Bogomolny Families Website!
Bogomolny Families Website

Name List &
Family Trees

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The name Bogomolny (Bogomolni, Bogomilny, Bogomolniy, etc.) means someone who prays or a religious person. This meaning probably accounts for its popularity and the numerous families with the name Bogomolny in the Ukraine.

My grandfather anglicized his name to Bogin shortly after he arrived in the U.S in 1907. He never spoke to his grandchildren about his origins or his family so we knew very little about our roots. We hired a professional genealogist to conduct research in the Litin, Vinnitsa area of the Ukraine but unfortunately a fire in the Kamenets Podolskiy archives on April 10, 2003 destroyed many records and water damaged others. Thus the information gathered on what we believe to be our Bogomolny ancestors is not very extensive (see Family Tree of Leib Bogomolny).

However, we also received information on other Bogomolny families and would like to share it with others searching for the same name. With this information and data from Yad Vashem and a few Odessa birth records, we created family trees for Bogomolny families from the Vinnitsa area.

The result is 38 family trees, some of which contain many family members while others contain only two. Please note the following:
• the purpose of this website is to provide a place for sharing information and building Bogomolny family trees. We are responsible only for the data researched and developed by us and are not responsible for the accuracy of data submitted by others
• our research was focused in the county (province) of Vinnitsa and thus is limited to that area
• Russian records contain some peculiarities, e.g. my grandfather is listed as an inhabitant of Novaya Priluki in 1912 when he was already in the United States; some birth dates don’t fit with age of parents, and so forth.
• no assumptions are made—relationships are shown as reported
• Excel was used to create a person list, which is currently sorted alphabetically by first name and provides the link to the family trees. This document can be saved and converted to Excel for further sorting. Click here for instructions.
• Family Tree files are GEDCOM and can be downloaded. Follow the instructions outlined in your software or in Rootsweb.
Send us information (either written or in a GEDCOM file) about your Bogomolny ancestors for inclusion on the website. We are starting with bits and pieces of families and our hope is to build them into full family trees!

Privacy Reminder!
We will enter your information into Family Tree files and upload them to Rootsweb.

Rootsweb can strip the first name from the file of a living person but will leave in all other information. “Living” is defined as anyone in your family tree born in 1930 or later and that does not have a death or burial year included. You must advise us whether you want to include names or other information about living people otherwise we will assume the information is to be removed.

For technical problems regarding the website, please contact [email protected]. For all other questions or information, please contact [email protected].