                                                                                                                                                                                Web Site (c) 2002 Richard G. Boyd 
   The beginnings of Rogers City, Michigan and St. Johns Lutheran Church

   Originally written in the old-style German script by Charles Horn, son of Friedrich Christian Horn.

     "Geschichte der Evangelische Luteraner St. Johannis Gemeinde in Rogers City, Michigan", was 
                    published by the Noellner Printing Company - Detroit, MI  12 August 1923.

Rogers City, in Presque Isle County, Michigan, situated between Alpena and Cheboygan on Lake Huron, is closely  connected with the origin and organization of our Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Church.  This church is the first organized orthodox congregation in this county and its history is closely inter- woven with that of our city and county.  Consequently it may now be an unwelcome thing to the kind reader to learn something regarding the beginning of this settlement, and especially respecting the first winter which our settlers experienced.

As we disembarked from the steamer, Marine City, in October, 1870 on the shore of Rogers City were; namely, my father and mother, Friedrich and Wilhemine, my oldest sister, Bertha, with her two children Emma and Fred and her husband, Heinrich ARMSTAEDT, and I (Charles Horn), at the age of eight years (my older brother, Robert Julius and my sister, Anna, remained in Detroit). 

The "city" consisted of an endless forest primeval of fir trees (white and Norway pine); only here and there a little clearing or a small opening in the forest; a place for a small log-house, a tent, or for a little house erected with raw boards.  Of such latter construction was the house which was to be our home.  Things looked wretched and dismal in this solitude. There were no streets, and the next neighbor was several blocks distant in the forest.  This was evidently so planned by the sellers of real estate so that the dwellers would be induced to clear a street on their own to facilitate contacting one another.  That is actually the way the first street, the present First Street came into being.

Since all of our household goods, tools, and other belongings had safely arrived our house soon changed into a home.  Among the belongings which arrived were a number of chickens and a majestic rooster, who pierced the silence of the forest every morning with his early crowing.  This crowing of the rooster and the sound made by the axes of the lumbermen were for a long time the only signs of human dwellings being present.

Thus several weeks had passed in this monotony, and we were at the end of November.  The Marine City, which had been making a weekly trip to Rogers City, also carrying the mail, was laid up for the winter.  Thus we were totally out of touch with the outer world until spring.   There was no road leading to Alpena or Cheboygan.  Nevertheless, we received our mail bi-weekly which a half-breed Indian delivered by dog sled.  This mail carrier had to follow the shore of the lake from Cheboygan to Rogers City.  It took him a week to make the trip.  Along the way he had a few small huts for rest stations.

With navigation suspended, the monotony became almost unbearable, particularly for my mother, Wilhemine, whom I often saw with tears in her eyes, especially when father was away.  Sunday mornings above any other time were hard to bear for father.  He missed the sweet sound of those excellent, three bells of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Detroit (Pastor J. A. Huegli).  We lived only a few blacks away from the church - and the beautiful divine services were greatly missed.  However, my father who was well versed in Christian doctrine and possessed a resonant and pleasing voice, held Sunday morning service in our home by reading sermons and leading the singing of hymns.  He also led the daily morning and evening devotions.  Beside our own household, the William Manthei family who came to Rogers City at the same time we did, also took part in the Sunday morning services.

Thus a number of weeks had passed, and in December the harbingers of winter were at hand.  And it is of this first winter, 1870-1871, in Rogers City, which for a long time was remembered by the settlers as the "famine winter" that I wish to give the reader a brief description. 

There are only two people remaining in this city who lived through that winter, namely the writer of these lines (Charles Horn) and Augusta Streich who later became Mrs. Fred Denny Larke.  But let no one think that the first settlers were subjected to a fate like those of Jamestown.  Such a fate could have easily come upon them, but only by the grace of God, no one died of starvation.

On her last trip, the Marine City brought a number of French lumbermen (French Canadians) to
Rogers City who were more skilled in lumbering than the Germans.  With this addition, the population consisted of about 75 to 100 persons.

