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The Glocester Journal

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Some Selected Reports from The Glocester Journal

Monday, February 3, 1766.


BY accounts in your paper and others of the vast Import of oats into the port of London, and the very great export of wheat from the same port within the same time, it would seem that more care was taken for the preservation of heath than for the human race.
Surely, five shillings the bushel for hard corn, which will bring the cost to near double to make it into bread, is a long price for the poor manufacturer and husbandman to pay- who cannot work without eating, nay, whose family perhaps cannot work, but must eat.
I think it is generally allowed that the farmer may very well afford to deliver wheat in London at all times so as to be sold under five shillings the bushel; and, if so, why should a bounty be paid for exporting, to the encouragement of the growth of wheat, which is not wanted by the farmer above that price, and is only of use to the engrossing jobbers, factors, and exporters of that commodity, to the enriching a few such dealers, but to the distress of many thousands of industrious people, and to the detriment and scandal of the whole nation.
But, as this affair will be more fully discussed in its proper place, when the several petitions and remonstrances sent up by the chief towns in England are examined in an august assembly, there can be no doubt but there will be immediate relief given to the distressed, most probably by a suspension of exports for a proper time; and that the price for stopping the bounty will be fixed at a lower rate than it is at present. With such hope I conclude, Sir,
Your very humble servant,

Dublin, January 21.

AT a General Assembly held at the Tholsel of the city of Dublin, on Friday the 17th of January inst. a petition of certain of the commons, praying, for the reasons therein mentioned at an annual stipend of �365. should be granted to Dr. Charles Lucas, having been presented to the Assembly, and unanimously rejected by the said Lord-mayor and Board of Aldermen, a message in writing was sent by the Sheriffs and commons, in the following words :
"Resolved, That a message be sent to the Lord-mayor and Board of Aldermen, requesting them to concur with and pass a petition of certain of the commons presented by this Assembly for rewarding the merit and services of Dr. Lucas, one of the Representatives of this city in Parliament, with a public testimony of the city's approbation of his conduct, by granting him an annual stipend."
To which message the Lord-mayor and Board of Aldermen returned an answer in writing in the following words : " The Lord-mayor and Board of Aldermen, having taken into consideration a petition from certain of the commons, praying an annual stipend of �365. to be paid during the city's pleasure to Dr. Charles Lucas, one of their Representatives in Parliament, have judged it inexpedient to give any countenance to the said petition, as the circumstances which form the present conjuncture are of too much notoriety to leave room to doubt of the motive of such an application made at this time. And therefore the Lord-mayor and Board of Aldermen, however ready upon all proper occasions, as far as their weight and power may extend, to give every constitutional opposition to any measure really injurious to this country, yet, as the Magistrates of this city are desirous of preserving the peace, harmony, and good order thereof, do think themselves bound to discountenance alarms which may disturb the minds of well-intending citizens, and therefore have rejected the said petition."
A petition of certain of the commons having also been presented to the Assembly, praying that instructions should be given by them to their Representatives in Parliament to use their utmost endeavours to have the heads of a bill, brought into the Hon. House of Commons, to limit the duration of Parliaments, passed into a law, and several matters having been therein set forth as reasons for agreeing thereto ; before the said Lord-mayor and Board of Aldermen had, in the course of their business, either considered or read the same, the commons sent a message in writing to them by the Sheriffs and commons, desiring the petition to be sent back to them.
Upon the receipt of which message, the Lord-mayor and Board of Aldermen, having read the said petition, and taken the same into consideration, did unanimously agree to reject it, and did return to the message of the Sheriffs and commons an answer in writing, in the following words: "Although the Lord-mayor and Board of Aldermen are unanimously of opinion, that a law for limiting the duration of parliaments, with proper and necessary provisions, would be useful, yet the terms in which the petition for that purpose, in the name of certain of the commons, lodged in the Tholsel office, are conceived, appear to them so exceptionable, and the present time for their making such an application seeming to them from many circumstances so improper, they have thought fit, unanimously, to reject the said petition."


Jamaica, October 11. Things have been extremely dull here, but now we have an appearance of better times, there being a prospect of a good crop, and the Spaniards beginning to drop in with their dollars.
St. Christopher's, November 4. On Thursday night, the 31st of October last, a vast number of people gathered at the tavern of Mr. Nolans, and about eight o'clock proceeded to the house, of Mr. John Hopkins, who was deputized by Mr. Tuckett, Distributor of the stamp-papers, whose house contained the stamps. At their arrival they gave three huzzas, and demanded the papers, which were delivered by a woman, and were committed to the flames, a fire being made before the deputy's door; and, upon the conclusion of the burning, Mr. Hopkins was made to swear never to be concerned with stamp papers any more, nor ever to suffer them to be kept in his house. Yet the mob were not satisfied with that, but searched his house through, 'till they were well convinced they were all delivered up and burnt. Mr. Hopkins was also made to conduct the mob about three quarters of a mile in the country, where Mr. Tuckett was concealed, who surrendered himself to them, and was brought to the public market with drums beating, and was there made to swear never to have any further connections with stamp papers, and that he had no commission, (for that was most wanted to be burnt) and he was forced to submit to do any thing that they chused.
They then went to the Secretary's office, where about four or five quire were; and, the keys of the door not being ready, the mob broke it open, and the stamp paper was burnt before the office. Mr. Smith, the Secretary, was then conducted horne with great acclamations. They then marched to the Marshal's office, where one quire of the stamps was, which being demanded was delivered up by the Marshal, and burnt before his door. They afterwards marched to the Custom-house, but, upon the Collector's declaring over and over, upon his word of honour, that not one stamp was in his office, they there desisted, but went their tour through the town for the whole night. To-morrow night will be burnt the effigies of the Distributor of the stamps and his deputy, on a gallows. The deputy received no other damage than having his door pulled down, and a few shingles ripped off his house.
After the above affair, many of the inhabitants of St. Christopher's went to the island of Nevis, where they in the evening of the 1st inst. being joined by the people of Nevis, went to the Stamp-office, and demanded the paper, which was given to them, and burnt; but, the fire not being, as they thought, large enough, they hauled up one of the barges, and consumed it.

LONDON, January 28.

