Record of Common School District No. 3
of the
Town of Hounsfield, Jefferson County, New York
Aug. 5, 1895

Old record at East Hounsfield Free Library*
Trustees shall call the meeting to order.
Notices in five conspicuous places at
least five days before school meeting.


Hounsfield - August 5th 1895
Meeting called to order.
   Samuel Alverson, Chairman
   Henry D. Wilder, Clerk
   Levi Livermore, Trustee
   Wm. G. Phillips, Colector (sic)

Motion carried that 3 tons of coal be purchased by Trustee and hauled for 2.70 bu. Same also voted that a monument be erected to the memory of Ira Inman & the dividend of the Utica Bank for 2 years be set aside to pay for same. That Washington Sargent & H. D. Wilder be a committee to see to same.


Whereas through the large heartedness of Mr. Ira Inman in bequeathing to our Dist. a sum of money the interest which has been a source of Profit to said Dist. for many years and will be for many years to come & Whereas the said Ira Inman is buried in the Cemetery in this Dist., his grave being marked by a limestone slab the inscription of which is nearly obliterated. Therefore be it resolved that this School District set apart the interest for two years service from the Utica bank or so much as may be necessary to erect a suitable granite monument for him & his mother who lies buried beside him.


Hounsfield, Aug. 4th, 1896
Meeting called to Order
   Sam’l Alverson, Chairman
   Henry D. Wilder, Clerk

Trustees Report read & excepted (sic)
Levi Livermore Elected Trustee
Saml. Alverson, Clerk

Trustee ordered to buy 3 tons coal.
Elan Alverson Hauls 3 tons of coal 195.
Voted the Trustee raise the sum of Five Dollars for Library purposes.

H. D. Wilder, Clerk


Hounsfield, August 3d, 1897
Meeting called to order
   Washington Sargent, Chairman
   H. D. Wilder, Clerk

Trustees Report made & excepted (sic)
   John Trowbridge, Trustee
   Edwin Evans, Colector

Trustee to buy 4 tons coal
David Jones to haul coal for $2.50
Henry D. Wilder (clerk)


Hounsfield, Aug. 2d, 1898
   Washington Sargent, Chairman
   H. D. Wilder, Clerk

Trustees Report made & excepted (sic)
John Trowbridge elected Trustee
F. A. Carter, Colector
James Phillips Hauls 3 tons coal for 2.45
Trustee to have a floor laid in House
Meeting adjourned to the first Tuesday in August, 1899, at 8 p.m.

H. D. Wilder, Clerk


Hounsfield, Aug. 1st, 1899
Meeting called to order.
   Levy (sic) Livermore in chair
   Henry D. Wilder, Clerk

Trustees Report made & accepted.
Wm. J. Phillips elected Trustee
Wm. Wilder, Colector
Trustee to buy 3 tons coal.
John Trowbridge to haul coal 2.40
Alos (also ?) a well drilled for $100.

H. D. Wilder, clerk


Hounsfield, Aug. 7th, 1900

Meeting called to order.
   Levi Livermore, Chairman

Trustees Report excepted.
H. D. Wilder, Clerk
John F. Kitto elected Trustee.
Wm. Wilder, Colector
Trustee to buy 3 tons coal.
Eugene Arnold hauls 3 tons coal $2.10
Hereafter, when there are any map globes (not legible ?), etc. to be purchased, it shall come before the annual School Meeting or a Special School Meeting called for that purpose.

H. D. Wilder, Clerk



Hounsfield, Aug. 6, 1901
Meeting called to order.
   Wm. J. Phillips, Chairman
   H. D. Wilder, Clerk

Trustees Report read & excepted.
John F. Kitto elected Trustee.
Wm. Wilder, Colector

Trustee to buy 4 tons coal & have 4 Dollars for Drawing the same.
Trustee empowered to do all necessary repairs including building place in woodshed for storing books. Trustee empowered to raise all money necessary to defray all expenses of school.

H. D. Wilder, Clerk


Hounsfield, Aug. 5th, 1902
Meeting called.
    W. J. Ailing(?), Chairman
   H. D. Wilder, Clerk

Trustees Report read & excepted.
Collectors Report excepted.
   William W. Wilder elected Trustee.
George Sidman, Collector.
Trustee to buy coal & draw same for 1 ___ ton & sell seaup (?) from and use same for School purposes. Meeting ajourned (sic) 1 week from to night.

H. D. Wilder, Clerk


Hounsfield, Aug. 12th, 1902
Meeting called to order.
   Levi Livermore, Chairman

Motion made to vote for 18 new single seats - carried 7 majority. Levi Livermore, William Wilder & H. D. Wilder be committee to purchase same.
Motion made and carried, the committee see to having all necessary work done.
Motion made & carried. Wm. J. Phillips be collector to take the place of George Sidmore who would not serve.

H. D. Wilder, Clerk.


Hounsfield, Aug. 4th, 1903
Trustees Report made & excepted.

   Levi Livermore, Chairman
   Theodore Wilder, Clerk
   Levi Livermore, Trustee
   Warren Johnson, Collector

Trustee to buy 3 tons of coal & more if necessary.

T. D. Wilder, Clerk


Special School Meeting
August 28, 1903

Vote taken in regards to new stock. Voted Down one for and 6 against. Chair decided motion against buying stock. Motion 2: A vote was taken and carried to apoint (sic) Levi Livermore to go to Utica to see about the issuing of a new Bill of Deposit in place of the old one which is lost.

