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The 1936 Hyakem

Washington State Normal School

Ellensburg, Kittatas County, Washington






page 1

cover page

Catherine Spedden, Glenn Hogue



page 2

Ex Libris



page 3

(photo of pathway)



page 4




page 5

(photo of building)



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page 7

(photo of building / parking area)



page 8




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(photo of pathway)



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page 11

(photo of entry way)



page 12page 13

(photo of 4 people)




page 14

Insperational Note



page 15

Executive and Faculty



page 16

Dr. Robert E. McConnell



page 17

Robert E. McConnell



page 18

Dr. Henry J. Whitney



page 19

Mr. O.H. Holmes Jr., Mrs. Margaret Coffin Holmes



page 20

Mabel T. Anderson, Genevieve G. Bale, George F. Beck, Lillian Bloomer, Millicent Brinker, Elene C. Buhrson

Vernon Carstensen, J.A. Clemans, Kenneth Courson, Irene Davies, Juanita Davies, Dorothy Dean, Karl Ernst

Amanda K. Hebeler, Nicholas E. Hinch, Glenn Hogue, Margaret Coffin Holmes, Otis H. Holmes Jr., Tennie Johanson

J. Irving Jolley, Pearl Jones, Vivian Kidwell, Russell W. Lembke, Alice E. McLean, Donald E. MacRae, Andrew J. Mathews



page 21

Clara Meisner, Marian Miller, Laura Minkler, Jennie Moore, Margaret S. Mount, Dorothy Nelson, Leo S. Nicholson

Gertrude B. Pinney, Francis J. Pyle, Harold W. Quigley, Lulu Rainey, Helen Richie, Germaine Salter, Emil E. Samuelson

Hilda Sanderson, Reginald M. Shaw, Mary I. Simpson, Selden F. Smyser, Hartley D. Snyder, Loren D. Sparks

William T. Stephens, Olive U. Tjossem, Joseph C. Trainor, Phyllis Gove Weimer, Rosamond Wentworth, Henry J. Whitney



page 22

Insperational Note



page 23

Student Government



page 24

Carl Dunning, Danta Cappa, Catherine Spedden, Herbert Maxon, Dick Thurston

John Holl, Ray Normile, Lawrence Nelson, Kenneth Bowers, Herbert Mattox



page 25

Myrtle Brown, Marjorie Kanyer, Margaret Dieringer, Helen Ottini, Katherine Riggs, Elsie Graber

Charlotte Russell, Eva Lusby, Alice Emerson, Phyllis Tidland, Margaret Coffin Holmes, Jennie Moore



page 26

Ray, Bothwell, Kerby, Manifold, H. Johnson, A. Wallenbrock, Palo, Betts, Mrs. Rainey, Montgomery, Solberg, E. Johnson, Carr

Pettit, Giusiano, Nelson, Sill, Herr, Chiotti, Vanderpool, E. Wellenbrock, Brodie, Gattiker, Normile, Kincaid, Anderson, Akam

Goodpaster, Miiler, Cook, Howe, Howard Johnson, Leonard Fonda, Maurice Pettit, Adrian Solberg, Herb Mattox, Harry Bothwell



page 27

Mary Bolman, Elaine Shields, Charlotte Russell, Virginia Ross, Marjorie Kayner



page 28

Eva Lusby, Lois McDonald, Virginia Simpson, Myrtle McDaniel, Helen Hegg, Mrs. Sanderson



page 29

Margaret Dieringer, Elizabeth Pattenaude, Gertrude Ek, Oliver Rutter, Dorothy Carlson, Helen Ritchie



page 30

William Richert, Alice Emerson, Helen Ottini, Amy Weber, Aurlo Bonney



page 31

Waino Maki, Catherine Spedden, Elsie Hansen, Charlotte Russell, Fred Giusiano, MR. Whitney, mrs. Holmes, Mr. Holmes



