Strøm Genealogy


Strøm Genealogy

Welcome to our pages. Here you will find pages about Genealogy and several other interests our family have. But the main feature of these pages is to publish our genealogy research on the Web. To find which areas I have any knowledge of, please enter the research area. I have now located family on all continents. Mostly of course in Norway, but many i US.of A. But we have now one second cousin in USA and one in Australia. I have now made a temporary search page for those who find it difficult to browse in the database. Just click on the word search
On the search page you will also find a link to a survey page.     If you have any comments on what you find here, then please sign the guestbook on the bottom of this page.
I have now included a frames version of the site. Those of you who are going to use the database might find easier to use. Please let me know if there are any problems using it.

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