Crain DNA Y Chromosome Surname Study

Welcome to the Crain DNA Y Chromosome Surname Study

The results of the Crain DNA Y Chromosome Surname Study will be published here as soon as those results become available.  The first five participant's results have been announced by Family Tree DNA, the testing company chosen for the CRAIN DNA Surname Study. Click here to view the DNA marker chart. It is too early to form any conclusions, but three different lines of Crains have been revealed so far.
We need more participants very badly! The value of a project such as this increases expotentially with each new participant. If you are a CRAIN or CRANE male (or a variation such as CRAINE, CRAYNE, CREHAN), please join us. If you are a female with this genealogy background, please consider making a donation in any amount or sponsoring a male relative eligible for testing.
Contact Randy Crain, the Group Administrator.

CRAIN Websites:


Please send your URL to the Webmaster to be added Here

DNA Related Websites:

Family Tree DNA Library of Scientific Papers


Using the markers from the male Y chromosome, which
pass virtually unchanged from father to son, several things can be determined. It is possible, for instance, to determine which lines of CRAIN's in the United States are related and possibly even link back to related lines in Europe. Additionally it may be possible to learn which Haplogroup or Haplotype your markers place you in and what part of the world your paternal Y ancestor originated. The area may or may not be very specific. But it is very interesting!

Here is a page listing all the known surname studies.

Family Tree DNA of Houston, TX:

Has an excellent reputation. If you would like to join this study, please contact Randy Crain, if you are a male and your surname is CRAIN/CRANE or a variant. The cost for testing is $99. plus $2.00 shp. for a 12 marker test. This represents a substantial discount for our group members.  It may be necessary to upgrade later to the 25 marker test to determine different lines within the last 300 years. (approximately $80. more, less if the 25 marker test is ordered initially). Payment would be sent directly to FTDNA.

Sample cells are obtained by a painless swab inside your cheek, then placed in a provided vial with a preservative and mailed by regular mail to the company. Two samples are collected in case the second is needed. Everything is provided by FTDNA in the kit they send. They have staff to help interpret the scores. Results are usually back in 1 to 2 months.

I want to stress that your privacy is strictly maintained. Only your kit number or some other coded ID will appear in the results viewed by others. Living persons' names will not be divulged by any means, unless prior written permission has been obtained. This is for those who want their names to be known. You may certainly choose not to publicly reveal this information if that is your preference. The more extensive genealogy chart you can give the administrator, the more value this test will have for you and other participants as well as those of CRAIN/CRANE descent who cannot take the test, because their descent is not a straight line male father to son transmission.

The information gained will be of great value to us all. And I welcome those eligible to take part in this study.

Janet Crain
Crain DNA Y Chromosome Surname Study Assistant

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