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The London Morning Penny Post

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Some Selected Reports from the London Penny Post

From Wednesday July 31, to Friday August, 1751.

Continuation of A Narrative of the Dangers and Distresses which befel ISAAC MORRIS, and seven more of the Crew, belonging to the Wager Store-Ship, which attended Commodore Anson, in his Voyage to the South-Seas.

WE proposed to go in Search of it, which if we could find might serve to make a Hatchet. According!y we furnish'd ourselves with some raw Seal and Water, went and found the Musket, though above sixty Miles. On our Return home we found several Ostiches Eggs, about half buried in the sand, which was a refreshing Meal to us (though we never met with any of the Birds.) When we brought it home we beat half the Length of the Barrel flat with Stones, and whetted an Edge to it against a Rock, the other Half served us for the Handle, and it made a tolerable Hatchet; at least what would have served instead of one, if Providence had not soon after put an End to our Design in the following Manner.
Two Days after we had finished our Hatchet, it being my Turn to stay in the Hut, my three Comrades went to a Place, which we called the Long Point in Search of Provisions. Towards Evening I walked out to see if they were returning; when, to my Astonishment, I discovered about a Dozen of Horses galloping down the sandy Bay towards our Hut, and, as they came nearer, I plainly saw Men on their Backs, and that they were Indians. 'Twas in vain tp fly; I imagined nothing but Death approaching, and prepared to meet it with all Resolution I could mustler up. I ran towards them, and fell on my Knees, begging my Life with all the Signs of Humility I could make; when I head a Voice saying, Don't be afrid Isaac we are all here. This vevived me. The Indians alighted, and whilst some were intent on examining the Hut, others slood with drawn Knives, ready to dispatch us in case we made any Assistance.When they had satisfied their Curiosity, they gave three confused Shouts, and immediately made us get up behind them, and carried us a few Miles in from the Sea-Shore: to the S W. where were about a Dozen of their Companions, with upwards of four hundred Horses which they had taken in Hunting. They treated us with great Humility, killed a Horse for us, kindled a Fire, and roasted a Part of it; which to us, who had been three Months eating raw Flesh, was a most delicious Entertainment. They also gave each of us a Piece of an old Blanket to cover our Nakedness. I was in great Danger, it seems, of being left alone; for when the Indians met with my three Comrades, they were immediately hurrying them away to their Place of Rendezvous, till, with Difficulty, they were brought to understand by Signs, that there was one more belongmg to them a little Way off; and then guided them to the Hut, where I had the Happiness of being being taken Prisoner with them.

(To be continued.)


Edinburgh, July 26, Last Tuesday Night the Hon. Alexander Murray, Esq; arrived here from London.
Last Monday two Soldiers at Banff, in crossing the Water. where overset by the violence of the Current, and perished.

Extract of a Letter from John Fraser, Commander of the Buss Charming Molly, off the North-eud of Shetland, July 4.
"Yesterday we caught 50 Barrels of Herrings, and have now in all 112 Barrels; we expect to have our full Cargoe soon, and to be at Montross to unload the same about the latter End of this Month. Pray have every Thing in Readiness against our Arrival, that we may not be detained from going to Sea a second Voyage. There is great Agreement among us, and we all love the Fishing well."


Newcastle, July 27. On Wednesday died Mr.Thomas Denham, formerly a common Brewer in this Town, aged 104 Years.
Last Week as Sir Henry Gray, Bart. was fowling near Cheviot-Hills, he shot a very large Eagle, which had seized his Dog in its Talons, and was endeavouring to carry it off, had he not put a slop to its Flight. The neighbouring People have suffered great Damages from this Eagle among their Lambs, &c. sone time past, one Person in particular having lost Lambs to the Value of six Pounds.
Last Week died at Kendal in Westmoreland, Mr.John Wilson, an eminent Botanist of that Place, Author of A synopsis of British Plants after Mr.Ray's.Method.
Gloucester, July 27. On Tuesday last the Assizes ended at Worcester, which proved a Maiden one: Three were ordered for Transportation; and a Woman, convicted of Pettit Larceny, who fell in Labour in Court, was sentenced to be whipt as soon as her Month is up.


