[Petition of Maurice Murffee, 10 Aprill 1662 and subsequent rulings] [Archives of Maryland, http://www.mdarchives.state.md.us/] [Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675] Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661, p. 588 Morris Murfee v. Capt Robt Troope The plt Complaynes agt the deft for that he hath wounded and Lamed, him The which the deft denyes. Vpon which was impannelled a Jury who are as followeth (vizt) Capt Nicholas Gwyther Foreman John Metcalfe Vincent Atcheson George Bradshawe Nicholas Young John Nevell Marks Pheypo, George Macckall John ____ , ____ Daniell Clocker John Wayhope .... Murfees Complaynt .... 552 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. Liber P. C. R. Murfee v. Troope vide 3 Md. Arch. Coun. 450 Ordered that a warrt issue agt Robert Troope to appeare att the next Proall Cort that in the Interim Morris Murfee remayne with Capt Luke Gardner Cott Evans & Richd LLoyd according to the former order of the Councell --------------- Aprill the 10 1662 To the honnorable Gouernor and Councell The humble petition of Maurice Murffee. Sheweth That wheare as your Petitioner hath receiued much dammage to his person with hazard of his life Receiued by Captn Robert Troope whereby hee is made in capable of gettinge a liuely- hood, and by which meanes his Cloathes and what goods hee brought into the Province weare carryed a way by the vessell in which hee was imported. Therefore your petitioner humbly prayeth your honnors to take his present distressed condition into your serious considerations for sustenance, and for the cureinge of his wounds by the aboue nentioned Robt Troope, and your petitioner shall pray Aprill ditto Ordered that Mr Richard Loyd, Mr Lucke Gardner, and Coll. Willm Euens doe take care of the within mentioned Morice Murffee that they doe provide him dyet, Cloathes, and lodgeinge, and likwise to see that Jaques Peon ffrench surgeon doe carefully dress the wounds of sayd murffee vntill it bee made a perfect cure which sayd charge shall be satisfyed accordinge as the Provinciall Cort shall order Then it was ordered that the Commissions for Sherriffs should be sent with all speede to euery respectiue sherriff, which are written in his verbis. ---------- Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. 591 Murfee v. Troope And the aforesaid Jury returned their Verdict vizt We find Capt Robert Troope guilty of the disabillity that Morris Murfee hath received in his lymbs, Ordered that they goe out againe & Consider of the Damage. And the Jury returned againe after some tyme and brought in their verdict touching the damage as followeth The Damages wee find Eight thousand pounds of tobacco for Murfee, Ordered that Capt Troope give in security to pay vnto Morris Murfee Eight thousand pounds of Tobacco with Costs of Suite, and that 1060l tobacco be payd Capt Gardner out of Murfees Eight thousand pounds of tobacco.