Ransom, William Leon, family genealogy

William Leon Ransom Family Genealogy

In all of us there is a hunger, marrow deep, to know our heritage, to know who we are, and where we have come from.
Without this enriching knowledge, there is a hollow yearning, no matter what our attainments in life,
there is the most disquieting loneliness.
-Alex Haley, author of Roots.

It is for that reason I have established this site. Through it I hope our family, known and unknown to us, will have the opportunity to know some of the things that otherwise may become lost.

Most of the information on this site is unverified and unsourced. It is from family histories and other genealogy websites. Please feel free to use the information here, but it is advised to do your own research to verify the information.

If anyone has anything to add, or a correction to any of the information contained herein, please send me an email including the information so I can update my records. If you don't mind me using your research, I would appreciate any source information you may have.

Please send email to: Leon
Ancestors of William Leon Ransom (that's me) Ancestors of Helen Jaffe Ransom (my bride)
Tell me about my family (Stories, Life histories, Poetry) Annual family reunion information

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