Daily Gazette The McKinney Gazette. February 6, 1890, Vol. 2

[Large sections of this issue have been cut away and do not appear on the microfilm.]

Darius EMERSON has gone on a trip to the west to be gone several weeks. While there he will purchase a ranch for his father.

Albert G. AIKEN, the genial business manager of the elevator company, has gone on a trip to Kansas.

Dr. J. J. CHAMBLISS, a prominent physician of Melissa was in the city Monday.

W. A. GOSSETT of Celina and J. H. ENGLISH of Roseland were in McKinney Monday on business.

J. J. RENOLS has accepted a position with J. R. DEDMON the popular West Virginia street barber.

Prof. E. T. HIGGINS was in the city. He is now engaged in teaching school at Millwood.

Dr. Ben THROCKMORTON of Rhea�s Mill is building up a good practice and is making friends as he goes along.

Prof. C. H. VICK, the popular teacher of the Warden school northeast of McKinney was here Saturday.

Mr. Max METZ was called to Plano Sunday to attend the bedside of Col. R. W. CARPENTER who was very ill.

Col. A. T. FAIRES, the gentlemanly telegraph operator at the East Line depot has been sent to the hospital at Sedalia, Mo. On account of rather an aggravated attack of la grippe.

W. H. BUTTS and J. E. BATEMAN, two prosperous planters of Celina, called Wednesday.

E. W. MORTEN will leave before many weeks for Vernon, Texas where he will go into business. Buck SHRADER will conduct the business here.

Edward McCHESNEY, J. P. DOWELL�s book-keeper, spent last Sunday with friends at Pilot Grove.

Money Wanted. Those indebted to me either by note or account will please call on H. L. DAVIS, attorney at law in Johnson block, and settle same at once and save cost of suit. [Signed] M. w. JOHNSON.

D. B. LITTLEJOHN, a prosperous farmer living east of McKinney a few miles, had a rat killing at his place one day this week at which time 178 rats were killed, some of them weighing as much as three pounds. They were killed with the assistance of dogs.

R. M. BOARD and his son, Edgar, have returned from New York.

My dairy, near SMITH�s gin southeast of the city, is for sale. The dairy is well equipped and is doing a good business. [Signed] I. KAMANZIND.

The Gazette takes pleasure in announcing J. R. GOUGH for local representative.

H. A. FINCH is a candidate to represent Collin County in the state senate.

Commercial Advertisers.
When you want a milk cow, call on W. D. DAVIS, McKinney, Texas.
If you want to buy or sell property call on F. M. THOMPSON.
W. P. SUTTLE & Co., are selling the best plow shoe that has ever been offered to the trade. Call and see them west side square.
For school books call on COLEMAN & WHITE.
Old Kentucky Taylor for sale by H. C. HERNDON.
Dolph MAYES will sell you feed of any kind cheaper than anyone else. You will find him at the feed store on East Louisiana street.
Dr. T. V. CHEW, physician and surgeon, now has his office over COLEMAN & WHITE�s jewelry store.
J. S. JENKINS can make you choice loans at 9 per cent.
Drs. J. GIBSON and J. C. IRVIN have associated themselves for the practice of their profession. Office east of Foote House.
R. M. BOARD has the finest line of goods in McKinney.
City Hotel � Willis and SPARLIN, Proprietors.
School books at lowest prices at SEAY and SEAY�s.
J. W. PERSOHN, Owner of Anvil, Standard bred colt offering for sale at 10,157.
J. P. CROUCH & Co., Dealers in Furniture of all Kinds. HILL & BECK! Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Game always on hand at RUTLEDGE�s Restaurant.
J. R. PARKER, the Gun-Smith, Repairing a speciality.
J. M. MARTIN and J. W. O�GWIN, contractors, builders, and architects.
G. H. DOWLEN, Builder and Contractor, McKinney.
B. A. JENNINGS. Propr. The Jennings Hotel, McKinney.

