[Texas Spur Extract, 5 Jan 1917] [transcribed by Mark Murphy, 25 Sep 2001] REPAIR WORK Furniture and Stoves repaired. Wagons, Hacks and Buggies fixed to run like new ones. SMALL JOBS done at shop or I will go out and do your work. WILL BUY OR SELL all kinds of Second Hand Goods and do repairing at Reasonable Prices. See me at Grubb's Blacksmith Shop. G.W. Bills Spur, Texas ***** Read The Texas Spur- $1.00 ***** We pay the highest prices for Poultry, Eggs, Hides and Furs.- Spur Produce Co. 10tf ***** Jesse Fletcher came in Saturday from his home a mile east of the city and spent some time here greeting friends. ***** G.S. Jones, of near Spur, was in the city Saturday of last week trading with the merchants and shaking hands with his friends. ***** R.E. Thomas, of several miles north of Spur, was in the city the latter part of the past week after wire with which to build hog pastures, gardens and other important fencings and improvements on his farm. ***** J.A. Murphy, of Hubbard, arrived in Spur the latter part of last week and he and family will make their home here in the future. Mr. Murphy has purchased the G.S. Jones has already bought another place [sic], therefore we are assured of having another good family located in the great Spur section of the country. There is no country in America which is settling more rapidly and developing more substantially at this time than the Spur country. ***** EXAMPLE Of the Successful Business Man is a good one to follow: you can't go far wrong if you walk in his footsteps. No man of affairs today is without a commercial bank account; no business however small, can afford to be without one. If you have not an account, get in line for success by opening one with us today CAPITAL STOCK $40,000 SURPLUS FUND $10,000 NAT'L BANK OF SPUR TEXAS ***** Burl Harrington was in the city Saturday. ***** W.E. Fletcher, of one mile east of Spur, was in th city Saturday on business. ***** W.A. Holloway, of several mile north of Spur, was in the city the latter part of last week. ***** A girl was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Tunnell at their home in the city. ***** J.L. Karr, one of the most prominent citizens of the Spur country, came in Saturday from his farm home five or six miles northeast of the city and spent some time here on business and greeting friends. ***** W.A. King was in Spur the first of this week buying lumber and building material in the improvement of a new place which he recently purchased a few miles south of Spur. ***** S.B. Scott was around the city the first of the week smiling and as jovial as any man in the whole country. Asked as to why he was so happy, he informed us that he had a fine boy at his home. We extend our congratulations and we are confident that S.B., Jr., will make a man of whom his father will be proud. ***** Mrs. E.H. Wendell, of New York, is in the city and is now having her property in the city repaired, repainted and placed in the best of shape. Mrs. Wendell is one of the best business women we have ever met, and is most progressive in her ideas of city building and improvement. ***** Elmo Sleight made a trip the latter part of last week to Abilene after a "Country Club" Overland for Hogan & Patton. He carried us out in this new car and we testify that it is one of the neatest, smoothest... [end of page]