The Lumber Company, Rogers & Molitor, upon whom the population depended for its livelihood, had, in the fall, stored away an enormous amount of flour, pork, beans, split peas, syrup, etc. for the winter, but there was a lack of potatoes.  The Marine City had, indeed, brought a few sacks on her return trip from Cheboygan, but the potatoes had frozen, tasted sweet, and were as yellow as a lemon.  Not having a cow we had no milk or butter whatsoever.  Since the frozen potatoes were unpalatable by themselves we cooked them together with beans one day and with peas the next.  In addition, we had bread with syrup and black coffee.  However, since our chickens favored us with an egg once in a while, we often had a welcome change in the form of lovely potato pancakes.

Thus we lived through the severe winter with its great amount of snow.  The provisions of Rogers & Molitor were visibly ebbing away.  Coffee and sugar were entirely gone, while flour and pork, as well as other necessities were rationed in small portions.  With longing eyes we looked for spring and the opening of navigation which would bring an end to our precarious situation.  Yes, my dear reader, marvelously, the Lord God spread His protecting hand over us during that winter. 

Just think what could have happened if the stock of provisions had been destroyed by a fire (a danger very real on that day); and we living 50 to 60 miles from the nearest city and no roads on which to travel, and with three to four feet of snow on the ground!  Did not the Lord God thus show His unspeakable grace and His omnipotence to us?

However, as when the longest night finally comes to its end, thus also the longest winter must pass away.  It was now far into the month of April, and for some time we had thawing weather and south winds, which rendered the ice brittle and drove it far out upon the lake.  And one fine morning, all unexpectedly, we heard the loud and familiar steam whistle of the Marine City.  Everyone ran to the shore of the lake to look at a ship which had a new supply of provisions in its hold.  And sure enough, there she was - the Marine City, painted white, and I believe that no ship ever looked more beautiful to the settlers than this one.  She tried to make a landing through the ice at Crawford's Quarry (Calcite), but there was too much ice in the bay, and so the ship had to give up the landing attempt and turned to move toward Rogers City.  But there, too, much ice was still present, as hard as a rock and reaching down to the very bottom.  Consequently the ship could not make a landing, but since the weather was beautiful and the lake calm, the ship came to the very edge of the ice floor and slid the mail pouch and a number of light boxes of coffee, tea, etc. unto the ice and left us with the promise to come back to us from Alpena after the ice had gone, and unload the entire cargo. 

After a few days the Marine City returned, and since the ice was gone she tied up at the dock, and a gigantic stock of provisions was unloaded.  I believe that almost all the inhabitants were at the dock, and their joy was great indeed. 

Herewith, I think, I can close my description.  The spring of 1871 and the reopened navigation brought about a great change.  The Canadian lumbermen had not remained idle during the winter.  Great mountains of  saw-logs were piled up near the new sawmill, and the smaller trees, were made into cord-wood which was piled up into almost unmeasurable rows.  By this time, quite an opening had been made in the gigantic forest and it was possible to see for some distance.

After a few weeks my brother, Robert Julius, arrived with the intention to take all of us back to Detroit.

The way in which the subsequent event came to pass, and how it happened that he particularly seemed to be called to play a part in the history of Rogers City, Presque Isle County, and especially in the history of our church ( of which he at that time hardly had an inkling ), I will let him tell in his own words . . . .  Karl

The following is the translated account as written in the old German script by Robert Julius Horn, the oldest son of Friedrich Christian and Wilhemine Henrietta Horn. 

In Detroit, the Spring of 1870 began the same as former years with the exception that there was a certain laxity and slow-up in all branches of industry trying to establish themselves.  The country was slowly recuperating in the wake of the Civil War.  The Reconstruction Period was just about to an end.  The old "green backs" or "shinplasters" were taken out of circulation and silver coins and certificates were circulated in their place.  During the course of the summer of 1870, unemployment made itself felt in Detroit, too, especially in the building trade.  My father, Friedrich Horn, was a carpenter by trade and obtained only two to four days of work per week, and some weeks, none at all.  Finding work was difficult for him because of his age, as he now was 55.  Strong and active men were preferred, which made matters difficult.