Professional Cards.
Geo. D. PARKER, M.D. Physician and Surgeon, McKinney.
H. P. MARKHAM Physician and Surgeon, Celina, Texas.
O. M. CALHOUN, M. D., Dentist.
B. E. THROCKMORTON, M.D., Physician and Surgeon, Rhea�s Mill, Texas.
Dr. Max S. METZ, Homoeopathic Physician and surgeon, McKinney, Texas.
T. W. WILEY, M. D. and Alonzo SIMS, M. D. McKinney.
H. L. PEARSON, Dental Surgeon, McKinney Texas.
MUSE & MANGUM, Attorneys-at-Law, McKinney, Texas.
K. R. CRAIG and J. A. L. WOLFE, Attorney�s at Law, McKinney, Texas.
H. C. HERNDON, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals.

Rabbit Hunt.
There was quite a jolly crown at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. ROUNTREE Saturday last. Rabbit hunting is getting to be quite a favorite sport in this vicinity, so last week it was announced that there would be a �hunt� and dinner at Mr. ROUNTREE�S. The result of the hunt as given by Mr. Albert LOVELADY was as follows: Mr. Mat MORROW, 19 rabbits; G. H. LUCAS, 18, James HARD, 12, Albert LOVELADY, 10, Pete WETSEL 11, Wiley McKINNEY, 10; William TURNBOW, 8; Mr. MEDLIN, 7; S. F. COOK, 8; Hancel DICKENS, 6; John SCOTT, 4; G. L. McKINNEY, 4; S. J. BOYD, 2; Bob COFFEY, 3; Ben HARDAWAY, 2....Aunt Liza ROUNDTREE knows just how to make everyone feel at home.

Mr. J. D. BIGGS has sold his store to Mr. G. W. BRADLEY and is now farming with Mr. Hut HUDSON.

Miss Mary BATSON spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J. H. SNEED of Engleman

Messrs Gano HORN and Harvey KERR were guests of R. S. SNEED and family.

Mr. J. B. ENGLEMAN now furnishes his customers with bolted meal.

Little Lewis the infant son of Prof. And Mrs. WESTBROOK died last night, in consequence of which there was no school at the public school today.

For a new lithographed map of the city of McKinney call on S. H. COLE, City engineer.

Constable Pete CLARDY went to Dallas Friday and brought back Dud GANO, charged with gambling, shooting craps, and lodged him in jail. The officers have been making war on the gamblers of the city, and few violators of the law escape.

Dissolution Notice.
...the co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm name and style of J. P. DOWELL & Co., has this day expired by limitation. J. P. DOWELL will continue the business under his own name... [Signed] J. P. DOWELL and J. S. DOWELL.

A lady named CLARY was taken to the asylum Monday. The family lived in the south part of the town on Tennessee street. It is said the lady had been in the asylum once before, but was thought to have entirely recovered. She leaves a little babe of five months. The family have our sympathy in this affliction.

Johnny ROGERS took a tour through the eastern part of the county last week collecting for the firm of I. D. NEWSOM�s Sons. His buggy coupling broke and spilled Mr. ROGERS to the ground. The following day he went to do some collecting he had not bargained for � that of collecting the pieces of the buggy.

Two young ladies � Misses Myrtle BURGER and Miss Flora HAND � were out driving in a two-wheeled go cart Sunday afternoon. When on Armstrong street the horse suddenly stopped and Miss HAND was precipitated to the ground. No serious injuries were sustained.

Dr. WILEY and wife will please accept our thanks for favors extended in the way of late Samoan papers. These papers are quite a curiosity. Mrs. WILEY has numerous photographs....[of] the wrecked ships that went down in the terrible hurricane that came so near ending the life of her son, Ensign Henry A. WILEY.

The children met last Sunday afternoon at the Baptist church. Led by Graham ALBRIGHT, Rev. HANKS, Elder PRICHETT and Rev. SULLIVAN.

J. W. PIKE was put on trial Tuesday, he being charged with having taken a napkin ring from Rod McAULEY�s pocket Xmas night. The jury found him not guilty.

Mrs. Peter TURBIT and children left for Janesville, Wis., Friday in answer to a telegram announcing the death of Mrs. TURBIT�s father, which occurred last Thursday.

The case of the state vs. T. V. JOHNSON for the killing of Joe AKERIDGE and which was set for trial on the 10th has been continued by agreement until the summer term of the district court.

Last Thursday George GILBERT and D. GOODIN went on a hunt and killed 37 quails and three doves.

