Genealogy Research - Washington Co., AR [ Arkansas ] <body> <p><font size="2"><a href=""><strong><em>Brentwood</em></strong></a><font color="#ff0000" size="2"><a href=""><strong><em> </em></strong></a><strong><em>1 - 15 , </em></strong></font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href=""><strong><em>Woolsey</em></strong></a></font><strong><em><font color="#ff0000" size="2"> 15 - 19 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">West Fork</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2"><a href=""> </a>20 - 33 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Fall Creek</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2"><a href=""> </a>34 -37 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Hash</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2"> 38 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Kinnibrugh</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2"> 38 -39 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Unknown</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2"> 39 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Coil</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2"><a href=""> </a>39 - 41 ,</font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Oak Grove</a><font color="#ff0000">&nbsp;</font></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2">&nbsp;41 - 45 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Parks</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2">&nbsp; 45 - 48 ,</font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Mountain View</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2">&nbsp; 49 -51 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Hutch or Reagan</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2"><a href="">&nbsp; </a>51 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Black Oak #1</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2"> 52 - 55 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Sunset</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2">&nbsp; 55 -62 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Zinnamon</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2">&nbsp;&nbsp; 62-66 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Terry Family</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2"><a href="">&nbsp; </a>66 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Funkhouser&nbsp; (Sugar Hill)</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2"> 67 -72 ,</font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Blackburn</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2">&nbsp; 73 - 78 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Episcopal</a>&nbsp; (Winslow)</font><font color="#ff0000" size="2"> 78 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Union Star</a></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2">&nbsp; 79 -&nbsp; 81 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Collier or Yoes&nbsp; </a>(aka Boston)</font><font