History of the Town of Easton

By William F. Chaffin



University Press





     VERY soon after the death of the first minister of Easton, the religious society became much interested in Mr. Joseph Belcher, who preached here as a candidate for settlement. The church voted to give him a call, and on July 28, 173 1, the town, in town-meeting assembled, voted to concur with the church in this invitation. It may not be amiss at this point to remind the reader that in those early days the parish included -the whole town. By the " church " was meant the church-members, one of whose special prerogatives was that of choosing the minister. But their choice must be ratified by a vote of the parish, or town, -all the legal voters in town taking part in this as in any of the business matters that came before them. The town also fixed the amount of the minister's salary, terms of settlement, and attended to all the business details involved in the management of parish affairs. There was one custom of the time that was very interesting, at least from the standpoint of the minister. In addition to a salary, the town always voted him what was called an " encouragement," or " settlement." This was sometimes a generous gift, and was intended to cover the expense of his getting settled in a new place,-an expense that was often a considerable burden in days when goods had to be removed upon ox-carts through the wilderness.

      Mr. Belcher evidently was considered a prize, and had also a due sense of his own value; for in the vote giving him a call there is this clause : " If we can come up to his terms." What are his terms ? Mr. Short had been receiving fifty-six pounds for his salary. Mr. Belcher asks for eighty pounds yearly for

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     the first five years, ninety pounds for the sixth, and ever after- ward one hundred pounds a year. He is also to have "for his incoridgment " two hundred pounds. Besides this, he is to be given the " improvement " - that is, the use- of the ministerial land. They vote " for his further incoridgment that he shall im- prove the Land in this town laid out for the use of the ministry, as he shall have occasion for planting, sowing, mowing, pastur- ing, timber for his own building, and firewood for his family, fencing stuf for his own fences," etc. In his letter of acceptance, quoted below, he has an eye to his worldly good, for he expresses the hope that his people will not be wanting in kindness "with respect to my comfortable subsistence among you." We shall see that this shrewd regard for his financial condition is a marked peculiarity of the new minister, and gets him at last into serious trouble.

     The town having now" come up to his terms," Mr. Belcher, in a rather wordy and pretentious epistle, signifies his acceptance of their call. The following is the document:

     To the Church and Congregation in Easton :

      BELOVED IN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, - Where as I have received a call from you to settle in the work of the ministry among you, I de- sire to observe the signal conduct of the Providence of Almighty God in bringing me among you, I being in a manner a stranger to you, and in disposing and inclining your hearts to this uncommon unanimity that attended your call of me to the Pastoral office among you, which I look upon as a very happy circumstance of my settlement, and as one peculiar encouragement to me which very much moves upon my inclinations in this weighty affair.

     I am sensible that the work and service unto which you have so kindly invited me among you is of great importance and concern, which requireth great deliberation and serious thought. And who is sufficient for these things ? I hope I have taken the call which I re- ceived from you to settle in the work of the ministry among you into serious consideration, and I hope I have endeavored to deliberate thereupon with solemnity and becoming affection ; and I hope I have reason to trust that I have had the Divine direction in the methods of Piety, together with the advice of judicious and wise counsellors with respect to my proceedings in the weighty affair before me. And taking notice of the direction of Divine Providence in the several steps of


      your proceedings in your call of me to the Pastoral office among you, I am persuaded that the Providence of God calleth me to an acceptance Wherefore, thanking you for your kind regards expressed to me, I accept of the call received from you to settle in the work of the ministry among you ; and my answer thereunto is in the affirmative, in which I do willingly and sincerely give up myself to the service of Christ in the Gospel Ministry among you, hoping that as in your ability you may be increased, you will not be wanting hereafter in your kindness and encouragement towards me with respect to my comfort- able subsistence among you as my circumstances among you may require. Thus, bespeaking you to join with me in most hearty and earnest prayers to the God of all strength and grace for his gracious assistance, direction, and blessing in the important affair before us, and wishing that grace, mercy, and peace may be multiplied unto you, subscribe myself your true friend and servant in office of love and duty.


      EASTON, August 2oth, Annoq Doinni, 1731.

      The materials for a biography of the Rev. Joseph Belcher are unfortunately very meagre. He came of what is called " good stock." He was born at Braintree, August 19, 1704, and was son of Gregory and Elizabeth (Ruggles) Belcher. Gregory was a deacon of the church, and was associated in that office with Deacon John Adams, father of President Adams. The Ruggles family, to which his mother belonged, was wealthy and influential. Joseph was sent early to Harvard University, from which he graduated in 1723, just before he was nineteen years old. He is not to be confounded with the Rev. Joseph Belcher, the well-known minister of Dedham, who was his uncle.

