Scroll Clipart
from ImageORama
Links to free clipart    A pageful of links to genealogy clip art.  Be sure to check use policy -- many only allow use on web pages or with credit (which is hard to do on a small print graphic.)   has links to a number of sites with free clip art.  Most is not genealogy related - but there is much that you could use in a newsletter.

der Hund Haus Genealogy Graphics   Debbie says, "My only requirements for the use of my graphics are that they not be included in a graphics collection, that they be used only on sites that offer free access to genealogy data and that there be some kind of blurb giving me credit for the design (preferably with a link to my home page!)"  Contact  Debbie Hund for more information

Debbie's Genealogy Graphics    Nice images...  no information as to policy for use.

Image-O-Rama     Variety of drawings collected from a number of sites.  I am checking as to whether permission is granted to use in newsletters.  The Black & white drawings pages have a number of likely clip art images that would be useful in newsletters.  Check back on this one. Desktop publishing section has free clip art.  "These images are provided free for your personal use (print or Web) or for use on a commercial Web page. However, they may not be redistributed or sold, individually or as a package. I would be grateful for a link  back to this site  if you do  use the images on a personal Web page."  For great information on Desktop publishing, check the main pages of this site.  Look here for a good explanation as to why your clip art doesn't always print as well as it looks on the screen.

Image from