color="#ff0000" size="2"> 82 - 84 , </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">Ganderville</a> </font><font color="#ff0000" size="2"><font size="1">84 - 92 ,</font> </font><font color="#000080" size="2"><a href="">McGarrah</a><font size="1">&nbsp; (south of Harris) </font></font><font color="#ff0000" size="2">92</font></em></strong></font></p> <p align="center">Surnames <p align="center"><font color="#ff0000">Email <a href=""></a> - CONTROL + F to find</font><center> <p align="center"><textarea name="k1" rows="10" cols="60">A A. C. (initials only) 70*** Adams 5 -52-53-57-64-70*** Adkins 41*** Adney 39 *** Ake 35*** Albert 68*** Aleshire 35*** Alexander 43-48-87-90*** Alger 20 *** Allen 21-39*** Anderson 21-27-46-49-81*** Andrews 21*** Angell 89 *** Ardrey 43*** Armstrong 33-67-71-72-81*** Ash 86*** Atmore 78*** B Babb 24*** Babbs 34*** Bailey 5 *** Baker 48-72*** Ballard 88*** Barcelo 28*** Barker 7 55-58-59-71*** Barkley 85*** Barkman 70*** Barlett 46*** Barnard 59*** Barnes 67-83-85-87*** Barnhill 46*** Barns 9*** Barton 6-13-21*** Bartholomew 36-37*** Barton 6*** Basler 12*** Bates 5*** Baucom 18-54*** Bauguss 27*** Bayless 30*** Beadle 9*** Bean 87*** Beardsley 78*** Beasley 64*** Beavers 68*** Becks 87*** Beeson 88*** Bell 30*** Benard 20*** Bibb 89*** Billingsle 90*** Billy Ray (only) 52*** Birk 71*** Bishop 11-35*** Black 2-3*** Blair 13-32*** Blankenship 56*** Blevins 67*** Bloyd 29*** Bloyed 27-29-30-31-67-81*** Blythe 53*** Bogan 6-9*** Bone 91*** Bonham 20*** Boothe 76*** Boozer 27*** Boozier 28*** Bottoms 67*** Bowers 69*** Bradley 52-53-54*** Bradshaw 1-63*** Brainerd 5*** Branson 12*** Brewer 73*** Brewster 35-36-72*** Brdiges 81*** Broat 37*** Brock 22-76*** Bromley 13*** Brooks 6-11-34*** Brown 1-3-7-28-32-59-60-86-88*** Browning 1*** Broyles 38*** Brunem 64*** Brunson 13*** Brunzo 3*** Bryant 40*** Bryan 25-40*** Budd 1-3*** Bulger 15*** Bullard 74*** Bullington 77*** Bullion 27-28*** Bumgarner 33*** Bunn 26*** Burkhead 92*** Burris 24-42-91*** Bush 18*** Bushnell 31*** Buttterfly 63*** Butts 56*** Byrum 78*** Caudle C - NOTE: Caudle researcher ... please email me p#'s you find Caudle listed on... Thanks. C. K. (initials) 16*** Caldwell 27-39-44*** Calhoun 52*** Campbell 30-68*** Canaday 30*** Canfield 2-4*** Cannon 28*** Cantrell 10-51*** Carnahan 1-15-39*** Carnes 13*** Carter 23*** Cartmell 2-5*** Cash 27*** Caton 34-37*** Caudle 17-19 Caughman 12-82*** Caviness 63*** Caywood 71*** Cencibaugh 73*** Center 13-14-77-82-83*** Chadwell 86*** Chaffin 58*** Chandler 2-8*** Charlesworth 82*** Cheney 11*** Christison 59-60*** Chufar 68*** Clapp 48 Clark 13-18-33-38-39 43-78-80-91*** Cobb 63-64*** *** Cochran 37*** Cohenour 24*** Coil 39*** Coker 56-60-62*** Colclasure 92*** Cole 9-10-55*** Coleman 12*** Collins 50*** Collyer 26-31*** Combs 1-26*** Conklin 42*** Cook 13-40-45-62*** Copeland 36-65-85*** Cosby 72*** Coughman 26*** Courtney 63-75-78*** Covey 14*** Covington 83*** Cowan 49-50*** Cox 20-29*** Crabtree 