One day our attention was directed to an advertisement in a Detroit newspaper.

"Men wanted:  Carpenters and others able to work in a sawmill, and in the woods:  men able to fell trees.  Good Government and State homestead land available in the vicinity of Rogers City.  Please consider and be ready to set sail on Monday, on the Steamer Marine City, in order to make a direct nonstop trip from Detroit to Rogers City.  Signed:  Rogers and Molitor." 

My father and I considered the matter thoroughly and came to the conclusion that Rogers City was the best place for Father.  So we decided that on the next Monday evening, my father should undertake the voyage north with the Steamer Marine City, which would depart at the foot of Wayne Street in Detroit.  I accompanied him from our home to the dock and remained several hours with him, until he said,  "Now you can leave for home, otherwise Mother will be concerned."  We all wished Father, "God's speed" on his trip.  He traveled all alone.  Another carpenter whose name escapes me, who was a member of Pastor Huegli's congregation, and William Matheis were there as Father arrived safe and sound in Rogers City.

What did he find?  No houses, with the exception of a block house for Molitor and family.  Father and all others lived in tents.  Molitor was glad that more and more people arrived and he told Father,   "Pick a lot, build a house; then go and get your family."  Wood and boards were at his disposal.  Father found a lot at Michigan and First, cleared the same and in several weeks, built a temporary dwelling, boarded inside and outside.  The roof was the same material, rough boards in double layers.  After three weeks, one evening, Father came back unexpectedly and greeted us with these words,  "The place is just as described, only houses and people are lacking.  Get ready and pack up!  Now!  We are moving to Rogers City."

The message was also sent to my brother-in-law, Heinrich Armstaedt.  He lived near Utica Station, in Clinton Township.  He also made preparations to travel to Rogers City.  In October 1870, Friedrich Horn returned with his wife, Wilhemine, his son Charles, his daughter Bertha and her husband, Heinrich Armstaedt and their two children, Emma and Fred.  I was the only one that remained and stayed with my sister, Mrs. Frederick Reif.  Pastor Huegli inquired at every opportunity concerning Father's welfare, and said:   " I'm not too anxious because of him as he will get along as long as he clings faithfully to God's Word.  Then he will also have success...."

Now Father and I kept up a regular correspondence and I gave him my promise that God willing, I would visit them the next spring, 1871.  I was twenty-two years of age and quite robust, and was saving money to lay aside for the future.  Since I wished to be more proficient, I engaged in work in a carriage shop at two dollars per ten-hour day.  Food and groceries could be obtained at moderate prices so it was possible for me to put some money into savings.  In June of 1871 I intended to visit my parents. 

Unexpectedly, one nice morning, my brother-in-law, Heinrich Carl Armstaedt, appeared and painted a horrible picture of how the people of Rogers City were treated.  There wasn't any money, only store orders, and necessary things to be bought were charged at double price.  My sister, Bertha, interrupted him and said,  "On one side there is nothing but woods and more woods and on the other side nothing but the blue sky and water.  We and the Kaedings left, and what did we receive for our strenuous work - a piece of trash, and here it is!"

With that comment, Heinrich Armstaedt put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a check for the amount of $83.20.  Now I said,  "This is a bank draft.  Have you tried to cash it?" "No." he said, and gave me the piece of paper.   "Good enough,"  I said,  "I will soon find out if the check is cashable or not."  The check was drawn up to be paid to the bearer and could be cashed by anybody.  I took the check and handed it to the bank clerk and received the money without protest.

Now I went back to Heinrich and drew the money out of my pocket.  "Man, did you really get money for that piece of paper?"   "Of course I received it, and here it is, count it." Heinrich did not enjoy his money for very long because swindlers or pick-pockets took it from his pockets while he was on a trip from Detroit to Utica. 