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Insperational Note



page 33




page 34

Insperational Note



page 35

Charles Dondero, Fred Giusiano, Myrtle Grant, Anne Massouras, Ray Normile, Reginald Shaw



page 36

Harold Akam, Alden Bice, Frank Carothers, Joe Cieslak, Alice Emerson, Madeline De Leo

Leonard Fonda, Fred Giusiano, Walter Hakola, Rudolph Hansen, Richard Hector, John Holl



page 37

Ermol Howe, Joe Kahklen, Margaret McKibben, Mary MacLennan, Anne Massouras

Ruth Mortenson, Ray Normile, Frank Roi, Elinore Sexton, Loraine Stevens, Esther Torrance



page 38

Insperational Note



page 39

Amy Weber, Walter Hakola, Phyllis Tidland, Dick Bird, Lawrence Nelson, Harold Barto



page 40

Grace Anderson, Gordon Barnes, Lorna Barnes, Richard Bird, Jeanne Bloch, Mary Bolman, Aurlo Bonney

Leone Bonney, Edith Bratton, Phyllis Bridenstine, Betty Brown, Myrtle Brown, Olga Budiselich, Dante Cappa

Edna Catron, Lucille Cocklin, Gladys Code, Vina May Cook, Frank Cozza, Corleen Cram, Mary S. Crawford

Davis Henry, Harold Denslow, Margaret Dieringer, Charles Dondero, Carl Dunning, Gertrude Ek



page 41

Ruth Elmendorf, Marcella Farnum, Louise Farrell, Cecil Fortier, Gilbert Giles, William Goodpaster, Bruce Grant, John Grove

Elsie Hansen, Valentine Hartwell, Frank M. Herr, Esther Homstead, Thelma Howard, Bess Howe, Eric A. Johnson, Thelma Johnson

Mabel E. Jones, Marjorie Kanyer, Beatrice Karl, John B. Kerby, Paul Kimball, John Lamb, Mrs. Dora Lee, Margaret McArthur



page 42

Margaret McNees, Alice MacDonald, Gladys Mackey, Waino J. Maki, Evelyn Maxwell, James E. Merryman, Wilford Mayrand

Carroll Nelson, Gladys Nevin, Mary Oechsner, Jean Pape, Elizabeth Pattenaude, Lucille Peterson, Thelma Plouse, Narciso D. Querido

Kathleen Ranetta, Bernice Rice, William Richert, Elizabeth Roethemeyer, Florence Rogers, Charlotte Russell, Yvonne Santee



page 43

Jean Schneider, Maxine Sheldon, Elaine Shields, Ralph W. Sill, Pearl Smith, Adrian Solberg, Juanita Soule

Catherine Spedden, Patricia Steele, William Stephens, Mr.s Beulah Stone, Geraldine Suver, Ruth Swayze

Virginia Terrill, Phyllis Tidland, Beryle Tomlinson, Amy Weber, Katherine Wess, Frances Whittendale, Leon Willard, Mae Yenter



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Insperational Note



page 45

Willis Strange, Katherine Riggs, Dorothy Carlson, Dixie Graham, Kenneth Bowers, Vivian Kidwell



page 46

A. Anderson, E. Anderson, Artz, Backman, Bednarski, Black, Bohnen, Bonney, Bowers, Brain, Bramlett

Brandt, Broad, Brockerman, Brodie, Butler, Carles, Carr, Castor, Chiotti, Carey, Colwell, Cox, Crabb, Crimp



page 47

Cruttenden, Davidson, Davies, Denny, DuVal, Eckis, Ellis, Epp, Eschbach, Evans, Falseni

Faust, Fotheringill, Gaines, Ganders, Gillingwater, Graham, Grass, Hall, Hallauer, Hanneman

