Burrishoole Cemetery

Burrishoole Cemetery Old and New transcribed June 2002

In Loving Memory of Patrick COLLINS Cahergal March 24 1944 and his wife Nora June 18 1950 James COLLINS April 3 1935 John COLLINS Cahergal November 1988 aged 74 Eileen COLLINS May 1 1993 age 73

Sacred Heart of Jesus Have Mercy on the Soul of Peter McMANANON Shrarevugah Shramore July 5 1931 aged 55 years and his wife Bridget May 24 1965

In Loving Memory of Michael DYRA Cloggernaugh Glenhurst January 28 1956 and his wife Mary April 1 1923 also their son John J may 26 1990 and their daughter Nora September 1 1997 RIP

In Loving Memory of William CHAMBERS Sharmore April 26 1930 aged 78 and his wife Annie April 17 1933 aged 78 and his sister Honor CHAMBERS January 11 1934 aged 86 and his granddaughter baby of Neil and Kate CHAMBERS September 1936

Oh Lord Please Have Mercy on the Soul of Francis CHAMBERS Cloonfomer who died August 20 1910 aged 70 also his brother Patrick CHAMBERS July 20 1889 aged 65 Catherine CHAMBERS May 22 1953 aged 84

Oh Lord Please Have Mercy on the Soul of Richard N HALE who died June 9 1908 aged 83 and his wife Margaret M HALE 1909 aged 78

In Loving Memory of Thomas O'BOYLE Lettermoghera who died April 11 1943 aged 83 and his son Thomas June 5 1960

Sacred Heart of Jesus Have Mercy on the Souls of Catherine MULCHRONE Derradda July 17 1950 age 79 John MULCHRONE February 2 1899 aged 70 Mary MULCHRONE April 14 1914 aged 89 and her son Martin February 6 1955 RIP

Pray for the Souls of Patrick McGUINESS Lettermoughra December 23 1908 aged 60 and his wife Ann March 14 1951 aged 82

Lord Have Mercy on William O'MALLEY aged 60 May 2 1888 George February 22 1888 aged 72

Oh Lord Please Have Mercy on the Soul of Francis CHAMBERS Shramhe October 20 1801 his wife Bridget CHAMBERS September 11 1890 aged 52 also their son Francis CHAMBERS May 5 1934 aged 64 and his wife Alice July 23 1959 erected by Francis CHAMBERS

Pray for the Souls of James DOHERTY 1838 1913 Cuilmore and his wife Anne 1842 1914 also their sons Edward 1874 1921 James Derrykill 1886 1966 also his wife Annie 1900 1983 RIP erected by their son Mike Joe

Oh Lord Have Mercy on the Souls of Michael COLLINS Kiltainet May 12 1926 and his wife Nora May 18 1951

Paul CAIN December 1908 aged 70 years

In Loving Memory of Honor MULCHRONE Derradda August 5 1935 aged 93 and her mother Catherine O'DONNELL Sandhill December 8 1892 aged 75 Delia KILROY March 10 1960
aged 81 RIP Erected by her daughter

In Loving Memory of John McNEA Carrowsalagh May 18 1919 his wife Bridget August 3 1847 also their son Groden John McNEA December 21 1941 aged 16 months and his infant sister

In Loving Memory of Thomas OMALLEY the Cleve December 29 1909 his wife Mary 1840 1933 also their grandson George J OMALLEY 1916 1919 Josephine O'MALLEY 1932 1937

In Loving Memory of Ellen FERGUS Ardagh July 8 1919 aged 66 and her daughter Eileen May 2 1926 aged 16 John FERGUS September 9 1949 aged 83 years

In Loving Memory of Dominick MURRAY Skikdagh November 25 1935 aged 74 and his wife Mary November 27 1945 age 75 also their son William July 30 1942 aged 32

In Loving Memory of Michael DUFFY Doontruck June 3 1929 and his wife Mary May 8 1952

In Loving Memory of Ellen HORAN December 26 1940 age 44 and her husband John April 26 1978 aged 90 years

In Loving Memory of William CHAMBERS Shrane January 21 1955 aged 69 years

In Loving Memory of Bridget CHAMBERS Thercdu Shramore December 19 1945 aged 68 and her daughter Mary February 2 1931 aged 26 years