1-15-20-41-45-52-55-66-73-78-79-82-92*** Craig 26*** Crank 73*** Cravens 26*** Crawford 7*** Crawley 34-36-64-66*** Craytor 13*** Cress 14*** Croghan 77-84*** Crook 69*** Cross 2*** Crowley 62*** Crutchfield 9*** Cryton 62*** Cumbee 76*** Cummings 64-71*** Curtis 22-74 D Dakin 75*** Dameron 22-2 8-30*** Daniels 67-68*** Darell 40*** Davidson 81-92*** Davis 9-17-21-26-29-35-42-55-59-60-61-62-73-75-83-84*** Day 9l*** Dearlng 25*** Deaton 63*** DeBoer 68*** Deen 41*** Dennis 14-52*** Denton 11-22-31*** Denzer 20*** Devine 9 t*** DeVote 1-2-4-5-48*** Dice 69*** Dickey 35*** Dickson 29*** Di ldine 85*** Dillard 9-33*** Dinwiddie 2 8*** Dobbins 80*** Dobbs 70*** Dockery 14-52-53-58*** Doke 33*** Dolan 5*** Donahue 16*** Donald 32*** Donaldson 5-48*** Don!ey 26*** Dooley 75*** Eotman 3u*** Doss 58-59-60-61*** Dotson 63*** Dougan 47*** Douglas 71-72*** Dove 32*** Downs 3L~*** Doyle 19*** Drake 3 8*** Dry "/2*** Drybread 79*** Dugan 52*** Duncan 2-10-12-20- 78*** Dunlap 78-88*** Dunning 74*** Dupar 10*** Dyer 21*** E Eh D. O~ (initials) 60*** E- J~ Ss (initials) 36 Eads 49-92*** Eai(?) 33*** Easter 39-47*** Edison 37*** Edmiston 90*** Edwards 37*** Eikior 37*** Eldr{ Jg~_~ 77-89*** Elliott 42*** Ellis 78*** Elms 86-87-88*** Elsinger 52*** Emerson 20-31-32*** Engles 38-39*** Epley 42-43*** Eppley 42*** Epps 30*** Ernest 69*** Esecher 71*** Eskridge 55*** Estes 85*** Eubanks 4 8*** Evans 31-34-59*** Everett 25*** Ezell 49-50-51*** F Fairbanks 90*** Fairchilds 56*** Fairel 30*** Farmer 77*** Fartell 33'*** Fawbush 22-23*** Fazendine 21*** Fenner 32*** Ferguson 20*** Fields 58-61*** Fine 2-3-6*** Finical 67-68*** Finley 6 8*** Fitts 33-79-80*** Fitzpatrick 22*** Fleming 84*** Flowers 43*** Fomd 2 4-65*** Foren 3 4*** Foster 17-33-53-80*** Fowler 2 4*** Fox 3-14-44*** Fraker 26*** Fraley 54*** France 57*** Fmazier 69- 72*** Freedle 70-84-85*** French 56*** Fritch 48*** Fritta 3 8*** Fritts 79*** Fry 92*** Funkhouser 72-90*** G G, J. V. (initials) 88 Gardner 85*** Garey 47*** Garland 8*** Garner 19*** Garret 3*** Garrett 43-72*** Gascon 6*** Gaskill 38*** Gay 46*** Gayer 38*** Gayle 64*** Gaylor 41*** Gener 8*** Gentry 23*** George 9*** Gibbs 30-31*** Gibson 1-32-39-51-70-85-88*** Gilbert 71*** Gilbreath 26-27-30*** Gill 32*** Gillespie 54*** Gilstrap 16-83*** Glenn 72*** Glover 28-29-30*** Goad 10-13*** Golf 2-19*** Goforth 31*** Gohea 50*** Goldsborough 33*** Goodale 33*** Gooding 23- 65*** Gorrell 11*** Gray 48*** Greathouse 49*** Green 62-64-92*** Greenlee 90*** Gregg 78*** Grifflth 8-40*** Griscom 70-85*** Groomes 71*** Grubb 47*** Grube 42*** Guinn 45*** Gunisinger 50*** Gunnells 1*** Guthrie 37 *** Guy 86 H Hadsell 81*** Haffin 58*** Hale 17-89*** Haley 74*** Hall 13-63*** Hamilton 68*** Hammond 56-65*** Hammontree 35*** Hampton 41-62*** Hancock 8-.90*** Hanna 21*** Hannah 36 *** Hansen 71*** Harbin 41*** Hardick 85 *** Hardin 3~ *** Harer 2 ?