William Bilke, Co


Friedrich Wilhelm Bilke was born April 6, 1839 in Rothenberga, Saxony, Prussia which is now part of Germany. On April 29, 1851, at the age of 11, he arrived in America at the Port of New York. Wilhelm, with his parents, settled near Sauk City, Sauk County, Wisconsin. By the time of the 1860 Federal census, he was 21, a farm laborer, and went by the name William Bilke. On July 6, 1862 William married Laura Kunz in Merrimac, Sauk County, Wisconsin.

On February 13, 1864, at the age of 24, in the City of Madison, Wisconsin, William enlisted in the Army of the United States of America (Union Army). He was assigned to Company H, eleventh Regiment of the Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. By January 1, 1865 William was in Brashear City (now Morgan City), Louisiana with the eleventh Regiment. He kept a personal diary from January 1, 1865 through September 19, 1865 during and after the Civil War. The diary stops on September 19, 1865 when he returned home to Sauk County, Wisconsin.

William continued to live in Sauk County, Wisconsin until about 1868, moving to Newton County, Missouri in 1868 or 1869. William lived in Newton County, Missouri until his death on June 3, 1907. He is buried in the Hornet Cemetery, South of Joplin, Missouri.

Following is his diary, in his words. This is completely unedited and transcribed exactly as written. He confuses "T" and "D" quite often, also "D" and "P". "C" and "Ch" is often written as "G".


William Bilke, Co. H, 11th Regt., Wis. Vol. Inft.

January Sunday 1, 1865

Pleasand weather, frost in the morning. Wrote one letter to my wife, and one to Father.

January Monday 2, 1865

Morning cloudy and cool.

January Tuesday 3, 1865

Cloudy, warm, ?????????

January Wednesday 4, 1865

Very Pleasand, warm, singeed the Payroll. Spented $0.20.cts

January Thursday 5, 1865

Cloudy, rainy like, cool, got pait $137.80 pait Suttler of the 33 Ills. $10.35. pait the Suttler of our Regt R. House $52.00 pait the N Dr $3.00 pait R. Grubaugh $2.00. pait $0.70. rain in the evening.

January Friday 6, 1865

Clear, cool, windy, pait the washwomen $2.25 pait Mosbach for washing $0.20. pait for one pount of butter $0.75. spented $0.85. received from Mason $2.00. from E. Bauer $1.00 wrote a letter to my wife, and sented $10 in it.

January Saturday 7, 1865

Frost in the morning, fare weather day time, received $0.25. spented $2.40 $2.00 more.

January Sunday 8, 1865

Cloudy, cool, thunder. spented $0.05. sented a letter to my wife with $10.00.

January Monday 9, 1865

Stormy, heavy Showers.

January Tuesday 10, 1865

Windy, cool.

January Wednesday 11, 1865

Fare weather, General inspection at four oclock, great excitement in Camp, spented $0.45.

January Thursday 12, 1865

Fare weather, cool. trill and Dressperade. quit cooking, wrote a letter to my wife and sented $10.00. spented $1.20.

January Friday 13, 1865

White frost, heavy fog. pleasant day. On lake picked. pattroled, quite a large mail, on Headquarter post. B. Braun gone to Hospitle, Countersign was Fort Republic.

January Saturday 14, 1865

Rainylike morning, cloudy, cool. Company trill and Dressparade, spented $0.25. no maile of any acount.

January Sunday 15, 1865

Dark, Cloudy. Sunday morning inspection, a large mail. spented $0.50, rain in the evening. wrote a letter to Father and sented $15.00.

January Monday 16, 1865

Pleasant weather, trill in the afternoon, Co. E boys fighting. spented $0.65 pait for butter $0.90. a small mail. F. Colborn gone to Hospitle.

January Tuesday 17, 1865

Pleasant weather. On east Brashear bay guart. spented $0.25, no mail.

January Wednesday 18, 1865

Pleasant weather, warm. Co. trill. spented $1.80 for Tobacco. no mail.

January Thursday 19, 1865

Rainy weather all day a small mail. received two papers Herold. fixt up our stove. no trill nor Dressparade.

January Friday 20, 1865

Steady rain day and night. on picket at east Brashear at the Bay. mail, no trill nor Dressparade. Countersign was Savana.

January Saturday 21, 1865

Fair weather, but Mudy no mail, no trill nor dressparade.

January Sunday 22, 1865

Cloudy, fine rain, no Inspection nor Dressparate, no mail, whent to the Hospital with R. Grubaugh to see B. Braun, J. Mason, F. Colborn and Emrich, mud all over town, spented $0.45.

January Monday 23, 1865

Fair weather, but cool. Co. trill in the afternoon, no mail. ben at the show. spented $0.50.

January Tuesday 24, 1865

Cold morning. the ground frose, windy day. on hard pickit at the old saw mill. no mail, but the news Ft. Fisher was taken. a cold windy night. Countersign was Tiplow.

January Wednesday 25, 1865

Cold morning, ground frose. Co. trill, Battalion trill and dressparate. some mail. spented $0.20. F. Colborn got back from the Hospitle.

January Thursday 26, 1865

Cold the ground frose. Co. and Battalion trill and Dressparate. a small mail. ben at the show. spented $0.95. bought a bare of glovs of the Suttler for $3.00.

January Friday 27, 1865

Cloudy, cool on Fatigue, Co. trill twice no Perate. some mail. spented $0.10. rainy evening.

January Saturday 28, 1865

Cloudy, cool, mudy. no trill nor dressparade. midling mail.

January Sunday 29, 1865

Fare weather, some mudy on lakepiched at the old sawmill. Countersighn was Lowrenstation, no mail, news. Gold $189.

January Monday 30, 1865

Fare weather, some cloudy. Co. trill twice and dress parate. no mail nor news. spented $0.05. B. Braun got back to Co. from Hospittal, at night, raining a little.

January Tuesday 31, 1865

Pleasent weather, warm. Co. trill Battalon trill and dressparate, mail. spented $0.60. got my wife's and boy's likeness. bought a bluck of Navytobacko for $1.50 and Threat for $0.20. pait R. Grubaugh for paper $0.40. fire on the other side the bay.

February Wednesday 1, 1865

Cloudy warm day, Co. trill in the morning. Regt broke down weeds outside the breastworks. no parate, some mail. ben at the show spented $0.70. rainy at night, Reb. fireering at our pickits.

February Thursday 2, 1865

Rainy, mudy day. no trill nor dressparate, nor Featigue, nor mail. spented $0.20. wrote a letter to H. Kunz for E. Bauer.

February Friday 3, 1865

Cloudy warm day. on homeguard at the boat landing. 12 men on guard and 14 on the Fortification. no trill nor parade nor mail, spented $1.00.

February Saturday 4, 1865

a rainy mudy day. no trill nor parate. 10 men on guard 19 on Fatigue. quite a mail. Charly Hollanbach broke his arm a boxing with Bill Kerr.

February Sunday 5, 1865

Sunday morning inspection, rainy weather all all day with heavy showers, no Parate, no mail. spented $0.50. Emrich came back from the Hospitle. Charly Hollanbach gone to Hospital.

February Monday 6, 1865

Rainy weather all day. no trill, no Fatigue, no Parate, nor no mail, no excitement nor any thing a lonesome day, spented $0.20. B. Braun on duty again the first time.

February Tuesday 7, 1865

A warm pleasent day, on lake picked, on the post below the Headquarter post. The countersign was Greenville. a cool night, windy. no trill, nor parate, nor Fatigue, nor mail.

February Wednesday 8, 1865

White frost in the morning, pleasent day, no trill, nor parate, nor Fatigue a large mail, Charly Hollanbach come back to the Company.

February Thursday 9, 1865

Cold morning, but a warm day, General inspection in the morning, ben on Fatigue in the afternoon, no mail, no trill nor parate, spented $0.15 fore fixing my Boot $0.15 pait the washwomen $0.50 a nice evening.