In Loving Memory of Thomas McMANAMON Shramore 1870 1938 and their family Tommie
1895 1987 Bridget 1899 1997 Mollie 1901 1985 Kate 1903 1998 Patrick 1907 1977 Neil
1911 1932 Dominick 1917 1987 four children died young William Michael James Anthony RIP

In Loving Memory of Thomas McMANAMON Graffie 1867 1951 and his wife Anne 1879 1957 also their son Patrick Joseph 1914 1938 RIP

Pray for the Souls of Thomas CHAMBERS Shramore March 19 1924 72 years his wife Nora November 1937 age 74 their daughter Nora MORAN December 1920 age 27 and her son Paraic December 1920 age 10 months

Pray for the Souls of Pat MULCHRONE Authrowla who was shot November 1 1922 age 22 also his parents John MULCHRONE November 18 1943 77 and Nora MULCHRONE January 10 1949 age 75

In Loving Memory of Patrick WALSH Derrykill January 19 1922 his wife Maria March 4 1954 RIP erected by daugher Kate and her daughter in law Kate

In Loving Memory of Margaret CHAMBERS May 11 1919 William CHAMBERS October 1 1938 Honor CHAMBERS May 18 1973

Pray for the Souls of John Francis MURPHY Dublin January 12 1992 his wife Eileen Frances MURPHY March 17 1993

Lord Have Mercy on the Souls of Bridget MOLONEY (nee McNULTY) Cahergal Westport October 12 1922 56 her husband Thomas October 28 1964 age 93 son Martin Died in Infancy Also John February 10 1996 age 91

In Loving Memory of Jane O'MALLEY Kilranet February 12 1992 age 89

Pray for Dorothy COOLEY George Street March 31 1996 and her sister Sheila COOLEY
January 30 1999

In Loving Memory of Mary MORAN Derradda August 8 1995 age 82

Cherished Memories of Thomas HORAN Glenhest Rd Newport May 14 1998 age 51

In Loving Memory of Thomas FERGUS Ardagh November 15 1968 age 72 his wife Margaret January 12 1982 age 85

In Loving Memory of James CONWAY Shramore July 26 1971 age 87 and his wife Mary November 8 1980 age 80

In Loving Memory of John MORAN Derrygarve July 7 1977 age 62 and his wife Nora February 19 2000 age 86 their daughter Kathleen January 22 2000 age 48

In Loving Memory of John J O'MALLEY Letterlough May 2 1974 age 45 his infant daughter Catherine Bridget his father John July 10 1930 age 70 his mother Margaret May 8 1970
aged 90 Erected by his wife Ann

In Loving Memory of Neil CHAMBERS Shramore Newport December 3 1968 aged 73 his wife Kate August 19 1982 aged 84

In Loving Memory of Patrick CUNNINGHAM Ardagh Newport January 27 1973 aged 84
and his wife Belinda December 15 1973 aged 83

In Loving Memory of Ann CUNNINGHAM May 27 1973 aged 70 her sister Kathleen
September 11 1983 aged 83

In Loving Memory of Thomas McDONAGH Newport October 39 1973 aged 58

In Loving Memory of William CHAMBERS Derrycooldkin 1888 1976 and his wife Bridget
1892 1971 also their son Patrick 1922 1998

In Loving Memory of William CHAMBERS Shirdagh 1866 1935 and his wife Catherine
1886 1971 Also their children John and Nora

In Loving Memory of Bridget MURRAY Upper Skirdagh August 18 1984 aged 90 and her husband Michael died January 11 1986 aged 90 and her sister Nora died May 1 1975
aged 80 years

In Loving Memory of Thomas HOBAN Knockbreague April 9 1973 aged 92 and his wife Nora June 5 1985 aged 92

In Loving Memory of James McDONNELL Derrykell August 11 1976 aged 79 and his wife
Mary (nee BOGGANS) September 21 1983 aged 83 years RIP Erected by his Wife Mary RIP

In Loving Memory of Patrick McGUINESS Lettermorager April 27 1975 aged 66

Sacred Heart of Jesus Have Mercy on the Souls of Anthony DUFFY Dereendafderg and Newport April 22 1989 aged 74 years and his wife Patricia (nee KILCOYNE) March 30 1995 aged 74