T. D. Wilder, Clerk


Special School Meeting
September 23, 1903

Vote taken for the porpis (sic) of desiding (sic) weather we should Bond the District -- pass two Thousand Dollars for the isue of a new Bill of Deposit in place of the old that is lost.

15 votes cast all against Bonding and to leave it as it stands.

T. D. Wilder, Clerk


Aug. 2, 1904
Anuel (sic) Meeting
   H. D. Wilder, Chair

Trustees Report Excepted

Election of Trustee Clerk Cast 1 Ballet for W. A. Johnson Elected Trustee
T. D. Wilder Clerk Levi Livermore Collector

T. D. Wilder, Clk.


School Meeting
Aug 1 1905
Cald (sic) to Order
   H. D. Wilder, Chairman

Trustees Report Excepted (sic)
W. E. Johnson Elected Trustee
W. J. Philips (sic) Collector
T. D. Wilder Clerk
John Savage apointed to see to building privies.
W. J. Phillips is to have five dollars for collecting tax and no fees.
Savage is to fix stove and build privies and charg the same to District.
Voted to Pay Trustees five dollars for services.

T. D. Wilder, Clerk


School _____? (looks like Reamy - certainly not "Meeting")
Aug 7 1906
Cald (sic) to order
   H. D. Wilder, Chairman

Trustees Report Excepted
Collectors Report Excepted
W. E. Johnson elected Trustee
T. D. Wilder, Clerk
John Savage Collector
T. D. Wilder to paint school house inside and charge the same to District.
Savage is to receive 5 dollars for collecting tax and no fee.

T. D. Wilder, Clerk


School Meeting
Aug 6 1907

Called to order
   H. D. Wilder, Chair man

T. D. Wilder elected Clerk
John Savage elected Trustee
Sylvester Hagerman, Collector
Trustee Report excepted

Collector Report excepted.


T. D. Wilder


Special School Meeting
February 13 1909
Called to order.

   John Phillips, Chairman

Meeting called for purpis (sic) of providing ways and means of fixing up school yard and building wall under wood shed. The chairman apointed a committy of 5 to look over the work and see what was nysary to be don the Comity reported that it was nessary to plow and draw durt levell up yard ____?___ (Tylln) that the taxpayers should turn out and do the work and those that do not work will pay for their work. the trustee is Find where we can find durt. We adjornd this meeting until 13 March.

T. D. Wilder, Clerk


Called meeting March 13 1909
no one to atend.
   T. D. Wilder


April 21, 1909
T. D. Wilder Resined(sic) Clerk Ship
John Phillips
Apointed (sic) to fill vacancy

T. D. Wilder


August 3, 1909
School Meeting called to order at 8 P. M.
   Warren Johnson, Chairman.

Wm. J. Phillips elected clerk by acclamation.
Fred Wilson elected Trustee.
J. W. Harris elected Collector.

The Trustee was given power to let the job of grading school yard, building abutments and wall under woodshed and all necessary repairs.

He was also empowered to buy coal and wood for fuel and stove pipe.

Wm. J. Phillips, Clerk.


August 2n 1910

School meeting called to order at 8 P. M.
   John Kitto, Chairman.

Wm. J. Phillips was elected Clerk to succeed himself.
Bert Conklin was elected Trustee.
Stanley Slate was elected Collector.
Trustees report read and accepted.
Collectors report read and accepted.
A note was taken to pay Fred Wilson to make up what he over paid.
The Trustee was empowered to make all necessary repairs and to also buy coal and wood for fuel.

Wm. J. Phillips, Clerk.


April 9, 1911
Adjourned (sic) Annual Meeting
Called to order at 8 P. M.
    Fred Wilson, Chairman.

Wm. J. Phillips was elected Clerk to succeed himself.
Trustees report read and accepted.
Collectors report read and accepted.
It was voted to place the script from the Utica Bank on file in the County Clerks Office.
The Trustee was authorized to make all necessary repairs, and buy fuel, and hire same drawn at one dollar ($1.00) per ton.
Next came election of officers.
Charles Clinch was elected Trustee.
George Shults “ “ Collector.

A motion was made to adjourn.

Wm. J. Phillips, Clerk.


Sept. 11, 1911.

George Shults resigned Collector ship.

Wm. J. Phillips, Clerk.


September 12, 1911

James K. Phillips appointed Collector to fill vacancy.


Annual School Meeting - May 7, 1912
Meeting called to order 8:30 P. M.
    Fred Wilson, Chairman.

Wm. J. Phillips elected Clerk.
Trustees report read and accepted.
Collectors report read and accepted.
Fred Boulton elected Trustee.
John Savage elected Collector.

The Trustee is empowered to do all necessary repairs, buy fuel and draw the same.

The Trustee and collector to receive $5. each.

A motion was made and carried to close the south windows, extend black boards across south end, and change all seats so as to face teachers desk.

A motion was made and carried to adjourn.

Wm. J. Phillips,
District Clerk


Fred Boulton resigned as Trustee June 11.

June 12. The Trustee called a special School Meeting to be held at the School house Tuesday evening June 25 at 8 P. M. for the election of a trustee to fill vacancy.

