Jean Bessette


Jean Bessette & Marie Gelineau

Related Families

Dit Names


Other Bessette Families in Clinton County

Who's Researching Who?



I started researching my family roots a few years ago, and had no idea at the time of where it would lead or what to expect. I began the search because I was told, like so many other Bessette families, that our Bessette family was first cousin to Brother Andre, the Saint. Although this turned out to be not so accurate (about as distant as they come! :) ), I did find a family filled with carpenters, farmers, ladder makers, cabinet makers, stone masons, and a wonderful family that I never knew existed.  I have met so many people related in some way through the Bessette's that I never would have met. 

The names and dates alone of our ancestors are useless, unless we know the kind of lives they led. What great stories our ancestors could tell, if only they could speak to us today. They could tell us stories of hardships and survival, stories of great adventure and courage, stories of death and great tragedy, and stories of love and happiness. Jean Marie Bessette would tell us about leaving the only home he had ever know, and striking out for unknown lands with his family and little else. Marie Gelineau would tell us about losing her father when she was a young girl, and raising a family of twelve. Their children could tell us of being drafted for the Civil War, and the fear they felt of the possibility of leaving their families behind, or the sorrow they felt at losing their children so young to the diseases of the times. They could tell us the joys and closeness of their families and the happiness they must have felt at those gatherings.

The history of our Bessette family is not complete, but really only beginning. Hopefully as time goes on we will continue to uncover new information about our family and continue to piece together their lives, as well as discover and correct the errors we have made along the way.
If anyone is connected in anyway to our Bessette family, I would love to hear from you. And if anyone discovers any pictures of anyone in this family, those would be much appreciated as well.

Who we are today, is due in large part, to the lives of our ancestors. We are the ancestors of generations to come, and only in preserving our own memories for these future generations can they learn who we once were too.

I can be contacted at [email protected] or [email protected]