Yesterday a packet was received at the Secretary of State's office, with dispatches from Sir Henry Moor, Governor of New-York, which, it is said, brought advice that all was quiet in the colonies at the time when they were sent off.
We are told that a certain celebrated speech on a late act is now printing in great numbers, in order to be transmitted to the westward. And
We hear that an eminent lawyer has delivered it as his opinion, that a great patriot, who spoke against the American stamp duty, ought to have been sent to the Tower.
We are informed that a plan is now settled between our court and that of Versailles relative to the future regulation of the Newfoundland fishery, on such a footing as, it is hoped, will prevent future disturbances.
Lord Mount Stuart, eldest son of the Earl of Bute, is elected Member of Bossinney, in Cornwall, in the room of the late John Richmond Webb, Esq; and yesterday he took the oaths and his seat in the House of Commons.
A treaty of marriage is on foot, and will speedily be consummated, between the Right Hon. Lord Mount Stuart and Miss Bowes, of Durham, reckoned the greatest fortune in Europe.
We hear that, among other legacies left by the late Earl of Godolphin, he has bequeathed �14,000. to the Duchess of Newcastle, and half the amount of the rent of St.James's market, of which his Lordship was sole proprietor. The other half of the said market his Lordship has left to the Marquis of Carmarthen, eldest son of the Duke of Leeds.
According to the last letters from Bath, Dr. Smollett lay dangerously ill at that place. And the celebrated Mrs. Cibber lies so dangerously ill, at her house in Scotland-yard, that her life is despaired of.
It is somewhat extraordinary that, although wheat is now sold at 4s. 6d. or 5s. per bushel, yet a quartern loaf now sells for 7d. which is at the rate of 9s. 4d. per bushel.
Friday last 470C. wt of butter was imported from Dublin; and 1100 quarters of wheat, 250 ditto wheat-meal, were exported for Portugal, and 300 quarters of wheat, and 500 quarters of wheat-meal, for Madeira.
Yesterday there was but a small shew of horned cattle at Smithfield market, but they were chiefly of the prime sort, and sold upon an average seven per cent. dearer than Iast week. Sheep were plenty, and sold twopence in the same cheaper than last market day; but calves and Iambs were kept up at an exorbitant price, and there were but few buyers.
This day the long-contested election for a rector of St. Ann's, Black-friars, was determined at Westminster-hall, by the Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor, in favour of the Rev. Mr. Romaine.
St. James's, Jan. 28. The King has been pleased to grant unto Francis Seymour, (commonly called Lord Francis Seymour) Clerk, the place and dignity of the deanery of Wells, void by the death of Dr. Samuel Creswicke, late Dean thereof. And
To grant unto Thomas Hurdis, Master of Arts, the place and dignity of a Prebendary of the Free Chapel of St. George in the castle of Windsor, void by the resignation of Lord Francis Seymour, Clerk.- Lond. Gaz.

On the Death of the celebrated Mr. J. QUIN.

REJOICE, John Dory 1 -he is dead,
Who upon thee so stoutly fed:
Had he been buried in the sea,
O, what a feast: he'd made for thee!
Ye pow'rs ! when we forsake there forms,
If Epicures are chang'd to worms,
O, what a banquet they will have,
Who lodge within his well stor'd grave !
On what a banquet they will dine,
John Dory dress'd in Bourdeaux wine !
O, let me wish, if 'tis no sin,
To be a worm, and feast on Quin !
This grace before and after said,
"Fat Jack was good alive and dead."

HERE lieth neither Whig nor Tory,
But one who lov'd good wit, good dory.
A mummy he, embalm'd with sack,
Shall outlive time.- Alas ! plump Jack !


BY inserting the following in your paper, which I think myself in duty bound to publish for the good of the public, especially as some will not allow that cancers can be infallibly cured without incision, you will very much oblige, Yours, &c.
"I was afflicted with a most inveterate cancer in my breast for 14 years, in which time it grew to such a size that I could easily rest my chin thereon. I tried all the means which could be procured, without any effect, 'till providentially hearing of Mrs. Plunkett, at the Hot Wells, Bristol, and of the many extraordinary cures she had performed, I applied to her in June last, and immediately put myself under her care. In less than seven weeks she entirely extracted the cancer from my breast, without drawing the least drop of blood, by only the application of plaisters. The cancer was of a very large size, and I now keep it in a bottle of spirits to satisfy those who are so unhappy as to labour under the like affliction. My breast is now reduced to the usual size, and perfectly healed up; and I now enjoy, by the blessing of God, a sound state of health, though I was before quite emaciated.
RACHEL REW, of Flax-Bourton, in the County of Somerset.

Since the first publication of the above case, Mrs. Winscombe, wife of Mr. Winscombe, of Blackwell, in the county of Somerset, who had likewise a cancer extracted from her breast, applied to the printer to desire that her case might also be published for the good of the public. Her Cancer was occasioned by a hurt she received above 30 years ago; but increased so much within these three years past, that her life was in imminent danger. In this deplorable situation she applied to several of the faculty, who informed her, that they would endeavour to cure her by cutting her; but that her case was really dangerous, as the cancer was spreading with great rapidity towards her neck. In this exigency, she providentially heard of a cure performed by Mrs. Plunkett, on Mrs. Redmond, at Windford, and accordingly applied to her; and by the blessing of God, the cancer was entirely extracted in about two months, and she is now restored to a sound state of health.
The truth of the above may be known by applying at the printing-office in Small-street, Bristol, where Mrs. Plunkett may be heard of; or to the following persons, who have likewise been cured, viz. Mr. Richard Darby, of Campden, Glocestershire; Mr. Tho. Hyat, of Pershore, Worcestershire; Mr. John Needham, of Reading, Berks; and Mr. Pearman, of Dray, Berks. Letters directed for her (post paid) and left at the above office, will be punctually attended to.
Whereas it has been falsely reported, that Mrs. Plunkett would cure none but those who would pay her large sums of money, arid through that means several have lost their lives: This is to acquaint the public in general, that she never requires more than people's circumstances will admit, and the poor she cures gratis.

Arrived the Mail from Holland and Flanders.
Copenhagen, January 14.

THE King died this morning about two 'clock; whereupon the four Privy Counsellors, who form the Council of State, went about eleven in the forenoon to the balcony of the Royal castle, where the Baron de Bernstorf, the senior Counsellor, pronounced thrice with a loud voice, "King Frederick the Vth is dead: Long live Christian the VIIth." His Majesty was aged 42 years, nine months, and 13 days. He was crowned the 14th of September, 1747. He was married the 11th of December, 1743, to the Princess Louisa of England, who died the 19th of December, 1751; and the 3d of July, 1752, his Majesty married the Princess Julia Maria, daughter of Duke Ferdinand Albert, of Branswick-Wossenbuttel. His successor is about 17 .
Rome, Jan. 2. On the 30th ult. died, aged 77, the Chevalier de St. George, after a confinement to his house for three years thro' great weakness and infirmity, two years of which he hardly stirred out of his bed-chamber. It is not said whether he left any will, but the Cardinal of York has long been in possession of his jewels and other valuable effects, and had the direction of his domestic affairs for some time. What share his eldest son is likely to have in his late father's family jewels will be hard to say, for we know nothing of him, nor indeed is he ever spoken of, there having no harmony for a long time subsisted between the brothers; and moreover it has long been whispered that the elder is an heretick. Farewell then to all support from this Court, which will hardly acknowledge him.
Rome, Jan 8. The remains of the Chevalier de St. George, after lying in state, for five days, were carried on the sixth to the church of the Holy Apostles, and yesterday the funeral ceremony was performed in the presence of the sacred college. Cardinal Albani officiated in his pontificalia at the requiem, which was performed by the musicians from the Apostolic palace. The Pope intended to have assisted, but was prevented by the coldness of the weather. In the afternoon the remains were carried to St. Peter's, attended by most of the religious communities, and this morning the obsequies were again performed, and the body deposited in a vault, -where it is to continue 'till the intended place of interment is ready.- He has resided near fifty years in this capital.