June 25, 1912. A special School Meeting was held at the School House June 25, 1912, at 8 P. M. for the purpose of electing a trustee to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Fred Boulton who was elected at the Annual School Meeting.

Burt Conklin was elected Trustee.


Annual School Meeting, May 6, 1913
Meeting called to order at 8:30 P. M.
    John Ketto (sic), Chairman
    E. J. Evans, clerk

Trustee’s report read and accepted.
Collector’s report read and accepted.
H. D. Conklin elected trustee.
John Savage “ collector

Trusttee (sic) to make needed repairs and purches (sic) book and other supplies.

E. J. Evans
District clerk.


Annual School Meeting, May 5, 1914
Meeting called to order by H. D. Conklin at 8 oclock P. M. Trustee’s report read and accepted.
Collector’s report read and accepted.
H. D. Conklin elected trustee.
John Savage elected collector.
Trustee authorized to make necessary repairs and to purches (sic) cole (sic) and other needed supplies.
Adjourned subject to call.

E. J. Evans
District Clerk.


Annual School Meeting, May 4, 1915
Meeting called to order by:
    Burt Conklin, Trustee.
    E. J. Evans, Chairman

George I. Luther, elected clerk.
Trustee’s report read and accepted. Collector’s report read and accepted.
Brenton Parsons and Albert Carter were appointed Tellers.
Fred Boulton elected Trustee.
Clerk instructed to cast one ballot for John Savage as Collector for ensuing year.
Trustee was instructed to make all necessary repairs.
Motion made and carried that we adjourn.

George I. Luther
District Clerk.


Annual School Meeting
May 2, 1916

Meeting called to order at 8 o’clock by Fred Boulton,
    John Ketto, Chairman.

Trustees report read and accepted.
Collectors report read and accepted.

Motion made, seconded, voted on, and carried by ten votes. (the whole no. of ballots cast was ten) that the Trustee purchase 6/10 of a Share of Utica Bank Stock, and give District note for same $153.00 till money be raised by tax.

Officers Elected

Trustee, Charles Clinch, to make all repairs and purchases.
Collector, John Savage
District Clerk, E. J. Evans

E. J. Evans
District Clerk


Annual School Meeting
May 1, 1917

Meeting called to order by Charles Clinch.
    Allen Phillipps (sic) chosen chairman.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Trustees report read and accepted.
Percy Shultz and Henry Roacher chosen tellers.
George Shultz elected Trustee.
John Savage “ Collector
E. J. Evans “ Clerk

Trustee instructed to make all necessary repairs and purchases.
Motion made to adjourn carried.

E. J. Evans
District Clerk



Note: Alongside the following entry was a note: “changed from Township System to District.

Annual School Meeting
Meeting called to order by clerk,
    John Ketto, chosen chairman.

Collectors report read and accepted showing 61.79 to cr. of District.

The following officers were elected:
Trustee George Shultz
Collector John Savage
Clerk E. J. Evans

Trustee to make needed repairs and purchase supplies if the town system does not provide for them.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn, carried.

June 4, 1918

E. J. Evans
District Clerk


Annual School Meeting
May 6, 1919

Meeting called to order by clerk.
    J. Ketto
choosen (sic) chairman.

Trustees report read and accepted.
Collector’s report accepted.

Location of Bank Stock Slip discussed. Said slip in possession of George Shultz, John Savage, or Levi Timerman, town trustee under Township system.

Motion made and seconded to pay Allen Phillipps 2.50 for building fires in winter of 1917-18 carried.

Motion made and carried to vote for or against having physical trainor. Whole no. of votes cast 7 - for 0, against 7 carried by majority of 7. against it.

The following officers were elected -

Trustee Corline Wilder
Collector John Savage
Trustee to make all needed repairs and necessary purchases and charge same to District.

E. J. Evans
District Clerk


Annual School meeting

May 4, 1920

Meeting called to order by clerk.
    John Savage choosen (sic) chairman.

Minutes of last meeting read.
Trustees report read and accepted.
Collectors report accepted.
The officers for the ensueing (sic) year are as follows.

Trustee Celia Evans
Collector Henry Roacher
Clerk E. J. Evans

Trustee to make necessary repairs and purchases.

E. J. Evans
District Clerk.


Annual School meeting

May 3, 1921

Meeting called to order by clerk.
    J. Ketto choosen chairman.
    E. Evans clerk

Trustees report read and approved.
Collectors report read and accepted.
The officers elected for the ensueing year are as follows:
John Savage Trustee
Henry Roacher Collector
E. Evans Clerk

Trustee to make necessary repairs and purchasses (sic). Meeting adjourned.

E. Evans
District clerk.


Annual School meeting
May 2, 1922

Meeting called to order by clerk.
    George Richardson choosen chairman.

Trustees report read, and accepted.
The officers for the ensueing year are as follows.

Trustee James Gilmore
Collector, Harry Johnson
Clerk, E. J. Evans

Trustee to (make) all purchesses (sic) and repairs.

E. J. Evans
District clerk.


School Meeting
May 1 - 1923

Meeting called to order at 8 o’clock P. M. by clerk.
    John Ketto choosen chairman.

Trustees report read and accepted.
Collectors report read and accepted.

