
UFT Roles to TMG

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It has been said, with justification, that UFT created the best narrative reports. One of the main reasons for this was the role sentences that Ultimate Family Tree employed. They had a certain dignity, sounding, at times (not always), as if they came from the 19th century and appearing in a formal, professionally written family history. For one who transfers his data into TMG it provides the best of worlds; there's a choice of sentences, and in many cases added tags covering other possible areas of interest.

I will send to any TMG user who requests it a copy of a TMG dataset, created in version 4.0d Gold,---or a TMG dataset created in version 6.11---which contains ALL of the UFT role sentences and the UFT source templates. I imported a small one person project from UFT version 2.8 which contains these items and will send it to any person who might wish to enjoy the the benefits of having the use of UFT roles without the necessity of acquiring a copy of UFT.

You will need to have TMG version 4.0d or better to be able to use one of these datasets. It makes no difference if its the gold or silver edition.

To get one of these datasets, please go here. But also read the rest of this page.

These datasets contains only the standard TMG tags and standard UFT role sentences without any of my custom tags or role sentences (with one or two exceptions, see below). The Master Place List, Master Source List and Master Repository List are empty. There are French and German language translations of the role sentences included in UFT; those translations are included. The one person in the dataset is there for the purposes of creating, importing and exporting the dataset, and once you have merged or appended your copy of this dataset with your data,

he can be safely deleted. The last action in creating these datasets was optimizing the datasets, so it is as small as I can get it. If nothing else, you will quickly and easily have many new custom role sentences to choose from.

TMG users know that TMG words it's tag sentences with the date element preceding the location, e.g. "[P] was [M] [D] [L]." They should be aware that UFT places the location before the date. The UFT tag would read, using [P], as "[P] was [M] [L] [D]." A memo field was added to every tag.

The TMG tag groups that the UFT roles were placed in were mainly the default tag groups that TMG chose on import. I suggest that upon import you examine the dataset and edit it to suit your needs, and at this time, before the roles are used, that if you wish to change the tag group the tag is in, that you use cut and paste. You should also make certain that there will be no conflicts with your custom TMG tags. The honeymoon, domestic partnership and prenuptial agreement tags or roles were placed in the Other tag group; likewise, so is the Jewish "get" role. Cremation is in the burial group.

I took the liberty of copying the Jewish get tag and roles, imported into the Other tag group, and putting it into the Divorce tag group. The standard Annulment tag in TMG is in the Other tag group; I copied that tag, with all its roles, and put it in the Divorce tag group. Both tags remain in the Other tag group. The sole difference is that the tag name in the divorce group ends with d.

I wrote earlier that only standard tags and sources were included. There is one possible exception to that. There is a British version of UFT which contains a set of UK specific roles and source templates. All UFT users were given the opportunity to import these roles and sources. These datasets includes those UK roles and sources. The UFT definations of those events are included here.

In UFT the roles were divided between a set of roles which were applicable to everybody, and they include the standard birth, marriage, death and burial tags which all genealogy programs have. There are also roles applicable to six different subsets of genealogical interest. The six subsets are African American, Hispanic, Jewish, Catholic, Mormon and military. There are seven if you include the UK specific roles. The African American roles deal with the American slavery experience, the Mormon roles concern the LDS Temple services, the Catholic roles with the Catholic liturgy and sacramental life, and so forth.

As I mentioned these datasets include the UFT source templates. You will not find the TMG sources according to Mills or Lackey; the templates are those as used in UFT. There are 89 sources, as compared to 96 in the TMG's interpretation of Mills. The sources used in UFT were based on Lackey's Cite Your Sources; this also includes the UFT interpretation of some of the sources in E. S. Mill's Evidence! The Mills templates are distinguished with the ending --X! attached to each source title. I have experimented by appending this dataset with a newly created unused TMG dataset. The result was a total of 178 sources, with all the default sources in TMG unaffected, and the sources that came originally from UFT present and unchanged.

When, and if, you decide to import this dataset into your current dataset, I suggest you backup your dataset and, in TMG4, append (not merge) one dataset into the other. In TMG5, merge means the same thing as append did in TMG4. Preferably append this dataset to a copy of your main dataset; in doing so you will have your main dataset unchanged, as it would have been added to a copy, and this dataset (the roles one) would be left unaffected. If you like the result, excellent. Keep the original dataset for at least a month after this operation to be on the safe side. When you import this dataset into version 5, please import into the same project as the dataset you think you want to add this to. Before you append this dataset please go through this dataset and resolve any conflicts you might have with custom tags in your dataset. Pay attention to the standard tags. I think you should be aware of what this will do. Also look at the sources and consider adding the abbreviation --uft to the end of each so you will know where all your sources came from. It's what I did, but you might have other ideas. You also might not want to import them all. You might consider making a copy of this dataset and working with the copy, keeping the original if you change your mind about something you did.

To download one of the datasets, please go here.

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