LONDON, January 30.

It is reported that the intended marriage of his present Danish Majesty with her Royal Highness Princess Caroline-Matilda of England will certainly take place at the expiration of the mourning for the late King.
They write from L'Orient, that large quantities of military and ordnance stores are now shipping there for Pondicherry, and other French factories in the East-Indies.
And Letters from Barbadoes, of the 27th of October last, mention that the French had cleared great part of the high lands of St. Lucia, and erected several batteries on the sea-coast.
They write from Lisbon, that the Court of Portugal hath been several millions of dollars losers by the late establishment of their India company; and if credit may be given to some advices from the said quarter, proposals were said to have been made by a certain maritime power, for the purchase of all the Portuguese settlements in the East.
They write from Civita Vecchia, that the ecclesiastical treasury is so exhausted by the sums lately drawn from it, to supply the country with corn, during the late dearths, that the Pope is obliged to suspend fitting out of his gallies for this year.
Yesterday dispatches were received from his Excellency James Melville, Esq; Governor of the Grenadoes. It is said there have lately been some disturbances there, but on what account we have not yet learnt.
We hear, that the settlement which Denys Rolle, Esq, hath established in East Florida, is situated on a healthy elevated spot on the river of St.John, about thirty miles south west from St.Augustine; and is in a very flourishing condition, having in this last season produced plentiful crops of rice, corn, pulse, and cotton; besides a variety of melons, cucumbers, and things of that kind, and all sorts of garden stuff. By a strict amity, which he hath cemented with the neighbouring Indians, his settlers are fixed in perfect security, and have already a considerable stock of cattle, milchcows, hogs, and all sorts of poultry. The river abounds with fish; and the woods with deer, turkies, and many sorts of wild fowl. Large groves of oranges, grapes, and honey in good plenty, are the natural productions of that part of the country.
It is said a scheme is now under consideration, which has actually received the approbation of the most able judges, for raising a fund towards discharging annually a considerable part of the national debt without imposing any additional burthen upon our manufactures or commerce.
Both Houses of Parliament sat 'till after eleven' on Tuesday night; and sate late again last night.
It is said a certain great man in the law has told a great personage that Mr. ------ speech has done his country more harm than any thing that has happened for ages past.
His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, who lately came of Age, hath taken the oaths and his seat in the House of Peers.
John Darker, Esq; Treasurer of St. Bartholomew's hospital; is elected Member of Parliament for the borough of Leicester; in the room of George Wright, Esq; deceased, and not -- Bakewell, Esq. as mentioned in some of the morning papers. -- It is remarkable, that out of four Members which the county and town of Leicester send to Parliament, three of them have died since the Iast prorogation thereof.
Petitions have been presented from the glove-sellers, and manufacturers of that commodity, residing in this metropolis, and from the leather-dressers and fellers, to prevent the clandestine importation of foreign gloves and mitts. And
Similar petitions have been presented from the glove-makers of Worcester and Hereford.
The quantity of corn exported from Portsmouth within these last four months amount's to upwards of 20,000 quarters.
It is said, that the prohibition of the exportation of grain will commence on Monday next, and continue 'till Michaelmas-day.
Tuesday bread fell a whole assize, or 2d in a peck loaf.
. It is said, that the corn distilleries will not be stopped this season; as it is imagined, preventing the exportation will be sufficient to cause plenty at home; and it is thought molasses cannot hold its present high price, as the late advance on that article was owing to the expectation of the malt distilleries being stopped.
A private gentleman in the county of Carmarthen has presented a petition to an august assembly for making a navigable canal, at his own expence, from Gwendraeth river, near the town of Kidwelly,. to the great forest and Pwl Llygood in the said county, for the more speedy conveying of coals from the said place to the counties and places adjoining. And,
It is said that a plan is being concerted by some public-spirited gentlemen to make the river Teme; in the county of Worcester, navigable, which, if carried into execution, will be of great advantage to the interior part of that county.
Yesterday Mr. Serjeant Whitaker kissed the King's hand, on being appointed one of the Welch Judges, in the room of the late John Richmond Webb, Esq;
Political Anecdote.-A celebrated patriot, remarkable for the excellent structure of the inside of his head, took it into his mind lately that the outside wanted a new covering. Being at his seat at H---- , in Kent, when the important thought struck him, a substantial hatter of the place was sent for, and orders given him to prepare, without delay, a hat of a most extraordinary size, both in crown and brim, the dimensions of which were laid down with great punctuality. The hatter, on his return home, concluding from the uncommon circumference of the hat bespoke that the great C------r must either be out of his wits, or at least that he could not mean to encumber his head with such an enormous covering; after a short consultation with his men, resolved to deviate a little from his directions, and to make the patriot's hat one inch less in the Crown, and one in the brim, than had been prescribed to him. The beaver when finished was carried home, but being produced, instead of that approbation it was hoped it would meet with, was returned with a reprimand to the tradesman for not knowing better than to disobey orders. The directions given before were again repeated, and the strictest injunctions added not to deviate one single point from them. Experience had now opened honest Mr. Fell's eyes. A hat, or rather an umbrella, was prepared of the very exact dimensions prescribed. Being carried home, the patriot seized it with rapture, clapped it on his head, strutted with it about the room, and, flapping the brim all round, commended the hatters punctuality in following orders. The latter, too strongly moved at the scene, burst out into a violent laugh in the C------r's face. "Sirrah, what do ye laugh at ?" --- " At you, Sir." --- "At me, Sir! What do ye see in me to laugh at ?" ---- "Only your hat, Sir. ''---- '' My hat, Sir ! Well, and what of that ?" ---- I believe never such a one was made before, excepting once." ---- "And who was that for ?" --- " Oliver Cromwell, please your honour." ---- "Bravo ! (cried the C ---r) now I see thou art a. clever fellow; sit down and drink a glass with rne."-- , here the anecdote ends. We have only to say in confirmation of it, that we believe there is not a Scotchman in town who will not vouch for the truth of the story.

LONDON, February 1.

WE are assured there is no foundation for the report that such ships from North-America as have not been cleared out with stamp papers are ordered to be seized on their arrival; they are only to have an extraordinary number of revenue officers stationed on board 'till their respective cargoes are properly landed, and entered at the Custom-House.
By a calculation made by an eminent American merchant it appears, that the whole taxes in all the American provinces do not amount, upon an average to more than eight-pence per head per ann. on every individual person, including men, women, and children; whereas the taxes to pay the interest only of the money spent in Great-Britain to defend America amount to twelve shillings per ann. on every individual in Great-Britain.
One of the great questions relative to America, viz. Whether the British Parliament have a right to lay taxes on the colonies, it is said, will be determined the beginning of next week. But
The other great question, viz. Whether the Stamp act shall be repealed, it is whispered, will not be determined for some time, at least not for some weeks.