The officers elected by ballot for the ensueing year are as follows:

Trustee Robert Alexander
Collector George Richardson
Clerk E. J. Evans

Trustee to make all necessary repairs and purchessess (sic).

E. J. Evans
District clerk


Annual School Meeting
May 6, 1924

Meeting called to order by Robt. Alexander.
    John Ketto choosen chairman.

Trustees report read and accepted.
Collectors report read and accepted.
The officers for the ensueing year are as follows:

Trustee Robt Alexander
Collecter George Richardson
Clerk Ed Evans

Trustee to make necessary repairs and purchessess.

Ed Evans
District Clerk


School Meeting
May 5, 1925
Meeting called to order by Robert Alexander.
    George Richardson choosen Chairman.

Minutes of last meeting read and accepted.
Trustee’s report read and accepted.
Collector’s report read and accepted.
The officers for the ensueing year are as follows.
Trustee E. J. Evans
Collector A. J. Phillips
Clerk Ivan Richardson

Trustee to make all necessary repairs and purchases.

Ivan Richardson
District Clerk


School Meeting May 3, 1926
Meeting called to order by trustee.
    Jack Kitto named chairman.

Trustees report read & accepted. Collectors report read and accepted. The officers elected for ensuing year are:

Harry Johnston, trustee
Jack Kitto, collector
Ivan Richardson, clerk

Motion was made and seconded that district join the joiner bill. Motion made & seconded against consolidation of districts. Motion made & seconded that a new stove be bought & to have the platform removed & black boards lowered. Motion made & seconded that meeting adjourn. 9:15 oclock.

Trustee to make necessary repairs & purchases.

Ivan Richardson
District Clerk



Special meeting called to order by George Richardson.
    Rob’t Alexander named Chairman.

Motion made and seconded that clerk write & see if the district has to buy the rest of the share in Utica Bank Stock to save same. If not the district will not buy. If so the district will do so. Motion made & seconded that Rob’t Alexander go with clerk to see about bond. Motion made & seconded that E. J. Evans & Rob’t Alexander act as a committee to help trustee select a stove.

Meeting adjourned at 9 oclock.

Ivan Richardson
District Clerk

Dec. 7 Special Meeting was called to see what was to be done about script for money in Utica Bank. Motion was made and carried for Rob’t Alexander to see Oscar Schultz, cashier of Dexter Bank & give him power of attorney to get the script to show what the district had in the bank. It was so moved & carried to place it on file in the town clerks office & hire a safety deposit box & place that & all important papers of the district in it. Meeting adjourned at 9 P. M.

Ivan Richardson
District Clerk.


School Meeting
May 3rd 1927

Meeting called to order by Trustee Harry Johnston
    Allen Phillip
named chairman

the Trustees and collectors report read and accepted the following offiers (sic) were elected for the coming year

Trustee Mrs. Robt. Alexander
Collecter Mrs. Ivan Richardson
Clerk Robt. Alexander

A motion was made and accepted to paint school house and point (?) same a motion was mad (sic) and accepted that Robt. Alexander see Patrick Shannon Road Supt. to have stone wall removed and for a suitable fence to replace same our business being concluded the meeting was chose in due form

Robt. Alexander
District Clerk


Annual School Meeting
May 1 - 1928

Meeting called to order by Mrs. Alexander
    John Ketto
choosen chairman
    E. J. Evans

Trustees report read and accepted.
Collectors report read and accepted. Whole no. of votes cast for trustee 10. Robert Alexander received 8 Mrs. Carter received 1 A. Phillipps received 1 - Robert Alexander elected trustee; Whole no. of votes for Collector 9. Ivan Richardson received 6, Mrs. Evans received 2, C. Becker received 1. Ivan Richardson, Collector.

Motion made and seconded carried that Trustee get rid of present stove and get one suitable for the school room. Voted to perches a dictionary. Trustee to make necessary repairs. Meeting closed.

E. J. Evans
District Clerk.


Special School Meeting
June 12, 1928

Meeting called to order by Chairman.

Letter read by Robert Alexander regarding the sale or purches of fractional share of bond. Motion made and seconded and voted that the District dispose of said bond and same to be put in tax fund for benefit of District - value of fraction 150.00. - Removal (?) value 200.00.

Meeting adjourned.

E. J. Evans
District Clerk.


Annual School Meeting

May 7 - 1929

Meeting called to order by Trustee.
    John Ketto choosen chairman.

Trustees report read and accepted.
Collectors report read and accepted.

Utica Trust Co. to increase no of bonds. Motion made and seconded that present Trustee make the excange (sic) of bonds from $100.00 share to $20.00 shares.

Ivan Richardson & Allen Phillips tellers. Trustee balleted for Harry Lane elected trustee. Celia Evans balleted for in election, collector.

E. J. Evans elected clerk.
Motion mad (sic) and seconded and carried that the past collector be reimbursed for postage.
Motion made and seconded and carried that the new collector receive 5.00 for postage.
Trustee to receive 10.00 for necessary expenses (not accepted). Motion made and seconded that a cement walk be laid to flag pole and to toiletts.
Motion made and seconded that School Meeting notices be printed. Trustee to get the same.
Trustee to make all necessary repairs and purchasses.
Organ presented to District by Odd Fellows Lodge of Dexter through Robert Alexander.
Meeting adjurned.

E. J. Evans
District Clerk.

Key No. 21 - to District’s Deposit in First National Bank of Dexter, N. Y.

