The steamship ‘BRITISH KING’ sailed from London on 1 November, 1883, calling into Plymouth, leaving

there on 5 November and arriving in Wellington

on the 22 December 1883.


See below for more details about the British King.


This transcribed list and information on the British King, was kindly supplied by


whose family members were on this voyage. (see below)



Disembarking in Wellington

Married families:-


BAKER                      James, Jesse, Alfred, Frank, Horrace, Beatrice, Selina Ann.

BARKWITH                James, Mary, Annie, Elizabeth, Sarah, Margaret.

BENNETT                  William, Mary, George, Maryann, John.

BRENNAN                 Davis, Kate, Davis.

DARRALL                 William, Elizabeth, Eliza, Mary, Lucy, Benjamin, Harry, William.

CARMICHAEL          Jas, Elizabeth, Nancy, ?, Mary, Roseanna, Thomas, Alexander, Joseph, Martha.

DUNSTALL               Harvey, Elsie, Robert, Walter.

EXELL                      Thomas, Jane, Benjamin.

FAVINGTON              Jas, Ellen, Harvey.

HIGINBOTHAM         George, Louisa, Charles, Frances, Martha, George.

KINNIS                       Thomas, Agnes, Violet.

LARSEN                    Christian, Karen, Kare.

LUKE                         Mr. G, Ellen.

McKAY                      Donald, Margaret, Jane, Christina.

McLEAN                    John, Margaret, Archibald, Elizabeth, Thomas.

MENZIES                   John, Margaret, James, Agnes, Robert, Mary, Margaret.

MILLER                      Thomas, Christiana, Agnes.

POWELL                   Thomas, Annie, Rose, Thomas, Lizzie.

SAUNDERS              George, Charlotte, Martha, Margaret, Richard.

SCOTT                      John, Mary, Donald.

SLOANE                    Nicholas, Betsy, Charles, Peter, James.

TONG                        Henry, Emily, Alice, Ellen, Earnest.

WOODGER(?)          Thomas, Ellen, Thomas.

WYATH                      Joseph, Mary. 


Single Persons:-


TALBOT                     Mary                                                   ARNESEN(?)                       Andrea                      

ARROL                      Elizabeth                                           BOIOEN(?)                Ada                            

BRAND                      Kate                                                   CAMPBELL              Agnes

COPELAND              Mary                                                   CURRIE                     Annie 

DALTON                    Elizabeth                                           DUFFY                      Mary                           

DAVIS                       Marybell                                             DONNELLY               Rose

EAST                         Maria                                                 EVANS                      Jane               

EXELL                      Mary                                                   FISBEN                      Maggie                      

GERRARD                Ellen                                                   GERRIE                     Hannah

GLANCEY                 Mary                                                   WELSH                      Jane               

GINN(?)                      Bella, Kate                                        HALPIN                      Catherine                  

HEWITT                      Catherine                                          HOGAN                      Kate

HOPE                        Margaret                                           HOWE                       Bessie                       

JAMISON                   Mary                                                   JOHNSTON               Annie                         

JONES                      Fanny, Louisa                                   KEN                           Christina

KENNEDY                 Briager(?), Mary                               DARMODY                James

KIRK                          Kate                                                   LADBURY                  Hannah, Margaret

LEAVESLEY             Alice                                                  McCARTHY               Hannah

MAY                           Elizabeth                                           MAYS                        Eliza

MORIARTY                Bridget                                              OAKFORD                Jane

O’LEARY                   Julia                                                   PICKER                     Charlotte

ROOT                        Minnie                                                SMITH                       Sarah

SPITTAL                    Sellina                                               STANDON                 Annie

WATSON                   Lizzie                                                 WOOD                      Eliza

WATTY                      Honor, Mary, Edward, Honor, Anthony, Betsy 

BARRETT                  John                                                   BARRY                      Michael

BIRCH                       Samual                                              BOWSER                  George

CAHILL                      John, Mary                                        CLARK                      James, Peter, James

COLE                        Frederick                                          COLEMAN                Patrick, Frank

EAWES                     John                                                   FEREDAY                 Richard

