Gathering Nuts - COHENS, CRAIGS, and HYDES Genealogy


Gathering Nuts

"Home Page"


. . . to my not-entirely-reverent study of the history of our family trees (and the nuts that fell from them) as they grew amidst the confusion of the American frontier, and the insanity of the human spirit.

   Our stories begin with three main trees: my wife's family of Eastern European Jewry (Fiddlers on the Roof); my father's family of Scotch-Irish immigrants (A Celtic Quilt) ; and my mother's family of colonial American Puritans and Huguenots (Hyde and Seek). Each branch is explored in its own section.

   With apologies to true "genealogists" everywhere, this site is dedicated more to the gathering of the nuts, and the weaving of their stories than to a scientific dissection of the trees (see The Hows and Whys.) While I have tried to document the sources of the information presented as accurately as possible, I have not always proven its validity.  To avoid frustration and confusion, the serious researcher should use these pages only as a tempting trail of crumbs that may lead to your own feast. The rest of us may lean a little on our imaginations.

  If by chance you discover (and are brave enough to admit) that you are related to this collections of nuts, please let me know. I would love to add any information, photographs, stories, etc. that you may have, link to your web site, or to let you know of any updates here.


"Fiddlers on the Roof" COHEN, Epstein, Friedman, MUNDSTUK, DREBIN, Pinsky From Eastern Europe in the 1800s to Philadelphia and Chicago
"A Celtic Quilt" CRAIG, Graves, Kays, Miller, MORTON, Park, SHORT From Ireland and Scotland to Pennsylvania, then to Iowa and Missouri
"Hyde and Seek" Adams, Clapp, Coutant, Giddings, HALSTED, Hunt, HYDE, Kidder, LEONARD, Ward This one never ends! New England area from the early Colonies



The Hows and Whys

Techniques, philosophy, copyrights, and other boring things.

Genealogy Resources

Lists of information and links to resources of general interest to genealogists, family historians, and web-page designers. (Specific family resources may be found on each related family page)

Site Map

For those of you in a hurry, or who don't want to wade through all of the pretty pages I have built -- the "No Frills" tour of this site.

It will be obvious that this site will constantly be under construction, as history just never seems to quite reach "The End". Please forgive the dust. (Mostly though, I just like the little-guy-digging thingy.) If you have any suggestions, contributions, corrections, correspondence, or questions, please E-mail me, or sign my guestbook below.  For any serious gripes, press "1" and a customer service agent will be with you shortly . . .         David Craig

"Whenever you pass by the field where you have laid your ancestors look well thereupon, and you shall see yourselves and your children dancing hand in hand."
K. Gibran

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"Gathering Nuts" Home Page; David Craig; revised Saturday, 08-Sep-2018 08:31:04 MDT