Tulsa Central High School - Graduating Class of 1925

14 Students from Page 31 of the Tom Tom Year Book for Tulsa Central High School, Graduating Class of 1925. Surnames on this page: Barr, Auxier, Schultz, Lint, Rice, Leitenberger, Hough, Alderson, Marshall, Insull, Miller, Hutchings, Clark, Ferrell
A long time ago Shakespeare said, Our little life is rounded in a sleep." Elgy seems to prove this statement beyond a doubt. He is that half-awake fellow you have seen in the halls about dinner time. Elgy's hobby is riding around on his bicycle. Chasing girls? No, delivering telegraph messages.
Bitter Truth: He hates the women.
This maid is studying geology so she can become a stenographer. Her pet aversions are walking to school and washing dishes. Her chief delights are streetcar riding and candy pulling. She is commonly called Little Red Riding Hood because of her preference for red.
Bitter Truth: If practice makes perfect she must have been passing notes before she left the cradle.
Gordon is the precise counterpart of the famous Frenchman, Robespierre. He has a low sweet voice of an exceptionally soothing quality. His greatest ambition and fondest dream is to be tall and big and popular with the sex that used to be weaker.
Bitter Truth: He wiggles his knees.
Booster Club, Tom Tom.
She is a regular little "golddigger" when it comes to raking in money for the Tom Tom [she says she practiced it on the masculine members of her household]. Muriel ranks high as a student and not only enjoys all kinds of athletics--but also athletes.
Bitter Truth: The boys call her "Hard Hearted Hannah."
Senate, T-Club, Hi-Y, Radio Club, Tom Tom, Writers' Club.
Bill is just like an antenna, always absorbing but never broadcasting. Few but effective are his sentiments. He is the Cosden Building on legs--tall and slim. Bill is indeed one exception to the rule of a preacher's son, sober, quiet and witty, if you know him.
Bitter Truth: Wait till next leap year and watch the Rice fly.
Portia's giggle reminds one of a tramp's luck [up and down.] Portia likes her clothes done in green shades. Her work on committees consists of assenting to ideas and always being on time, two essentials in a good committee member. She is everything Shakespeare says a Portia should be.
Bitter Truth: She doesn't know a thing about herself.
When Ralph is not playing tennis, he is examining strata or memorizing large parts of Webster's unabridged for geology. His motto is "Do or die," and despite his quiet and reserved exterior he is friendly and energetic.
Bitter Truth: He wears red flannel underwear, we heard.
Girl Reserves, athletic Association School Life.
She has about as many hobbies as she has "crushes." She enjoys hiking, tennis, swimming and dancing, although her greatest interest is in music. Her giggle is as individual as--Waneta.
Bitter Truth: When they sing "Juanita" she says, "Farewell to thee."
T. N. T.
Nellie is directing all her ambition toward future school teaching. She specializes in hiking and attending wienie roasts and basketball games, but no one even saw her chewing gum. Nellie is affected with a serious and apparently incurable case of vanity dropsy.
Bitter Truth: Nobody likes a fat boy--neither does Nellie.
Senate, National Honor Society, Girl Reserves, School Life.
Margaret longs to be a prima donna and says that all she lacks is the voice. Audiences that have heard her dramatic reading, however, think she should be satisfied with one talent. Activities and solids keep Margaret very busy, but not so busy that she can't make a new friend now and then.
Bitter Truth: She gets a thrill out of writing for print.
Ann shrugs her shoulders, carefully follows her routine of work and absolutely refuses to be worried about anything. Her curly black hair has inspired many day dreams of her sisters of the straight-haired clan. Ann is going to attend Oklahoma University when she leaves Tulsa High.
Bitter Truth: Cris-crossing cross-words takes all of her study periods.
Glee Club.
Ed keeps a memory book of airy fancy in which are written the varied conquests of a cavalier heart. He sings in the Glee Club and is fond of emitting enticing trills from his vocal announcers.
Bitter Truth: Ed never does today what can't be done till tomorrow.
Girl Reserves.
Cynical readers of masculine gender, take notice. Here is the girl who doesn't know how to make "Catty" remarks, and as for courage--she took Chemistry III. The exact reason why her friends call her "an angel child" is not known, but we think there is "more truth than poetry" in the statement.
Bitter Truth: Boys tremble before the sweep of her analytical gaze.
Kenneth is so small you have to look twice to see him at all, but his record in interclass athletics compares favorably with that of any young Hercules twice his size. He also shines as a conscientious reader of home room thrift bulletins.
Bitter Truth: He is a follower of Peter Pan--he will never grow up.