Bolton Genealogy

List of employees at Little Bolton Bleachworks 1891-99

These employees, most of which have already been listed, are shown under their various occupations as at 1899.

James Withnell, John Rostron, Daniel Smalley, John Kenyon, Henry Knowles
James Knowles, Fred. Moores, Wm. Slater, Philip Ashmore

David Agnew, Geo. Minion

Wages Clerks
Frank Slater, Arthur Briggs,  Walter S Walch

Charles Houghton (Brick setter),  J Moran (Labourer),  E Bowker (Labourer),  Joseph Houghton (Slater),  Chas. H Slater (absent in S.America),  Anthony Sherman, Jas. Butterworth,  William Howard,  James Crompton,  Geo. Butterworth,  Robert Blacklock,   John Hardy,   Peter King