Hawthorne, Hegg, Hindman, Hodges, Honeycutt, Howard, Ireland, H. Johnson, R. Johnson



page 48

Jones, Karvonen, Kaynor, Kempkes, Lane, Lee, Lenz, Libby, Lusby, McGlenn, McMillan, Martin, Mason

Mattox, Maxon, Mayr, Meagher, Mero, Michels, Moe, Miller, Mogensen, Oliveras, Parker, Porter



page 49

Prater, Price, Ray, Reynolds, Rich, Richardson, Riggs, Robbins, Robertson, Ross, Rowe

Rutledge, Rutter, Ryan, Smith, Spedden, Stewart, Stillwell, Strange, Treadwell, Vanderpool

G. Washington, R. Washington, Watts, Weatherford, Wellenbrook, Whittaker, Woodcock



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Insperational Note



page 51

Dale Correa, Bill Carr, Vhee Phillips, Wynne Rogers, Herbert Mattox, Dorothy Dean



page 52

Alff, Alford, G. Allen, M. Allen, E. Ames, J. Ames, A. Anderson, D. Anderson, Anthony, Bafforo, Barrett, Barstow, Beals, Beck, Bell

Berg, Best, Betts, Black, Blount, Boersma, Bohnen, Boice, Borst, Bothwell, Bowers, Bradshaw, Brackon, Dorthea Brown

Dorothy Brown, Bugenhagen, Bunstine, Burke, Burrage, Bussett, Butler, Campbell, Cappa, Capps, CArey, Champie, Chisholm



page 53

Clark, Colwell, D. Correa, G. Correa, Cousins, Cunning, Dayton, DeArmond, A. Demmert, E. Demmert, Drovetta, Dunnington

Eastlund, Eschbach, Eyman, Fetter, Floyd, Fraley, Freeman, Fuller, Ganders, Gasparach, Gattiker, George, Gilmore, Graber

Graf, Gustafson, Haagen, Hadley, Hahn, Hanlon, Hart, Hartman, Herold, Hill, Hinz, Hodges, Hogue, Hopkins, Howe, Hubbell

Huggins, Hurd, Jackson, Jacobs, Jansen, Johnson



page 54

Jones, Kelleher, Kern, Kincaid, Kinney, Kiser, Knoke, Lappier, Lawrence, Leitch, Lofstron, Long, Lunstrom, McDaniel, McDonell

McDonald, McPherson, Manifold, Manners, Martin, Martin, Martinez, Miles, Massouras, Meeks, Miller, Margaret Moulster

Mildred Moulster, Mueder, Nagle, Nelson, Nevins, Newton, Norton, Olen, Olsen, L. Page, P. Page, Palo, Pape, Parsel, Paul

Paulson, Peter, Pettit, Phillips, Pitt, Platt



page 55

Randall, Reidhead, Rice, Richert, Richey, Ridley, Rodgers, Rogers, Rote, Russell, Rutter, Sager, Sanders, L. Schreiner, R. Schreiner

Schroeder, Schultz, Scott, Secondi, Siegel, Simpson, J. Smith, K. Smith, M. Smith, Southmyad, Spertl, Spring, Spurling, Stephens

Stevens, Stockvis, Taylor, Toby, Vanderbrink, Vice, Vredenburg, Waldron, Walker, Wallace, Walters, Webster, Weeks

Wellenbrock, Wilt, Wines, Whitehurst, Whitfield, Whittaker



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Insperational Note



insert 56a


insert 56b

(1/2 photo of 6 people) 


insert 56c

(1/2 photo of 6 people) 


insert 56d

Insperational Note



page 57




page 58

Catherine Spedden, Shields, Breckon, Hansen, Spedden, Robbins



page 59

Catherine Spedden, Elaine Shields, LeRoy Breckon, Rush Spedden, Katherine Robbins, Elsie Hansen

Anne Massouras, William Richert, Elsie Graber, Dante Cappe, Lorna Jackson, Prater Hogue, Glenn Hogue



page 60

Anne Massouras, Dick Bird, William Richert, Bratton, Cappa, Colwell, Cozza, Crawford, Ek, Freeman, Graber