Sacred Heart of Jesus Have Mercy on the Souls of Elizabeth CHAMBERS Cloonfoner April 21 1959 aged 73 and her husband Patrick October 6 1972 aged 89 and his brother William January 22 1960 aged 84 RIP Erected by their family

In Loving Memory of Mary MARSDEN Quay Rd Newport December 30 1985 aged 80

Bridget KING Lettermoghera December 7 1963 aged 85 and her husband James February 25 1986 aged 70 also their son James April 16 1988 aged 44

In Loving Memory of Joseph MARSDEN Shanvallethua Newport January 5 1961 aged 68
and his wife Ann December 30 1968 aged 72 their grandson Patrick OMALLEY Died in infancy

In Loving Memory of Mary O'MALLEY Ardagh May 20 1968 aged 18

In Loving Memory of Jane O'MALLEY Ardagh Newport February 2 1987 aged 63 and her husband Michael February 9 1984 aged 77 RIP

Pray for the Souls of Patrick DYRA Callowbrack February 9 1954 aged 75 his wife Bridget
July 4 1964 aged 69 also their daughter Annie Kate July 20 1953 aged 28 and her husband Martin November 19 1981 RIP Erected by their loving Family

In Loving Memory of Patrick GORMAN Furance July 22 1953 aged 84 and his brothers
Michael September 30 1957 aged 80 John April 10 1967 aged 80 their sister Sarah February 9 1960 aged 84 RIP Wife Mary DYRA

In Loving Memory of Peter MULCHRONE Bulkagh Newport February 1 1994 aged 85 his wife Katie November 17 1998 aged 81 infant son Peter October 4 1957 5 months RIP

In Loving Memory of John CLARKE Mulranny 1886 1968 and his wife Kate 1889 1967

In Loving Memory of Alice FERGUS March 18 1976 aged 78 and her brother Gilbert July 20 1981 aged 82

In Loving Memory of Frank NOONE Shramore Newport May 20 1968 and his wife Matilda
April 1 1970 and their son Frank April 17 1989 and his wife Bridget December 14 1993

In Loving Memory of Maria McMANAMON George St Newport February 4 1943 her son in law Patrick McMANAMON Rosebranaugh August 12 1974 Patrick McMANAMON August 1940
Celia O'DONNELL (nee McMANAMON) wife of Paddy May 10 1994 RIP

Pray for the Souls of Patrick MURRAY Sharmore April 15 1898 and his wife Ellen
December 21 1948 also their son Thomas August 23 1953 and Patrick January
and his wife Agnes March 27 1975

In Loving Memory of John MURRAY Skirdagh Newport June 4 1947 aged 56 and his wife
Kate November 30 1999 aged 93

 In Loving Memory of Frank CHAMBERS Treenbeg March 30 1958 and is wife Nora January 9 1974 and their daughter Nancy November 6 1948 and infant grandson and their daughter
Nora died June 3 1987

James WALSH Derryloughan died January 13 1958 age 87 and his wife Catherine died
October 20 1964 age 85 and their son Thomas died July 23 1943 age 23 and their son
William died October 17 1986 age 73

In Loving Memory of James and Catherine KETTERICK

In Loving Memory of Liam NIXON Inishower died April 11 1946 aged 16 and his father
John died August 16 1966 and his wife Mary NIXON July 9 1981

In Loving Memory of Kate McDONNELL Comploonbeg March 21 1947 age 75

In Loving Memory of John NEEDHAM Derradadda died March 18 1947 and his wife Nora
died September 13 1960 and his brother Patrick February 25 1945 also son Josie died December 20 1994 age 65

Sacred Heart of Jesus Have Mercy on the Soul of Sarah CARMICHAEL July 26 1996 age 78

Sacred Heart of Jesus Have Mercy on the Souls of Peter McMANAMON Teevemere House January 2 1943 and his wife Sarah November 17 1945 also their son Michael March 26 1946 also son John March 7 1978 aged 67

Sacred Heart of Jesus Have Mercy on the Souls of Martin O'BOYLE Knockbreague October 9 1945 aged 69 and his wife Ellen December 25 1978 age 99 and their son Thomas
July 21 1988 aged 74 years

In Loving Memory of John LAVALLE Lettermoghera August 23 1983 and his mother Ann November 17 1957 and his brother Michael November 14 1943