The Gentleman of the Law who moved for sending Mr. P. to the Tower, was Sir F.N.
From Dublin we hear the animosities between the Common Council of that city and the Board of Aldermen run so very high, on account of a refusal which the latter gave to a motion for settling a pension of �365. a year on Dr. Lucas, one of the city Representatives, that justice has been frequently interrupted, and the Magistrates publicly insulted in the streets by the fury of the ignorant populace.
By a private letter from Copenhagen, we hear; that about an hour before his Majesty's decease, he called the Prince Royal, his successor, close to his bed-side, and taking him by the hand, addressed him to the following purport: " My dear son, you will soon be the King of a flourishing people; but remember, that to be a great Monarch, 'tis absolutely necessary to be a good man. Have justice and mercy, therefore, constantly before your eyes, and above all things reflect, that you were born for the welfare of your country, and not your country created� for your mere emolument. In short, keep to the golden rule of doing as you would be done by; and whenever you issue an order as a Sovereign, examine how far you would be willing to obey such an order, has you been but a subject yourself."
An able Lawyer, it is said, has it now under consideration, whether �the intention, and even virtual meaning, of that Article in the Treaty of Union, which prohibits the eldest sons of Scotch Peers from being elected in that country to represent any Part of the Commons in Parliament, is not evaded in the first point, and defeated in the second, by so many of them being elected to represent the Commons of England; because if found otherwise, some means will become needful to secure to South Britain its due Legislative weight, which begins to be not a little endangered from the frequent elections here of Scotchmen to that very high trust.
We hear that the gentlemen of the law are forming a society for the benefit of their widows; which establishment is to be made under the direction of some of the most eminent personages of that profession.
A proprietor in the East-India stock having, at the last election for Directors, made a transfer of �500. to qualify him for a vote, he some time after called upon his friend, and demanded a re-transfer of his property. Upon which the other, with a world of composure, replied, " Sir, if you were fool 'enough to imagine that I should be guilty of perjury, merely to pay you a compliment, you were damnably mistaken. I count it no breach of honesty to punish a man who wanted me to be a villain; and if I ever hear a single syllable from you again on this subject, I shall publish an account of the transaction in every paper in England, and leave the world to judge which of us two is the greatest scoundrel."
By a gentleman who lately had much conversation with Mr. Wilkes we are informed, that he continues in good health, and in possession of his usual vivacity. He speaks very indifferently of ---- ----, that they have ungratefully neglected him ; ---a treatment which he says he did not expect, and which, from them at least, he thinks he did not deserve. He has nearly finished a piece under this title, " A Letter to his Grace the Duke of Grafton, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries " of State, containing the just expectations of the nation from the present Ministry, and some strictures on the case of Mr. Wilkes." -- Vacare culpa magnum est solatium; praesertim cum habeam duas res, quibus me sustentem, optimarum artium scientiam, & maxinzarum rerum gloriam,quarum altera milti vivo nunquam eripietur, alter a ne mortuo quidem"

Married.]- Mr. James Duberly, of Denystowe, Monmouthshire, to Miss Langford, daughter of Mr. Langford, of the Great Piazza.- Mr. John Waring, of George-yard, Lombard-street, to Miss Fanny Hunt, of Barnes.- In Caernarvonshire, Col. Glynn Wynn, second son of Sir John Wynn, Bart., to Miss Pugh, eldest daughter of Edward Philip Pugh, Esq; of Penrhyn, in that county, and a near relation to the Right Hon the Earl of Abingdon.- At Stafford, John Williamson, Esq; to Miss Sally Hicken.- Henry Portman, Esq; of Bryanston, Dorsetshire, to Miss Anne Wyndham, daughter of the late William Wyndham, Esq; of Dinton, Wilts. - Andrew Hacket, jun. Esq; of Moxhal-hall, to the Hon. Miss Leigh, sister to the Right Hon. Lord Leigh - At Oxford, Joseph Smith, Esq; a Captain in the Buckinghamshire militia, to Miss Phipps, only daughter of the late Mr. Phipps, of that city.
Died.]- At his house in Hampshire, Richard Madan, Esq;. - In Ireland, the Rev. Dr. John Leland.- At his house in Berwick-street, Thomas Jones, Esq;-- Robert Wilson, Esq; Merchant, in St. Mary Axe.-- Mr. John Wall, Surgeon, at Kidderminster, in Worcestershire. -- At Barking, in Essex, Mr. Joseph Hartshorn, Surgeon and Apothecary. -- At Worcester, the reverend Mr. Jauncey, many years Rector of Great Comberton. in that county .- In London, of the small-pox, Mr. Highmore, Scholar of New-college, Oxford.- At his house in the Green Park, John Jefferies, Esq; of the Priory, in Breconshire, Member of Parliament for Dartmouth.-The Lady of John Coose, Esq; of the Lodge, Herefordshire.- Mrs. Cibber, on whose great Theatrical Talents it would be unnecessary to enlarge, as they have so long been universally felt and acknowledged.

Preferred.}- Samuel Seddon, Esq; to be Secretary of Queen Ann's bounty, in the room of Henry Montague, Esq; who has resigned.

BANKRUPTs.- James Bentley, of Kate-street, Middlesex, Silk-throwster.- Richard Tredwell, of Fleet-lane, Coach-spring-maker.- Alexander Greeg, of Woolwich, Taylor.- Robert Watson, of Nottingham, Pedlar. - Andrew Wright, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Linendraper.- Benjamin Bayrom, of Barley, Hertfordshire, Linen-draper.- John Hamilton, of Lower East-Smithfield, Victualler.- John Bangley, of Cow-Lane, Cooper. - Samuel Turner, of Woodbridge, Suffolk, Ship-builder.

Dividends to be made to Creditors.

Feb. 25. John Upton, of Manchester, Dealer. 26. James Cox and Edward Grace, of London, Merchants. 28. Timothy Haycock, of Coventry, Clothier .March 8. Matthew Arnold, of Hackney, Middlesex; Dealer. April 29. Archibald Campbell Fraser and George Wharton, of London, Merchants.

Certificates to be granted.

Feb. 22. John Rose, of Great Queen-street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Wine merchant; Thomas Trollope, of Friday-street, Merchant; Samuel Free, of London, Merchant.

GLOCESTER, February 3.