E. J. Evans
D. C.


Annual School Meeting
May 6 - 1930

Meeting called to order by trustee.
    George Richardson chosen chairman.

Trustees report read and accepted. Collectors report accepted.
Harry Lane elected trustee by ballot. Ivan Richardson, Harry Johnsoon, tellers. Celia Evans elected collector by ballot. E. J. Evans elected clerk by ballot.
Ornamental fence across front of school ground.
Eave troughs on school house.
New floor of hardwood.
Repair coal shed. Trustee to make other necessary repairs and purchases.
1/2 acre of ground on east side of school ground to enlarge play grounds recommended if purchase price be reasonable. Adjourned.

E. J. Evans
D. Clerk


Annual School Meeting
May 5 - 1931

Meeting called to order by trustee at 7.30 oclock.
     John Ketto choosen chairman.

Trustees report read. Motion made by R. Alexander and seconded by A. Phillipps that report be accepted. Motion carried.

Collectors report accepted. Election of trustee. Allen Phillipps and Harry Johnson choosen tellers. Whole no. of votes cast 18 - of which R. Alexander received 12 and H. Lane 6 - Alexander Trustee. Celia Evans collector to succeed self. E. J. Evans District clerk. Committee consisting of R. Alexander G. Richardson and G. Shultz to investigate electric lights.

Motion made by Evans seconded by Richardson and carried that trustee repair coal shead (sic).

Motion made by Mrs. Shultz seconded by G. Richardson that District pay transportation of H. S. Pupils. Ballot for same - whole no. of votes 15. Yes 12 - No 3. Trustee to investigate and find cost of same and in what manner it was to be done.

Trustee to mak (sic) necessary repairs an (sic) purchases.

Adjurned (sic).

E. J. Evans
D. C.


Special School Meeting
Meeting called to order by Trustee.
   R. Alexander choosen chairman.

Meeting called to empower trustee R. Alexander to act in the transfer of the stock of the First Bank and Trust Co. of Utica, N. Y. Motion made by John Savage seconded by Harry Lane voted on and carried that R. Alexander trustee be given the authority to transact all business pertaining to the transfer of the present stock of the First Bank and Trust Co. of Utica, N. Y. to the First Citizens Bank and Trust Co., Utica, N. Y. and to see fractional part of share if necessary.

Nov. 10, 1931

E. J. Evans
District Clerk


Annual School Meeting
May 3 - 1932

Meeting called to order by Robt. Alexander, trustee.
    John Ketto choosen chairman.

School law in regard to voteing (sic) read.
Trustees report read and accepted.
Collectors report accepted.
The following officers, for the ensueing year wer (sic) elected by ballat and full (?) list kept.

Trustee Harry Lane, R. D. 2, Dexter, N. Y.
Collector, Robt. Alexander, R. D. 2, Dexter, N. Y.
Clerk, E. J. Evans, R. D. 2, Dexter, N. Y.

Motion made and seconded and carried that Trustee not hire a man teacher. Motion made and seconded and carried that trustee spend on gradeing (sic) the school yard, not over $200.00. Trustee to make all necessary repairs and purchasses.


June 20th 1932

First get to gather of the old and young teachers and puples and residents of the district covering a period of 50 years, at the residence of Robert Alexander in said district (better known as the Myron Root farm). Over 100 being present. Remarks were made by Levi Livermore, a scholar once teacher over 30 years of age also by Rev. C. J. Sargent who attended the school and later taught there once. C. W. Ceigler, District Supt. and others.

Note: Sitehost believes the write-up for this occasion was related in a clipping which appears here


Annual School Meeting
May 2d 1933

Meeting called to order by trustee.
    John Ketto choosen Chairman

Trustees report read and accepted.
Collectors Report read and accepted.





Total assessment



Rat (rate)

.50 per c ($100 ?)


Raised by tax



Utica Bank Interest



Public money

2 installments to date





Teachers salary






Miscelanious (sic)




Harry Lane elected trustee.
Robert Alexander elected collector
E. J. Evans elected clerk

E. J. Evans
Distric (sic) clerk


Annual School Meeting
May 1 1934
District No. 3, Hounsfield, N. Y.

Meeting called to order by trustee.
    John Ketto choosen chairman.

Trustees report read and excepted
Collector report read and accepted.

The following tellers were choosen:
Allen Phillipps, Harry Johnson
Trustee Wm. Conklin
Collector Walter Patrick
Clerk E. J. Evans

Motion made and seconded that a refund of $4.04 be returned to C. O. Gardner for excess tax on Elon Gardner prpty.

The following Resolutions were offered:

1. First - That Dexter High School, Dexter, N. Y. be designated to receive academic puples from this district.

2. Second: That the trustee of this above named district be empowered to enter into contract or contracts for the transportation of academic pupils from district to and from Dexter High School each day that said Dexter High School is in session during the school year. between September 1, 1934 and July 1, 1935.

Moved by Mrs. Albert Carter
Seconded by Henry Roacher
Result of ballot (For 8, Against 10)

Committy of three appointed two to be choosen by chairman and 1 by the two appointed and are as follows:

Wm. Conklin, Henry Roacher, E. J. Evans. To find the cost of transportation and teaching of all puples in School at Dexter High School and make report of same. and all matters pertaining thearto (sic) at a special meeting subject to call.