*** Harp 32*** Harris 20-29- 83 *** Harrison 7-8-19-60-74 *** Hart: 20*** Harter 22*** Hash 38 *** Haskins 16*** Hattabaugh 55-56 *** Haw 10 *** Hawkins 59 *** Hayre 6-14-41*** Hays 1-33- 41-78*** Helig 32*** Helsby 23*** Hembree 23*** Hencey 71 *** Hendrickson 37*** Henington 53 *** Hennington 16*** Henson 39-40-57-79 *** Hesser 44*** Hiatt. 43 *** Hicks 1'7- 81*** Higginbotham 51 *** Hill 9- 20-42-44-77-28*** Hillian 57*** Hilliard 42*** Hinkle 35-40*** Hiser 67*** Hobbs 11-22-53*** Hoffnagle 21*** Holcomb 88 *** Holden 18*** Holeman 77 *** Hollowell 51*** Holm 76 *** Holt 89 *** Holzen 44 *** Honaker 77 *** Hood 13*** Hooten 6-10-40 *** Hoover 8-14 *** Hope 24-25-28 *** Hopper 63*** Horn 48 *** Horsley 72 *** Hosmer 74*** Houghland 14*** House 31-55-56 *** Houston 21-56-73 *** Howard 33 *** Howell 36-66 *** Hubbs 25 *** Hudson 2 7 *** Huey 2- 3-14 *** Huff 29 *** Huffar 21 *** Hurford 32*** Huggans 44*** Hughes 5-15-20-21-25-52*** Hunter 12*** Hussey 25*** Hutchens 1-3-5-14-15-16-17-18-29*** Hutcheson 23-25-74-80 *** Hutchins 9-52-53*** Hutchinson 25-74 *** Hyde 12-73-74 *** Hyden 61 *** Hysel 42 *** Hysell 61 I Icenogle 51-89*** Ingram 16-69- 75*** Ingrum 69*** Inman 2*** Innis 40 J J. F. D. (initials) 70*** J. L. T. (initials) 86*** Jarmerson 53*** Jansen 31*** Jarnagan 57 *** Jar rett 91*** Jean 82-83*** Jensen 34*** Jennings 32*** Jett 3-29*** Johnson 21-22-36-43-59-77-81-83*** Johnston 43-74-84*** Jones 8-9-11-13-15-20-29-35-39-45-70- 71-84*** Jordan 6-12-31-35-47*** K Karnes 25*** Keck 67*** Keene 39*** Kellam 87*** Kelly 12-48*** Kepler 67*** Keplinger 75*** Keys 2*** Kile 61*** Kilpatrick 41-61*** King 42-48-54-57- 74-75 *** Kinney 39*** Kinnibrugh 38-39*** Kirk 83-84-85-87-88-89*** Kissinger 44*** Kittredge 23*** Klug 3*** Knight 5*** Knox 22*** Kuelper 17*** Kyle 91*** L Lacy 23*** Lamont 50*** Land 9-51*** Landelius 79*** Lane 9-51*** Langston 4-48*** Lansdell 28*** Large 77*** Larsen 3*** Latham 29-84*** Lawler 2*** Lea 11*** Leach 69-91*** Ledford 4*** Lee 32*** Lehn 6*** Lemaster 58*** Lemert 52*** Lerback 32*** Leroy (name only) 52*** Lewis 10-11-34-41-56*** Lindabury 12*** Link 59*** Lindskill 21*** Little 20-26-28-31-34-71-89-90-91*** Livingston 1*** Lock 49*** Lockhart 27-86-92*** Loe 70*** Loftin 75-76-79-80*** Loftom 24*** Lofton 24*** Logsdon 62*** Logue 54*** Lomer 68*** London 6*** Long 22-58-59*** Loomis 41*** Loveless 21*** Lowe 49*** Lowery 1*** Lucas 81*** Luper 46-47-48*** Luther 31-50*** Lurell 50*** Luttrell 50-51*** Lyons 1-75- 76- 79- 80*** M McAdoo 64- 65 *** McBride 65*** McCalley 77 *** McCleland 77 *** McClellan 65 *** McClendon 70-71 *** McCracken 55-58*** McCrat i c 92*** McDaniel 11-17-67 *** McDermot 11 *** McElye (r?) 61*** McGarrah 92*** McGlothin 76 *** McKean 33*** McKee 37*** McKnight 10-23-30-31-62*** McLaughlin 22 *** Mc Means 24 *** McNeely 49 *** McNeil 76 *** McRenolds 69 *** McVay 56 *** M.M.R.L. (initials) 9 *** M.C.P. (initials) 71 *** M.H. (initials) 16 *** Maberry 49-50 *** Mackie 68 *** Macomber 42 Main 29 *** Males 27-28 Mallory 49 *** Malone 31*** Mann 45-58*** Mannon 73-74-75*** Maples 51*** Marel(?) 