
A Genealogy of the Kirk Family by Chas. H. Stubbs, M.D., Wylie & Griest, Lancaster PA, 1872

Important note for the kirk-stubbs database:


This is a transcription of a book published in 1872 on the Kirk family. Since this book was passed down to me through my family and since I have become interested in genealogy, I have had several requests for information from the book. The book has no index of people, so it’s hard to find specific individuals. There is an index of marriages, but it is in alphabetical order by first name rather than surname, and there appear to be some marriages left out of the list. Consequently, I have been transcribing the information in the book into a GED file so that a genealogical database program can find individuals more easily.

The book is in poor condition and since I have not seen it referred to anywhere, I have to assume it’s relatively rare. Consequently I decided to post the GED file on Rootsweb as the kirk-stubbs database in order to give others an easy way to reference the book. Please note that I have made some corrections to obvious errors, but some other errors may not be recognized. Inconsistent entries have been noted occasionally, probably due to misprints (of which there are many).

Since this database is only designed to be a book transcription, I will not be posting any further corrections (other than to correct my own errors) or additions to the genealogy in the database. In particular, the genealogy of spouses may be well known, but not included here. Obviously, births, deaths or marriages occurring after publication in 1872 are not included. To accommodate these possibilities, I will use this page to refer to more complete information, databases or websites as they are presented to me rather than modifying the kirk-stubbs database.

It may be helpful to some to read the preface to the book. Also, the introduction to the descendants of Roger Kirk and the introduction to the descendants of Alphonsus Kirk.