*there is an envelope in here to May Spurling containing a valentine to her from Valdine Betassa

also to graduation note cards for Miss Lucille Marie Tallman and Owen D. Champie, both have the number 34 written on the back



page 61

Anne Massouras, William Richert, Richard Bird, Madeline Reynolds, Merrill Ellis, James Merryman, Adrain Solberg, Kenneth Bowers

Tom Stephens, Fabio Cappa, Georgia Southmayd, Eleanor Freeman, Mary Crawford, Kay Spring, Margaret McKibben, Robert Nesbit

Hedwig, Mayr, Mary Colwell, Elsie Hansen, Catherine Spedden, Elsie Graber, Lorna Jackson, Gertrude Ek, Evelyn Maxwell, Helen Wines

Katherine Roberts, Dante Cappa, Adriana Kempkes, Juanita Soule, Edith Bratton, Frank Cozza, Lois J. Olsen, Adrian Solberg

Elsie Hansen, Sigfrid Paulson, John Stehman, Nicholas E. Hinch



page 62

Insperational Note



page 63

Fine Arts



page 64

K. Beck, K. Bowers, Kenneth Bowers, J. Butler, D. Correa, R. Dunnington, I. Gattiker, F. Guisiano, M. Haagen, D. Hahn, M. Hahn

L. Hall, R. Hanneman, M. Kanyer, W. Kinney, K. Leitch, M. Means, D. Miller, R. McGlenn, R. Pyle, M. Reynolds, W. Rogers

J. Smith, M. Stevens, V. Stevens, J. Trainor, M. Whitfoeld, D. Woodcock, Mr. Ernst, Mr. Pyle, H. Castor, M. Crawford, L. Jackson

J. Mason, E. Maxwell, M. Reynolds, M. Richert, P. Tidland, P. Watts, Kock, Mrs. Hahn



page 65

R. Beckman, C. Boice, K. Bowers, Kenneth Bowers, L. Breckon, H. Castor, A. Chisholm, A. Clark, A. Demmert

E. Demmert, G. Evans, N. Falseni, E. Freeman, I. Gattiker, D. Graham, D. Hahn, L. Hall, R. Hansen, V. Hartwell, A. Hurd

F. Jacobs, K. Jones, W. Kinney, M. Lawrence, K. Leitch, E. Lofstrom, O. McDonell, D. McMillan, H. Maxson, E. Maxwell

J. Mero, Z. Moe, H. Montgomery, C. Nelson, R. Nesbit, P. Page, M. Reynolds, E. Rich, A. Richert, L. Ridley, D. Rose, E. Ryan

J. Smith, K. Spring, M. Stevens, G. Stull, C. Treadwell, A. Vanderpool, P. Watts, T. Welt, Butler, Hartwell

Keith Bowers, Beeson, Jackson, Wilt, Johnson, Maxon, Woodcock, Crawford



page 66

Agnes Howe, Dante Cappa, Elsabelle Cruttendon, John Kerby, Marvin Stevens, Alice Emerson

Rush Spedden, Cruttenden, Ralph Riegel, Margaret Dieringer, Edward Robertson, Edith Robertson, Porter

Smith, Evans, Crawford, Massouras, McDonald, Stillwell, Gustafson, Southmayd, Mero, Stockvis, Nevins



page 67

Elbert Evans, Nate Porter, Robert D. Smith, Edward Robertson, Edith Robertson, Marian Bradshaw, Mary Crawford, Elsabelle Cruttenden

Ellen Gustafson, Marian Haagwn, Ruth Hinz, Lois McDonald, Florence Massouras, Jack Mero, Wilma Nevins, Yvonne Santee, Pearl Smith

Georgia Southmayd, Betty Stockvis, Gladys Code, Mabel Jones, Maxine Sheldon, Woodrow Epp, Hamilton Montgomery