February Friday 10, 1865

White frost in the morning, the grount frose, no trill nor parate the boys called of from fatigue, to go on a three days scout, Co. H and J and two Niger Co. spented $0.25, on guart of the gun boat 43 to night.

February Saturday 11, 1865

White frost in the morning, liftet anker by day brake and started fore shore, got back on the boat in about thre hours, and started for Camp, at which we got about three o clock in the afternoon, dreesparate, no mail, Corp L. Lavenex, R. Grubaugh and H. Delap left the Co. to do Provo duty.

February Sunday 12, 1865

Fair weather the sun warm in the fornoon some coller in the afternoon. Sunday morning inspection, Dressparate and a good mail. spented $0.45.

February Monday 13, 1865

Midling fair weather in the morning, trill, and Review. Fatigue, no parate, nor mail. comenced a raining towarts evening. A stormy night spented $0.20. Capt. Lang got back from Wisconsin.

February Tuesday 14, 1865

Midling fair but cool and mudy, drawn clothing, one pare of Pants and one Shirt. Pill Core diet with the smalbox, about 40 Scouts come in from Morganza, no trill nor parate nor fatigue. a small mail a few letters. spented $0.10 for bread. a heavy shower about 2 o clock.

February Wednesday 15, 1865

Pleasant weather, no trill nor parate, but fatigue and a large mail. on guart at the Col. Headquaters.

February Thursday 16, 1865

White frost in the morning, very pleasant day. 16 men on fatigue, no trill nor parate, a midling mail, a windy night, everything still no excitement in Camp. received two Newspapers.

February Friday 17, 1865

Pleasant day, pretty warm, on fatigue, no trill, but parate and after parate a short Battalion trill by which General Camron was pressent. A small mail.

February Saturday 18, 1865

Very pleasant day, on fatigue untill about half past two o clock, then fell in for Battalion trill. then General Camron mate a speech about the flag he brought with him, which used to be at this place, and was captured by the Rebs, and recaptured by our men, while histing it, our Pras bant played the starospangelt baner and the New York Battry fired their guns, dress parate afterwarts, no mail.

February Sunday 19, 1865

A fair morning, a stormy cold rain, from toards noon untill toards night, after which we had a pleasant night but cool, on picked at east Brhshear it the Bay. the countersign was Tripp Creeck, some mail, Gen Camron left in the morning , spd 10 ct for bread.

February Monday 20, 1865

A pleasant morning, cloudy in the afternoon, a cool windy night, fatigue, no trill nor parate, nor mail, Chafy gone to Hospital as nurce, played a came of ball.

February Tuesday 21, 1865

Fair weather untill about three o clock in the afternoon, then it comenced a raining and trove us away from the Fortifycations, a stormy rainy night, no trill nor parate, a large mail.

February Wednesday 22, 1865

Farigy day very mudy, on lake picked, on the post next the Headquaters, the countersighn was Garett Station, a rainy night, no trill, parate, fatigue nor mail.

February Thursday 23, 1865

A rainy mudy day and night, no trill, parate, fatigue nor mail. the 93 Negro Rgt. left in the morning for Algears come back again at night some talk about us leaving in the morning.

February Friday 24, 1865

A nasty rainy morning, very mudy, hat no pickeds nor fatigue, nor trill nor parate, a General Compeny inspection, Expressed a box of stuff, all our detailed men relieved.

February Saturday 25, 1865

A pleasant day, but very mudy, onely Headquater guarts, no trill nor parate, ben on fatigue loating Amonation, and the Regtemential stuff in a car, great excitement at evening, some mail, Expresset a box of stuff.

February Sunday 26, 1865

A pleasant day, left Brashear City in the morning 7 oclock, got to Algears in the afternoon where we Campt that night, received two Vollantines on the way to Algears.

February Monday 27, 1865

A rainy morning, rain all day, left Algiers towards noon, landed at the old battleground, stayed their a spell untill our Tents was very near put up then we starded of four miles down the River to the Brittish landing where we camp again.

February Tuesday 28, 1865

A little rain just before daylight, after that a pleasant day, musterd for six month pay, met with the 23 Regt. the day before at the landing at Algiers they landed the same time we got on the boat to gross the river.

March Wednesday 1, 1865

Very faugy in the morning three Gulfsteamers loated with Troops went town the river to Mobile. Got the news that Richmond was vacuateed.

March Thursday 2, 1865

A faugy morning but a pleasant day. four Gulfships, one steamer and three sail ships of other nations wend town the river, and two from the eastern states come up with mail, O. T. Sole fell in N. O. and hat to stay their at the Soldiers home, a large mail.

March Friday 3, 1865

A cool stormy day, one Gulfsteamer come in and one went out, some mail. ben to the Dr. and got some pilles feel pretty sick. a rainy looking evening.

March Saturday 4, 1865

A pleasant day, steam and sailships are pasing up and down freequentley. A. Halbman bought 25 cents worth of bread got som medicine fell pretty sick toards night, some mail.

March Sunday 5, 1865

A pleasant day, morning inspection and dressparate, Boads bassing all day got more medicien very sick.

March Monday 6, 1865

A pleasant day, mooved Camp up to our Division in Camp Chalmette had dressparate on which Lieut. Charlton was acing Adjatant, our Brassbant played a good teel that day, a large mail that evening.

March Tuesday 7, 1865

Middling fair in the fornoon, rainylike in the afternoon, an old Barn broke down wich made an awful noice. a dull day, had an awful Headache that day took one powder, and wrapt my head in wet cloth, and then lait down, no mail that day, very heavy rain that night.

March Wednesday 8, 1865

Fair weather, Boats passing all the time, some rain towards evening.

March Thursday 9, 1865

A cool windy day had Surgent call got two powders quite a mail got two News papers.

March Friday 10, 1865

A pleasant day, whent on boart of a Gulf Steamer by the name George Beebody, past Ft. Fisher and Ft. Jackson A. M. past many Steamers and ships, past the lighthouse about four o clock A.M. got the History of the 11th before we left.

March Saturday 11, 1865

A fine morning rather cool, got to Ft. Morgan and Ft. Gaines about 2 hours after sunrise where we chances boats got on boart the Ibeville landed on Dolphfene Ils. near Ft. Gaines where we whent in Camp.

March Sunday 12, 1865

A fine morning, moved Camp, morning Inspection. Halbman and me ben over to see the 23th boys, had dressparate, Capt. Onile, Doans and Lang and Col. C. L. Haris come to us in the morning, ben to Surgent call got one powder.

March Monday 13, 1865

A pleasant day, rather cloudy and windy, this is the thirt day that we have heard Canonateing of the Gunboats at Mobile. dressparate again, ben to Surgent again got two powders.

March Tuesday 14, 1865

A heavy rain all day. R. Braun and H. Stiel from the 23rd ben over here to see us, some of our boys ben a Fishing with Lieut. Johnson.

March Wednesday 15, 1865

Midling fair weather in the fornoon, some rain in the afternoon, then rain very much all night.

March Thursday 16, 1865

A pleasant day, trill in the fornoon, Inspection in the afternoon, B. Braun and I ben over at the 23th some talk about being pait before long, E. Lyons Inspected us, the Co. Oficer was gone, hat dressparate.

March Friday 17, 1865

A beautiful day, trill in the morning, dressparate, the 23th left in the evening,

March Saturday 18, 1865

A pleasant day, trill in the morning, no parate, drawed cloathing in the night, towards midnight and the coocks had to coock three days rations yet that night, calcalations to lieve, drawed a hat.

March Sunday 19, 1865

A very faugy morning, struck Tents about 9 o clock, whent on board the A. G. Brown which useed to be at Brashear City last Summer, on wich we grossed over and lait for Anger all night, our Train come to us, got quite a mail, throwed anger at Navygo.

March Monday 20, 1865

A pleasant warm day, but a rainy night, lifted anger about 10 o clock and run agrossed the Bay into the mouth of the Foul River, and run a ground where we was stuck all night. the Gunboat 44 tryed to draw us of the bare, by so toing the cable brok the leg of one of the Gunboatmen and throw him in the River.

