
Family of William McCarter
born about 1795
York County, South Carolina

The earliest location in which I  have found my McCarter family is York County, South Carolina. My particular line of McCarters moved from York County, South Carolina to Harris County, Georgia where many of them remained until their deaths. Descendants of William McCarter moved to the neighboring counties of Troup County, Georgia and Meriwether County, Georgia as well as to locations in Louisiana.

William McCarter was my fourth great grandfather. He lived a very long life (at least 89 years of age), dying  after the 1880 Harris County Federal  Census was enumerated.

William's son; Douglass McCarter; grandson Alexander McCarter; great grandson William Marvin McCarter and great great granddaughter Johnnie Eloise  McCarter are my direct line.

If you feel you have any connection to this McCarter family please contact me.

"He was the sunshine of our lives"

William Marvin McCarter

indicates an addition has been made

This page last modified on Tuesday, July 05, 2005