Madeline Reynolds, Thelma Witt, Arnold Wellenbrock, Martha Whittaker, Kerby, Gilmore, Burke, Stephens, Burrage, Bradshaw

McKibbon, Sheldon, Best, Mattox, Mero, McKibben



page 68

Russell Lembke, Betty Alff, Richard Bird, Jean Bloch, Joe Chiotti, Frank Cozza, Elsabelle Cruttenden, Marcella Farnham

James Gilmore, Bob Hanneman, Wendall Kinney, Alice Lunstrom, Anne Massouras, Herbert Mattox, Jack Mero

Maurice Pettit, Madeline Reynolds, Del Richey, Georgia Southmayd, Catherine Spedden, Rush Spedden, Dieringer



page 69

Marcia Best, Richard Bird, Betty Brown, Dante Cappa, Harold Denslow, Woodrow Epp, James Gilmore, Ivron Hill, John Kerby

Wendall Kinney, Thelma Plouse, William Richert, Eloise Siegal, George Smith, Leonard Smoke, William Stephens, Marvin Stevens

Arnold Wellenbrock, Ernest Wellenbrock, Stillwell, Mills, Sheldon, Jones, Code, Crawford, Montgomery, Reynolds, Whittaker, Wilt



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Insperational Note



page 71




page 72

Anderson, Barstow, Bednardski, Betts, Borst, Burgua



page 73

Carey, Carothers, Cieslak, Hoctor, Holl, Hopkins, Walter Hakola, Taylor, Bednarski, Thurston, Borst



page 74

Hovik, Huggins, Husseman, Kimball, Maki, Meeks, Taylor, Smoke



page 75

Pettit, Smoke, Strange, Taylor, Thurston, Warwick, Carey, Huggins



page 76

Nicholson, Boersma, Burnstine, Drovetta, Faust



page 77

K.E. Laundry, John Holl, Normile, Pettit, Rooney, Saunders, Vanderbrink



page 78

Manifold, Giusiano, Carey, Husseman, Taylor, Hoctor, Carothers, Barstow, Huggins, Thurston, E. Demmert, A. Demmert

Cappa, Artz, Kern, Strange, Baffaro, Fortier, Hovik, Betts, Meeks, Blount, Cieslak, Maki, Kincaid, Ellis, Scott, Smoke, Burgua, Hakola

Warwick, Anderson, Holl, Borst, Bednarski, Hopkins, Kimball, Johnson, Palo, Porter, Bowers, Scott, Smith, McGlenn, Breckon



page 79

Hansen, Betts, Grove, Stephens, Hartman, Pettit, Sanders, Drovetto, Faust, Demmert, Normile, Rooney, Boersma

Holl, Bunstine, Porter, Vanderbrink, Thurston, Ellis, Burgua, Richardson, Chiotti, Carey, Giusiano, Fotheringill



page 80

Aurlo Bonney, Carl Howard, Tom Stephens, Carter Crimp, Lewis Schreiner, Faust, Taylor, Hartman, Robertson

Cooper, Kincaid, Pettit, Maki, Crabb, Bowers, Vanderbrink, Brandt, Rooney, Anderson, Colwell, Denny



page 81

Kincaid, Taylor, Rooney, Pettit, Gene Denny, John Holl, Eddie Robertson

Bowers, Hartman, Nicholson, Barto, Giusiano, Hanneman, Manifold



page 82

Rosamond entworth, Peter, Davidson, Reidhead, Massouras, Smith, Mogenson, Treadwell



page 83

B. Alff, J. Ames, E. Ames, K. Beck, E. Eschbach, D. Hahn, E. Herold, M. McDaniel, O. McDonnell, V. Sager, M. Smith, T. Vice