Frank KEOPSEL and wife have about recovered from a spell of the grip.

Society Dots.
Joe SKELTON and wife have moved to Dallas.
Uncle Clayton ROGERS and his wife, living in West Collin, were to have celebrated their golden wedding, but the serious sickness of himself and this good lady who has walked by his side down past the fiftieth mile post through life�s journey, prevented the celebration. They have an extensive connection throughout the county, who will be glad to learn that the two old people are slowly recovering from this spell of sickness.
Mrs. H. O. HEAD and children returned to Sherman last week after a pleasant stay of several weeks with friends in McKinney.
Mrs. Richard MALTBIE and children were visiting in Denison the first part of the week.
Miss Sallie BINGHAM is attending school in Dallas.
Dr. T. W. WILEY and wife were in Dallas Tuesday.
Mrs. Will SIMS is visiting friends at Grapevine.
Miss Mary BALL has been visiting in Greenville.
Tom SCOTT and wife of Dallas were visiting the family of L. A. FOOTE this week.
Dr. W. H. LITTLE of Arkansas and Miss Ida WOODAL were married Tuesday morning at the residence of District Clerk W. c. JONES on Wilcox street. The bride is the beautiful and accomplished daughter of John WOODAL of Verona.
J. T. BERRY of Abilene is visiting Lawrence BERRY and his sisters, Misses Susie and Sarah BERRY, this week.
Mrs. GALBREATH and Miss Maggie CASSELMAN of Austin are visiting the family of C. P. HEARD on North Kentucky street.
Mrs. Jesse SHAIN has been sick during the past week.

The ladies of the Chautauqua circle met at the residence of Col. R. DeARMOND. Those conducting the program were: Miss Fannie SHIPE, Miss Sallie BATTLE, Mrs. PERKINS, Miss Ollie PLEMMONS, Mrs. John CHURCH.

W. W. LEWIS and wife of Plano spent Sunday in McKinney.

Miss Nannie GRAVES, ...from Dallas has been visiting Miss Ella KINSOLVING on South Tennessee street. She was accompanied home by Walter KINSOLVING.

Tuesday Miss Mary DeARMOND entertained quite a number of her friends....She wore handsome black silk and yellow trimming. [Among] those present: Miss Alice FITZHUGH escorted by Mr. Baker MANGUM of Alabama, Miss Hallie BOARD with Mr. STIFF, Miss Lela WILEY in Mr. ADAM�s charge, Miss Kate CAMERON escorted by Mr. W. P. SUTTLE, Miss Time OATES with Capt. MANGUM, Miss Cora WILSON with Mr. Henry WHITE, Miss Josie WHITE with Mr. W. W. McDOWELL.

One of the most delightful events of the season was the reception last Thursday evening at the palatial home of Judge and Mrs. M. C. ..[unreadable]. .......Miss Ruth FOREMAN....assisted by her sister, Miss Ella FOREMAN and Miss Lura DOWELL. Mr. Will GEE also assisted in receiving the guests. The programme of the evening consisted of dancing. The music, rendered by Messrs. COLLINS, CLAND, OBENSHAIN and GRIFFIN was soul-stirring. [Those present] Miss Hallie SADDLER, Miss Maggie BOUNDS, Miss Sallie EUBANKS, Miss Jennie FIELDS, Miss Allie DOWELL, Miss Fannie ABERNATHY, Miss Mattie DOWELL, Miss May CRAIN, Miss Annie BROOKE, Miss Zora SHORT, Miss Eva BAGLEY, Miss Verda DOWELL, Miss Annie THROCKMORTON, Miss Annie BOWLBY, Miss Florence THROCKMORTON, Miss Gertie DOWELL, Miss Donnie ABERNATHY, Misses Clara and Cecil ABERNATHY, Miss Fannie BROOKE. The young men were: Sam WELCH, B. P. WARWICK, R. F. HOUSTON, C. W. ADAMS, Will OATS, Ben HILL, Fred EMERSON, Joe K. HORTON, Jim WATERS, Joe LEONARD, Fred LARGENT, Aaron BRITT, Court FOUTS, Jim HAMILTON, Bob PARKER, Willie ABERNATHY and Jesse ATKINSON. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. BROOKE, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. ABERNATHY.