28*** Marion 12 *** Marley 14*** Marsh 35*** Marshall 21-24 *** Martens 34 Martin 69- 79 *** Mash 47 *** Mather 10 *** Matthews 56-81 *** Mavis 22 May8 *** Mayes 38 *** Meacham 88 *** Meadors 55-56-57 *** Medaris 71*** Meek 56 *** Michall 32 *** Miles 13*** Miller 1-4-35-41-47-61-64-77-84 *** Mills 6-10-12-48-55 *** Minnich 43 *** Mitchell 4-36-86 *** Mock 61*** Montgomery 91 *** Montag 34 *** Moody 79*** Moore 25-34-39-55-70-71-74-92 *** Morgan 5-9 *** Morley 14 *** Morphew 83*** Morrison 14-82 *** Morton 12*** Moss 67 *** Mueller 20*** Mugley 47*** Muir 11*** Murley 14*** Murphy 5-64-75-79*** Myers 5-22-37*** Myrcle 64*** N N~ G. K. (initials) 89*** N. M. R. (initials) 73*** Nail 43-44*** Napier 59 Nash 12*** Neal 32-77-79*** Neale 50*** Needham 69*** Neeley 20*** Nelson 10*** Nevada 36*** Nevill 44*** Newlin 4-23*** Nickel 10*** Nickell 10*** Nichols 82-84-91*** Nobles 61*** Noe 76*** Noel 31*** Nott 10-47*** Nowlin 71*** O O' Conner 91*** Oldham 24-28-30*** Olsen 3*** Olson 35*** Omohundro 67*** O' Neal 20*** Orman 2-58-60*** Osburn 7-9-14-59-60-61-62*** Osrubn 59*** Ott 91*** Owen 1-68*** Oxedine 81*** P Padget t 67 *** Page 41 *** Painter 8-29*** Palmer 11*** Parker 5-7-13-45-55-90*** Parikinson 32 *** Parks 45-63-72-89 *** Parrish 7-8-47-48-53-73*** Partridge 4*** Paschal 7-41-57*** Payne 67-70*** Pearson 37 *** Peden 50- 51 *** Pelphrey 8 *** Pennington 11 *** Pense 41*** Perdue 59-60 *** Perkins 75-83 *** Perry 20-25-26-84*** Peters 4*** Peterson 64*** Petters 79*** Phelon 59*** Phillips 6-10-31-50-51*** Phipps 11*** Pickle 16*** Pierce 6*** Pierson 35-36*** Pirson 3'7*** Pitkins 19*** Pitts 5-69*** Platt 74*** Plumlee 62*** Poe 11*** Pollock 28*** Ponder 50*** Pool 5-79*** Poor 77*** Porter 6-7-9-52-53-57-60*** Post 77*** Poulson 68*** Powell 10*** Prater 9-66*** Preston 40-41-47-57*** Price 19-86*** Prim 37*** Prince 84*** Purser 17-19*** Pursey 75*** Pyeatte 23*** Q Quinn 59*** Quinton 29-34-37- 83*** R R. L. G. (initials) 98 *** R. J. (initials) 71*** Ramey 6-10-13-53-54*** Randolph 83 *** Rankin 46 *** Ransdell 6 *** Raper 68 *** Rauch 69*** Reagan 51 *** Redfern 76-77-78*** Reed 12-14-26-27-28-29-30-40-42-45-46-47-48-73-92*** Reeve 13 *** Reid 77-92 *** Remy 40*** Reynolds 37-68*** Rhea 35*** Rhine 33*** Rhoads 71*** Richardson 36-63*** Rickman 73*** Riddle 10-11*** Riedesel 34*** Rieff 65*** Rigsbee 73- 74*** Rigsbe 73*** Rind 62*** Ripper 4*** Roach 23*** Robb 18*** Roberts 28-67-75*** Robinson 6-7-13-20-25-27-2 8-32-49*** Robison 43*** Roper 3-7-56*** Rosecrans 83*** Rosebeary 24- 80*** Ross 3*** Rosson 68*** Roudabush 21*** Rowe 75*** Ruehlen 43*** Rugg 40*** Rundle 80*** Rush 8-40*** Rusk 16*** Russell 78*** Rutherford 22-28-29-51*** Ryan 8*** Ryun 8*** Ryker 4*** S S. E. L.(initials) 69*** S. E. D.