The ARAWA departed Plymouth on 15 June, 1889 and arrived in Wellington on 30 July, 1889 with Captain John Stuart in command.




Transcribed from the Otago Daily Times, 26 July, 1889





The Arawa, due at Wellington on Sunday, has the following passengers:—


Mr J Austin and valet,

Miss H Austin,

Miss J Austin,

Mr H W Bates,

Miss Bayne,

Miss Carmichael,

Mrs R Christison,

Master R Chrlstison,

Miss Cornish,

Mr L G Culvert,

Mrs Culvert and maid,

Miss Culvert and maid,

Master Culvert,

Master N Culvert,

Miss A Culvert,

Professor Dickinson,

Mrs Dickinson,

Miss Grace Eade,

Mr F Edwards,

Miss M F Evans,

Mr Alfred Felton,

Mr J Forrest,

Mrs Godfrey,

Miss Godfrey,

Miss M Godfrey,

Miss H Grieves,

Mr. C S Horne,

Mr W Houghton,

Mr A Knight,

Mrs Knight,

Mr J B Mackenzie,

Sister Merewether,

Mr Christie Mur­ray,

Mr T D Pullman,

Miss Loftus Tottenham,

Mother Prioress Wallis,

Mr James G Watson,

Mr G O H Willans,

Mrs J G Wilson,

Rev A Wright,


Second saloon:

Mr A K Applegats,

Miss Alice Bailie,

Miss Bailey,

Mr B C Beach,

Mr Samuel Burdett,

Mr J T Campbell,

Miss Ruby Ellis,

Mr A Giles,

Mr Sydney Godfrey,

Mr A J Hatton,

Mr Percy Helmore,

Miss Maggie Hogan,

Mr George S Lee (jun),

Miss M Limbrey,

Mr G Luck,

Mr B Maginnity,

Mr W and Mrs Mallett,

Mrs G Marks,

Mr G EMeakin,

Mr Robert Pompey,

Mr E A Rippingille,

Captain Fred Rowe,

Mrs, Miss M L, Master W J, and Miss Ada Rowe,

Mr and Mrs Rowland,

Mr George J Sanders,

Mr James Sillwood (B A),

Mr John C Sillwood,

Mrs J and Miss Lily Simpson,

Miss Tappin,

Mrs G H, Master H and Miss Florence Todd,

Mr E J Warren,


Third Class:

Mrs Alexander,

Mrs A and Miss L Anthony,

Mr Edward Banks,

Miss Janet Beattie,

Mr William Blain,

Mr John and Mrs Broadhurst,

Mr William, Mrs, Miss Jessie, Masters A and William Cameron,

Mr John Chadwick,

Mrs and Master Chadwick,

Miss M Crowe,

Mr R David­son,

Miss Johan Fraser,

Mr John Fellix,

Mrs Fellix,

Mr G H Grace,

Mrs C Gray,

Master E A Gray,

Master Walter Gray,

Miss Grace Gray,

Master John Gray,

Master Ernest Gray,

Mr William Green,

Mr S Harris,

Mrs Harris,

Mr J R Harris,

Mrs George Hicks,

Mr M Hogan,

Mrs Hogan,

Mr W E Jackson,

Miss Jackson,

Mr Robert Jackson,

Mr Robert John­son,

Mr F Kendall,

Mr Robert King,

Mrs Larkin,

Master H Larkin,

Master E Larkin,

Mrs J Lewis,

Mr M Lynch,

Mr George Martin,

Mr John McKay,

Mrs McKay,

Master John McKay,

Miss Harriet McKay,

Miss Mary McKay,

Master William McKay,

Mr Clement Mold,

Mr Robert Mundell,

Mr Fred Mundell,

Hans Anderson Neprud,

Mr J S Quarmby,

Mr B Roberts,

Mr John Rassdall,

Master A Smith,

Mr George Souter,

Miss Elsie Souter,

Miss Emma Taylor,

Mr Arthur Taylor,

Mr Thomas Taylor,

Mr Frank Thurston,

Miss Tremewan,

Mr B Wadsworth,

Mr Thomas West,

Mrs M Whearty,

Master John Whearty,

Master James Whearty,

Master Martin Whearty,

Master Thomas Wheartv,

Mr Thomas Williams,

Mr Alfred Williams,

Mr T Wilson,


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Copyright – Gavin W Petrie – 2012