J. W. O�GWIN and his excellent wife entertained their young friends last Friday evening in a most hospitable manner. The guests... Miss Annie WHITE, a relative of Mr. and Mrs. O�GWIN. Prof. Cellus CABLE, Abner BUCK, John NALE, Doc HILL, Misses, Pearl BROCKMAN, ANNIE ? Ollie WHITE, Katie WHITE, Flora HAND, Frankie ANDERSON, Nettie BARNES, Josie and Bettie PARKER, Messrs. J. J. RENOIS, Lynn Hay... [some names torn away], J. BARNES, Coke MAYES, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie MARTIN, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. O�GWIN, Mesdames Sallie STEWART and John Berry COX.

The Woman�s T. & F. Society [met]. [Those in the program were] Miss Alice THOMAS, Mrs. M. B. SEAY, Miss Cappie HAMMER.

At HEARD�s opera house last Friday evening, Prof. LANDRUM was assisted making music by Mr. Jerry ADAMS. The dancers were: Misses Winnie STIFF, Winnie BOUNDS, Hallie BOARD, Josie WHITE, Mary DeARMOND, Kate CAMERON, Fannie FOOTE, Miss Kate YARGER, Miss Cora GOLLIDAY, Miss Maggie CASTLEMAN, Mr. and Mrs. Tom SCOTT accompanied by Mrs. L. A. FOOTE, Mr. and Mrs. Bob BRISTOL, Messrs. Will McDOWELL, Tom ANDREWS, J. C. COLEMAN, Will GRAVES, W. P. SUTTLE, Glen STIFF, Price STIFF, Jerry ADAMS, Henry WHITE, Mike MICHAEL, Dr. J. M. PEARSON, Capt. T. F. MANGUM, Baker MANGUM and Forest BOARD.

Mrs. Lizzie STIFF returned from Denton where she has been visiting the family of her son, Houston STIFF.

Miss Florence NOBLE who instructs the first grade pupils at McKinney was ill Tuesday and Miss Minnie REXRODE took her place for the day.

Miss Fanne ROGERS of Melissa was visiting friends in McKinney Saturday.

Mr. Mack HARPER of Parvin, Denton County, and Miss [name unreadable] were married on the 2nd. Presiding Elder HARRIS officiating.

Miss Allie MOUNTCASTLE passed her fourteenth mile post on life�s journey last Tuesday and in the evening gave a nice little party at which the following young people were present: Misses ??ddie MAYES, Luddio FOOTE, Maud COX, Mary HERNDON, Mertle FOX, Vernon CHEW, Fannie HOWELL, Annie BROOKE, May WINN, Messrs. Read MARKHAM, Coke MAYES, Walter HOWELL, Frank HOWELL, Jim WATERS, Court ?outs and R. L. RAY.

Bob ROLAND of Richardson, died on Monday last. He was a brother of Mrs. Jennie MOORE of this city. His untimely death, was caused by aggravated la grippe.

Mrs. Jennie WOODS, the fashionable dress maker of our city, has gone to headquarters to catch all the late improvements of the art.

Among the candidates mentioned for county treasurer: George M. ADAMS of McKinney.

Saturday morning last a dray team ran away. The wagon contained a load of household goods belonging to Mrs. John STOUT. The furniture was damaged as was the wagon.

Charles KURTZ has had a good engine put in and in case of fire will help the fire boys out.

The fine residence of Tom NALE is progressing favorably towards completion under the direction of J. E. COOPER.

Messrs HILL and KURTZ are going to see the council about putting in waterworks and at no distant day.

City Treasurer. W. H. SIMS, R. C. WOODS, Frank E. WILCOX, Clint THOMPSON
City Marshal. A. L. JONES, Sam TURKS
City Assessor. J. H. WOOD
City Attorney. J. Worth RAY.
County Tax Collector. Wms WARDEN, Isaac A. LOONEY
State Senator. H. A. FINCH
Local Representative. J. L. GREER, J. R. GOUGH.

Will (Dynamite) HAYES has been near death�s door for several days from a severe attack of pneumonia. He was taken out of jail, where he has been held on the charge of stealing a watch, and turned over to his mother and step-father, Pryor HAYES and wife who are taking care of him until he recovers.