For any information about joining the Bryan, or any variation of the Bryan surname project, please go to the Family Tree DNA web site located at, or use the link below.

States listed, show the areas our members ancestors lived or migrated to, as some families do not have websites to visit. Alabama, Arizona, Richard/Alexander Bryan, Milford, Connecticut, Georgia, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia. A well known English, Buck's Co. P.A.�family, Morgan Bryan descendants and many�other related Bryan families not so well known. All Bryan members�that have been tested also�have the option to be compared to the entire data base.

Have you hit a brick wall? Can't find any documents for that elusive ancestor? Can't find your ancestor's homeland? Wondering if you are related to another family with the same surname? You may want to consider trying a DNA test. Because we have met the required membership, the cost has been reduced.

Genealogy by genetics is the greatest addition to Genealogy since the creation of the Family Tree! The value of Family Tree DNA testing is our ability to help find Genetic Cousins by comparing the results of as few as two people, DETERMINE relatives through two of your eight great- grandparents using Y or ntDNA testing. We search the non-recombining portion of your DNA, a CHART explaining this concept is suggested viewing.

DNA testing is a new additional genealogical tool. Our Bryan surname project welcomes all Bryan and any Bryan spelling variation. This project is not limited to one specific Bryan family or group, Bryant, O�Brien, Bryon, or any variation of. All Bryan families are welcome to join. The purpose of this study is to establish the relationships, decendants and ancestors,�between the many Bryan families and their origins, by use of positive DNA results. Requirements: Since a surname Project in essence traces members of a family that share a common surname, and females, don�t carry their father�s Y-DNA, and, acquire a new surname by the way of marriage, in order to be relevant to the surname project, the tested individual must be a male that wants to check his paternal line. Father�s father�s father�s. The test to be ordered is either the Y-DNA 25 or Y-DNA 37, for more defined and updated explanations, visit the Family Tree DNA web site. DNA test kits will be sent to your home address, please read about all privacy issues. Females should look for a father, brother or male cousin with that surname to be tested. All inquires will be answered promptly.

Here are a few of our members websites more links will be added soon:

Bryan Families (
Jerry Bryan's Home Page (
Bryan, Public DNA matches�(

This page belongs to Bryan's.