D. Carlson, H. Gillenwater, D. Graham, H. Hegg, K. Mogenson, K. Riggs, V. Weatherford, Best, Ireland, Carrier, Davies, Falseni



page 84

Phyllis Gove Weimer, Hegg, Stewart, Walters, Beck, Russell, Lusby, Gustafson, Mayr, Stockvis, Broad



page 85

Sager, Oechsner, Jackson, Plouse, Budiselich, Bolman, Shields, Catron, Robbins, Siegel



page 86

Insperational Note



page 87




page 88

Amy Weber, Dixie Graham, Helen Ottini, Alice MacDonald, Elsie Hansen, Mary Bolman

Miss Dorothy Dean, Farrell, Stewart, McDonald, Mogenson, Eschbach



page 89

Ralph Sill, Paul Kimball, Dick Thurston, Harold Akam, Alvin Anderson, Elmer Anderson, Joe Bednardski, Dick Bird, Aurlo Bonney

Kenneth Bowers, Bob Carey, Frank Carothers, Joe Ceislak, Allen Colwell, Carter Crimp, Gene Denny, Dick Fotheringill

Fred Giusiano, Walter Hakola, John Holl, John Honeycutt, Bill Hopkins, Jerry Huggins, Dick Husseman, Howard Johnson

Omar Kincaid, Waino Maki, Ray Manifold, Kenny Meeks, Ray Normile, Eddie Robertson, Joe Smoke, Willie Strange, Fred Taylor



page 90

Alden Bice, Dick Bird, Edith Bratton, Dante Cappa, Mary Crawford, Gertrude Ek, Eleanor Freeman, Elsie Graber

Elsie Hansen, Adriana Kempkes, Anne Massouras, Evelyn Maxwell, Hedwig Mayr, James Merryman, William Richert

Katherine Robbins, Elaine Shields, Juanita Soule, Catherine Spedden, Bill Stephens, Helen Wines, Mr. Hinch, Solberg



page 91

Ruth Beckman, Mary Bolman, Gertrude Ek, Merrill Ellis, Ruth Elmendorf, Elsie Graber, Dixie Graham, Rudolph Hansen, Evelyn Herold

Joe Kahklen, Adriana Kempkes, Margaret McKibben, Evelyn Maxwell, Kenneth Meeks, Karla Mogenson, Helen Ottini, Lucille Peterson

Thelma Plouse, Ralph Randall, William Richert, Charlotte Russell, Adrian Solberg, Ruch Spedden, Mr. Barto, Mr. Carlson, Mary Bolman

Bonney, Carstensen



page 92

Miss Clara Meisner, Alice MacDonald, Katherine Riggs, Betty Brown, Leone Bonney, Dolly Ranetta, Thelma Johnson

Gertrude Ek, Edna Catron, Ruth Elmendorf, Louise Farrell, Vina Mae Cook, Ruth Mortinson, Virginia Terrill, Bernice Bice

Jean Schneider, Russell, Graber, McArthur, Fuller, Treadwell, Kempkis, Maxwell, Prater, Whittaker, Rogers

Budiselich, Homstead, Sexton, Bussett, De Witt, Eastland, Clark, Ryan, Ridley, Martin



page 93

Elmer Anderson, LeRoy Brackon, William Carr, Carl Dunning, Robert Dunnington, Eugene George, Robert Hanneman, Prater Hogue

Carl Howard, John Kerby, James Smith, Ruch Spedden, Ernest Wellenbrock, Herbert Maxson, Joe Kahklen, Dante Cappa, Joe Chiotti



page 94

Dixie Graham



page 95

Margaret Dieringer



page 96

(23 numbered photos)

Carter, Jean, Pettit, Jo Jo, Smoke, Madeline



page 97

(40 numbered photos)

Helen, Ruth, Betty, Crut, Oberta, Joe, Tommy



page 98

(15 numbered photos)




page 99

(37 numbered photos)

