UOCF m(c) Copyright 1992 Banner Blue Software Incorporated. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. The OPX file format is the confidential and proprietary property of Banner Blue. Banner Blue requires prior written consent and advanced royalty payment to use this format. A violation of these rights is against the law and Banner Blue will aggressively pursue prosecution. ) Copyright 1992 Banner Blue Software Incorporated. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. The OPX file format is the confidential and proprietary prope \  \@@@@`Name`Title` Comment 1` Comment 2`" r Bl`@!d ""$.,"Q, IHP LaserJet Series II,winspool,LPT1: HP LaserJet Series IIp,,A4 ''''  @####################### #!#"###$#%#&#'#(#)#*#+#,#-#.#/#0 ` @%Arial `@aaaaaa aa a a a aa` @&`@aa `&`@aa `&`@aa `&`@aa `&`@aa `&`@aa ` `$#RST$V@AB @PQ$$S@` Edward GOUGH@aa``Bookseller of Wolverhampton@aaa ``Will: PCC 1675@aaa ``= Eleanor, d1672 @aaa ``PQ$$S@` John GOUGH@aa`` of Himley@aaa ``Will: Lichfield 1692 @aaa ``= Sarah, d1708 @aaa ``` @ `AB @PQ$$ST$PQ$$ST$` @ `AB@PQ$$S@` Edward GOUGH@aa``Yeoman of Himley, Claverley@aaa `` & Old Swinford , m1693@aaa ``= Jane GRIFFITHS @aaa ``` @ `AB@PQ$$ST$PQ$$STPQ$$STP Q$$STP Q$$STP Q$$ST` @ `AB@P Q$$ST$@` Henry GOUGH@aa``Baker of Bridgnorth ? @aaa `` @aaa `` @aaa ``` @ `A B@P Q$$ST$@`Mary@aa`` b1695@aaa `` @aaa `` @aaa ``` @ `A B@PQ$$ST$@` Elizabeth@aa``b1697@aaa `` @aaa `` @aaa ``` @ `A  B@PQ$$ST$@`Sarah@aa``b1701@aaa `` @aaa `` @aaa ``` @ `A  B@PQ$$ST$@` Edward GOUGH@aa`` Locksmith of Old Swinford@aaa `` 1706-99@aaa `` @aaa ``` @ `A  B@PQ$$$ST$@` John GOUGH@aa`` Clothier@aaa ``b1708@aaa `` @aaa ``` @ `AB@PQ$$S@` Thomas GOUGH@aa``b1670@aaa `` @aaa `` @aaa ``` @ ``@`@```` 4>