Lord Chamberlain's Office, July 29. Orders for the Change of the Mourning for his late Royal Highness the Prince of Wales on Sunday the fourth Day of August next, viz. The Men to continue in Black, and to wear coloured Swords and Buckels. The Ladies to wear Black Silk or Velvet, coloured Ribbons, Fans and Tippets.
Last Wednesday being the Birth-Day of her Royal Highness the Princess Augusta, eldest Daughter of his late Royal. Highness the Prince of Wales, who enter'd into the 15th Year of her Age, his Majesty received the Compliments of the Nobility and Gentry at his Palace at Kensington on that Occasion ; as did also her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales, at Leicester House.
The Persons of Quality talked of to have the four vacant Garters, are, his Royal Highness Prince Edward, the Marquis of Hartington, and the Earls of Lincoln and Northumberland.
On Monday his Majesty was pleased to appoint Hugh Lee, Esq; to be a Major in Col.Churchill's Regiment of Foot, in the room of Major Burd, deceased.
The same Day his Majesty was pleased to appoint George Osborne, Esq; to be a Captain in the same Regiment in the room of Major Lee.
And also to appoint Alexander How, Esq; to be a Lieutenant in the same Regiment in the room of Capt.George Osborne.
The Rev.Mr.Henry Shepherd, Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Queensberry, is presented to the Living of Friskney, in the County and Diocese of Lincoln, worth �200. per Annum.
The Rev.John Noyes Jones, M.A. was a few Days since presented to the united Livings of Hilve, alias Culve,and Strington, both in the County of Somerset, and Diocese of Bath and Wells, worth �180. per Annum.
On Tuesday the Rev.Mr.Archer was presented by Lord How to the Rectory of St. Martin's le Cray, in the County of Suffolk, worth �300. a Year.
On Tuesday his Grace the Duke of Norfolk, and the Hon.Mr.Howard, his Grace's Nephew, set out for Bristol to make use of the Waters of that Place.
On Wednesday Orders were sent to the General Belfour at Woolwich, to acquaint him that a General Review of the whole Train of Artillery will be made on Monday next on Carlton House. The Train consists of Bombardiers, Engineers, Gunners, Matrosses; Cadets and Pioneers, who are all to be cloathed : at which will be present the Prince of Wales, Prince Edward, Duke of Cumberland, and most of General Officers of the Army.
There is a Talk that Admirable Hawke will soon have the Command of the Squadron of Men of War.
The Europa, Kemp, arrived in the Downs from Leghorn in 36 Days, met with the Minorca, Fogeux, and Monmouth Men of War, and parted from them the 14th lnstant 20 Leagues to the Westward ; also spoke with the Porpus, Gray, from Jamaica for London, in the Chops of the Channel.
On Wednesday came Advice, that the Chard, late Leech, of Bristol, is cut off by the Negroes on the Coast of Africa, and the Master killed.
Some of the Guard Ships are ordered into Dock, in order to be fitted for the Sea, and two forty Gun Ships at Chatham are ordered to be got ready forthwith, that they join others fitting out at Portsmouth and Plymouth.
We hear that a Jager arrived on Tuesday in the River, with a Cargoe of British Herrings from Shetland; and that Presents were immediately dispatch'd by the Society to his Majesty, and his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Governor.
We have the Pleasure of acquainting the World, that the Report spread of the French havig taken Anamaboa, is without any Foundation; there were indeed two French Men of War of great Force upon that Coast in the Spring, but. they were obliged to retire without doing any thing, by the chief Man of the Place, in Gratitude for the Respect and Civility shewn to his Son in England.
By the heavy Shower of Rain that fell on Tuesday last, Rosamond's Pond in the Green Park was so overflowed, that one of the Sluices broke, by which great Quantities of Fish, as Carp, Tench, .&c. were drove out and left on the Grass, so that some Persons found an Opportunity to carry off several Baskets full, of which they made a good Market in the adjacent Streets, and on Monday the Keepers were employed in dragging the Drains with Nets to catch the Fish, in order to put them again into the Pond.
A few Days ago Baron Newhoff, alias Baron Stein, who made such a Figure some Years ago as King Corsica, and who is now in the Rules of the King's Bench, was married to Miss Edmonston of Panton-square.