March Tuesday 21, 1865

A rainy morning, but a pleasant day, got from the A. G. Brown on boart the H. M. Brown which took us up the River about 12 or 15 miles where we landed, marched agross the hill and Camped, the little Tempice took the A.G. Brown of the bare, between 10 and 11 oclock landed at Dannills landing.

March Wednesday 22, 1865

A beautiful day, hat Inspection, ten of our Co. and a Sergent (with me) was on fatigue tiging Riflepitts on the other side the Rv. at the Pantoon Britge. had dressparade. Danniels landing is the name of the place where we Camp.

March Thursday 23, 1865

A faugy morning. three men for picked, Emerson, Ferber and Farnworth, our pickets hat quite a skirmish with the Rebs. this morning, a few got killed and some got badly wounded. O. T. Sowle was here, hat out a heavy Fatigue building Riflepitts.

March Friday 24, 1865

A pleasant day. E. Bauer and me ben over to see the 35th Reg. in the fornoon, and after dressparate B. Braun a me ben over to see the 23th, got orders at dressparate to get ready to march by daylight but soon was countermanded untill 9 o clock, hat toothage all night O. T. Sowle disgargeed, got commission, A. Miller disgargeed, his time was out.

March Saturday 25, 1865

A pleasant day, all redy to moove, left towarts 9 o clock started on a slow march, marched about 8 to 10 miles, our Front hat a little trouble with the Rebles pickeds, whent to Camp between four and five o clock, we got pretty tireed. S. Slack and O. Pickit sent to Hospittal.

March Sunday 26, 1865

A pleasant day, revellee at four o clock, marched at sunrise skirmishing all day, took serveral prissoners. whent to Camp at noon, 12 o clock, our Regt. was detailed to throw up Breastworks but afterwarts was contermanted, marcht from 16 to 18 miles.

March Monday 27, 1865

Revellee at five and martch at six, martched back about 2 miles and was brought up in Battleline to guard the Train, they was fireering at Spanish Fort all day, it rained pretty much all day, stopt raining towarts night, a cool night.

March Tuesday 28, 1865

A pleasant day, our men where fireering all day at Spanish Fort, our whole Reg. was building breastworks all day, our Gunboats got within Range of the Fort. 31th made Baskets all day, the whole Div. to fortify fore heavy Guns, evening all still.

March Wednesday 29, 1865

A pleasant morning, but rain in the afternoon so it stoped our diging Breasdworkes. a tedail whent out this morning forageing, they got three Beefcreators, four sheep and two lamps, heavy cannonateing at Spanish Ft. all day. I was on tedail drawing rations from the Div. Comissary.

March Thursday 30, 1865

A pleasant day, the evening looks rainy like, heavy Cannonateing again all day at Spanish Ft. the Rebs. made a garge on our boys from the Ft. to trife them out there Riflepitts but could not come it. last night, got some mail, G. Steels Cavelry come in to our Camp and brought the report that they was out of rations, and wants our Train to bring some to him.

March Friday 31, 1865

A pleasant day, I was on Headquater guard last night, at Spanish Ft. Mushet fire all night, heavy Cannonateing all day, very heavy Canon and musked fire just dark, our quatermaster, wagonmaster and Teamsters come up, Whily brought Tobacko, bought one pluck $1.00, 30 men, one Sergt. 4 Corp. for picked this morning, the train whent out to G. Steel this morning.

April Saturday 1, 1865

A pleasant day, whent on picked this morning with four more from our Co. out near the Ft. heavy Canon and muskit fire at the Fort all day. serveeral huntred Goverment Beefcattle come in today, some heavy muskit fire on our right towards Blakely just before sundown, its exspected to be Steel.

April Sunday 2, 1865

A pleasant day, not very much fireering at the Ft. to day, the Reb. Gunboat got disableed the day before and had to lieve. Steels men brought in 300 prissoners, they said they took 800 the evening before, when they took Blakely. some cannonateing way back in our rear the way we come, got orders to have 3 days rations coock on hand.

April Monday 3, 1865

A beautiful morning, orders to have every thing packed up ready to lieve at a minutes notice, left just when we was going to eat dinner, after four or five miles we struck the Reb. work, our Regt. was the first one to advance, advanced to about 800 yards then throwed up Riflepitts all night, the Rebs fired and throwed Shells all night, but without effect.

April Tuesday 4, 1865

A fougy rainylike morning. Rebs still fireering, and throwing Shells amongs us every little while, got relieved from the Front at one o clock, very heavy fireering at Spanish Ft. since four o clock, got a large mail to day.

April Wednesday 5, 1865

A pleasant day, skirmishers was fireering in front all day, which was repeated by the Rebs by rifles and shells, a few got killed a wounted, B. Braun drew a sketch from the Reb. works, just before night the Reb. Gunboat threw a large shell into our Camp, but it dit not burst.

April Thrusday 6, 1865

Today is my birthday. I am now 26 years old. A dark cloudy morning, mooved camp down in a revcine behind hills the Reb. Gunboat threw a shell in our Camp amongs the New Yorkers and killed five, drew Tobacko. ¼ lb.a piece. I drew mine and J. O. Potters, mooved out to the front at five o clock, advanced that night about 40 rots, then throwed up Riflepitts.

April Friday 7, 1865

Worked hart all night at our Riflepitts, the Rebs tryed to trife us back, just before daylight, but could not come it, we opent to heavy on them, two of our men got wounted one of Co. A the other of Co. C, it rained some all day, pretty cold in the afternoon, we got relieved at five o clock, after being under fire 24 hours, I fired 42 rounts.

April Saturday 8, 1865

A faugy morning, heavy fireering all night, our Artillry opent on them this morning. a shell from the Rebs. cut of a lim from a pine tree this morning in our Camp near the coock tent. H. A. Smith made a charge on the midle Ft. at Spanish Ft. and took it, at 10 o clock that night, the rest of them give themselfs up the next morning.

April Sunday 9, 1865

Ft. Spanish fell into our hands this morning. A warm day. Major Miller woke us up early this morning, and sented our Co. out to the front to fint out if the Rebs. where vackuateing the workes at Blakely but we found them their yet. after staying 2 hours we whent back to Camp, at noon the whole Brigade was ordered to the front to garge on their workes, but was countermanded by Gen. Gerart. The whole line made a garge on the Reb. workes, just before dark, took them, and our Brigade took 500 prissoners with all their Artillry, horses and mules, in all 3000 prissoners, 51 peices Attillry, and a lot of Cattle and sheep, and sow, our Regt. los was 15 deat and 51 wounded, our Co. had 9 wounded, A. Ferber, B. Ferber, N. Farnworth, R. Bacon, J. Lee, G. Windus, Porter, J. Emmerson, and H. Blaker. I was on guard to guard the prissoners, the night before Ft. Spanish fell into our hands with 5 to 600 prisoners and a lot of Artillry, our Inft. took made a gunboat surenter too to day, and boarded her. and in the night a Reb. gun boat come and hitched to her and took her of and our men with them, the loss of our Brigade was 121.

April Monday 10, 1865

A warm day. guarded the prissoners. the Cavelry relieved us at noon and took them to the landing. got the news that Richmond was ourn for certain. Bacon and Windus int exspecked to lieve, A. Ferber is badly wounded too. got mail today. A cloudy rainy looking evening.

April Tuesday 11, 1865

A pleasant day, our wounded was taken off to N. Orleans, R. Bacon died over his wound towards evening. The story runs in Camp that Mobile was vacautet and Lee had surentert to Sherman. had inspection, got a large mail. the 13th A. C. marched back to the landing, 14 miles from here.

April Wednesday 12, 1865

A warm day, news of all kintes about the war being ended, the 13 A. C.crossed the Bay took that Battery on the pls. and started for Mobile. I. Bauer, F. Colbourn and me, was on fatigue to go to the landing to loat the Train, 25 from the Regt are under orders to moove.

