Our Air Conditioned Bedroom

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Boy, those Oklahoma Summers could sure get hot. We had no air conditioning and since we had no electricity, either, there were no electric fans. So it was either lay there sweating, too miserable to sleep, or move to where it was cooler.

We were out in the country, about a quarter mile off the main road, and the nearest house was about a half mile away, and out of sight.

Of course it would be unsafe to sleep outside nowadays, [anywhere].

We never feared Human's but there were always stories about mad dogs, Panthers, or other wild animals that might come around and eat you up.

But not to fear, my trusty dog, Bulger, was right by my side. At the first hint of danger, he was on his feet . . . whimpering and heading for his frady hole under the house.

In this picture, my baby Nephew, is less
than a year old and I am 12.
Then he would remain very quiet, hoping he would not be discovered by the intruder. Yes, it is a slight exaggeration but he WAS the coward of the county. It was good that we always had more than one dog to protect us.
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