The article in our last relative to the repeal of the Cyder tax is corroborated in the following paragraph taken from the Sherborne Mercury: -- "We have the pleasure to assure our readers, that Sir George Yonge, Bart. has sent a letter to the Right Worshipful the Mayor of Exeter, signifying that all the Members of the cyder counties had waited on the Chancellor of the Exchequer concerning the repeal of the Cyder act, and that it was certain those unpopular acts would be totally repealed, whereby the growers and makers of cyder, and those who buy cyder for their own consumption, will be freed from the payment of any duty; but that a new act would be made, subjecting those who buy cyder to sell again, in any manner whatever, to the excise laws, with. an additional duty. Letters to same purport have been received from the Knights of the Shire for the county of Devon, and from John Walter, Esq; one of the Members for Exeter."
We hear from Newport, in Monmouthshire, that last Thursday evening arrived there the sloop Friends, belonging to Mess. Kemeys and Co. from Gravesend, in seven days, which is reckoned a remarkable passage for this or any other season of the year. She is now unloading, and will load again for London immediately.
Ships arrived at Bristol,-- King George, Burch, from Jamaica and Cork; Success, Hawkin, from Lisbon; Kitty, Browning, from Bilboa; Merry, Sinclair, from Glasgow; Prince William, Wyllie, and New Blessing, Leard, from Dublin; Britannia, Evans, from Cork.

* The Freehold Estate situate upon the River Lug, (inserted in the first Page of this Journal) will be sold by Auction, at the Castle-Inn in Presteign, on Monday the 10th Inst. between the Hours of ten and twelve in the Forenoon.

** The Printer of this paper wants an Apprentice. - A sober, well-disposed Lad, who has had a little Grammar-school education, will be taken on easy terms.

The genuine British Herb Tobacco and Snuff, prepared by the original proprietor, and sold only by James Rowley, at St. Paul's Coffee-house, London, for these three years last past, may now, by his appointment, be had also of Thomas Stock, Grocer, in Glocester, and of the men who carry this Journal.

The tobacco is 5s. per pound, 3s. per half pound, 1s. 6d. per quarter pound, and the snuff 1s. 6d. per canister.
The following is an abstract: from the succinct account of it, which is published by the author, and given gratis to every purchaser of the tobacco or snuff:

"It is composed of betony, coltsfoot, eyebright, lavender, thyme, rosemary buds, and many more of the choicest nervous simples in the whole system of botany. Dr. Spon, a very eminent Physician at Geneva, was the first who prescribed the smoaking of this composition, and had the satisfaction of seeing the good effects of it among his patients; and Dr. Beaufort, about thirty years since, had the like success with it in London. The Polish nobility and gentry constantly mix this tobacco with their common tobacco, by prescription of the famous Dr. Broakenschwerdt, for strengthening the nerves and stomach, and for preserving the sight, to mitigate the heat and strength of the common tobacco, and to render the smell of it fragrant and agreeable.
It is remarkable, that those who have made a practice of smoaking and snuffing these herbs, are never troubled with head-achs, paralytics. defluxions of rheum, nor any superfluous humidities, nor need the assistance of glasses for the sight, even in extreme old age."

The Rev. Mr. CHARLES LLOYD, President.
The General MEETING of this Society
Will be held at the Golden-Lion in Brecon on Wednesday the 12th Instant.

HENRY MADDOCKS, late Servant to Richard Cope Hopton, Esq; and now Tenant to Velters Cornewall, Esq; begs Leave to acquaint Gentlemen, Tradesmen, and others, travelling between London and South Wales, That he has taken the NEW RED LION INN at Bredwardine, in the County of Hereford, (the Mid-way between the City of Hereford and the Town of Hay in Breconshire) which he has furnished entirely new, and laid in a Stock of prime Liquors; and his Stables are provided with the best Hay and Corn the Country produces: All therefore who will honour him with their Company, may be assured, that, to render their Reception agreeable, the most diligent Attention to their Commands will never fail to be exerted by
Their most obedient Servant,
N.B. The Roads are now made exceedingly good, and he intends shortly setting up a Post-Chaise to accommodate those Gentlemen who may think the 21 Miles between Hereford and the Hay too long a Stage for one Pair of Horses.

BRISTOL, Jan. 25.
THE new Brig BELL, a constant Trader, Burthen 100 Tons, John Gemmil Master, lying at Crane No. 1, now taking in Goods, and will be ready to sail in fifteen Days; by Agreement, having the chief Part of her Lading engaged.
For Freight apply to Mr. John Herbert, in Orchard-street; or to said Master on Board.

THE Creditors of Joseph Crofts, late of Abingdon, Berks, Woolstapler; deceased, are desired to meet the Administratrix and her Attornies, on some special Matters relative to the Benefit of all the Creditors, and in which their joint Concurrence is required, on Wednesday the 19th of February Inst. in the Forenoon, at the Crown and Thistle in Abingdon; and in the mean Time all Persons indebted to the Estate of the said Joseph Crofts are desired to pay their respective Debts to Mr. William Tomkins and Mr. Robarts, of Abingdon, who are authorized to receive the same; and all Persons having any Claims on the same are desired to send an Account thereof to the said Mr. Tomkins and Mr. Robarts.

To be Sold to the Best Bidder,
On Thursday the 13th of February Inst. at the King's Head in the City of Glocester, between the Hours of eleven and two,
THE under-mentioned ESTATES late of Richard Driver, of the same City, Gentleman, deceased.

Lot 1. The Remainder of a Term of one thousand Years, eight hundred of which are yet to come, of all the Leasehold Part of an Estate at Hagloe, in the Parish of Awre, lying near the River Severn, with Right of Common in the Forest of Dean, and is now rented by Henry James; with other Lands, at the yearly Rent of about �35. subject to a chief Rent of �1. 15s. 8d. consisting of a good Dwelling-House, Barn, Stable, Mill-House, and other Buildings, all in good Repair, with a Cyder Mill and Press, and also about forty-eight Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Lands well stocked with growing Timber, seven or eight of which Acres are Orcharding, together with about four Acres of Coppice Wood.
Lot 2. The Remainder of a Lease of twenty-one Years, of which about twenty are yet to come, of a Piece of Pasture Land situate at Kingsholm, near the City of Glocester, held of the Bishop of that Diocese under the chief Rent of 4s. per Ann. containing four Acres of Land, Tithe-free, and now rented by John Wood at six Guineas a Year, clear of all Taxes and other Out-goings, except the said chief Rent.
Lot 3. The Remainder of a Term of twenty-one Years, of which about sixteen are yet to come, of a good Brick House, with a little Garden and Brew-house or Cellar adjoining situate in the Bolt-Lane, in the City of Glocester, together with Part of a House adjoining in the Tenure of Mr. John Ashmead as Under-tenant to Mr. Driver; the Whole held under the Corporation of the said City at the chief Rent of one Guinea a Year, half of which Mr Ashmead is to pay, with a proportionable Part of the Expence on Renewing. The House only, without Mr. Ashmead's Part, is of about the yearly Value of �6.
Lot 4. A Moiety of Half an Acre of Land for the Remainder of a Term of 500 Years, lying at Upton St. Leonard's, in the County of Glocester, of about the yearly Value of 5s.

The Tenants of the several Estates will shew the Premises.

N. B. All Persons having Demands on the Estate. of Mr. Richard Driver, or that had Writings in his Custody, may then have an Opportunity of meeting the Administrators; and all Persons indebted to the Estate are then and there desired to pay their respective Debts, they will be sued without further Notice.