Balance on hand 1933



Raised by tax



Public money



Teachers wages to date



miscellaneous exp


Total assessment



*Tax rate 50. per 100.00




E. J. Evans
Districk clrk

*The tax rate amount on this chart showed the decimal at the right of the “50” whereas the chart used for the 1933 Meeting showed the decimal to the left of the “50.”


Special School Meeting
May 15, 1934

Motion made seconded that school be closed for 1 year and puples be sent to Dexter High School. Meeting called to order by trustee. G. Boulton chairman.

E. J. Evans,
D. C.


Annual School Meeting
May 7 - 1935

Meeting called to order by Trustee.
    John Ketto choosen chairman.

Trustees report read and accepted.
Collectors report read and accepted.
William Conklin elected Trustee.
Grace Patrick elected Collector.
Clerk, E. J. Evans.
District to transport pupills to Dexter School.

E. J. Evans,
D. C.


Note by Typist: Inserted loose in the Minutes Book was the following Report:

Report of Trustee
District No. 3, Town of Hounsfield
July 1, 1934 to May 7, 1935

Annual School Meeting
May 5, 1936
    Doris Conklin choosen chairman.

Trustees report read and accepted.
Collectors report read and accepted.

Reports of the expenditure for past year and estimates for the comming (sic) year made on special blanks furnished by the state and left with the trustee.

Allen Phillips and Henry Roacher tellers.
Wm. Conklin elected Trustee.
Grace Patrick elected Collector.
E. J. Evans elected clerk.

Pupills (sic) to be transported to Dexter High School, Dexter, N. Y., by buss.
Trustee to hire the same.

Resolution of respect to late John Kitto chairman for our (----?---).
Resolve that inasmuch as our former chairman John Kitto has been deceased since our last meeting, that we extend sympathy to the bereaved family and the same put on record.

E. J. Evans
District Clerk

Report of Trustee
District No. 3, Town of Hounsfield
July 1, 1934 to May 7, 1935

                                      Receipts                                                                                                 Disbursements

July 1, 1934

Bal. on hand


Sep. 18, 1934


$ 3.00

Feb. 19, 1935

First portion of public money


Sep. 28, 1934




Apr. 22, 1935

Second portion of

public money


Oct. 8, 1934

Safety Deposit Box



Apr. 26, 1935

Taxes received


Oct. 23, 1934

Insurance on Buildings





Oct. 23, 1934

Tax Notice publications





Jan. 10, 1935


to Date





Jan. 26, 1935




Total Receipts






Total Disburse-ments





May 7, 1935







Special School Meeting
August 15th 1936 to discuss transportation of puples (ic) and the purchase of a buss (sic).

Meeting called to order by W. B. Conklin trustee.
    Doris Conklin choosen chairman.

Motion made, seconded and carried that the question of purching (sic) a Buss be discontinued and trustee mak (sic) contract with Kilbourn & Vought as here to fore.

Meeting Adjourned.

E. J. Evans
District Clerk


Annual School Meeting
May 4 37

Meeting called to order by trustee at 7:30.
    Allen Phillips choosen chairman.

Minutes of last meeting read.
Trustees estimate for remainder of school year read and accepted. Also report for entire year read and accepted.
Collectors Treasurer report read and accepted.
Trustees estimate for next school year 1937-38 read and accepted.
Tellers H. Roacher & I. Richardson.
Ballots to transport entire school 12 cast - 12 for.
Ballots to choose school. 10 cast of which Dexter High School receive 10. Trustee to provide transportation.
Wm. B. Conklin elected trustee.
Grace Patrick elected collector and treasurer.
E. J. Evans elected clerk.
Trustee to make necessary repairs to school house.

E. J. Evans.


Special School Meeting

Meeting called to order by Trustee, Wm. Conklin.
    John Savage choosn chairman.

Sacketts Harbor presented presentation to carry puples to the Sacketts School for 1000.00. Rejected. (?)
Motion mad (sic) and seconded to rescind order to carry pupils to Dexter School. Motion defeated. Incident closed.

E. J. Evans


Annual School Meeting
May 3, 1938

Meeting called to order by trustee.
Minnetts (sic) of last annual meeting read.
Trustees report, read and accepted and placed on file.
Presentation of detailed budget and accepted as read.

Wm. Conklin elected Trustee
Grace Patrick elected Collector
E. J. Evans elected Clerk.

E. J. Evans,
District Clerk


Special School Meeting
Feb 18, 1939 at Henry Roachers in regard to putting new roof on to replace one blown off.

Meeting called to order by Trustee Wm. Conklin.
    Allen Phillipps choosen chairman.

Motion made and seconded. Voted on by ballot and carried that roof be replaced at sum not to exceed $250.00 and commitee (sic) consisting of Wm. Conklin, Walter Patrick and Charles Soaper (Soper) to let the contract and to raise the afore (sic) $250.00 by assessment against the assessed valueation (sic) of the district.

One half of amount to be taxed (unclear) each year.

E. J. Evans


Annual School Meeting Dis. No. 3
May 20, 1939.

Meeting called to order by Wm. Conklin trustee.
    Allen Philipps chosen chairman.