April Thursday 13, 1865

A rainy morning, struck Tents, marched about 10 o clock, marched about 10 to 12 miles camped near a creek, I whent out forageing and shot a goad. E. Bauer rote in the ambulance, he had the agne.

April Friday 14, 1865

A cloudy day, not very warm, started out at seven o clock whent to camp at three o clock, marched about 16 to 18 miles got pretty direed, got fresh Beef.

April Saturday 15, 1865

A pleasant morning, rain in the afternoon, the front started out at seven o clock, our Division was in the rear today, and our Brigade was guarding the Train, we had a bad road, first got to camp at ten o clock at night, marchted throw the N.W. conor of Florada, marchted about 18 mi.

April Sunday 16, 1865

A pleasant day, started at about 8 o clock, marchted very hard, whent to camp about five o clock, no news, nothing but pine woods, this has ben so every day since we started out on this tramp, very seldom a house, 16 miles.

April Monday 17, 1865

A pretty warm day again and tuff martching, started out at sunrise whent to camp between four and five o clock, grossed a small river on the Ponton Bridge and past serveral midling farms, my feet blistered up pretty bad, 22 miles.

April Tuesday 18, 1865

A warm day, our Division first started out at eleven o clock martch untill dark, got into a better Country, past some pretty good farms, and found plenty of corn and fouter, some allready the day before, we have seene some pretty good Rhey and wheat, 18 miles, drew Tobacko, drew three rations, mine, Potters and E. Bauers.

April Wednesday 19, 1865

A warm day, our Div. started out at eight o clock, marchted pretty fast, got to camp about an hour before sunsett, the news from gen. Canpy reached us about the midtle of the after noon that the whole suthern Army had surentert and peace was declared, all the chearing and fireering, 16 miles.

April Thursday 20, 1865

A cloudy morning and a warm day, started out at sunrise, marcht 9 miles till we got to a small river, layd there about three hours, untill the Pioneere Core had builded a Bridge, then whent on seven miles further, seene some splented Farms and some hart wood Country seene a horse, half horse and colt mares, got fresh beef.

April Friday 21, 1865

A very rainy rainy day, I'am whet all through, struck Tents towards noon in heavy rain, marcht afternoon, a very mudy road, our Div. was in the rear, and our Brig. was guarding the Train, marcht five miles, past some pretty good houses and farms, our whole Brigade was guarding the Train.

April Saturday 22, 1965

A very cool day, struck tents early in the morning, marcht between seven and eight o clock, our Div. was in the middle, marcht through Greeneville about two o clock with the collors onrolled, campt on the other side the town, marcht eight miles, a tuff road, Sergt. Mumpfort, A. Gooman, J. Bauer and me on picket to night, Gen Grierson come down from Monteomery, to meet us here at greenville.

April Sunday 23, 1865

A pleasand day cool, started out about half after seven marcht 16 miles past some pretty good farms our Division was in the middle, all kints of news and rumors.

April Monday 24, 1865

A pleasant day cool, started out early in the morning, our Division was in the front, marcht 18 miles, past some pretty good farms, marcht through a little Town by the name Sandarich, B. Braun, E. Bauer and me whent on ahead got some honey, molasas, a chicken and a shoulder.

April Tuesday 25, 1865

A pleasant day. started out at ten o clock, our Division was in the rear, marcht seven miles grossed a splented Prairie and camped near the railroad track, this morning we got out of the pinewoods, some splented Plantations.

April Wednesday 26, 1865

A pleasant day, layt over, some of the boys whent out to forage and brought in a lot of chickens, geese and ducks, we ran out of harttack and live on cornmeal. C. Hollanbach give me a goose wich E. Bauer and me fixed up that night, and when B. Braun came in from picked we three had a goot Breakfast.

April Thrusday 27, 1865

A pleasant day, struck tents and marcht at seven o clock, marcht threugh the City of Montoomry in Co. in line, our front with fixt Bajonet. our Div. and Brig. was in front. drew cornmeal, had no harttack nor coffy nor eny thing els, camp a mile from Town towarts the River.

April Friday 28, 1865

A pleasant day. stayt in camp all day, no news of any acount. at noon B. Braun was taken very sick, our fare is nothing but cornmeal and Pork, some times Beef.

April Saturday 29, 1865

A pleasant day, I hunted up some Barly this morning fore coffy, for B. B. E. B. and me, A. Goman, me, E Bauer and Bady whent on picked at nine o cklock this morning, our Div. mooved camp this afternoon, about 1 ½ mile further from the City, a small shower of rain this afternoon, B. B. fell better, A Train of cars com in from Greenville today.

April Sunday 30, 1865

A pleasant day, got relieved at ten o clock, got sufficsioned news that A. Lincoln was killed, B. Braun had coocked some greens for us three for dinner, cornmeal is the onely thing we have, our Transports come in this evening, with the fleet, they was fireed into twice coming up.

May Monday 1, 1865

A pleasant day, Boats keep coming in all day, one Div. of collart Troops came in yesterday, they have inlisted over 300 nigros, Salutes was fireed all day one gun every 15 minutes and from 12 to one o clock once every minute, every store and Publick buisness is closed to day on the acount of A. Lincolns deat, drew harttack and coffy this evening, every body feels gay, discharged or parolleed Rebs are coming in all day.

May Tuesday 2, 1865

A pleasant day, drew more harttack pork suger and soap and some tea this morning, E. Bauer, B. Braun and me washed our cloath this morning. Peace rumors of all kint, Rebell soldiers are coming fast all day from Lee's Army, they say that the war is over, and feel sorrow that A. Lincoln was killed.

May Wednesday 3, 1865

Pleasant weather, B. Braun and me took a walk down a round the Boadlanding and Depot, we was ordert by Major Miller to build sheats over our tents witch we done, had Dressparate at five o clock. a lot of orders from Gen. Garrard was read to us. Reb soldiers still keep coming.

May Thursday 4, 1865

A pleasant day. was on fatigue polieceing camp, no trill but dressparate, the camp is full of rumors and news, Reb. soldiers are comeing in fast, got the news that Johnson and Curby Smith hat surrendert, a beautiful moonlight evening.

May Friday 5, 1865

Pleasant as ever, dark clouds in the morning, me, E. Bauer, J. Bauer and Bady was detailed to go with the Forage train to get corn and fouter. I shot a hog of nearly 200 lb but it on the wagon and took it to camp, gave the teamsters half, kep a hint ¼, give C. Bery a shoulder, and the rest made two meals for the Co. whent out about 7 miles. have seen 05 R. Sol. come in.

May Saturday 6, 1865

A pleasant day. had Co. trill, Batalion trill and dressparate. Leut. Col. Whittlesy came to us on Battalion trill. Major Miller proposed three cheers for him, then L. Col. W. made a small speech.

May Sunday 7, 1865

A cloudy morning, had inspection, got a large mail, and Recrutes eight of them they was but into Co. G, Reb. soldiers from Lees and Johnsons Army are comeing in in large numbers, dress parate, we had a nice rainshower that night.

May Monday 8, 1865

A cloudy, some rainylike morning, but a pleasant day, cool. no Co. trill this morning but Battalion trill and Dressparate in the afternoon, any amount of parolled Rebs are here in Town and plenty more are coming in everyday.

May Tuesday 9, 1865

A cool morning, some rain, Co. trill in the morning, Battalion and parade in the afternoon, Rebs. are coming in all the time. Wrote a letter for E. Bauer to his father.

May Wednesday 10, 1865

Drew cloathing, a Plows, a pair of socks. A cloudy morning, the First Division left for Selmy this morning. L. Wagner, J. Williamson, A. Yoman and me are detailed for picked this morning, the Train of the first Division left this afternoon, Co. and Battalion and dressparate. a very warm night Musqutos.

