Sandilands Genealogy

Sandilands Genealogy Papers

This set of papers was purchased at auction. It is a collection of
over 100 pages of mostly legal papers relating to the Sandilands
family of Bordeaux France in the 18th and early 19th centuries.
Most are in French.

This first set is directly genealogical related. I am sorry that it is
not yet transcribed. If you would like to volunteer to do this,
let me know : )

I will post others across time, please keep checking back.

PS -- I realize these pages have nothing to do with Bible Records.
Please forgive me.

1. Genealogy of Jacob Sandilands of Bordeaux, Esquire (1773)

2. This appears to be a farming lease of Madame Sandilands (details 1793-9, recorded 1818)