Minetts (sic) of last meeting read and accepted.
Trustees report read and accepted.
Collectors report read and accepted.
Voteing (sic). Tellers Henry Roacher & Charles Soaper (the name was spelled Soper).
Budget voted on as presented & accepted.
Resolution No. 7 pertaining to contract and transportation left open till special meeting May 31 - 1938 at School House.

Sacketts Harbor offered free tuition, transportation 800.00. no offer from Dexter.

New roof cost $243.00.

The following officers were elected by ballot -
Trustee - Wm. Conklin
Collector - Grace Patrick
Clerk - E. J. Evans.

E. J. Evans


Special School Meeting
May 31, 1939 to decide Dexter & Sacketts Harbor offer.

Meeting called to order by Trustee.
    C. Soaper choosen chairman.

Vote cast by ballot to contract 31 yes 00 no.
Vote case by ballot on place - total vote 31.

Dexter 26. Sacketts Harbor 5.
Dexter choosen.

E. J. Evans
D. Clerk.


Annual School Meeting
May 7, 1940

Meeting called to order by Trustee.
    Allen Phillipps choosen chairman.

Communication from District Supertendant (sic) read.
Trustees report read, discussed and accepted.
Collectors report read, discussed, and accepted.
1940 and 1941 budget read and approved.
Resolution to transport and contract for puples with Dexter High School for ensueing school year adopted.

Trustee Charles Soaper
Collector Grace Patrick
Clerk E. J. Evans.

E. J. Evans
D. Clerk.


Special School Meeting
Called by Trustee Wm. Conklin

May 27, 1940 for publick (sic) examination of the districts book and for open discussion of any matters pertaining thereto.
Meeting called to order by Trustee.
    Henry Roacher choosen chairman.

Examination and explation (sic) satisfactory.


E. J. Evans
District Clerk.


Annual School District Meeting

Meeting called to order by trustee.
Allen Phillipps chossen chairman.
Trustees report read and accepted.
Budget accepted as read.
Collectors Report read and accepted.
Returned taxes 68.00.
Trustee, collector & clerk elected by ballot.

Trustee Henry Roacher
Collector Grace Patrick
Clerk E. J. Evans

E. J. Evans
District Clerk.


Annual School Meeting
May 5th 1942

Meeting called to order by trustee.
    Allen Phillipps chairman.

Trustees report read and accepted and placed on file on blanks furnished by State.
Collectors report read and accepted.
Resolutions to contract and transport puples to Dexter High School, voted on and carried.

Officers elected as follows -
Trustee Henry Roacher
Collector Grace Patrick
Clerk E. J. Evans

E. J. Evans
District Clerk


Annual School Meeting
May 4, 1943

Meeting called to order by the Trustee.
    Allen Phillips chairman
    Marjorie Roacher clerk for the meeting.

Trustees report read and accepted and placed on file on blank furnished by the state. <> Collectors report read and accepted.
Resolution to contract and transport pupils to Dexter High School, voted on and carried.
Officers elected as follows -
Trustee - Henry Roacher
Collector - Mrs. Grace Patrick
Clerk - Mrs. Marjorie Roacher.

Marjorie Roacher
Clerk for the meeting.



Special School Meeting
Mar 26 1943

Meeting called to order by H. W. Ceigler.
    Allen Phillipps choosen chairman.
    E. J. Evans temporary clerk.

Meeting to elect Trustee and Clerk for the rest of the year and any other matter pertaining to the school which may com (sic) before the meeting.

Doris Conklin elected Trustee.
E. J. Evans elected Clerk.

Discussion on seeting (?) a portion of the district in to the Sacketts Harbor district.
Remarks by H. W. Ceigler and trustee Lewis Dingman of Dexter Board of education.
Also by principal of Dexter High School.

E. J. Evans
District Clerk


Annual School Meeting
May 2, 1944

Meeting called to order by Trustee.
    Wm. Conklin choosen (sic) chairman.

Trustees and Collectors report read and accepted & placed on file on form furnished by State.
Detail budget accepted.
Motion on centerlation (sic) (centralization), contract and transportion (sic), held on till later meeting.
The following officers elected -
Trustee Doris Conklin
Collector Grace Patrick
Clerk E. J. Evans

E. J. Evans
District clerk.


Special School Meeting
June 2d, 1944

To consider the following propsations (probably propositions)
1. Shell (sic) we centerlize (centralize).
2. When will we centerlize (centralize)

Meeting called to order by Trustee.
    Doris Conklin choosen (sic) chairman.

Harry Timmerman and Chas. Soaper, Tellers.
Shell (sic) we centerlize, no. of ballots 21 - 17 yes & 4 nos - motion carried.

2. When will we centerlize (centralize). No of ballots 21. Sackets Harbor Central 15 - Dexter 6.
Ballots Harry Timmerman and Wm. Conklin and Ed Evans - to contact Sackets Board of Education.

E. J. Evans


Note by typist: There were apparently no meetings of the School District No. after this 1944 meeting until one was called in 1950 for the purpose of dissolution of the school property.

Among the notes and documents found with this Meeting book was the following:

The University of the State of New York
Education Department

: SS

I, George D. Stoddard, Commissioner of Education of the State of New York, do hereby certify that I have caused to be compared the annexed copy of order dissolving Common School District No. 3 of the Town of Hounsfield, Jefferson County, and annexing the territory thereof to Central School District No. 1 of the Towns of Hounsfield, Henderson, Adams and Watertown, Jefferson County, with the original order now on file in the State Education Department, and that the same is a true copy of the original and of the whole thereof.