In Loving Memory of Patrick CHAMBERLIN June 29 1955 aged 72 and his wife Bridget CHAMBERS August 2 1977 aged 89

In Loving Memory of John PHILBIN Doontrusk April 1963 aged 88 and his wife Mary
June 15 1944 aged 68 and her brother Thomas GARAVAN July 2 1946 aged 80

In Loving Memory of Anthony LAVALLE Skirdagh Newport September 15 1946 and his wife Bridget February 20 1979

In Loving Memory of Margaret McGOWAN Comploon Newport July 6 1947 aged 56 and her husband James March 20 1954 aged 79 also their grandchildren our little angels in Heaven

In Loving Memory of Patrick MULCHRONE Bulkagh Newport December 1 1986

In Loving Memory of Margaret MULLINS (nee McMANAMON) Newport March 28 1974

In Loving Memory of John CHAMBERS Therdlu Shramore November 27 1951 aged 76 Anthony OMALLEY August 10 1992 aged 79

WALSH In Loving Memory of Mammy Honoria November Newport and our dad Thomas July

In Loving Memory of Jack QUINN Newport died December 13 1980 aged 79 Mary died   November 1 1986 aged 88

Our Lady of Lourdes Pray for the Soul of Catherine McMANAMON Shramore September 29 1950 and his son Michael J September 15 1990

In Loving Memory of Anthony O'NEILL Lettermaghera April 3 1945 aged 67 and his wife Catherine November 30 1972 aged 83

In Loving Memory of Francis CHAMBERS Corner House Newport died April 7 1945 aged 71
and his wife Sarah CHAMBERS died January 28 1972 aged 94 Michael CHAMBERS died
December 22 1970 aged 56 Ann BEGLIN (nee CHAMBERS) June 22 1970 aged 56

In Loving Memory of Sean MEENAGHAN N.T. Derraddada born April 18 1920 died
November 26 1989 and his wife Mairin born March 10 1923 died September 19 1997

In Loving Memory of William CHAMBERS Cloogernaugh January 5 1979 aged 75 and his wife Margaret November 19 1965 aged 60

Sacred Heart of Jesus Have Mercy on the Souls of Francis McNULTY Doontrush died April 5 1953 aged 72 and his wife Mary B. February 26 1977 aged 85 and his sister Ann
December 14 1960 aged 72

In Loving Memory of James Joseph SMITH Doontrusk and Harrow England July 23 1984
and his wife Mary (nee DUFFY) May 28 1992 Margaret DUFFY January 9 1998

Pray for the Souls of Michael OMALLEY Treenbeg and New York July 22 1989 aged 84
and his sister Ellen CHAMBERS Shramore October 28 1989 aged 88

In Loving Memory of James WALSH Lettermoghera June 28 1953 aged 70

In Loving Memory of John McNULTY Glendahauk November  27 1985 aged 87 years
and his wife Mary Bridget November 27 1987 aged 68 years MURRAY Buckagh In Loving Memory of our Beloved Parents James and Kate 1898 1955 1907 1988 Our beloved brother 1933 John 1987 Our Uncles Jack and Pat

In Loving Memory of Peter McDONNELL Derrintaggart February  6 1981 aged 67 years and
his wife Ellen December 17 1987 aged 74 years

In Loving Memory of Peter McGEE Sandymount 1882 1968 and his wife Bridget 1876 1962
Peter GAVIN  1911 1994 Erected by their Family

Our Lady of Lourdes Pray for the Soul of Josephine CALLAGHAN Newport February 7 1960
and her father Roger McGUIRE February 8 1966 and her husband Francis CALLAGHAN
1913 1982

Our Lady of Lourdes Pray for the Soul of Patrick WALSH Burrishoole September 1 1932
aged 89 years and his wife Mary April 20 1935 aged 81 years and their children John
October 30 1957 aged 85 years Maria March 10 1903 aged 23 years Ann April 13 1960
aged 68 years Thomas and Mary

In Loving Memory of Henry MUMORD SMITH November 23 1878 October 7 1954
Marianne MUMFORD SMITH August 22 1876 May 25 1961 Henry MUMFORD SMITH
March 25 1906 August 11 1984 Eleanor MUMFORD SMITH

to Cemetery index