WILLIAM COX, from Cirencester, takes this Method to inform the Public, That he is removed a little lower in the BOLT-LANE, GLOCESTER; where he makes and sells Wholesale and Retail, all Sorts of EDGE-TOOLS, also TANNERS, CURRIERS, and SKINNERS KNIVES, &c. &c. on the most reasonable Terms.

W A N T E D,

A MAN to make and burn BRICKS: One who thoroughly understands it may find Employment the whole Summer, by applying to William Earle, Esq; of Malmesbury, who desires to know previously by Letter the Terms upon which the making and burning will be undertaken. All Materials will be provided, and an Answer sent to whatever Proposals may be made.


SIGNOT CONSTANTINI, Dancing Master, from Venice, having been requested by the Friends of the late Signor Brabanti to settle in this County, in order to teach the several Varieties of the noble Art of Dancing as they are now taught in London, Paris, and Vienna, takes this Opportunity of soliciting the Favour of the Nobility and Gentry of the said County, as he has now opened a School at Cirencester and the adjacent Towns, and teaches on the same Terms as the late Signor Brabanti. Gentlemen or Ladies, who are desirous of learning in private, by sending a Letter directed for Signor Constantini, Dancing Master, Cirencester, will be immediately waited on.

N.B. Every Thursday he is engaged at the Swan Great Room in Stroud to teach Dancing.

From the East-Indies-by private Property.
Rich, excellent, and valuable LIQUID, called the Oriental Essence of the Sun, which is allowed by all who have seen it to be the most pleasant and agreeable Compound yet known in the Western World, on the Proof of which a worthy Prelate wrote the following: Lines, viz.

Now from the East to Albion's fruitful Isle
Come richest Sweets which make Britannia smile,
And in her Lap in sweet Profusion pours
An Essence drawn from Asia's richest Flowers:
the Rose, the Tea, the Violet here do shew.
The richest Sweets that in the East do grow;
The Honeysuckle, and the Jessamin white,
Here join their Sweets which promise more Delight
From that fam'd Shore where holy Acts were done,
And rich Perfumes offer'd to David's Son.

The above Essence is sold only by Richard Warren, Perfumer, at the Golden Fleece in Marybone-street, near Golden-square, at 10s. 6d. and 4s. a Bottle. Where also is imported, made and sold, all Sorts of the most valuable and curious Perfumery Goods in all its Branches, Wholesale and Retail.
His Imperial Milk of Roses as usual; also by Mr. Cooke, Bookseller, in Pater-noster Row, London. Mr. Warren has !likewise appointed Mr. Smith, Haberdasher, in the High-Town, Hereford, to supply Wales, &c. and his Perfume Shop on the North Parade, Bath, to supply the West of England, with all Kinds of his valuable Collection of Perfumery Goods, as cheap as at his Shop in London.

WHEREAS a notorious Practice has of late prevailed in his Majesty's Forest of Dean, for Persons unknown to cut down great Numbers of Oak Timber, Trees, and take and carry away the best or cleft parts thereof; and as the cutting down every such Timber Tree, is subject to the Penalty of twenty Pounds, if discovered, and the taking or carrying away is deemed a Felony: Now, in order to put a Stop to such iniquitous Practice, and to bring Offenders to Justice, this public Notice is given, That whoever will discover any Person or Persons so offending, in Manner aforesaid, so that he or they may be convicted thereof, shall Receive a reward of five Guineas, to be paid upon every such Conviction, by me,
COLFORD, Jan. 1.

WHEREAS I Griffith Baker, of Sanctuary, in the Parish of Penrice, and County of Glamorgan Yeoman, did falsely and maliciously, on Wednesday the 23d of October last, asperse the Character of Samuel Hancorn, of Pitt, in the same Parish and County, Gent.; and whereas the said Samuel Hancorn has commenced an Action against me, but, in great Clemency, hath pardoned me, on Payment of Costs of Law, and my publishing this in the Glocester Journal; This is therefore to certify that I am sorry for what I have said, and heartily ask his Pardon, as Witness my Hand, this 20th Day of January, 1766.
Signed in the Presence of us,

BRISTOL, Jan. 4.
To the PUBLIC.

NOTICE is hereby given, that JOHN OXLEY, Son of the late Timothy Oxley, deceased, c;.eafe.3, Nurseryman, Seedsman, and Gardener, at the upper End of Stoke's Croft, hath, for the more advantageous and expeditious Serving his Dealers, contracted a Partnership with JOHN MILLS, late an Apprentice of the above Timothy Oxley. Those Gentlemen who please to favour us with their Commands may be assured of their being faithfully and speedily executed by,
Their most obedient humble Servants,
N.B. Those who are indebted to the Effects of the above Timothy or John Oxley, before the Date hereof, are desired to pay the same to John Oxley or his Order on or before the 1st Day of March next.


JOHN TIBBS, at the Beaufort Arms in this Town, begs Leave to inform the Public, That he has for these three Years past made it his Business to collect a large Quantity of Stire, Golden Pippin, and other best Cyder Fruits, in Herefordshire, Monmouthshire, and Glocestershire; and having new a large Stock of fine old� Cyders fit for Bottling, he shall be greatly obliged to those Gentlemen who will please to favour him with their Orders, which shall be punctually obeyed.

To be Sold to the Best Bidder,
At the Bell-Inn in Broadway, in the County of Worcester, on Friday the 7th of February Inst. between the Hours of one and four in the Afternoon,
AN ESTATE at Laverton, in the County of Glocester, held by Lease for three Lives under Lord Weymouth, two of which are now in being, and is of the yearly Value of �30 or thereabouts.
Particulars may be had of Mr. Phillips, in Evesham, in the County of Worcester.

To be Let Immediately,
The BELL-INN in Breacon.
For further Particulars enquire of Richard Davies, Esq; of Court-y-Gollen.

To be Let,
At Candlemas, or Lady-Day next,

HOMHOUSE FARM situate in the Parish of Much-Marcle, in the County of Hereford, consisting of three hundred Acres of Arable Land, one hundred and ninety of Meadow, one hundred and forty-four of Pasture, and ninety-eight of Orcharding, computed Measure, all lying together within a Ring-Hedge.

Enquire further of Mr. Mynd, in Ross.

To be Let or Sold,

THE HOUSE wherein Mr. John Cox, Cloth worker and Dyer, now lives, situate in Eign-Street, in the City of Hereford, being a large roomy House, fit for that or any other Business that requires Room, with a Yard, Garden, and Stables adjoining. The Clothworkers Trade has been carried on at the said House upwards of 30 Years, and is at this Time well accustomed. Any Person willing to rent or purchase the said House, may have the Presses, Furnaces, and all other Utensils belonging to the said Trade, with the Stock of Colours, &c. at a moderate Price.

For further Particulars enquire at the said House.

N.B. All Persons who have any Demands an the said Mr. Cox are desired to bring in an Account thereof, and they will be paid; and all Persons who are indebted to him are desired to pay in their respective Debts, otherwise they will be sued for the same.

