jessie
Mohler, Lois Ransdall, Morgan Silsby, Frank Taylor, John, Jr.
Moore, Frankie Raub, Ann Simler, Frank Taylor, Mexa
Moore, Roger Ravitz, Sophie Simon, Ralph Teel, Ray [Roy]
Moran, Eva Reagan, Anna Slater, Mildred Thomas, Martha
Morton, Helen Reed, Elizabeth Sloat, Mary Thompson, Billy
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Thompson to Zumwalt

Click linked names to see pictures

Thompson, Margaret Venus, Jontie Weitz, Robert Winder, Lottie Rae
Thompson, Mary V. Vorheis, Leon Welcher, Nettie Winston, Forrest
Thompson, Norine Wainwright, Elmo Wellman, Frances Wise, Ferd
Thompson, Ted Wait, Tiny Westall, Neal Witt, Maxine
Thornton, Ruth Waldrep, Ruby Wheat, Don Leon Wood, Marguerite
Tillack, Beulah Wallace, Mac [Max] White, Pearl Woodson, Frankie
Turk, Mariam Walters, Harry Wick, Neil Worley, Harold
Turley, Charles Warnock, Jack Wieman, Charles Wright, Dorotha Fay
Vanderford, Louise Warren, Clarence Willcockson, Max Young, Margaret
Van Schaik, Fred Washington, Paul Williams, Caroline Zoller, Marvin
VanZant, Nellie Wayne, Othel Williams, Thelma Zumwalt, Winifred
Vensel, Marian Weiss, Anselm Wilson, Iris

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The Salt Story

From page 159 of the 1925 Tom Tom

In past days to come, I'll remember it well
How a wealthy, young maid in a poor house did dwell
She lived with her father, her life was serene
Her age it was red, and her hair was nineteen

The maid had a lover who nearby did dwell
A cross legged villain, and bow eyes as well
He said, "let us fly by the light of yon star
For you are the eye of my apple, you are!"

"No, no!" said this maiden "be cautious and wise
My father would scratch out your nails with his eyes
If you really love me don't bring me disgrace!"
She cried as she buried her hands in her face

When he heard this refusal, he rushed to the maid
Silently drawing his knife from the blade
He then cut the throat of this maiden so fair
And dragged her around by the head of her hair

And then it appears that the father appeared
And gazed on the scene with eyes in his tears
He stooped o'er the maiden her fair lips he kissed
Then rushed with his nose at the murderer's fist

He rushed at the Varlet who started to bolt
He drew a horse pistol he'd raised from a colt
Said the villain, "I'll die if I stay here, that's true"
And turning he ran and he flue up the flew.

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Class Schedules For Ruth Fancher, Freshman, 1925

Hand written, apparently by Ruth Fancher, inside the front cover of this 1925 Tulsa High School "Tom Tom" is the following:

Property of Ruth Fancher, Freshman Year, 1925

Sem. I Subjects and Teachers
Home Room Miss Allen B 13
English Miss McCutchan B 23
Algebra Miss Cary D 25
Music & Gymn a7--D 26 Kirk & Biddison
Study Polk
Biology [Mr. Spafford ] C 24
Latin Mr. Hake C 13

Sem. II
Home Room Mr. Hake C 13
Study Mr. Dickenson ----and
Gymn + Study

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