Dorothy, Peggy, Eloise, Dan, Mr. and Mrs. "Steve", Ruth, Tommy, Bunny, Mary, Helen, Jimmy, Pat, Peter, Steve, Pettit, Ben Bernie, Carl



page 100

(13 numbered photos)

Dr. McRae, Palo



page 101

(25 numbered photos)

Rooney, Bafaro, Crabb, Clancy, Crut, Mona, Hartwell, Riggs



page 102

ads: Ellensburg and the Kittitas Valley; Chamber of Commerce; Pacific Fruit and Produce Co.; Dr. J.P. Mooney; Dr. R.R. Kincaid



page 103

ads: Ellensburg Rodeo; Financial Institutions of Ellensburg



page 104

ads: The Ginko Forest, Mr. George Beck; Light and Water Utilities of Ellensburg; the Kiwanis Club; F.A. Kern; John Honeycutt



page 105

ad: Ellensburg Evening Record



page 106

ads: United Bakery, C.K. Linne; Kittitas County Dairymen's Association



page 107

ads: Freeman Auto Company; Texaco Petroleum Products, Joe Crane and Ray Snyder; Carter Transfer Co.; Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co

 Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, Leonard F. Burrage, Electric Supply & Fixture Co.



page 108

ads: Pautzke's Studio; New York Cafe



page 109

ads: Shelton Electric Shop; The Nifty Barber Shop; Star Shoe Shop, Frank Strange; Western Auto Supply

W.A. Hall & Son Leathers; Provident Mutial Life Ins, Lloyd R. Moss; Bolyard Bakery & Grocery; Camozzy & Williams

B-H Chevorlet, Harry Butterfield and Harold Hooper; Hofsteater's; Clymer Florist



page 110

ads: H.H. Stoms Co.; Ellensburg Motel, M.E. Boyd; Buster Brown Shoe Store; Dick the Shoe Doctor

Faltus & Peterson auto service; A & M. Drive-In Market; Ellensburg Lumber; Wilke-Morgan Co.

Cram Buick Co.; Sody-Licious; New York Life Ins, Elmer Sudler and Ben Vertrees; Mead Motor Co.



page 111

ads: Farrell's Cothing Store, Eugene E. Farrell; Ellensburg Telephone Company



page 112

ads: J.N.O. Thomas, Jeweler; Tiffany Insurance Agency; The Hub; Service Drug Store

The Pastime; Harry Hartman, Books; Jay A. Whitfield, Esq.; Cascade Lumber Co.



page 113

ads: Ramsay Hardware Co.; Ellensburg Book & Stationery Co.; Roslyn Cascade Coal Co.



page 114

ads: K.E. Laundry; M and M Produce Co; Suver & Wippel Grocers

Bostic's Drug Store; Kittitas Farm Bureau; Enfield Dairy, Earl E. Anderson



page 115

ads: Kreidel's Style Shop; Fitterer Bros.; Green Lantern; Short and Short. Attorneys; C.R. Hadley, Esq.

Hollywood Cleaners, Ed Wilson; Carmichael Ice Cream; Heinrich Auto Electric Shop



page 116

ads: Dr. Farrell, Dr. Paul Weaver; Ubelacker, dds; Dr. J.H. Mundy; Ostrander Drug Co.; J.C. Penney's; Dieter Book Binding Company



page 117

ads: Ellensburg Hardware Co., Inc.; Comstock-Arvidson Co.; St. Regis Flower Shop; J. Kelleher

Cascade Meat Market; Ledbetter's; Piggly Wiggly; Webster's Food Shop



page 118

(drawing of the new auditorium, 1936)

ads: Henrickson & Alstrom Contractors; The Ellensburg Capital Printers



page 119

ads: Wardell's; Rosser & Sutton; The Star Clothing Co.; Miller Mercantile Company, Inc.; Barnes-Woodin Co.; Draper's; Fuller Paints



page 120

ads: Western Engraving Company; The Seattle Engraving Company