Yaun Researchers

           Yaun-Yawn Surname Researchers


The purpose of this page is to list all known Yaun-Yawn and associated family surname researchers.  To submit your name for this page, please email me at the link below.

Researcher                Family

Elizabeth Chase

Matthew Allen Yaun m. Ella Sumerlin, daughter of Giles Sumerlin.

Matthew & Ella had John, Joseph, Easter Jack "Bud: and Mary Delia.

Mary Delia m. an Unk. Spence or Spencer and had 2 sons, John Granville Spence and Alton Spence. She married 2nd John Perry Dannelley and had 9 more children.

 Rosie & BuckieStrickland  Also researching Matthew & Ella Sumerlin Yaun