May Thursday 11, 1865

A cloudy morning, got relieved at ten o clock. Co. trill P. M. and fatigue to onload boads, the afternoon rainy and coald. the Rebs that came in today say that all the Troops west of the Missps. river had surrendired, a cold N. W. windy evening.

May Friday 12, 1865

A cloudy morning, but a pleasand day. Co. trill, Battalion trill and parate, the whole vicinnity is full of Rebble soldiers and more still keep a coming in every day, had a privet meeting after parate in favor of Farechild fore Govorner of Wis.

May Saturday 13, 1865

A pleasant day, no Co. nor Battalion trill, but dressparate, got the news that ten thousant dollars was rewarded to the one that would bring in Chaff. Davis, an order was read to us on parate, that Cittysons could pass in and out without a Mil. pass.

May Sunday 14, 1865

A beautiful day, dress parate, rumors of all kint in camp. hat morning inspecktion, drew clothing again, I drew this and the last time, one pare of Drowses, one pare of Shoes, two pare of Socks and one Plows.

May Monday 15, 1865

A beautiful warm day, we had news in Camp that Presitent Johnson was poisont, and soon turned over Knapsack and Haversack, had Co. and Battalion trill and dress parate A. Waran gone to Hospittal.

May Tuesday 16, 1865

A pleasant warm day, Co. trill and parate, E. Bauer been out after Dueberys, the Cares are runing now clear through to Mobile, F. Holzinger pretty sick, I am on camp guard to night at the mules, at six o clock this evening Gen. Smith got news or report, that Jeff. Davis and his family was captured, Biekenridy escaped, every body feels gay, the 37th Iowa Regt, Iluminatet with their Brass Bant on ahead, martched up and down the road, and to Gen. Gerrards Headquaders, our Regt. done the same, cheers was giving for the uion and groans for Chaff. Davis, fireworks in the City great excitement all over.

May Wednesday 17, 1865

A cloudy very warm day, a thundershower in the afternoon, Co. trill and dressparate. No pastickuler news, Reb. Soldiers coming in allways, some from Lee's, Johnson's and Forest's Army.

May Thursday 18, 1865

A cloudy once in a while a little fine rainy morning, ordors to be ready for Inspecktion at eight o clock, hat Gen. Inspecktion in the morning, in the afternoon cleard of a Parate ground, no trill nor parate, a heavy Thuntershower,wind but no rain towarts in evening.

May Friday 19, 1865

A heavy cloudy warm day, Co. & Battallion trill & Dressparade, R. House the Sutler come today, he brought the news that Cerpy Smith was killed by his own men because he would not surrender, Rebs. are a going & comeing lots of them.

May Saturday 20, 1865

The noncomis started a squad. A pleasant day, no trill but parate, our Regt. got a hundret & fifty Recruits last night, S. Slack come up with them two, orr Co. & Co. A took none, pretty good news about dischargeing troops, plenty Rebs. keep a comeing in & going out, B. Braun got escammened by the Div. Dr. today.

May Sunday 21, 1865

A very warm day, had morning inspecktion and dressparade, the rumor is in camp that all the troops was to be dischargeed except the Reculars & Hancocks Corp.

May Monday 22, 1865

A very cloudy morning, with a heavy thundershower but dit not reach us, Co. & batt. trill & parate, E. Bauer, A Yomen & me was out forageing gitting corn, brought in a half a hog, got quite a large mail, one letter & two papers.

May Tuesday 23, 1865

A pleasant day, not very warm, the night was cool. Co. trill & parade, Buchshot trunk, he was taken to the Majors quaders & he mate him stant on a barle, no news of importent, B. Braun got his Fourlough, ich hab heute einige Landsleute an getroffen im Regt.

May Wednesday 24, 1865

A pleasant day the night was cool, Co. trill, B. Braun started for home aboud three o clock, no news of importent, it is doubded yet wether Cerpy Smith has surentert, a detail is at work to clear of an other Campground.

May Thursday 25, 1865

A warm day, heavy clouds & a little rain, thunder at evening, hat Co. trill & parade, I have ben to town, herd the news that 23 Transports was ordert up here to take these troops to New Orleans, got a recruit, hart times got out of Tobacko.

May Friday 26, 1865

A very windy, pretty cool day. Co. trill after that mooved Camp, got mail, we got the news in the Montgomry paper that a Magazene exploteed with 30,000 Tons of powder about 1000 lives lost, five Steamboats burnd up & three streets demoreliset.

May Saturday 27, 1865

got a recruit, no trill but parade. A cool windy day, the night was very cold, hat a heavy fatigue to poliece camp, the whole Co. was on, the Montgomry daily mail says that Kerby Smith hat surendert, from oficial sours, drew Knapt Haversacks, for those we turned over & clothing too, I drew one shirt.

May Sunday 28, 1865

A fine day but very windy, the night was cool, I was on fatigue again for police, Battalion trill in the afternoon which the Col comanted, after that parade.

May Monday 29, 1865

A cloudy day but fair in the forenoon, hat Brigade review in the forenoon, parade in the afternoon. a stormy with a little rain & a few hails afternoon, all kinds of rumors in camp as ever, A Halbman bought ¼ worth of Tobacko for me.

May Tuesday 30, 1865

A pleasant day, pretty cool hat Div. Review in the fornoon, Dressparade, got quite a mail, got one letter & two papers for B. B. all kints of rumors, they that our Transpotation to N. Orleans had come to Gen. Garrard.

May Wednesday 31, 1865

A pleasant day, hat Review of all the Troops at this place, we was reviewed by Gen . A. J. Smith, a large group of Citysons where pressant, it comenced at four o clock, no guard from our Co. today.

June Thursday 1, 1865

The pioneere core broke up. A pleasant day, E. Bauer, me & Corp. Dever are on picket, got an Order to discharge all the one years men which inlisted before the first of October /64. the Div guards got broke up today, Co. trill & parade, mail two letters for the Regt. we never got posted while on picket, got a recruit.

June Friday 2, 1865

A warm day, Co. trill & parade, I was takeing sick on parade so that I had to lieve the ranks. Gates come to the Co.

June Saturday 3, 1865

A pleasant day, hat Dressparade, but I missed it. ben out gitting some plums, some of our wounded come to us again & some of the nonvetts which was taken prissoners up Red River too. Capt Lang & R. House came too.

June Sunday 4, 1865

A pleasant day, no parade today, took a walk to the Landing, the Pay masters for this Corps. came up last night & this morning, hat inspecktion, some talk about this Corp. to be dischargeed, ben to the Dr. got two powders.

June Monday 5, 1865

A pleasant day, got orders not to lieve camp, to sign the payrolle, signed the payrolle in the fornoon, hat dressparade, no peticular news, ben to Sergant call, fire in the New Jersy camp, a few shots were fireet in the Jersy camp so some of our where sent over, but dit not need them.

June Tuesday 6, 1865

A pleasant warm day, those one years September men got dischargeed today, no trill nor parade, got a mail, one paper for R. Braun no Sergent call to day, I feel pretty sick, past a good deel of blood yesterday & to day, awful headague & stiff neck, & feel very tired.

June Wednesday 7, 1865

A pleasant day not very warm, no trill nor parade, ben to sergent call, fell some better, bought a half a pluck of Tobacko from Coon for 50 cents, them dischargeed men went of today, all kints of rumors in Camp as ever, drew soft Bread.

June Thursday 8, 1865

A pleasant day. hat Co. trill and parade on which we got oders for Battalion trill tomorrow morning at half past six, got some Senatairy good one barell of Potatoes for the Co. it's awful try & dusty.

June Friday 9, 1865

A pleasant day, Battalion trill & parate, our Sutler got his goods & but up his shop. got 70 cents worth of Navy, got another recruit, it comenced a raining this evening but not enough, the Montgomry mail today says, that the10 C. was ordert to Louisville to be mustert out.

June Saturday 10, 1865

A pleasant cool morning, no trill, but parade, the cares run of the track on the road between Montgomry & Pencecola, killed two and wounded 15. no pertickular news today, F. Spalting ben out 14 miles to see some friends, I have a boil on my arm.

