Newspaper Transcripts

The Windsor and Eton Express.
Bucks Chronicle and Reading Journal

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Some Selected Reports from The Windsor and Eton Express

12th November 1842

We understand that Mr.Bedborough has had the honour of submitting to his royal highness Prince Albert, a plan which would effectually remove the evil and annoyances so justly complained of at Frogmore and the low parts of the town; and that the plan proposes to make great alterations and improvements in the approach to the town of Windsor and the Castle from Slough, and which will, as far as possible, connect Windsor, and enable the inhabitants to participate in the very extensive improvements and buildings about to be carried out in the neighbourhood of Slough, which, from it contiguity to the Great Western Railway Station, is fast rising in importance.

And we are much gratified at finding that our enterprising townsman, Mr.Bedborough, has become the purchaser of that fine tract of land running from Arthur-hill, on the Eton and Slough turnpike road, to near Upton Old Church, and which commands an uninterrupted view of Windsor Castle, the Parks, and surrounding country. We hear Mr.Bedborough intends to avail himself of the peculiar advantages of the situation, by erecting about fifty handsome villa residences, encircled by, and interspersed with ornamental grounds and roads, to be called Victoria Park; through which it is proposed to carry a road leading direct from Thames-street, across a new bridge over the Thames, to the Railway Station at Slough. It is impossible to appreciate to highly the vast importance the realisation of this plan would prove to Windsor, whilst the convenience to her Majesty, Prince Albert, and their household, and the beautiful approach and view of the Castle which it will give to the public generally in coming to Windsor, will make Windsor what every stranger expects to find it, but which hitherto has only created feelings of disappointment and distaste.

Literary Institution

On Wednesday evening last, Mr.Frederick Rowton, of London, delivered a gratuitous lecture on "Elocution." The lecture was a very talented one, and the selections from the works of Shakespere, Addison, Dickens, &c., with which he illustrated his remarks were given in an exquisite manner. The theatre was well attended, although the weather was very unfavourable, and the audience fully appreciated the endeavours of the lecturer to please them - Last evening Mr.Otway gave his third lecture on "The Tragedies of Shakespere." The lecturer selected "Othello" for his subject and portrayed the principal characters in his usual able manner, much to the gratification of the numerous and respectable audience.

Windsor And Eton Church Union Society

On Sunday last sermons were preached morning and evening at the parish church of New Windsor, by the Bishop of Tasmania, and collections afterwards made in aid of the funds of the Windsor and Eton Church Union Society, when the sums collected were in the morning �54 18s 10d, and in the evening �28 11s 5d - making a total of �80 10s 3d. - On Monday the anniversary meeting was held in the Town-hall, the Rev.Mr.Canning in the chair, for the purpose of obtaining additional subscriptions for the same object. It was attended by the Bishop of Tasmania, many of the clergy of Windsor, Eton and the neighbourhood, and several of the resident and neighbouring gentry. A great number of persons were present, consisting chiefly of ladies. - The proceedings were opened by the chairman in a brief speech, after which the secretary , the Rev.Mr.Bowyer, read the report, which was of a highly satisfactory character - The Rev.Dr.Hodgson (the Provost of Eton), Major Bent, the Rev. Dr.Hawtrey (Head Master of Eton), the Rev.Dr.Hopwood, the Bishop of Tasmania, the Rev.W.G.Cookesley, the Rev.H.Dupuis, the Rev.W.G.Allie , the Rev. W.Shaw, and Mr.Sawyer, then successively addressed the meeting, urging very eloquent appeals in behalf of the objects of the various societies connected with the "Church Union." The speeches gave great satisfaction, and the usual resolutions were passed unanimously, after which the meeting was adjourned until the evening, when the proceedings were resumed, and several similarly eloquent addresses were delivered. Collections were made after each meeting: the amount obtained in the morning being �10 19s 9d, and that in the evening �15 5s 9d - total with Sunday's collections, �106 13s 9d.

Eton College

Several serious cases of fever having recently broken out among the Eton scholars, and one or two having terminated fatally, considerable alarm has been occasioned from the fear of the disorder spreading throughout the school, and in consequence a great number of the scholars have left at the desire of their friends. We are, however, happy to state that from the prompt and judicious measures adopted by the authorities of the College, who very early secured the best professional assistance, the fever has very considerably abated, and the cases of sickness are now very few. It is expected that the scholars who have left will in a few days return to College, and pursue their studies until the usual Christmas vacation.