Now I went to Johann Julius Kaeding, who had a similar story to Heinrich's about Rogers City's adverse conditions.  I thought if conditions are really as bad as described, it would not be a place for my parents, so I decided to get them back to Detroit.  I went to the bank to draw out enough cash for a return trip, and I headed for Rogers City that very evening. Thursday evening, I landed at the dock and my father was there expecting me.

I was at our home but a short time when Molitor came for a visit and I was introduced to him.  Molitor said,   "I am pleased that you came.  Work is available and you can start tomorrow.  I need wagons and sleighs and more of such vehicles, so there will be no lack of work."  I answered that I could not start immediately because I had left my work tools in Detroit and had to go get them.  He said,   "What an unnecessary waste of time!  Why did you not bring them along?  Why not return to Detroit tomorrow, when the steamer returns from Mackinaw and get your tools."   As Molitor left, I unloaded the tales that Armstaedt and Kaeding had told me.  I also stated the reason I had come back.  My father answered, "Armstaedt and Kaeding were inconsiderate in what they did and said.  They earned good money last winter and saved quite a bit.  I think they will soon regret what they did and soon return.  I, for my part, am satisfied and will not return.  It is true that money is scarce, store orders are the rule, but a person can obtain all the necessities  and if anyone is in need of money, you may obtain this also.  Nothing is lacking here but a church and a Christian Day School.  Our gracious Father knows we have need of these things and in due time, will provide, of this I am certain....."

On the next morning I looked around to see the "Village."  There were about 8 or 12 houses which were ready and occupied, one store, one boarding house for workers, one saw mill, one public school building which my father built during that first winter, and there was also a blacksmith shop.  This was all I saw.

My father was quite concerned with the spiritual welfare of the settlers.  The family devotions which were first conducted for the family were arranged to include as many families as possible.  These devotions at times were well attended.  Many families settled during 1871, who also came to the Reading Services: Rudolph Streich and family and his father, Ernest R. Papke and family, William Erkfritz and Fred Schrepper with their families. 

In the fall of 1871, Heinrich Armstaedt and Johann Kaeding, also returned with their families.  The greatest increase was at Belknap, which at that time was a part of Rogers Township.  Some of these were patriarch Wilhelm Klee and some of his sons (several were married), patriarch Johann Schlager with sons, and the family of Johann Bredow with four sons. They all had been members of St. Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) in Wolcottsville, New York.  When they came to the Reading Church Service on Sunday, the public school building was put to use.

The public school building was at Michigan and Second Street where the present City Hall is located.  My father, Friedrich, also endeavored to obtain a minister from the Lutheran Missouri Synod who would be able to administer the Word and the Sacrament of the Altar, and for this purpose he got in contact with Pastor Huegli of Detroit.  In the spring of 1871, Huegli wrote that Pastor K. L. Moll  wrote and indicated that he would be here in June or July.  Now the members were glad that they would finally receive a minister.  In the meantime, there were a number of preachers who deluged my father with requests to conduct trial sermons and services. 

As far as I can recollect, he gave them all a chance to speak.  Some of them were gifted orators, but none of  them stood the test, as they were found unprepared. 

Pastor Moll arrived in June or July, and delivered his sermon and gave Communion.  Father, at this time, had built a new and larger house, which is still standing today, 1923.  The next day Pastor Moll was to come to Belknap and there conduct services and administer Holy Communion.  We knew that it would be later in the day when transportation would be brought from Belknap to our home, so Pastor Moll and I decided to go to Trout River and go fishing.  We stopped by the old Beaver Dam and attempted to fish.  Pastor Moll got rid of his coat, vest, boots and socks, and climbed on an old cedar which had fallen across the stream.  But our experience was like that of Peter in the Gospel, we fished but caught nothing.  Confidently now, we began to be homeward bound, and we wished ourselves better luck for another day.  The way we had come along the Trout River up from the bridge to the dam was long and tedious.  I knew if we could go through the woods to the Schrepper Road, then our going would be shorter and easier.  I then made my thoughts known to Pastor Moll, who said,  "This is O.K. with me."

