Houghton Database Indexes
Houghton Database Indexes

The following Houghton genealogical indexes as of 2018 include all of the known descendants of Ralph and John Houghton of Lancaster, MA and of John Houghton of New Jersey (representing half of the individuals in the Houghton Surname Project Database). My private Houghton Database contains substantially more data (with pictures, census data, bibliographies, and extensive source citations) than the Birth, Marriage, and Death information given on this website. There are 91205 Houghton descendants in the database ( with 90883 Houghton surname individuals, 2387 immigrant Houghtons, and 25,389 descendants of as yet unconnected/orphan Houghton individuals, and 8564 Haughton surname individuals).

Major Houghton genealogies (descendants are marked by colored icons in the actual Surname Index) included:

 Ralph Houghton of Lancaster MA descendants  (17,517 descendants)

 John Houghton of Lancaster MA descendants  (23,470)

 John Houghton of New Jersey descendants (1992)

 Foreign born Houghtons and descendants (6804) 

(2387 separate descendancy lines)

 Elijah Houghton of Virginia descendants (2000)

    Thomas Houghten of England and MI (846)

    Richard Houghton of England and MI (601)

    English born Houghton lines (478 separate lines)

    Irish born Houghton lines (213 separate lines)

 Haughton surname descendants (3925)

    Alfred Haughton of England (970)

    Richard Haughton of England and CT (607)

   African American Houghton and Haughtons (892)

   American Indian Houghtons (79)

Double clicking on any surname in blue in any index will transfer you to their descendants or ancestors.

If using this material please use citation: "Houghton Surname Project, authored and compiled by Charles J. Vella, PhD"

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