GALVIN                      John, Nora                                        HELLIWELL              Joseph

HUGHES                   Daniel                                                INGLIS                       John

JAMES                      Albert                                                 KELLY                       Lewis, Lizzie

LUKIES                      Mr. H.                                                 LUPANE                    Michael

MacDOUGAL            Allan                                                   MARSH                      Edward

MILLARD                   William                                              MITCHELL                 Lambert

POOLE                      Charles                                              POTTER                    Walter

ROBERTS                 Thomas                                             TAYLOR                     George

THAW                        Charles                                              WILSON                     William, James

WYATH                      Thomas



Disembarking in Hawkes Bay

Married Families:-


BRYANT                     Robert, Elizabeth.                                                                                        

GRIFFIN                     Patrick, Mary, Lynn, Michael.          

HABGOOD(?)           Ebeneza, Hannah, Mary, Kate, Sarah.

HABGOOD(?)           Thomas, Alice.

MEREDITH                Jas, Annie.

WALLACE                 John, Margaret, Maggie.

WALSH                      Edward, Honora, Mary, John.

WILLOUGHBY           Charles, Edith, Edith, Mary.


Single Persons:-


CAMPBELL              Annie                                                 CREIDON(?)             Mary

CUSHLEY                  Mary                                                   DOWDELL                Ann

KETCHER                 Julia                                                   KENNEDY                 Eliza

KYLE                         Catherine                                          LOONEY(?)               Mary

LYNN                         Eliza                                                   McALEER(?)             Jane

McGROGAN              May                                                    McTEAGUE               Rose

MALE                        Annie                                                 PAYNE                      Susan

PERCY                      Isabella, Hannah                               READ                        Charlotte

TAYLOR                     Elizabeth                                           TAYLOR                     Hannah

WHITE                       Ellen

CAMPBELL              Andrew                                              CLARKE                    Peter

CRUDON(?)              John                                                   KITCHER                   (?)mal

KYLE                         James                                               McGHEE                    John

MacKENZIE               John                                                   McLEAN                    Alexander

McLEOD                    John                                                   MADDEN                   Pat, Bridget

NELSON                    Per                                                     O’HARA                     David, James

ROGERS                   James                                               TAYLOR                     Alfred

WALLACE                 Danny, Thomas                                WILSON                     John



Disembarking in Nelson


EVANS                      William, Elizabeth.

KING                          Hugh, Catherine, Beatrice.

CONNELL                 Patrick.

COSTELLOE            Joseph

KAVANAGH              Desmond

SMITH                       Thomas

STACK                      John

CONNEL                    Mary

HENNESSY               Mary, Briager(?)

GARDENER              Sarah

POTTER                    Minnie

SINCLAIR                  Hannah

THOMAS                   Ellen, Mary



Disembarking in Westland

Single Persons:-


LOCKLEY                  Mary                                                   BOYLE                      Jane

FITZGERALD            Kate                                                   KEENAN                    Annie

McGLOVE                 Annie, Mary, Agnes, John, James

STEWART                 Mary

HENRY                      Patrick                                               McGLOVE                 Charles

McGLOVE                 Charles, Danie, Robert                    RODGERS                Mrs. H.

ROONEY                    John                                                   STEWART                 Charles, Patrick



Disembarking in Taranaki


DROZDOWSKI          Franz, Marianne, Rosalie, Franz.

DODUNSKI                Michael, Catharina, Barbara, Francisca, Agnes, Theophil, Johann.

BARNES                    Frederick

DODUNSKI               Joseph

ENSOR                      Ernest

O’BRIEN                    Timothy

O’SULLIVAN             Cornelius

CONNELLY               May, Elizabeth

DROZDOWSKI         Julianna



Disembarking in Marlborough


SULLIVAN                 Thomas, Cornelius


The above information was obtained from copies of the original held by the LDS Church.

(?) indicates name or letters of names not easily discernable.



    Further details on the British King are:-


1.   Transcript of Immigration letters relating to the voyage.

2.   Specifications of the British King.

3.   About the British King.

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Copyright Gavin W Petrie 2005