BRISTOL, December 23.
TO BE LET, the 25th of March next,
Furnished or unfurnished, with the Garden,

A Large commodious well-built Freestone-fronted DWELLING.HOUSE, (late in the Possession of Mr. Richard Goeing, deceased) with a Court inclosed with Iron Pallisadoes, Kitchins, Out-house, and Plenty of both Sorts of Water, and all Manner of Conveniences, also a six Stall Stable, Coach-house, &c. which will be made more convenient if required, situated in a very healthy Air, on the Summit of St.Michael's Hill, in the City of Bristol, and fronting the Road leading from the said City to Durdham Down, Aust Passage, and not far from the Hot Wells, with a pleasant Garden behind, having a large Pavement or Terrass at the upper End, and a fine Green-house, with a Stove and Turret in the Middle thereof, built at the lower end of the said Garden, commanding a most delightful Prospect of Bristol and the Country adjacent; and from the Top of the said Dwelling-house, which is covered with Lead, and defended with a Parapet of Ballisters, and ornamented with ten Vases, is a far distant Prospect of the Counties of Glocester and Somerset. The other Garden extends to a Road called Upper Magdalen Lane, with a good Summer-house thereon, by which you go the shortest Way into the City.
The said Dwelling-house, together with the Wainscot, Floors, Staircases, Marble and Stone Chimney-pieces, and inside Work is compleat; and the Gardens are skilfully laid out, and well stocked and planted with the best Sort of Fruit-trees, both against the Walls and Espaliers, all healthy and in their Prime of Bearing.

Enquire of Valentine Watkins, Cheesemonger, on the Quay, Bristol; or of Mr. Roberts, Attorney at Law, Bath.

To be Sold by Auction,
The Beginning of March next, at the White Lion Inn in Stratford upon Avon, in the County of Warwick, timely Notice of which will be given,

ALL that MANOR or LORDSHIP of Welcomb, consisting of a Farm-House, Barns, Stables, Dove-Coat, and other Out-offices, two Orchards, a small Cottage, 75 Acres of inclosed Meadow and Pasture Land, 166 Acres of Arable Land lying in the common Field of Stratford. aforesaid; 14 Acres of other Meadow Ground, Common of Pasture in the common Field for 14 Cows, 14 Horses, and 163 Sheep; and above 1000 good Timber Trees and a great Quantity of young ones thereon; situate within one Mile of Stratford aforesaid, near the River Avon, in a fine sporting Country, and now let to Tenant at Will at the yearly Rent of �172. The Premises may be viewed by applying to Mr. Richard . Smith, at Stratford aforesaid; and any Person desirous of treating for the same, in the mean Time, may apply to Mr. Richard Lawrence Bowles, at Birchington, in Thanet, in the County of Kent; or to Mr. Robert Jackson, an Attorney, in Bread-street, Cheapside, London.

To be Sold,

THE Freehold and Leasehold ESTATES of Viner Small, formerly of Burthrop, and since of Fairford, in the County of Glocester, Esq; (now a Prisoner in the King's Bench Prison) situate and being in the Counties of Norfolk and Glocester, lately conveyed by the said Viner Small to Edmund Clutterbuck, of Hyde, in the said County of Glocester, Gentleman, and William Wilkins, of Cirencester, in the said County of Glocester, Ironmonger, in Trust, to be sold for the Payment of such of his Creditors who shall come and sign an Instrument or Deed prepared for that Purpose. --- The Estate in Norfolk consists of a Freehold Manor called Fordham, and of divers Farms, containing 1750 Acres Statute Measure, lately let to several Tenants at several yearly Rents amounting to �931. 16s. The said Farms are Tythe-free, one Moiety of which belongs to the Proprietor, and the other Moiety he holds by Lease under the Dean and Chapter of Norwich; and the Estate in Glocestershire consists of a Manor called Eastleach Martin, otherwise Bunthrop, and of several Farms, and several Copyholds held of the said Manor for Lives, and two Leaseholds, which are held under a Lease from the Dean and Chapter of Glocester.
Particulars whereof may be had of the said Mr. Clutterbuck and Mr. Wilkins; of Alexander Colston, Esq; at Filkins near Leachlade, Glocestershire; or of Mr. Christopher Hull, at his Chambers, in Hare-Court, in the Inner-Temple, London.
And such of the said Mr. Small's Creditors who have not as yet signed their Consent to the said Deed of Trust, or shall not do the same on or before the 13th Day of July next, will be excluded all Benefit arising from the Sale of the said Estates; and the said Instrument is in the Hands of the said Mr. Wilkins, in Cirencester, for the Purpose of the said Creditors signing the same.

GLOCESTER, February 3.

THE Mayor, having received Letters from the Persons concerned in the proposed Navigation between the Severn and the Trent desiring the Concurrence of the Gentlemen, Merchants, and Tradesmen of this City in promoting that Undertaking, requests that all those, whom Interest or publick Spirit may incline to support this great Design, will meet this Evening at four o'Clock in the Council Chamber at the Tholsey, that he may collect the general Sense of this City, and return an Answer accordingly.

A Master and Mistress who are qualified to govern a Workhouse for the Borough of Leominster. Any Persons who are desirous of such an Undertaking may, by applying to the Bailiffs and Justices of the said Borough, meet with proper Encouragement.
N.B. No Letters received unless Post-paid.


A MAN SERVANT, about 25 Years of Age, who rides not more than twelve Stone, and has had the Small-Pox, His chief Business will be to take Care of Saddle Horses, and wait at Table. He must have a good Character from his last Place.

For further Particulars apply to the Printer, or to Mr. Pugh, Bookseller, in Hereford.

To be Let.
And entered upon immediately, at an easy Rent,

THAT noted and well-accustomed Inn called the WHITE LION, situated near the Market-place in Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester, together with a large Quantity of new-built Stall Stabling, and other convenient Stabling, new built, for Coach and Chaise Horses; also a compleat Bowling-green, and large Garden inclusive, about four Acres of rich Pasture Ground adjoining to the said Inn, and more Pasture Ground to be let therewith, if required - The Chaises, Furniture, &c. to be sold to the Tenant.- For further Particulars enquire of Mr. William Hurst, at the said Inn, who is going to retire from public Business.

To be Sold.
A TENEMENT, or DWELLING-HOUSE, situate in the Greyhound-Lane, in Cheltenham, in the Possession of Richard Robins, Carpenter.
Enquire of Messrs. Da la Bere and Hughes, in Cheltenham.


ONE hundred and four MAIDEN OAK TREES, growing in two Groves near Glashampton House, in the Parish of Astley, and County of Worcester, marked and numbered for falling, and are very contiguous to the River Severn. Likewise 380 Maiden Oaks and 20 Elms growing on an Estate called the Marsh, and 206 Maiden Oaks and seven Elms growing on an Estate called the Knap, in the Parish of Bridge Sollers, and County of Hereford, marked and numbered for falling, large and fit for Ship-building, within 200 Yards of the River Wye, and near 400 of them in one Grove-- Particulars may be had of Mr. John Broome, of Stanford, Worcestershire. Joseph Lane, near Astley Church will shew the first Parcel; and Mr. William Makeam, of the Marsh, will shew the two last Parcels.