On .Saturday last John Masterton, lately a. Foremast Man on board the Canterbury Man of War, and who lost both his Legs by a Chain-shot in the late War, aged 27, was married to Mrs.Read, a Widow at Poplar, aged 62, with an Estate of Freehold in Essex, of �120. a Year.
On Saturday last, Capt.Baker, Commander of an Indiaman lately arrived was married to Miss Small, Daughter of the Lieutenant Governor of St. Helena, a Lady of most inimitable Accomplishments and a large Fortune.
On Saturday was married John Wharton, of Lengdon in Worcestershire Esq; to Miss Dennis, only daughter of Capt.Dennis.
Last Sunday died in Childbed, the Lady of Peter St.Eloy, Esq; of Doctor's Commons.
On Sunday died Mr.James Tillett, commonly called Capt.Tillet, late Butler of Clifford's Inn.
On Monday died at Islington, Mr.John Mackereth, a Merchant at Mill-Bank.
On Monday Morning died at his House in Bond-street, Charles Saumarez, Esq; a Gentleman of a very large Fortune and Estate.
On Monday last died at his Lodgings in Piccadilly, Mr.Ogle, one of the Clerks of the Post-Office, and an Agent in the Army, a Gentleman of very fair Character.
Last Wednesday the Lady of the Right Hon.the Lord Byron was safely-delivered of a Daughter, at his Lordship's Seat in Nottinghamshire.

We hear from Bristol, that there is the fullest Season ever known at the Hot-wells.
St.Luke's Hospital for Lunaticks being opened on Tuesday last for the Reception of Patients, the Governors dined together on Wednesday at Grocers Hall, on that Occasion, when his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Bishop of Norwich, and many other Clergy, and Persons of Distinction were present who contributed very largely to the Promotion of this Charity the Collection then made amounting to �1219. 18s. besides the annual Subscriptions.
On Saturday a Servant of Mr.Castle's in Hanover Yard, was thrown from his Horse, by which his Skull. was fractured in several Places; he was immediately carried to the Middlesex Hospital.
On Sunday the Son of a Farmer near Bow, was drowned, as he was bathing himself in a Pond near his Father's House.
The same Day a Boat going for Greenwich was overset near the lsle of Dogs, by which Accident, two Persons were drowned .
Last Monday a Lighterman's Servant going with some Goods down. the River to be shipp'd at Deptford, loosing his Hold of the Oar he fell backward into the River, and was drowned.
Monday a Man was killed in Ratcliff Highway, by some Bricks falling on him from off a House.
On Monday a young Woman, by a Tile falling from a House in Holborn, had her Skull terribly fractured. She was immediately carried to St.Bartholomew's Hospital, where her Skull was trepann'd, but there are very little Hopes of her Recovery.
On Tuesday a Man in a Chair drove over a Child in Brewer-street, who with the bruises died in less than half an Hour. The surprize this Accident occasioned, gave time for the Man to make his Escape unknown.

Last Week the Assizes ended at Salisbury for the County of Wilts, when only one Person was capitally convicted viz. James Bryan, for stealing Goods out of the Shop of Mr. Davis, in Salisbury, 5 were cast for transportion, viz. Thomas Richardson, a Gambler, was found guilty of defrauding James Pinker, a Farmer and Grazier, of one hundred and twenty five Pounds at pricking at the Belt, at the Rose and Crown Inn at Twyford, and sentenced to stand in the Pillory the following Market-Days at Salisbury, and a Fortnight after before the said Rofe and Crown Inn; to be imprisoned till he finds two such Persons as the Court shall approve of, to be bound in fifty Pound each for his good Behaviour, and himself in two hundred Pound.
At the Assizes at Buckingham, held for that County before Lord Chief Justice Willis and Mr.Justice Foster, eight Prisoners were tried, three of whom were cast for Transportation and five Acquitted.
At the Assizes at Northampton, before Lord Chief Baron Parker and Mr.Justice Wright, one Person was Capitally convicted, viz. John Price for a Burglary.
At the Assizes at Oakham, in Rutland, which ended on Saturday, only two were tried, and ordered to be whipped.
On Saturday last the Assizes ended at Stafford, at which David Crossley and John Blatt for House breaking, and John Wakefield, for Horse stealing, removed from Warwick, was Capitally convicted, William Lovatt, for stealing four Snuff Boxes, &c. and Edward Tomlinson for stealing a Saddle are ordered for Transportation. Thomas Foster, John Murrall, Thomas Pudley, Thomas Baddely, and Sarah Brookes, condemned and reprieved last Assizes, are now ordered to be transported for fourteen Years.
Samuel Higgins, Stephen Higgins, and Thomas Wiggin, concerned in a Riot at Walsall the 29th of May 1749, have given Bail to appear at the King's Bench the first Day of next Term. No Bill was found against the Persons for attempting to pull down a Meeting House that was building there; but we hear they are to pay the Sum of �20. and the Building is to be erected at a farther Distance from the Church.

