AdkissonFamilyTrax...A Journey Into the Past

A Special Request to Adkisson Descendants

Hello everyone, I am on a mission! I am searching for the Bible belonging to JAMES M. �JESSE� ADKISSON. I know it exists but not where it is. With great thanks to Margaret Adkisson BUCK and the original family papers that she put together I have continued research on this family and have constructed this website with all sorts of that information and other information I have painstakingly researched on my own. Several wonderful distant cousins have also contributed to the information on the website. The original papers I received had photocopies of pages from the Bible belonging to the James M. �Jesse� Adkisson family and included information on his other two wives, Sarah J. HARTLEY-Adkisson and Jane RANDOLPH (maiden name) CHANCE (first marriage name)-Adkisson. I believe that Jane Adkisson is the one who wrote the entries in the Bible. Perhaps one of her descendants has possession of the Bible. It is also possible that the Bible is in the possession of one of the following families or a descendant thereof: ADKISSON, BUCK, CHANCE, DYKEMAN, POWELL, RANDOLPH or related by adoption; SCOTT, STICKLEY, WEAKS and some others. The Bible could be with any Adkisson descendant but may be lost somewhere. Maybe you know where it is? If the owner of it is not interested in keeping it I would love to have the Bible and preserve it for our future generations. If the owner is not interested in parting with the Bible please just let me know so we can keep on record its location, record it on this website and if it passes hands it will never really be "lost". Thank you, Catherine

~ A tribute to those who came before me and a gift to those who come after ~

~In Loving Memory of~
~Glenn and Phyllis Adkisson~

"Grandmere and Papa

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