Websites of Albany Area Churches or their National Organizations - Cliff Lamere










Cliff Lamere   Sep 2000



Episcopal Church USA                

    National website.

        Diocese of Albany   128 churches in upstate NY.  Includes all counties on this website.

            This list is alphabetical by city name.  You can choose to arrange it by church name.

            You do a Search for any church of the 7500 in the US.


Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod      

    National website.

        Websites for NY Churches that have them (Atlantic District)


Evangelical Lutheran Church           

    National website.

        Websites for 99 NY Churches that have them

        List of Churches in Upstate NY   Choose Hudson-Mohawk Conference.  Gives

            name, address, phone number, email address and website address.


United Methodist Church   

    National website.

        United Methodist Church Websites  

            Choose the first letter of the church's name from the list on the left.


Presbyterian Church USA              

    National website.

        Get list of 75 Churches in the Counties on this Website, or 724 Churches in NY 

            In search engine, select New York, but supply no other information to

            get a list of all NY Churches.  Or select Albany from the Presbytery

            drop down list (bottom of screen) to get a list of 75 Albany area

            churches, which includes all counties on this website except Greene.


Presbyterian Church in America       

    National website.

        List of 25 Churches in NY


Reformed Church in America  

    National website.

        Church Websites 

            Long list of website addresses for the churches that have them.  

            See also "Churches" on the Home page for a the list of about 980

            Reformed Churches.


Roman Catholic

    Diocese of Albany - parishes in 14 NY counties     

        The name is misleading since it really covers parishes in 14 counties

        including all represented on this website.  All parishes are listed by

        county.  For each, the name, address and phone number are listed.

        The website address is also given for those parishes which have one.



Albany & Eastern New York Genealogy (HOME) 


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