      Where our young graduate spent his days, or what he did, from the time of his graduation until his settlement at Easton, cannot now be told. For a part of this time he was studying divinity, and he may have taught school, this being a common thing for graduates of the time to do. He was not settled as minister previous to coming to Easton, as his ordination occurred here. He married a wife whose given name was Deborah, but whose family name is unknown. She was known in Easton as " Madam Deborah Belcher, this term seldom being applied then.

      1 Town Records, VOL i. P. 2 5.


      By her he had nine children. The family record will be given in the Genealogical History of Easton.

      Mr. Belcher was ordained minister of the Easton church on Wednesday, October 6, 1731. The sum of fourteen pounds was voted to defray the expenses of the ordination. Ordination ser- vices were important affairs in those days. Not only were the most impressive religious services held, but there was also a great deal of hearty feasting, and not infrequently considerable money was spent for good liquors as well as for food. In some places, though perhaps never in Easton, an ordination was a two days' affair, and was ended with a ball, at which were music and dancing. It is well to think of these things when we are tempted to fall into the too common cant of condemning our early fathers as so rigidly austere and gloomy. Their creed may have been so. But while a gloomy creed may oppress a few sensitive souls with sorrow or despair, most believers wear it easily. Human nature asserts itself. The dark shadows are in the distant background ; hope, love, common-sense are at the front, and rule our common life. Our early fathers loved a good time. If the Sabbath strictness was rather hard on them, they knew how to unbend on other occasions; and at military trainings even the minister sometimes became more lively than could be accounted for except by reference to the stimulants that were in almost universal use. We may therefore be sure that if the ordination of Mr. Belcher was a solemn occasion, the feasting which followed was all the more joyous. The people were very happy in the belief that they had secured an exceptionally gifted and promising minister, - an expectation that was to meet with sore disappointment.

      In March,1732, Mr. Belcher bought of Deacon Joseph Snow the land and buildings that became his homestead property. It was 33 acres of land just east of the Green, part of it be- ing between the road and the brook, and not far from the mill. His dwelling-house was on the north side of Depot Street, just cast of the Green. On the opposite side of the road, cast of J. 0. Dean's house, he had an orchard, of which some persons now living remember to have seen the vestiges.

      There is very little that is noteworthy during the early years of Mr. Belcher's ministry. His salary, according to the original

      98 agreement, somewhat increased as the years went on ; but this does not satisfy him, and in 1739 he asks for a special gift of fifty-six pounds. This may have been because of a depreciation of the currency, for the older issues of paper money called "old tenor" were steadily depreciating in value. But however this may be, the parish regarded his request as unreasonable, and at a meeting on February 5, 1740, "Mr. Moderator put it to vote to see if the town would choose a committy of three men to treet with Mr. Belcher, to see if that he would not take up with Know Lees sume then he Requested for; and they votted in ye affermitifc. 3dly, we made choice of Joseph Crossman, George Keyzer, and Nathl. Perry for a committy, for to see if that no Less some than fifty and six pounds would satisfie ye Revd. Mr. Joseph Belcher." Evidently Mr. Belcher would not be thus satisfied, and at a town-meeting a month later the town refused to vote to him the money he requested. He was then receiving a salary of one hundred pounds. But the town was two years in arrears in the payment-. due him ; and this tedious delay, which was a chronic characteristic of the town in its dealings with its ministers in olden times, must have been very embarrassing to Mr. Belcher. In 1742, the town so far complies with his request for additional pay as to vote him "11 fourty pounds in mony old tener, or other spesee, att markit .e Betwixt man and man the present year." Apparently disturbed at this increase of its expenses, the town immedi- ately voted "not to Raise any mony for to support a scholl." lt votes the same additional amount, however, the next year to Mr. Belcher, which proves to be his last in the ministry. He was dismissed from his pastorate by a vote of the town passed April 16, 1744, twenty-eight voting for dismissal to twelve against it. No cause for this action is assigned. A common tradition reports that Mr. Belcher became partially insane. Jason Reed heard from his father, the Rev. William Reed, that Mr. Belcher became so much deranged that he used often to pray in the pulpit for "little Gregory," one of his children. He would sometimes go to meeting with his pockets full of ser- Mons, and would read one after another without regard to the departure of his audience, ceasing only with the going down of the sun. Emery's "History of the Ministry of Taunton" re-

      pg 99 ports this tradition ; and it is made probable by the subsequent conduct of Mr. Belcher, by his giving up the ministry at the age of forty, and by the fact that insanity appeared in the family afterward. His grandson Gregory was known as 11 Crazy Greg," and used to roam about the woods.