We started out and I took the direction as good as I knew, but I had left my compass at home.  We got deeper and deeper into the cedar swamp and no sun was shining to lead us.  If only I would have a definite check point so I could take the right direction.  The pastor said, "Take a look at that tree."  "Yes,"  I said, "the tree has moss on one side."  "That is wonderful, that is the north side."  "If this is so, then we will soon be out of our difficulty.  We have to take a north by northeast direction."  With my right hand I pointed out the course which we would have to take.  If we would follow closely, we would soon be out in the clear.  From time to time, we checked the direction by the moss on the trees and in less than twenty minutes we reached the Schrepper Road.  "Now we are out of the high grass.  This way takes us to the bridge which we crossed this morning."   "Since you speak of high grass," remarked Pastor Moll,  "I'd like to have Pastor Huegli here with us.  He grew up in the prairie and would fit splendidly into this situation."   It did not take us long before we were home and as we arrived there Gottlieb Hasenburg from Belknap was there also in order to take Pastor Moll with him.

Now we ate in a hurry because it was already two-thirty in the afternoon.  Hereupon Pastor Moll departed so that he might reach Belknap.  The conveyance consisted of a horse and wagon with loose boards for a box, a bundle of grass for the nag and a bundle of straw for the seat. We all wished him a successful trip, for we knew what must be expected.  Before they arrived it must have been past midnight.

It pleased Molitor that many people congregated to hear Pastor Moll and he said to Father, "Now we have to see to it that we obtain our own pastor."  Molitor, on his own account, sought Pastor Huegli in order to get a pastor.  "Good morning, Pastor Huegli, I am Albert Molitor of Rogers City.  I am coming with the request that you provide a pastor for us.  He must have personal fortitude to guide and lead the people, on the straight and narrow path, otherwise the people will pine away and become very much disheartened."

Pastor Huegli answered,  "This matter cannot be solved so easily, as breaking a stick over the knee.  The people must first send out a call to the desired pastor or candidate and then the matter will be settled." 

Molitor said,  "Why bother with a call and why run after the farmers for necessary signatures?  This is an unnecessary waste of time.  Let me tell you something.  A letter from you to the proper authorities would bring the desired results."   By this time Pastor Huegli had enough evidence that Molitor was of a different mind and spirit.  Pastor Huegli concluded the conversation, with the idea that he would see what could be done, and Molitor left. 

Before Pastor Moll set sail for Detroit, he gave the promise that, God willing, he would visit the people again the coming year and serve them with the Word and Sacraments.  His short stay here and among the people on the farms, made him quite popular.  He was quite concerned about the spiritual well-being of the people and about the children who were without instruction.  Therefore, he sent a sufficient number of Bible Histories and Catechisms.  In the interim, the parents could instruct the children sufficiently, and in the following year, three of them could be confirmed.  The following letter, however, will show how the intended return visit was interrupted.

                                                          Detroit, Michigan   30 June 1872

My dear Mr. Horn,

I hope you are all well.  This is my ardent desire.  The promise that I made to visit you and your people this summer, I cannot keep.  We laid the cornerstone for our new church and this gave me much to do.  I, therefore, requested Pastor Lemke of Roseville to visit you on my behalf.  Pastor Lemke agreed and intends to leave on the eighth of July; and on the seventh Sunday after Trinity, July fourteenth, he intends to hold services in Rogers City and also in the country.  Please make it known to the farmers as much as possible, and I hope you will receive Pastor Lemke in the same friendly spirit as you received me.  I would gladly have come again myself if this had been possible.  Give friendly greetings to Mr. Manthei and family from me.  Best regards to you and your dear family.
                                                       From your Brother in the Lord,
                                                                                     K. L. Moll

