Newton White

Newton White
& Nancy Parker

At present Newton and Nancy represent deadends along their lines. We have absolutely no information on their ancestors.

Newton White was born January 1840, in Missouri, possibly in Benton county.

Newton married Nancy Parker probably after the Civil War. No dates are available on Nancy, other than her death which is only known to have been around 1879/1880.

Home of Newton & Nancy White

Newton White & second wife, Harriet

Newton was a farmer in Henry County. His farm was located near Calhoun. Being in his twenties during the Civil War, it is likely that he served as a soldier, but no records have yet been found indicating so.

His marriage lasted with Nancy for fifteen years or so before she died. Newton married his wife's sister, Harriet, in 1880.

Charles White is the only known child of Newton and Nancy. Whether Newton and Harriet had any children is also unknown.

Newton lived into the twentieth century, but died before 1910.

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