The Historical Register 1720



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The HiFtorical RegiFter,

containing an impartial relation of
all tranSactionS, foreign and domeFtic, with a Chronological Diary of all
the Remarkable OccurrenceS, viz. BirthS, MarriageS, DeathS, Removals,
Promotions &c. that happened in this year, Volume V for the year 1720, published at the
expence (sic) of the Sun Fire Office


More than you ever wanted to know about causes of death

This list came from the above book, which provides a fascinating insight to causes of death in  1720. What, for instance, can St Anthony's Fire be? Tissick? Horse-shoe Head? Planet struck? The figures in brackets refer to the explanations for some of these terms. Thanks to the many people who provided the explanations and links to medical sites for further reading.

The General Bill of all the Christenings and Burials with the ...... and
Casualties from Dec 15 1719 to Dec 13 1720.

Christen'd                                                    Bury'd
Males 8877                                                  Males 12713
  Females 8602                                              Females 12741 
                                   In all 17479

              Decreased in the Burials this year 2893

Causes of Death
Abortive 132                                             Gravel 5        (10)                                          Rising of the lights 22   (7)
Aged 2317                                                 Grief 12                                                       Rupture 20
Ague 15                                                     Griping in the guts 731                            St Anthony's Fire 8     (1)
Apoplexy 82       (17)                                  Head Mould shot 66                                Scald head 2    (6)
Asthma 86                                                 Hooping cough 33                                    Scarlet fever 3
Bedridden 3                                              Horse shoe head 46       (15)                      Scurvey 1
Bleeding 4                                                  Jaundice 107                                             Small pox 1440
Bloody Flux 11      (4)                                Imposthume 47        (20)                            Sores and ulcers 32
Bursten 6          (18)                                      Infants 14                                                   Spleen 6
Cancer 64                                                    Inflammation 6                                         Spotted fever 66    (13)
Canker 20                                                   Lethargy 6                                                  Still-born 562
Childbed 260                                             Liver-grown 1         (21)                               Stone 59     (23)
Chin-cough 10     (3)                                  Looseness 45                                             Stop in stomach 125
Chrisoms 56      (19)                                   Lunatick 44                                                Strangury 10    (24)
Cholick 98                                                  Measles 213                                                Suddenly 119
Consumption 3054                                   Mortification 184       (11)                               Surfeit 8     (14)
Convulsion 6787                                       Pain in the head 3                                     Teeth 1817
Diabetes 5                                                  Pain in the stomach 1                               Thrusa 80
Dropsy  1021                                              Planet struck 1        (16)                                       Tissick 455      (2)
Evil   24                                                       Palsy 40                                                      Twisting of the Guts 77
Fever  3910                                                 Plurisy 32                                                   Tympany 9    (8)
Fistula 12        (5)                                        Purples 16       (12)                                      Vomiting 21
Flux 11                                                        Quinsy 7        (22)                                        Water in the Head 110
French Pox 108     (25)                                Rash 10                                                       White swelling 1    (9)
Gangrene 5                                                 Rheumatism 22                                         Worms 75
Gout 30                                                       Rickets 84

Broken leg 2                                               Frighted 1                                                    Scalded 1
Bruised 3                                                     Kill'd accidently 47                                    Shot 1
Burnt 3                                                        Kill'd by falls 13                                          Smother'd 4
Drown'd 66                                                 Kill'd with a sword 3                                 Stabb'd 1
Excessive drinking 18                               Murder'd 4                                                  Suffocated 3
Executed 20                                                Overlaid 69
Found dead 21

(1)  St Anthony's Fire is an old term for ergotism or ergot poisoning leading to gangrene (eg from eating bread made with rye on which a certain fungus is growing) although it was also more commonly used for erysipelas, an infection of the face caused by streptococcal bacteria. Ergot (Claviceps purpea) is a fungus that affects rye and sometimes other grains. Ergot contains lysergic acid, the active principle of the psychedelic drug LSD. In Medieval times outbreaks of St. Anthony's Fire were common in countries where populations subsisted on rye bread. St. Anthony's Fire is a toxic condition whose symptoms include hallucinations, disorientation, muscle cramps, convulsions, miscarriages, and gangrene and may result in death. It affects both humans and animals. Some beneficial drugs are also provided by ergot, used to treat migraines, to induce labour and to control uterine bleeding.

(2)  Tissick - a cough. Tuberculosis.

(3)  Chin cough - whooping cough.

(4)  Bloody flux - dysentery.

(5)  Fistula - a narrow passage or duct formed by disease or injury, as one leading from an abcess to a free surface, or from one cavity to another.

(6)  Scald head - Seborrhoeic eczema of the scalp. (Can you die of this???)

(7)  Rising of the lights - Lights is an old term for the lungs, so this means choking or breathlessness..

(8)  Tympany - There are three terms that are similar to this one, and they are all to do with the ear. A tumour.

(9)  White swelling - Tuberculosis of the bone or joints.

(10)  Gravel - Passage of small stones formed in the kidneys with the urine.

(11)  Mortification - Gangrene, necrosis or severe infection.

(12)  Purples - Purpura, this is a rash due to spontaneous bleeding in to the skin.

(13)  Spotted Fever - Typhus.

(14)  Surfeit - Means vomiting from overeating or gluttony.

(15)  Horse shoe head - Water on the brain.

(16)  Planet-struck seems to be a "sudden and apparently causeless stroke of disease" for example, epilepsy, paralysis or lunacy.

(17)  Apoplexy - stroke.

(18) Bursten - Rupture.

(19)  Chrisom - child who died before baptism or shortly after.

(20)  Impostume - cyst or abscess.

(21)  Liver grown - enlarged liver.

(22)  Quinsy - throat inflammation.

(23)  Stone - gallstones.

(24)  Stranguary - urinary disease.

(25) French Pox - I think we all know what this is. I believe the French used to call it the English Pox!

If you still want to find out more, here is a list of useful sites:-

Archaic Medical Terms


Medical Terms - Links to Medical Terminalogy sites

For a glossary of historic disease names, see:


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