Father notified the people at Rogers City and Belknap that Pastor Lemke would make a visitation.  The people were glad and thanked the Lord that He was caring for them.  Pastor Lemke arrived in good time and began  his ministry, preached, held preparatory (confessional) services, and administered the Lord's Supper.  Albert Manthei was baptized and Miss Mathilda Wenzel and myself were sponsors.  She later became my wife.  Pastor Lemke also had the first confirmation service.  The first confirmands were my brother-in-law, Gustave Wenzel, Augusta Streich, who is now Mrs. Larke; and Louise Potratz.  After Pastor Moll's visit these were instructed by their parents and by a man named William Henry Buchner.  This Buchner was a pastor's son, from Germany.  He was of small stature but he had a good voice-box!  He was a gifted speaker and a good singer.  Several times he conducted reading lessons and delivered self-fabricated sermons.  He would have liked to have become pastor of the flock, but in the opinion of my father, he was cut out more for a public school teacher than a preacher.

Because of the stress and necessity, the small flock of Lutherans voiced their readiness to build a church in Rogers City.  Molitor made the offer,  "I will donate the property and all the lumber for the building if you wish to build."  Also, God moved the unchurched and those of other faiths, so that they supported the work with liberal subscriptions toward the erection of a church building.  Father was delegated by the members to go to Detroit, and elsewhere, to see if others were interested in supporting the project with their mites.  God blessed the endeavor.  The donations amounted to seventy dollars.  He also had occasion to visit Pastor Huegli  who drew up a plan for a pastoral call, with the remark,  "Let your son make a copy of this diploma and send it to candidate, Joseph A. Bohn, of Kendallville, Indiana.  After your son has obtained subscribers who wish to be members of the Lutheran Church, accepting the Augsburg Confession, you, yourself send the same, as I do not wish to give the impression that I had a part in it."  Father brought the Call with him and I carried out the orders that Pastor Huegli had given.

The Divine Call to candidate Joseph A. Bohn was drawn up and executed.  The subscriptions both here and in Belknap were gathered by Father and sent to St. Louis, Missouri. The call was accepted.  So, God the Lord saw to it that we were supplied with a pastor and we could be adequately ministered unto.  With the Word and Sacraments, and with joyful heart we could sing, "Now Thank We All Our God."  By 1873, many who were interested in the Christian religion, had settled in Rogers City and neighboring areas. Some of these were Herman Hoeft, Frederick Bertram, old Father Wenzel and his sons, Henry, August, and Bernhard, Father Kuhlman, and his sons Max and Leopold.  These were interested in the Lutheran Church and the number of Lutherans grew considerably.

From now on, the field, ripe for harvest, was to be undertaken by a man who was truly born to be a missionary, namely, Joseph Antonius Bohn, who now put in his appearance at Rogers City. After a few weeks, he was ordained and installed as an Evangelical Lutheran pastor.  At his feet, the writer of these lines, sat attentively and listened to the precious Word of God. Also his hands of blessing were placed upon my head when I was confirmed.  He ministered seven years traveling to Moltke, Belknap, Crawford's quarry (Section13) and Posen. 

The following is a translated article by Charles Horn on Candidate Joel D. Druckenmiller - 1878:

In the two congregations of Rogers and Moltke, there was a real change.  The advice and wish of Pastor Bohn, that Rogers and Moltke become one parish, now  became a reality.  Moltke Township, through advertisements in German newspapers, made known that there was much land with hardwoods to be had at a cheap price.  This brought many settlers to that place; and the nice thing about it was that the majority of them were church-minded.  This gave the congregation courage to call a pastor, Candidate J. D. Druckenmiller.  The call was similar to the one extended some time previous to Pastor Bohn, namely that no fixed salary was mentioned but instead the comforting words:  "We will provide him with earthly things so that he will not suffer any want."  This Divine Call was not very promising or encouraging, especially for a candidate who had just graduated and acquired an education.  The Call was accepted without opposition and so about mid-September, the candidate appeared on the scene, in person.  Candidate Druckenmiller was quartered in the Horn residence as was Pastor Bohn previous to him, and the same study and bedroom was assigned to him.  The only difference now was that instead of Father Horn, who had moved into the country, his son Robert occupied the house and gave him board and room.  Candidate Druckenmiller was soon ordained by Pastor Bohn and installed at Rogers and Moltke.