Last Tuesday Evening the Assizes ended at Hertford, when Edward Mead, for a Burglary, and Thomas Colley, for the Murder of Ruth Osborne, at Tring, receiv'd Sentence of Death.
It appeared on the Trial of Colley, which lasted many Hours, that some of the Neighbours thinking the Deceas'd was a Witch, and her Husband John Osborne, a Wizard, they had it cried in three Market-Towns, that they were to be publickly duck'd on Monday the 22d, of April last in Tring, which brought together a Mob of 10000 People, who went to the Workhouse to demand the poor Wretches, and, not finding them there, pull'd down Part of the House, and were going to set Fire to what was standing; but being informed that the Man and Woman were in the Vestry Room adjoining to the Church, they went there, broke it open, seiz'd and stript them, and tied their Thumbs and Great Toes together, then tied them up in two Sheets, and carried them to Marlston Meer, in the Parish of Tring, where the poor old Woman, aged seventy, expired by Suffocation in the Mud and Water, the Meer not being above three Feet deep.
Edward Mead was reprieved before the Judge left the Town, and Thomas Colley is ordered for Execution pursuant to his Sentence.
The Trial of Henry Worster, indicted for being concerned in the said riotous Assembly, and who was also in Custody, was put off till next Assizes.
There are many more of the Persons indicted who were concerned in the said cruel Affair, and Warrants are issued out for apprehending them.

Last Sunday Morning as Mr.Walker, a Dissenting Minister, Master of an Academy at Plaisters Hall, in Addle-Street, was going to Kingston, he was stopt on Putney-Heath by two Highwaymen, who robbed him of a Guinea and some Silver. He had a Watch and two Rings, which they refus'd; but they told him, they hoped he thought that he was very civilly used.
Last Monday Night between Ten and Eleven o'Clock, a Labourer was detected upon a Scaffold before Mr.Sheriff Scott's House, (which is now repairing) and was sent to the Poultry Compter; and being carned the next Day before the Right Hon.the Lord Mayor, was committed to Bridewell.
Last Monday Night two Coaches coming from Enfield were stopped near Edmonton by two Highwaymen well mounted, who took from the Persons therein, upwards of �5.
On Tuesday a Woman was detected by the Turnkey of the Fleet Prison carrying some spiritous Liquors into that Gaol, cantrary to the Act of Parliament, and being brought before Slingsby Bethel, Esq;. at Guildhall, was committed to Bridewell. She is the first convicted in this City since the Act commenced.
On Tuesday about Eight o'Clock in the Evening, a Grenadier, belonging to the second Regiment of Foot Guards, was committed to the Gatehouse by Thomas Lediard, Esq; for committing a Rape on the Body of a Child not five Years old.
On Tuesday a Man stood in the Pillory in Old-street, for ravishmg a Girl about 7 Years old, pursuant to his Sentence at the Old Baily.
Benjamin Herring is committed to the New Gaol, Southwark, by William Clark, Esq; for further Examination, being charged on Oath on Suspicion of stealing a Mouse-coloured Poney Horse, about Twelve Hands, three Inches high, branded with two Letters on the Offside. He had been endeavouring to seIl him that Morning , at Peckham, and at several Places adjacent; but coming into the Borough of Southwark, and offering him thereto Sale, to some Connosieurs in Horse-Flesh, who, frorn the Fellows Behaviour suspected that the Horse was not honestly come by, caused him to be secured and committed as above, and the Horse desposited at the Faulcon Inn in the said Borough, till the Matter is cleared up to the Satisfaction of the said Justice. The Man in his Defence says, that he formerly lived with Mr Roach, at the Lamb Inn, the Back of St.Clement's Church, and afterwards went to live with one Captain Blake, near the New-Forest in Hampshire; and leaving his Service on Michaelmas-Day last, he bought this Horse the Monday following, at a Publick House not far from Limington, of one James Parnall the Younger, Son to one of the Keepers of New-Forest, and gave three Pounds two Shillings for him. If this should prove true, it will be well for him.

FOR Cherries, Rasberries, and all Sorts of Fruit, the Proprietors of the Original English Grape Brandy Warehouse, the Bottom of Bartholomew-Lane, give Notice, That that so much esteemed Commodity, is still Sold at 4s. per Gallon, and will continue so till further Notice, by Messrs.Webb and Company.
Matthew Wilson, Clerk.