June Sunday 11, 1865

A pleasant day, hat Regt. Inspection by Major Miller, no pertickulars doday one of the Co. A boys got tyed up, it comenced a raining nicely about five o clock, this keeps us from parade for today.

June Monday 12, 1865

A beautiful morning, it hat rained all night, Co. trill, we was ordert to stay in Camp, to be pait of, got of the Sutler 50/100 worth of writeing paper 25 cts worth Invelopes 20 cts smoking tobacko & 5 cts of pens, a very heavy thundershower comenced about five o clock.

June Tuesday 13, 1865

A beautiful day the sun came out very warm, the paymaster got to our Regt. at eight o clock then comenced paying of, got pait $1.80 50/100 pait the Sutler $12.75 W. Waters for Tobacko $1.00, Coon for the same $0.50 J. O. Potter for the same $0.50, R. Sherb Co. E $0.50 A. Halbman $0.25, J. Bady for B. Braun $1.25 bought $0.15 worth of pickles & 10 cts. of thread, no parade, but heavy rain.

June Wednesday 14, 1865

A pleasant day, ben to town with J. Dickesin, bought a shirt & pare of Suspentors for $5.00. pait $5.00 for B. Braun for the History of the 11th, bought a Knife for $1.50, pait Dan Moore $1.50 for tobacko, bought a towl one scans of thread & a glass of beer for $0.75.

June Thursday 15, 1865

A pleasant day, ben on fatigue down the city loading Rations, spented $1.10 pait G. Koeps for B. Braun $0.30, bought a bottle of S???????? for $2.00, Co. trill ???????????????????????????? ????????????.

June Friday 16, 1865

A pleasant day, hat a very warm night last night. H. Delap come back to the Co. pait the Niger 10 cents, the Ehr's 15 cts. & 35 cts. to the Sutler, hat a thundershower towards evening had parade by Capt Lang a small mail today the patrolle guard begins from the ????? post clear down to Town.

June Saturday 17, 1865

A pleasant day, ben down the river swiming, no parade, hat two glasses of Lemonate for 25 cts. F. Colborn got himself a little niger, with which we had a good teal of fun, five men got murdert the night before last. got a small mail, a rain shower.

June Sunday 18, 1865

A pleasant day, the night was cool. five of us are detailed for parolle guard & me & a Corp. for Camp guard, hat parade, the night before one of the 5th Indiana got killed & the mony takeing from him the three men are arested, belonging to his own Co. thundershower no rain.

June Monday 19, 1865

A pleasant day, midling cool, a heavey thundershower but no rain got relived this morning by the Jersy's. Co. trill & parade Serenadet the Major on which he made a short speech & then bid us good by, got a Bottle of Brandy for $2.00.

June Tuesday 20, 1865

A pleasant day, Co. trill & parade. Major Miller left to day, got a mail got some pickles, tobako & a glass of beer for 50 cts. got two papers for B. Braun.

June Wednesday 21, 1865

A pleasant day ben out in the Country about 3 or 4 miles, found lots of Blackberres, got to camp at noon, Co. trill, no parade ben down the River a swiming, F Holzinger nearly got drownted, . Bauer got him out.

June Thursday 22, 1865

A pleasant day, J. Baty, G. Mott & me whent out for Blackberries, I bought four dozent of eggs for 40 cts pr dozent, keep one dozent give I. Bauer one doz. for shaveing, Co. trill & parade.

June Friday 23, 1865

A pleasant day, ben out Blackberrien again the Montg. Daily Mail today stateed that the Army was a going to be reduced to one huntred thousand, dressparade & Co. trill.

June Saturday 24, 1865

A pleasant day. no perticulars, but that a soldier can get anything now he wants in Liquor Line, dressparade drew clothing, drew one pare of socks. got a mail.

June Sunday 25, 1865

A fine day, the night was cool, had inspection, the detail today is, A Sargeant, a Corp. & 9 men for patrolle guard, one man Headquarter guard & one for fatigue, that was me. Dressparade, Crapevine is good.

June Monday 26, 1865

A pleasant cool windy day, the night was cool, Co. trill, I am on Headquarter guard today, got a mail, dressparade.

June Tuesday 27, 1865

A pleasant day, no trill, but parade, I whent to Town after comeing of from guard, and quite a bum, got me three dozend of eggs for $1, got a mail again.

June Wednesday 28, 1865

A very hot day, no trill but parade, no perticular news.

June Thursday 29, 1865

A warm day, furnished patrolle guard again today, ten out of our Co. E. Bauer was deat drunk, R. Grubaugh was with him, had a nice rain, Capt. J. Oniel & Leut. C. Johnson arested, their swords was taken from them, no trill nor parade.

June Friday 30, 1865

A pleasant day, & a small rain, no trill nor parade, our Co. Officers got relieved J. Doil & one other men got arested for robing a Nigro preacher, got Musterd for two more month.

July Saturday 1, 1865

A pleasant day, pretty warm in the middle of the day, rain in the afternoon hat Co. trill in the morng. ben to Town got three doz. of eggs for $1. & bottle of Wiskey for $1. A. ??????? in makeing speeches, he is on a bumn, a very pleasant evening, pretty cool.

July Sunday 2, 1865

A pleasant day, had dressparade & morning Inspection, no pertichular news, got two plugs of Tobacko, $1.00.

July Monday 3, 1865

A pleasant day, Co. trill & parade, ben to Town bought a pare of Shirts for $5, spent 0.10 A. Waran gone home got disgarghed for sickness, Chronic diarea.

July Tuesday 4, 1865

A very warm day, but hat a cool night, ben the City, the Canons woke us up early in the morning, the Citysons & Soldiers hat quite a cellibration together, hat serveral horse & Mule rases, F. Colbourn & L. Foster hat a fight.

July Wednesday 5, 1865

A very warm day, started out Forageing at two o clock this morning, got back at sundown, no trill nor parade, got a large mail, Leut. C. Johnson got killed last night, buerit this evening.

July Thursday 6, 1865

A very warm day again, had no trill, but parade, Mustering out rumors are a going in Camp pretty strong, my right leg comenced to ache pretty hart, hat a mail again today. I have fixed up my house so now I think we will moove before long.

July Friday 7, 1865

A hot day, I have ben at Sergent call this morning, lame leg, no trill but parade, got a small mail, all kints of rumors in Camp, Leut. Robinson of Co. D took Comand of Co. E to day, J. Dickison mooved today to the Brass band got detailed yesterday.

July Saturday 8, 1865

A very warm day, I have got some Liniment from Joel Hrile for my leg, had Dressparade, got a mail, wrote a few lines to my wife & sended two Blakely songs.

July Sunday 9, 1865

A very warm day again, had morning Inspecktion, sold a Niteshirt to J. Purkins for $1.00 had parade, Capt. Lang acting as Major got relieved by Capt. Remick of Co. B, he got here today from N. Orleans.

July Monday 10, 1865

A pleasant day, had a heavy rainshower in the afternoon with a heavy wind, I hurt my left shoulder this morning on poliece duty, all kints of rumors in camp in favor of going home, today.

July Tuesday 11, 1865

A beautiful day, windy & cool, ben to Surgent call, got excused today, a nice rainshower in the afternoon, a mail, fell pretty sick towards night.

July Wednesday 12, 1865

A pleasant day, pretty cool, ben to Surgent again, ex. had another little shower, Capt. of Co. B the new Major led parade the first time, J. Hancock gone to the Hospital, rumors in camp about lieveing in a few days, felt pretty sick & Headache all night.

July Thursday 13, 1865

A nice cool morning, hat Dressparade, our Q.M. turned over two Teams, drew clothing, I drew one pare of Drawers, one of Drowser & one p. of Boots, great excitement in camp about going home, got a large mail.