Now began the blessed 38 year ministry of Pastor Druckenmiller in Presque Isle County, chiefly in the two sister parishes of Moltke and Rogers.  After a horse had been provided for him, he also for a time, took care of the congregation in Posen.  The small Indian pony, "Tommie" by name, served faithfully for many years and weathered many a storm and blizzard.  Pastor Joel Druckenmiller was a man of average height with a pleasing personality and a robust constitution.  Except for a year when he had to seek rest upon the advice of his physician, because of a heart ailment, he dropped no services during his 38 years of ministry because of illness.  During his year of rest and recovery, the congregations were served by a "Lay Reader" and theological students.  Besides having a strong physique, he was gifted with a pleasing voice which was used in leading the singing until the congregation procured its first organ; but even then, he had to lead. 

In the year of 1881, Pastor Joel Druckenmiller married Miss Alma Kuhlman, daughter of Mr. Edward Kuhlman, one of the charter members, and a leader in the church at Rogers City.  He was blessed with two sons and a daughter.  Miss Kuhlman was a respected young lady in the congregation, and the fact she was selected as the pastor's wife brought no little joy to the members.  Always modestly dressed, also friendly and respectful to young and old, and ready to help where help was needed, she was a model  pastor's wife.  Yes, this dear spouse contributed much, that amid the hardships and official
duties in the service of the three congregations during those primitive conditions, he did not break down completely.  It seemed exceptional that the pastor was able at one and the same time to send two of his sons to study at the seminary with such a scant salary.  Only through the frugal management of the pastor's wife was this made possible.  Out Dear Lord will in His time give her a gracious reward and adorn her with a crown of glory.
                Charles Horn

NOTE:  These translations were made possible through the efforts of Mrs. Nina Ferdleman who persisted that those records of Rogers City be made available in the English language.  The Rev. Herman Heinecke spent considerable time and effort in translating the accounts from the original German scripts.  He hoped to convey as closely as possible the feelings and thoughts of Charles and Robert Horn, in the hope that we might realize the deep religious faith these people had, which helped them in their work of building the foundation of Roger City, Michigan. 

Rev. Herman Heinecke spent over 50 years in the Lutheran ministry.  Most of those years were at congregation at Hawks, Posen, and Moltke.  In retirement, he served many years as vacancy pastor and visitation pastor for the surrounding Lutheran congregations.

Original in possession of Don Knopf,  great-grandson of Friedrich Christian Horn, Fort Wayne, Indiana

Translated Letter of Pastor Bohn, 1923

St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church’s First Organ and First Organist

Officers of St. John’s Lutheran Church (Rogers City) –  1873 – 1913

First Rogers City Village Officers 1872 

President - Charles Pfanneschmidt 
Trustees - William Gillies, Thomas Asquith, Charles
Whitney, Joseph Mangold, Ernst Papke, Pierre Decent 
Treasurer - Rudolph Streich 
Clerk - G. Davison 
Street Commissioners - Albert Molitor, Frederick Sommers, Henry Wenzel photo 
Assessors - J. Paul Mayer, Friedrich Christian Horn 
Marshall - Alex Jarvis 
Pound Master - Henry Wenzel 
Drain Commissioner - John Rich 
Fire Wardens - Joseph Vogelheim, J. Ayott, T. A.
Baxter, George Kitchen, F.H. Buckner, Louis LaLong 

St. Johannes Kirche [ Rogers City ] founded 12 August 1873 by the following: 

Rev. Joseph Antonius Bohn 
Friedrich Christian Horn 
Herman Hoeft 
Robert Julius Horn 
Henry Armstädt 
Ernst Papke 
Wilhelm Repke 
Friedrich Bertram 
Rudolph Streich 
Eduard Kuhlmann 
August Wenzel 
Johann Kaeding 
Henry Wenzel 
Wilhelm Domke 
August Radke 

 Presque Isle County Families