Tulsa Central High School
Graduating Class of 1925

14 Students from Page 26 of the Tom Tom Year Book for Tulsa Central High School, Graduating Class of 1925. Surnames on this page: Freed, Livingston, Campbell, Tillack, Logan, Murrell, Wallace, Elegar, Burhans, Hornecker, Stewart, Downing, Brown, Washington

Arthur is a good-natured fellow who believes in waiting to see what will happen before he puts forth much energy. Like Willie Baxter in "Seventeen" he is in the process of learning to dance. He hopes to reach the height of perfection in the final course of events.
Bitter Truth: Naughty boy--he tries to smoke when dad isn't looking.
Orchestra, Tom-Tom, T-Club, Booster Club, Girl Reserve.
Gertrude is a vivacious blonde with attractive dimples and a nose for news as well as an ear for music. Being a talented violinist, she has played in the orchestra for some years and has chosen a musical career.
Bitter Truth: She had her first "bow" when she bought her violin, and has been making 'em useful ever since.
Senior Vice-President, Dramatics. When Jimmy says "Home James," he is transported forthwith to "T. H. S." and from force of habit he goes to B17. Jimmy can play lead in character roles with equal ability, an accomplishment few can boast. Jimmy backs the school in all its undertakings, but he never loses his dignity doing it.
Bitter Truth: He is superbly handsome in make up.
"Curiosity once killed a cat" but it will never injure Beulah. She has never been heard to argue either. In fact, she is so quiet we never can quite comprehend her. The dimple in her chin betrays the devil within, but so far no one has ever seen it.
Bitter Truth: She still wears hairnets.
Not to graduate.
Our dignified young nobleman with a remarkable taste for dances, pretty girls and geology, Earl is the 1925 revised version of Valentino. A good-natured, never serious fellow who can always see the funny side of things and even get a laugh out of Commercial law.
Bitter Truth: He won the city championship for amateur golf [African}.
Indian Club, Girl Scout.
Ansolea is indeed a girl you love to know--and one you never forget. Not soon shall we forget the role she played so splendidly in "Cappy Ricks." Her special hobby is "just school" and she is particularly known for her friendly disposition.
Bitter Truth: Ansolea likes to ride horseback like H.R.H.
"Balloons and Megaphones, don't fail to get them before the game," is Max's favorite line. Mac, being Pres. Of Booster Club is an all around man. He mixes athletics, studies, and society in such a way as to again the admiration of all his classmen.
Bitter Truth: He blushes before a large audience, girls not included.
George is known among his friends as one of the "Gold Dust" twins because of his inseparable companionship with Don Downing. George once decided to be a woman hater for life until--well he changed his mind.
Bitter Truth: He doesn't care for his "spot light" fame.
T-Club, Athletic Association. "Oh, how I hate to get up in the morning" is Mildred's daily protest against the trials of this cruel world. Even Colorado and other foreign countries don't compare to Spring Creek with its square dancing and swimming in Mildred's estimation.
Bitter Truth: She's trying to find a husband.
To look at his name you would think he was a big man--but it doesn't mean anything. Chauncey was raised on Eagle Brand, but he has been persuaded to change his diet to corn beef and Cabbage. He has also been advised to eat sour Kraut.
Bitter Truth: He once wore long pants.
CLIEO STEWART [Also spelled Stuart]
Clieo still wears curls, and who can blame her? She is a Southern type girl in all respects. If you should enter a history class in which the Civil War was being discussed, you would hear the warm argument which Clieo puts forth in favor of the South.
Bitter Truth: 'Tis time she bobbed her hair.
Band, Athletic Association.
In spite of his ability to make remarks which have sent many yawning classes into laughter, Don really takes life seriously. His secret ambition is to be a famous musician. Besides bing a saxophone artist, he is a perfect dancing partner and an all around good student.
Bitter Truth: Saxophone and clarinet will do their stuff in his kitchenette.
Pauline's pet pastime is planning sarcastic answers for possible emergencies. If her schedule of classes is an indication of her tastes, she likes everything from Social Problems to Bookkeeping. She has decided opinions of her own and refuses to be dominated. Those who doubt it should experiment.
Bitter Truth: Pauline is looking forward to more than a graduation frock.
Booster Club, T-Club, Indian Club.
Our wrestler! He has fancy and plain varieties of holds up his abbreviated sleeves. He won the brass baked potatoes when he managed this class through the Pow Wow and Junior Play. This lad has a lot of poise and the proper amount of nerve. His word is law in our sure-enough Indian tribe.
Bitter Truth: On his trip last summer, he saw Washington on the Potomac as well as in the Mirror.

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