Celebrity Genealogy
Celebrity pictures

Last update: 27 November 2003

Have you ever wondered if you were related to a celebrity? Well, this is the page for you. On these pages are several different celebrity genealogies.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Full listing

Everybody has a past...

Film Personalities
Infamous Figures
Politicians and Leaders
Other Historical Figures


Each celebrity was famous during the 20th century. For the most part, these are Americans, although I have been experimenting with international celebrities. I have also loaded the celebrities database into worldconnect, although it is not updated as much.

I have also posted complete ancestries, as far as is known by me, of persons that are linked. Many thanks to William Addams Reitwiesner for permission to mimic his webpage ancestry tables.

For the most part, I have avoided doing complete descendants, although all known siblings of the direct ancestor are usually listed. All of these are works in progress and some may not have more than parents' names. I am trying to do at least 4 generations on all sides. If you have more information, please let me know!

BY REQUEST means that I am working on these genealogies by the request of visitors. At this time, I am no longer taking requests. Thanks!

All photographs are copyright the respective owners.