(a seal of the University of
the State of New York appeared
IN WITNESS WEREOF, I, George D. Stoddard,

Commissioner of Education of the State of New York,
for and on behalf of the State Education Department, do hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of the
State Education Department, at the City of Albany,
this 5th day of July, 1944.

Signature if George D. Stoddard
Commissioner of Education.

Note by typist: The contents of the attachment follows:

The University of the State of New York
Education Department

of the
Dissolution of Common School District No. 3
of the Town of Hounsfield, Jefferson County,
and the annexation of the territory thereof,
to Central School District No. 1 of the Towns
of Hounsfield, Henderson, Adams and Water-
town, Jefferson County.


It appearing that it is for the best educational interests of the community that Common School District No. 3 of the Town of Hounsfield, Jefferson County, be dissolved and that the territory
included within the boundaries of said district be annexed to Central School District No. 1 of the Towns of Hounsfield, Henderson, Adams and Watertown, Jefferson County,

NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned under and by virtue of the provisions of the Education Law of the State of New York, and particularly sections 180 and 181 thereof, I do hereby

ORDER, that Common School District No. 3 of the Town of Hounsfield, Jefferson County, be and the same hereby is dissolved; and that the territory included within the boundaries of said district as heretofore established and recognized be and the same hereby is annexed to Central School District No. 1 of the Towns of Hounsfield, Henderson, Adams and Watertown, Jefferson County.

This order shall take effect on the 15th day of September, 1944.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, George D. Stoddard,
Commissioner of Education of the State of New
SEAL York, for and on behalf of the State Education
Department, do hereunto set my hand and affix
the seal of the State Education Department, at
the City of Albany, this 5th day of July, 1944.
Commissioner of Education







Special School Meeting
Former Common School District
No. 3, Town of Hounsfield

Aug. 10, 1950 @ 8:00 o’clock

This special meeting was called to order at 8:00 o’clock by Mr. Harold Galloway, Pres. of the Hounsfield Central Board of Education.

Mr. William Conklin was nominated to act as chairman. Nomination made by Mr. Allen Phillips. Seconded by Mrs. Pauline Johnson. Mr. Conklin elected chairman.

Mrs. Doris Conklin was nominated to act as clerk by Mrs. Addie Hazelwood. Seconded by Mrs. Pauline Johnson. Mrs. Conklin acted as clerk.

The chairman then read the notice of the meeting describing the purpose of the meeting. He proposed a discussion on the disposal of the property.

Mr. Thompson made a motion to keep the schoolhouse and other property for a community center. This motion was seconded by Mrs. Johnson. The vote on this motion was seven in favor - none opposed. Chairman declared motion carried that building and property be retained as a community center.

Mr. Allen Phillips made a motion to use the money in the Dexter Bank for upkeep of building. Seconded by Mrs. Johnson and carried.

The meeting then continued to organize a community association to be known as Muscalonge Community Association.

We, the chairman and clerk of the special meeting, do hereby certify that this is a statement of the action taken by the voters of the former District No. 3 at the Special Meeting.

Signed: William Conklin, Chairman of the meeting.

Signed: Doris E. Conklin, Clerk of meeting.



Muscalonge Community Association

This name was proposed by Allen Phillips and seconded by Mrs. Grace Patrick All votes in favor.

Chairman called for nomination for President. Doris Conklin nominated by Allen Phillips - seconded by Mrs. Patrick and Mr. Thompson. All votes in favor.

Mrs. Pauline Johnson was nominated Vice-President by Allen Phillips. Seconded by Mr. Thompson. elected.

Allen Phillips nominated Secretary by Pauline Johnson - seconded by Mr. Thompson. declared elected.

Mrs. Bennet was nominated by Mrs. Conklin to be Treasurer. Seconded by Mrs. Johnson. elected.

The following was elected Trustees:

Mr. Thompson - nominated by Allen Phillips - seconded by William Conklin.
Mrs. Grace Patrick - nominated by Pauline Johnson seconded by Allen Phillips.
Jack Lane - nominated by Pauline Johnson - seconded by Allen Phillips and William Conklin.
Motion made by Mr. Thompson that another meeting be held at the schoolhouse Thursday Evening, Aug. 24th at 8:00 P. M. Seconded by Pauline Johnson.
Motion to adjourn made by Allen Phillips, seconded by Pauline Johnson.
Meeting adjourned.

Doris E. Conklin

At a special meeting, Fri. Eve., Sept. 8, 1950, a resolution was passed authorizing the president of the association to contact an attorney to draw up papers of incorporation. This resolution was proposed by Mr. Wm. Thompson and seconded by Mr. Scee and Mrs. Patrick.


*Note by typist: These minutes are in my possession. I have no idea what to do with this Book of Minutes. I'm open to suggestions. The asterisk above indicates that the Book of Minutes* preceding this one, which starts in 1895, was given to the East Hounsfield Library. I believe that Library burned to the ground some time in the 1960's. Does anyone out there know if old records such as this may have been transferred to another repository before this event? (your sitehost, Shirley Farone)

*Note: References to passages in the previous Book of Minutes may be found in Rowena's Writings on this website.

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