The HVGN website

Welcome to the HVGN genealogy website

where HVGN stands for:
Hamacher Vosen Gempeler and Nipple

1936 - Christian Gempeler, Florence Imogene Nipple, Theresa Vosen, Peter Hamacher

These are the four surnames of my (John Eric Hamacher) four paternal great-grandparents.

NEW!! The story of the Madison Hamachers!! Microsoft Word  Plain Text

This website is of potential value to anyone researching their family history in south-central Wisconsin, especially Dane County.

Click here to start viewing HVGN genealogy. If you haven't already opened the bibliography window, keep reading.

Please continue reading if you want to get the most out the HVGN website.

Each person in this website has a link to a "source" page ("Notes" icon) on which reference numbers are given for each datum. The reference numbers coincide with listings on a "bibliography" page. In order to see sources and the bibliography page at the same time, you must open the sources window:


If you see a mistake, want to comment or have information I might find interesting, e-mail Duke at [email protected]. Over time, I will have additional people, information and sources.

If you want to know more about the software which generated HVGN go to. The program is called GedHTree and is written by Gary Welker. For a small price he will send you the full-blown version.

Very special thanks go out to the following people for their time and information: Lynn Betlock, Leo Hamacher, Millie Hamacher, Penny Nipple, and many more.

2011 - Matthew Hamacher/Carolyn Barry wedding