Ritterbusch Surname Resources
Ritterbusch Surname Resources
Post a query to the Ritterbusch message board Contact Us Join the Ritterbusch Surname Mailing List

Bulletin boards where you can post your queries about your Ritterbusch ancestors:
Ritterbusch Board at RootsWeb
Ritterbush Board at RootsWeb
Ridderbusch Board at RootsWeb
This is where you should post your queries about your Ritterbusch/Ritterbush ancestors. You can also browse other people's queries to see if you can find a connection to your own family. You may find that someone else is researching the Ritterbusch family in the same geographical area or time period. When posting a message try to be as specific as possible regarding the exact names, dates and places that you are researching.
Ritterbush GenForum at Genealogy.com The Genealogy.com website is set up by the people who make Family Tree Maker. It is generally a very good message board, mainly because most people who use Family Tree Maker know about it. It is also very easy to search on.

It is in your own best interest to post your query on all relevant message boards, so that there is a greater chance that someone who can help you will see it. If your query has to do with a particular geographical area, you should also post it on the appropriate county, state, province or country message board at RootsWeb GenConnect and other sites.

Ritterbusch Surname Mailing List:
To join the Ritterbusch Surname Mailing List. Send a message to [email protected]  that contains the word SUBSCRIBE and nothing else.  You will be notified everytime someone posts a new Query to the Ritterbusch message boards at RootsWeb.

Personal websites regarding Ritterbusch genealogy:
Our Ritterbusch Genealogy Page The family of George Edward Ritterbusch from Prussia to New York to Illinois.
Ritterbusch.org Homepage of Sebastian Ritterbusch from Germany. Also available in German at Ritterbusch.de.

Please send us an email message if you have a personal website for us to add to our list.

Amy Ritterbusch I am willing to do lookups for Ritterbusches in the US Federal Census for the following years: 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920. Please note that I can only do limited lookups for 1850, 1860 and 1910. In order for me to look up your ancestor, I need to know the state they were living in and the name of the head of household. Other details are helpful, such as names of spouse and children and their ages.
Random Acts of Genealogical
This is a great site to find a regional volunteer to do a genealogical lookup for you in a particular region.

Other resources:
Ritterbusch Surname Resources
at RootsWeb
This is mostly general information on the various surname searches and resources available at RootsWeb. It also includes a listing of personal websites dealing with the surname Ritterbusch.
Prussia Resources at RootsWeb In case your Ritterbusch ancestors came from Prussia.
Genealogy.net A neat German genealogy site in both German and English.
FamilySearch.org (LDS) You can search for ancestors online and learn about their Family History Library system. Offers free access to the 1880 US Census among other great resources.
NARA.gov Find out if there is a National Archives and Records Adminstration (NARA) library near you. The regional branches have US Census records on microfilm and also some immigration records.

Please contact Amy Ritterbusch with any questions about the administration of this page or with any questions about the Ritterbusch mailing list and message boards at RootsWeb.

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