(initials) 70*** Sample 22-26*** Samples 10*** Sanders 34 *** Sargent 34 *** Schader 55-56*** Schooler 68*** Scott 38-55-89-91*** Scudder 2*** Seals 22-64*** Sebourn 41 *** Secrist 37*** Seely 58*** Seidler 22*** Self 89*** Sergeant 1 *** Shackelford 13-40 *** Shaffer 14*** Shannon 86-88 *** Sharp 36 *** Sharpe 83 *** Shaw 86 *** Sheffer 31 *** Shelby 11 *** Shelly 16*** Sheppard 9-68 *** Shepherd 58 *** Sherman 32-71 *** Sherry 36 *** Shewmaker 31 *** Shipley 78 *** Shipp 14 *** Shook 14-56*** Shreve 38 *** Sigler 54*** Skelton 54-55-58-60*** Slater 91*** Slavens 32 *** Smallwood 56 *** Smally 91*** Smith 3-4 8-9-10-11-13-14-18-19-21-22-26-30-31-34-42-43-44 51-60-62-67-68-69-71-72-85-87-90-92*** Solenberger 22 *** Sooter 61 *** Sorenson 40 *** Southard 56 *** Southern 42-43-73*** Spainhower 88 *** Spear 67- 70 *** Spears 90 *** Springer 74 *** Standley 8-9-14-15 *** Starwalt 65 *** St Aubyn 48 *** Stauffer 10-11 *** Stephens 40-42-46 *** Stevens 1- 80 *** Stewart 32-33-63*** Stikkers 20 *** Stillwell 78*** Stockburger 23-25-30-32 *** Stokes 77 *** Stone 85 *** Stonesifer 3-4-18 *** Stout 52*** Strickland 29*** Strickler 36-37 *** Stringer 32*** Stroud 34*** Stuart 62*** Suggs 62- 65*** Summers 47-64-70-89 *** Suttle 24-26*** Sutton 42*** Swagerty 90*** Swift 35*** Swiggart 45*** Sword 81*** Sybrant 34*** T T. P. J.(initials) 70 *** Taber 32 *** Tackett 60-61*** Taggart 32*** Talbert 3*** Talley 42 *** Tanner 75*** Tate 35*** Tatum 67*** Taunt 9*** Taylor 16-62-63-64-65-66-73-75-76 *** Teague 87 *** Temple 13 *** Templeton 50 *** Tennant 85-86-88 *** Terry 22-59-61-66*** Thomas 56-58-69 *** Thomason 91*** Thompson 51 *** Thrasher 23 *** Threikeid 23 *** Thurman 70-72-92 *** Tinkle 69 *** Titus 4-5-9 *** Tomlinson 4-5-46-48-73*** Tomlison 13*** Tondo 56*** Toon 74-76-77*** Totten 90-92*** Towell 25*** Tracy 35*** Trammel 38*** Treece 65- 75 *** Trueblood 18*** Tucker 67-8*** Tweedie 89*** Tyler 68*** U Underhill 30*** Unger 84*** V Van 47*** Vance 34 *** Vanderlip 68 *** Vanderpool 72*** Vandiver 48*** Vaught 61*** Venable 88-90*** Vocinar 3 *** Vonhoose 66*** W W. P. S.(initals) 69*** W.H.H.N.(initials) 7 *** Wadley 76*** Wagner 32*** Walden 21*** Walker 22-23-24-25-57-65-72 *** Wallace 1-15-20 *** Walters 32 *** Walton 67-68 *** Wantland 4 8 *** Warren 71 *** Washington 87 *** Waterfield 22-83*** Waterson 21 *** Watkins 2-14-15 *** Webber 24 *** Weber 27*** Weddington 17 *** Weeber 21 *** Weir 78 *** Wellington 5*** Wells 9-27-36-89 *** West 11-85-86 *** White 9-44-88-89 *** Whittenberg 69-86*** Whitney 13 *** Wicks 30 *** Wilhite 36 *** Willburn 37*** Willcox 66 *** Willey 90*** Williams 3-10-28-3134-47-68-76-7879 *** Williamson 9 *** Willis 13-57-62*** Willkie 57*** Wilson 8-61-66-87*** Winkle 59*** Winn 24-25-27-42-74-75-80-81*** Wise 49-58-59-60-77 *** Witt 9 *** Wolfenbarger 54 *** Wood 17-20-37-84-88 *** Woods 19 *** Woolsey 19 Woolum 83 *** Wooten 28*** Wooten 36 *** Word 48 *** Wortham 90*** Wright 10-58-65-66-71 Y Yetton 14-40-61*** Yoes 24-82*** York 28*** Young 34 Z Zinnamon 36 </textarea></center> <p align="center"><font face="Arial Narrow" color="#0000ff" size="2">(if you have other cemetery books to donate that would be appreciated)<br> </font>Darcy Stonesifer <font size="1">-</font><font face="Arial Narrow"><b><br> </b></font></p> </body>