July Friday14, 1865

A pleasant day, no trill nor parade, ben to Town with Halbman bought $1.00 worth of Postage Stamps & some Bread, there is a great talk about going home. got orders to get ready for gen. inspection tomorrow morning at 7 o clock.

July Saturday 15, 1865

A pleasant day, hat General Inspection, the 30th & 49 Missoure Regt. got Mustert out, and left for home to day, no trill nor parade, bought appels from W. Emrick for one cent a piece.

July Sunday 16, 1865

A pleasant cool day, no Sunday morning Inspection nor parade, hat a very heavy thundershower towards evening, with a very heavy storm, all kints of rumors in camp today, some says we soon are going home and others say to Mobile, to do Provoduty.

July Monday 17, 1865

A rainy day, Co. trill & parade, I do not feel very well, Headache all kints of rumors in camp, we have plenty of appals now days, an Indiana Regt. left for home to day.

July Tuesday 18, 1865

A pleasant day, pretty cool, but very warm a sundown, Co. trill & parade, I am on Patrolle guard, A Ferber & some more of our wounded boys came back to the Regt. this evening, got quite a mail, more new orders of various kinds.

July Wednesday 19, 1865

A fine cool morning, Co. trill and parade, our going to Mobile played out for today, could not get Transpotation, all kints of rumors in camp as ever.

July Thursday 20, 1865

A pleasant day, Co. trill no parade, Government Mules & horsses got sold at auction in Town today, the camp is full of apples, Peaches & Mellons, today Capt. Lang started for Mobile this afternoon.

July Friday 21, 1865

A pleasant day, Co. trill no parade, got a mail, got an oder for $100 for Tobacko, great talk about lieveing for Mobile, I got the Diarea last night, but this afternoon its better, whent down the river swiming.

July Saturday 22, 1865

A pretty warm day, no trill nor parade, there was an order in the Montg. daily mail to muster out all vol. troops immediately, got orders to be ready to moove at five o clock tomorrow morning, got a large mail.

July Sunday 23, 1865

A very warm day, revellie at daylight, left camp about 6 A.M. had everything on the boad about 10 A.M. & started about noon, past a little village at the left side about 5 P. M. & got to Selma at 9 at night, there we stopt to loat Cotton, past the Virginia towards sundown.

July Monday 24, 1865

A pleasant day, quite a number of boads are here at Selma, bought 3 loves of bread for $0.25, a pie for $0.25 & 4 melons for $0.50, there is any amount of Cotton at this place, started of about noon, landed to loat wood before dark, one of Co. E Recruit diet about 8 o clock at night, got burit about an hour afterwarts.

July Tuesday 25, 1865

A warm day again, past a Fort in the afternoon on the right hand side & Moust pleasant landing just a little before on the left, before sundown seen a few Allagators, the is very ??row ? ????? ed here, Canobrick on boath sides the river.

July Wednesday 26, 1865

A pleasant day, got to Mobile about midnight, left the Steamer G. W. Dorance at daylight, marched through the City about two miles & whent to camp, got a small mail.

July Thursday 27, 1865

A pleasant day, ben on fatigue to poliece the street, after that A. Yoman, E. Bauer & me whent down to the bay to wash, our teams drew Lumber to fix our Tents, hat dress parade.

July Friday 28, 1865

A pleasant day, I have ben down Town to where the Magazien exploteed, then put up my tent, as we was nearly done, we got orders to quit fore, we would lieve the next morning, got a mail, had dress parade.

July Saturday 29, 1865

A pleasant but warm day, struck tents at eleven o clock & mooved down in City, to relieve Co. B 119th Ill. & H from 119 Ill. Regt from Provoduty, on Waran Street, a thunder shower dowards evening, today our Regt. got broke up, every Co. whent on there post.

July Sunday 30, 1865

A warm day, this morning we begun doing Provost duty, it took one Sergt. two Corpl. and six men. I had to go up to the Dr. quaders for Mediciens, sick in the Co. are 6, in the Hospittal four, & J Dickeson in the Brassband, a thunder shower, no rain.

July Monday 31, 1865

A warm day, I whent on pattrolle guard as Corpl. E. Bauer & me are to do Corpels duty from today, it took for guard today Sergt. A. Ferber, Corp. M. Doing & me & 6 men, the 119th Ills. boys mooved today & we mooved under their shade, got a mail, one letter for the Co. A. Yoman went to the Hospittal.

August Tuesday 1, 1865

A cool morning before sunrise, after that warm, I got relieved at seven P. M. heavy clouds & thunder towards noon, got 24 men from the 33th Wis. sented to our Co. this afternoon, bought a shoe brush, forke and knife & one plug of Navy.

August Wednesday 2, 1865

A cloudy cool morning, the Co. split up into different squats & hiert out their cooking, some four, eight, seven & so on, no perticular news.

August Thursday 3, 1865

A pleasant day, on guard today, there was a large fire last night, a whole block burned up, last sunday night a Nigro Churg & a dwelling house burned down, drew clothing, Deroy Eden whent to the Hospittal.

August Friday 4, 1865

A pleasant day, rain in the afternoon and night, got a mail, J. Devers hore was in our Tent a huging him tonight, drew cloathing.

August Saturday 5, 1865

A fine day, nothing exciteed, whent down to the river to wash this evening alone, we have quite a number sick in the Co. now.

August Sunday 6, 1865

A pleasant day, got mad allready this morning with the wild Irish J. Dever and the acount of E. Bauers Drunkness, On patrolle guard to day, I was called on to arest a fellow in a H. House he dit Shit all over bed & lounge, got quite a large mail.

August Monday 7, 1865

A very warm day, a heavy rainstorm in the afternoon, no perticulars today except that a rumer is a going arount that all white troops here was a going to Musterd out right of.

August Tuesday 8, 1865

A pleasant day, ben down at the river & picked up a lot of nails where those buildings burned down from the Explotion, it was quite a row around these H-houses last night, some soldiers trunk in the street today.

August Wednesday 9, 1865

A pleasant day, warm as ever, on guard, I arested 3 white men & two nigros, that night after twelve o clock, our sick in the Hospittal gone home today seven Munfort, Yoman, Edan, Spalding, Hancock, Nevel & Colbourn.

August Thursday 10, 1865

A warm day, M. Dorning & me got relieved by H. Delap & E. Bauer, this morning. Col. Haris with the whole Headquarters arived here today drew ten days rations again.

August Friday 11, 1865

A warm day as ever, Dr. Everett was up here with Dr. Wilson this morning, he give Lochman a good talking, got a mail, the boys are around to every Co. to have a man from each Co. to go to Col. Harris to see aboud geting home.

August Saturday 12, 1865

A very warm morning dowards noon havy thunder, which lasted all day, but no rain, on guard today we have three Corp., one man from each Co. (a tellecation whent to Col. Haris to see about going home, he said that he’d rather stay till spring, but if the Regt. wanted to go home he would write to the Governor side thirt.)

August Sunday 13, 1865

Dr. Everett took charge of the sick again today, A pleasant day, got relieved from guard at eight o clock A.M., hat morning Inspection, 15 men whent to Sergt. call ??? the Co. Officers whent to Col. Haris this A.M. to talk to him about going home, got quite a mail, a fire broke out near the Depot in the Cottonbales but was soon but out.

August Monday 14, 1865

A pleasant day, there all kints of rumors in camp about going home, E. Lyons has sented in for his discharge, to git mustert as first Lieut. the Brig. headquader guard was or got broke up doday. 3 Nigers killed.

August Tuesday 15, 1865

A pleasant day, on guard to day, I lent E. Lyons $2.00, no perticular news whatever, only about going home, the boys from the 33th Regt. drew guns & armtiments. C. Hollanbach boards with us since he came back from Brig. headquaders.

August Wednesday 16, 1865

A pleasant warm day as ever, some of the boys has been at Gen. Woods to see how it was about gitting home, & he dolt them that the 11th would be on their way home in less than two weeks, the same the 129th Ills., a small mail.

