Morvah Fair
Oh Morvah Fair's a very fine feast
Good sport and eating's there for man and beast
We're all some proud the biggest with the least
A-riding off to Morvah Fair
Off to Morvah Fair

Our bridle's bulch our saddle's a sack
We sit scrunched up so tight as we can pack
But our old mare'll carry three upon her back

Ascrode first father sturdy do sit
Next mother off her  heppin stock do get
And after she well there well there's room for me there yet

While we're on horseback riding in style
We pass poor neighbours trudging every mile
We feel so grand us can't forebear to smile

Leave squires pass by in coaches and pair
With men before to drive them everywhere
Back after they I'd never want to stare

Leave kings lay back in coaches and eight
With men to run and open every gate
For all these things
I'm willing long to wait

In all this world for nothing I'd care
If feastentide could last around the year
For we do jog-trot
Three upon one mare

Morvah was  the home of the Morvah Fair (held on the first Sunday in August every year) and had been claimed as the biggest Lughnasadh outside of Ireland.  The fair was attended by large numbers from across West Cornwall out to enjoy a good time and vast quantities of alcohol was often consumed.  By 1850 the vicar of Morvah lead a successful campaign to ban the celebrations due to the excess of drunken behaviour. In a proclamation he stated
"The Vicar of Morvah having been informed that the Church-Town of Morvah has for many years past been much resorted to on the First Sunday in August by disorderly persons of every description, much to the annoyance of the parishioners, he hereby cautions all such persons from assembling on that day for idle and profane amusement, so revolting to that great command of the Law of God - "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy" Strict orders have been given to the Constable and Officers of the Parish to take into custody any person who shall be found desecrating the Lord's Day."

Morvah now celebrates Pasty Day on the same date.