To be Sold,
On Wednesday the 19th of February Instant, between five and six in the Afternoon, before Samuel Pechell, Esq [?]; one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery, at his Chambers in Symond's Inn, London,
AN ESTATE late of John Essington, Esq; deceased, situate in the County of Glocester,
In five LOTS, viz.
Lot 1. consists of the Scite of a Mansion-house, called Gossington-Hall, and of the Offices thereto belonging, with about an Acre of Ground intended for a Yard and Garden, a good Brick Farm House, and about 100 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, situate in the Parish of Slimbridge, and let at �117. 6s. a Year (without the Scite of the Mansion House and Offices). About an Acre and Half of the Land comprized in this Lot is held of Mrs. Davis, at the yearly Rent of �1. 10s.
Lot 2. consists of the Materials of the above Mansion House and Out-houses.
Lot 3. consists of a good Farm House and about 60 Acres of Meadow and Pasture Land, situate in the said Parish of Slimbridge, and let at �65. a Year.
Let 4. consists of a good Farm House and about 58 Acres of Meadow and Pasture Land in the Parish of Berkley, let at �54. 10s. per Ann.
Lot 5. consists of a good Stone Farm House and about 96 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, in the Parish of Cowley, let at �88. per Ann. and a Mill untenanted.
The said Premises are subject to several Quit Rents and Chief Rents amounting together to �1. 13s. 4d. a Year.
The Timber on the said Premises is valued at �600. exclusive of much growing Timber thereon.
The Tenants of the Farms will shew the Premises, and further Particulars may be had at the said Master's Chambers.
The above Premises are all situate within about ten Miles of Tetbury.

A COCK-MATCH to be fought, at the Dwelling-House of John Chadd, in Bosbury, between the Gentlemen of Worcestershire and the Gentlemen of Herefordshire; to shew eighteen Cocks on each Side for two Guineas a Battle and twenty Guineas the Main; and to fight on Thursday the 13th Inst.
KING and ELSMORE, Feeders.

ON Wednesday the 12th Instant will be published, and given gratis, at the Crown and Thistle, in Barton-street, Glocester, a CATALOGUE of BOOKS, being the Library of the late Rev. Mr. Godrry Elly, of Glocester, which will be sold very cheap, the lowest Prices being fixed in the Catalogue. The Sale begins on Friday the 14th, and continues Saturday and Monday. There are some valuable Manuscript Sermons; also some fine Prints, by Martolozzi and others, from his Majesty's Collection of Drawings; Sandby's Etchings, &c. and a curious Bible, reckoned one of the finest in Europe.

STOLEN, on Wednesday. Night the 22d past, out of the Stable of Thomas John, of Talgarth, Breconshire, a bright-bay MARE, full aged, fourteen Hands high, with a black Mane and Tail, a little white above the Hoof of the off Foot behind, worth about �4. and remarkable for not bearing the Spur; also, at the same Time, stolen out of a Barn adjoining to the Stable, a five-bushel Bag with about two Bushels of Wheat therein: Whoever will secure the said Mare, and the Person offering her to Sale, and give Notice thereof to the said Thomas John, shall be thankfully rewarded by him.

WHEREAS Robert Neate, of the Parish of Brokenbrow, Wilts, Miller, did, on Wednesday the 15th past, leave his Family chargeable to the said Parish: Whoever will secure him, and give Notice thereof to the Churchwardens or Overseers of Brokenbrow aforesaid, so that he may be brought to Justice, shall receive one Guinea Reward.
N.B, The said Robert Neate is about 50 Years of .Age, middle sized, lame in the right Foot, and had on, when he went away, a light Drab-coloured Coat, white Waistcoat with black Buttons, Leather Breeches and a dark-grey Wig.

WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued against John Welch, late of Huntley, in the County of Glocester, Innholder, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them, on the 19th, 20th, and 21st Days of March next ensuing, at ten o'Clock in the Morning of each of the said Days, at the Dwelling-house of Benjamin Roberts, Innholder, commonly called or known by the Name or Sign of the Lower George, situate in the Westgate-street, in Glocester, and make a full Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second Sitting to chuse Assignees, and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from, the Allowance of his Certificate.
All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same, but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice thereof to Robert Pyrke, Attorney at Law, at Newnham, in the said County of Glocester.

This is to acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen,

THAT Mr. POWEL, the celebrated FIRE-EATER, is come to this City, and hopes the Gentlemen, &c. will favour him with their Company this and the following Evenings this Week, at the White Hart in the Southgate-street; where he will exhibit his extraordinary and astonishing Performances, which much surpass any Thing he ever performed here before.
He will exhibit the following Articles, 1st. He eats red hot Coals out of the Fire as natural as Bread. 2dly, He licks with his naked Tongue red-hot Tobacco Pipes flaming with Brimstone. 3dly, He takes a large Bunch of Deal Matches, lights them all together, and holds them in his Mouth 'till the Flame is extinguished. 4thly, He takes a red-hot Heater out of the Fire, licks it with his naked Tongue several Times,. and carries it round the Room between his Teeth. 5thly, He fills his Mouth with red-hot Charcoal, and broils a Slice of Beef or Mutton on his Tongue; and any Person may blow the Fire with a Pair of Bellows at the same Time. And lastly, He takes a Quantity of Rosin, Pitch, Bees-wax, Sealing wax, Brimstone, Allum, and Lead, melt. them together over a Chaffing-Dish of Coals, and eats the said Combustibles with a Spoon, as natural as a Porringer of Broth, (which he calls his Dish of Soup) to the great and agreeable Surprize of all the Spectators. Every Article above mentioned is justly performed without Fallacy.

To begin every Evening at Seven o'Clock.
Before he begins his Supper, he entertains the Ladies and Gentlemen with Half an Hour's Diversion on Dexterit of Hand, much superior to any Jew, or other Pretender.

He displaces Teeth or Stumps of Teeth so easy as scarce to be felt.-- This Advertisement does not mention half that he performs.
His Stay here will be no longer than this Week, and in other Towns he stops at, only two or three Days, as he is upon his Journey to visit the Gentry in South-Wales.

To be Let,
And entered upon at Lady-Day next,

A Convenient DWELLING-HOUSE for a Clothier, with an Orchard, and two small Pieces of Pasture, adjoining to Hazel Mill, in the Parish of Panswick, Glocestershire, about a Mile from Stroud. Enquire of T. Baylis, near Stroud; or of Mr. Jones, the present Tenant, who will shew the said Premises.

To be Sold

A Large Quantity of CYDER made of the best fruits in the Year 1762, which proves remarkably rich and high flavoured. Any Person taking a Quantity may have it in handsome mould Bottles at 5s. per Dozen, and small Quantities in Proportion.