      Rev. Mr. Belcher continued to make Easton his home until 1754~ ten years after his dismissal. That his insanity was only partial, or was intermittent, appears from the fact that he was a part of this time teaching school. He taught school in Stoughton a portion of each year from 1747 to 1752 inclu- sive, five different years ; but old account books show that his home remained in Easton all this time. In 1748, for example, he buys here a bushel of corn and a barrel of cider. His children are born here, and here his wife dies, March 21, 1753, -three days after the birth of his youngest son, Jonathan. Evidently his wife's death quite unsettled Mr. Belcher, for he begins about this time to do business in a reckless manner, and sometimes in such a way that only the plea of insanity can save him from the charge of dishonesty;, for he sells land upon which an attachment had already with his knowledge been made. Apparently advantage is taken of his condition, for a prominent but not always upright townsman brings suit for one hundred pounds against him, having induced him to sign a note for that amount on some pretext. But Mr. Belcher has wit enough to defend himself, and not only wins the case but recovers the cost from the plaintiff. He borrows money right and left, however, mortgaging one piece of land after another. In March, 1753, Edward Hayward, Esq., brings suit against Joseph Belcher, who had, as the writ alleges, bound himself to Mr. Hayward as clerk. Mr. Belcher's defence is that he "was not a clerk at the purchase and service of the plaintiff, but a gentleman," etc. This defence was overruled, and the case went against the ex-minister, who appealed to the Superior Court. In June, 1754, Mr. Hayward brought another suit against Mr. Belcher, and won the case. The amount in- volved, including costs, was less than ten pounds. In the Court's decision was this order: "We command you to take ye body of ye said Joseph Belcher and commit him to our goal in Taunton, and detain him in your custody in our goal

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     until" all claims against him are settled. What a change is this from the day when, having "come up to his terms," the parish joyfully ordained him and were so proud of him! Mr. Belcher himself feels the change, and determines to escape from it, and when the sheriff goes for him is nowhere to be found. Then a committee is appointed to " apprise and set off so much of the estate" as will satisfy these claims. They find one lot of six acres and twenty rods southeast of the meeting- house, which they value at nine pounds and for satisfaction of ye remaining part of ye execution and charges, was shown to us a black cow of about seventeen years of age, and both of her horns cutt of at ye top, which we apprised at twenty- six shillings." The lot designated was all the real estate of Mr. Belcher that could be found, and this was made over to Mr. Hayward. Let us trust that the poor old black cow, " with both of her horns cutt ' of at ye top," which had furnished the little Belchers with milk for so many years, was merci- fully spared to the now motherless and (practically) fnfhPrlPqq family of children. Seven of these children were placed under the guardianship of Ephraim Hunt, of Greenwich, Hampshire County. Samuel and Jonathan were supported by the town. Samuel died in 1755, but Jonathan, and his children after him, were supported as paupers for many years. It is a matter of sad interest to think that children of the first two ministers of Easton should need to rely upon public charity for sub- sistence! The oldest daughter, Hannah, married Deacon Ste- phen Badlam, of Stoughton, and was the mother of two sons, Ezra and Stephen, who became distinguished officers in the Revolutionary War. Joseph was a soldier in the French and Indian War, as well as in the Revolutionary War, and finally settled in Stoughton. William was killed or taken prisoner while in his country's service at New York, in September 4, 1776. Gregory married in town and resided here.

      What became of the Rev. Joseph Belcher? Many days of careful search on the writer's part have failed to find an answer to this question. He flies from his creditors before April, 1754, for at that time the town is considering what to do about "the circumstances of Mr. Belcher's children and estate." Three years afterward, having waited in vain for his reappearance, it

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      is voted to sell his books and spend the money as far as it will go for the maihtenance of his pauper children. Mr. Belcher thus vanishes into thickest darkness. The only glimmer of light after this is the record in the Harvard Triennial Cata- logue, that he died in 1773. Though unable to verify this statement, we may accept it as probably correct. And so the second minister of Easton, beginning his ministry with brilliant auspices, ends it in misfortune, and dies in deep obscurity.

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Rev. Joseph Belcher