Kesterson Divorces


Lucinda (Nicholson) Kesterson Myers -
LAPORTE, Ind., Nov. 4. - Mrs. Lucinda Kesterson, aged 51 years, of Fort Wayne, the mother of ten children, whose husband was formerly connected with the Indiana School for the Feeble Minded Youth at Fort Wayne, and who later filled a position as deputy warden at the Michigan City prison, was granted a divorce today from George Kesterson, now a resident of Gary. The complaint of Mrs. Kesterson, which was highly sensational, charged her husband with intimacy with other women, naming three as co-respondents.

She related that at frequent intervals for twenty-five years Kesterson would not talk to her except through one of the children as intermediary, and that whenever she attempted to address him he flew into a passion. She said finally she went with her youngest son, Jennings, a boy of sixteen, to Valparaiso that the son might attend the college there. She said Kesterson promised to contribute $35 a month to her support but failed to do so. Seven of the children are still living, the oldest being thirty-three, and all of age except Jennings.

Mrs. Kesterson is the mother of William F Kesterson, 2407 Euclid Avenue. She resides at 1402 1/2 East Creighton Avenue and left Fort Wayne for Laporte Wednesday. Mr. Kesterson was a supervisor at the state school eighteen years ago.

Eva B. (Kesterson) Ryan vs Wayne J. Ryan action filed
(07 March 1940 Reno Evening Gazette)

Eva B. (Kesterson) Ryan vs Wayne J. Ryan - Decree Granted
(Reno Evening Gazette 8 March 1940)