August Thursday 17, 1865

A warm day, ben at the Sutlers & got a $2.00 order for which I got $1.30 worth of Tobacho, 50 cents a pack of cards, one bottle of gunoil 15 cts & a sheet of sandpaper for 5 cents.

August Friday 18, 1865

A cloudy but pleasant day, on guard today, the boys got up a petetion which the whole Regt. sighned, every Co. by itself, to send to the Gov. of the State of Wis. to git us out the service as soon as possible, sented it today.

August Saturday 19, 1865

A pleasant day, a little rain, a fire broke out last night, burned down two housees, John E. Leyons got mustert doday as first Lieut, got a small mail, Corp. H. Delap arested a Creole doday which was agoing to kill his wife.

August Sunday 20, 1865

A pleasant cool day, we hat to moove our quaders today on acount of Lieut Leyons takeing our Tent, some more news about giting mustert out.

August Monday 21, 1865

A pleasant day, windy, on guard, got a tooth pulled out by Joel Write, eigh men got detailed for the Freedmans Beanrou, & a few days ago one of them got detailed for clerk at the Postoffice.

August Tuesday 22, 1865

A pleasant windy day again, sighned for cloathing & as they say for the last time, got a mail, one of the Massachusetts mounted Inft. blowed his brains out to day.

August Wednesday 23, 1865

A cloudy cool day, drew cloathing, drew one Blows & one pare of Drawers, got a mail, Myers came back to the Co. he got orders to report to his Co. for muster out, the news is that we will be pait of in a day or two, E. Lyons pait me the $2.00.

August Thursday 24, 1865

A pleasant day, everyone feels happy & awaits the day to start for home, B. Braun & an Ortlely from the 14th Regt. got here this evening, got a mail, this of the 25th marked thus ( ) belongs to this, I made a mistake the whole thing.

August Friday 25, 1865

Sighned the payroll, rain in the afternoon & night. (A pleasant day but very close & warm, on guard today, Capt. ONiele got orders to fint out how many men wants to keep their arms and how many wants to git mustered out here, and send it in to the Headquaters right of) the Mas. Mted. Inft turned their horses over to the 21st Mo.

August Saturday 26, 1865

25thA very pleasant morning, cool & windy, the news now that we will get pait of here) got mail 26th A cool windy rainy day Capt. give orders to stay in camp for pay, I have swaped guns with J. Smith & give him ½ dolars to boot.

August Sunday 27, 1865

A pleasant day, not so very warm, on guard today, the made out the Mustering out rolles for the 9 men which wants to stay here yesterday, the 119th Ills. started today.

August Monday 28, 1865

A pleasant day, had a pretty cold night last night, the 14th Wis. got here last night, got a mail, our Mustering out rolles came this afternoon, ????? Halbmen & I whent over to the 14th Wis. this afternoon, they are mad as whet hens.

August Tuesday 29, 1865

A cool day, our qitting pay here is countermanded, the officers & Citysons hav a ball to night at the coner of Ceder & St. Michal street.

August Wednesday 30, 1865

A rainy cool morning, the boys are hard to work at the Muster & muster out rolles, on guard to day, pleasant during the day, one little shower in the afternoon, wrote a letter to my wife that we would be at home the middle of next month.

August Thursday 31, 1865

A thundering once in a while. A very warm, close faugy & disagreeable morning untill about 9 o clock after that windy & cool, got mustered for 6 month pay, by Col. C. L. Harris, got a mail, their is 8 men to work at the mustering out rolle boroughed $10 of G. Mott for which I am to give him $12 next payday, got a mail, got two dollars of J. Bady too.

September Friday 1, 1865

A pleasant day, they all the time hard at work on the mustering out rolle, no other perticulars of any acount, our Discharg Blanks was sented to us (the Co.) today.

September Saturday 2, 1865

A rainy day, on guard, durned over our Camp & Garisson aquipments today, they are makeing out our dischargees this afternoon, Dr. Everette left for New Orleans yesterday to make out Transportation going up the Riv. the boys sold our Pork, 10 days ration.

September Sunday 3, 1865

A rainy morning, it rained pretty much all night every one hunted a try spot last night about the houses, this was the cause that I could not fint E. Bauer when his turn came to go on guard, Col. Harris was up here this morning, heavy rain showers all day.

September Monday 4, 1865

A pleasant cool morning, the night was the same, got Mustered out at 11 o clock in the forenoon, those that stays here got pait of this evening, got Orders this evening to form line at the Headquaters at seven o clock tomorrow morning.

September Tuesday 5, 1865

A fine cool morning, all ready to start, left Camp at seven o clock in the morning, marched down to the Headquaders where we lait around till noon, whent on the Boat Warior & left Mobile past two o clock, run till night then Ankered, it was a rainy day, got a mail before we left Mobile.

September Wednesday 6, 1865

A very stormy rainy day, lifted Anker at daylight, the Watter was pretty rough, past Fort pike about sundown got to Lake Pancher Train at half past eight, at night, a lot of the boys are gitting of & the rist stays on the Boad.

September Thrusday 7, 1865

A cloudy morning, Musquetoes are awful bad here, got on the Cars about 9 o clock for New Orleans, where we got soon after, there we lait on the sidewalk in heavy rainstorms untill near night, then whent into the Cottongin where the 27th Wis. came out at evening.

September Friday 8, 1865

A nasty rainy day again, got a mail, got on board the Steamer, W. R. Arthur at 5 P.M. A splented River Steamer, pushed from shore just at dark, grossed the River and took 300 gorts of wood on board, started up the river about 11 at night boroughed $5. more of G. W. Mott.

September Saturday 9, 1865

A pleasant cool morning, way above N.O. loading more wood at present, about 7 A.M. past Fort Hutson & quite a number of little places, had a little rain past one Boad a little above Fort Hutson.

September Sunday 10, 1865

A pleasant but very warm day, past a number of Steamers, two Steamers and a flatload loaded with Hey was stug on the ground, got to Vicksburg before sundown, the Luminary hat left with the 27th Wis on Board just two hours before.

September Monday 11, 1865

A pleasant warm day again, (this is the 10th yet left Vicksburg after dark, run out about 28 miles where we lait till next morning to wood up) 11th past several Boad.

September Tuesday 12, 1865

A pleasant morning, some cloudy, we past the Luminary about 11 A.M. what a cheering, just noon, loading wood, everybody is helping, A little rain, got to Memphis at midnight.

September Wednesday 13, 1865

Left Memphis at three o clock this morning, today they are runing slow, the hunted out these that sleeped on the Boat with the Regt. found twelve, each of them hat to pay $10. from N.O. to Cairo.

September Thursday 14, 1865

A very pleasant morning, just pasing C. A. Thomson about 40 miles below Cairo, sun an hour high, got to Cairo about ten o clock, got of but had to git on the W. R. Arthur again, there was no cars, left Cairo for St. Luis about noon.

September Friday 15, 1865

A very fougy morning, past several nice little Towns, got to St. Luis about three o clock, it is very cloudy at pressant, a waiting for the train, nine o clock at night, can’t get no cares.

September Saturday 16, 1865

A pleasant morning, lait around the Depot all night, mooved to the other Depot this morning and lay there again, got on the cars at noon & left soon after, got to Richfield at sundown, changed Locomotives and whent on.

September Sunday 17, 1865

A rainy cold day got to Freeport at 2, got on the Racine & Missisipe track, when we got to Duran we had to wait untill the track was fixt which the rain washed, S. Robison fell in between the cars & got tore all to pieces, got to Beloit a little after dark.

September Monday 18, 1865

A cloudy cold morning, stayed in a Hall over night, the Citysons of Beloit gave us a Breakfeast, left at nine o clock, got to Madison about 11 o clock, their we got a dinner, then whent into Camp Randel.

September Tuesday 19, 1865

A fine morning, sighned the Payrolle this morning and prepare for going home. Got $12.33 from the State Trauzray state wore pant bought a shirt $5.