The HIMALAYA departed London on 7 October, 1876 and arrived in Wellington on 23 January, 1877, with Captain Grant in command.


Transcribed from the Evening Post, 24 January, 1877.        


The above fine ship, of Messrs. Shaw, Saville and Co.'s line, in command of Captain Grant, dropped anchor in our harbor abreast of Point Jerningham at 11 o'clock last night, after a passage of 109 days from the port of London. She left on the 7th October last, and up to the 16th October experienced strong S.W. gales and bad weather. From thence to 20th November, when the Equator was crossed, had light variable winds and no N.E. trades whatever. Had fine weather thence to the meridian of the Cape, which was passed on the 14th December. Her eastings were run down in the mean latitude of 46 degrees S., experiencing usual weather up to 8th January, when she encountered a severe gale, shipping large quantities of water. One sea made its way down the after hatch, flooding the second and third-class cabins — besides damaging a great quantity of stores in the store room. On the 16th January, in 40deg. 22min. S., and 166deg. 35min. E., experienced a short but severe cyclone, which lasted a couple of hours. Sighted Cape Farewell early on the 19th, and Pencarrow Light at 9 p.m. on Saturday. In consequence of heavy N.W. winds, had to anchor in the Narrows till 8 o'clock last night, when she tripped anchor and beat into harbor, arriving as above. The saloon passengers on arrival presented Captain Grant with a flattering testimonial. The surgeon, Dr. De Lisle, deserves credit for his attention to the passengers, the consequence being that not one single case of sickness is reported. Messrs. Levin & Co. are her agents. She brings the following passengers tor Wel­lington:—

Chief Cabin

Mr. and Mrs. Skerman and family (9),

E., Mrs., and Debauroir do Lisle,

Miss Cottingham,

Mrs. and W. Holt,

G. Shaw,

H., Blanche, Thomas, Rachael, Ger­trude, and Walter Lloyd,

Walter Bewley,

C. Cornish,

W. Bellairs,

Mrs. Webb,

Miss Sin­clair,

E. Gibbons,

J. Tarrington,

W. Stuart,

Mrs. and Miss (2) Baker,

J. Perry,

W. John­son,

R. Mainwaring,

C. Thompson,

J. Pooley,


Trip, Lloyd, Walford, and Jeeves (2).


Second Cabin

Miss Allen,

Rev. J. and Mrs. Torey,









Mrs. Arthur,

Mr. and Mrs. Scoble,

Mr. and Mrs. Howard and family (7),

Mr. and Mrs. Harcourt and family (7),

Emma Houssett,









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