We understand that it is in contemplation by the heads of the establishment to erect an infirmary for the reception of sick students, where every attention and comfort will be shown to them, which will prevent the spread of an infection in the school. The following letter from the Rev.Dr.Hawtrey, on the subject of the sickness amongst the scholars, has appeared in the Morning Post, in contradiction of the exaggerated statements in reference to the matter :-

Sir, I have seen the reports in your journal and in the Times, respecting the existence of scarletina in Eton School. It is natural that the stories, which have been spread by the letters of thoughtless writers, should have created much alarm. I have none myself, and have no intention of deserting my duty, or embarrassing many sensible parents, by dismissing the school. I have acted, and shall continue to act, by the advice of Dr.Holland, who has a son at Eton, and whom I have acquainted with every circumstance relating to a malady, existing to a much less alarming extent in Eton than in other places of equal population. I have of course, yielded to the wishes of many anxious parents, some of whom are distant from the place, and have no means of knowing by a personal visit, how little cause there is for the present panic. But I have not had half so many applications as your informant imagines.
I have conversed with many who are perfectly satisfied. I should not have written but from a belief that, if no notice of your report was taken, it would excite much causeless fear among many parents. The manly game of football continues to be played at Eton as it always has been played, and I have received no intimation from any person capable of forming an opinion that it was other than beneficial to the health of my scholars. I have every other reason to think so, for I have never known so little general illness in the school as there is at the present moment - I am Sir, your obedient servant - E.C. Hawtrey.

Alarm of Fire at Eton

On Wednesday morning a fire broke out in the residence of Rev.Mr.Abrahams, one of the Masters of Eton College, which but for its timely discovery might, have been attended with very serious consequences. During the absence of the rev gentleman the servants smelling fire, proceeded to ascertain whence it arose, and they found that it was in the bedroom of one of the pupils, which was full of smoke and that the fire had broken out under the hearth stone. The stone was removed immediately, when the flames burst forth, but were speedily subdued, and all apprehensions of danger were soon entirely removed. There is no doubt that the fire had been smouldering there for some time.

Windsor Town Council

On Wednesday a general quarterly meeting of the Town Council of this borough was held, for the purpose of electing a mayor for the year ensuing , and for the transaction of general business.

There were present John Clode, Esq.(Mayor), Messrs- Bedborough, T.Adams, Soley, Hanson, Berridge, Layton, F.Twinch, Blunt, Wm.Jennings, Henry Adams, Phillips, John Clode, jun., Snowden, Banister, Tebbott, and Burtt.

The Election

The Town Clerk having read the minutes of the last council, reported that pursuant to annual custom, there had been an election to fill up the vacancies caused by three members for each ward going out of office, and that the results were, that Messrs. Phillips, Layton, and T.Adams had been re-elected for the In-ward, that Messrs. Berridge and Blunt had been re-elected for the Out-ward, and that Mr.J.T.Bedborough had been elected for that ward in the room of Mr.Sharman, all of which gentlemen had declared their acceptance of the office. At a subsequent part of the day those gentlemen made the usual declaration on acceptance of office.

The Gaol

The Town Clerk said he also had to report that in consequence of the necessity of repairing and enlarging the old gaol, the prisoners had been removed from there to the old work-house in Sheet-street, which had been prepared for their reception.

The Mayoralty

The Town Clerk then announced that the first business to be transacted was the election of Mayor for the year ensuing.

Mr.Blunt rose and said he should have the honour to propose to fill that office with a gentleman, a native of the town, and of long standing, who was most deserving of the approbation of the council, and he trusted that the gentleman would not only be elected by the majority of votes, but by their unanimous votes. That gentleman it was well known had long been a builder, and that he had affected many improvements in the town, he had also been a member of the late and present corporations for a period of thirty years, and every one would recollect the splendour and dignity with which on the former occasion of his being Mayor under the old corporation he fulfilled the duties of that office. As they all knew the gentleman to which he had alluded, it would be superfluous in him to make any further remarks; they all knew how he performed his public duties, and also that in private life he was an excellent husband and father and kind friend. He begged to propose Robert Tebbott, Esq., as Mayor for the year ensuing. He (Mr.Blunt) begged to add that on a former occasion he had the greatest pleasure in proposing that Mr.Tebbott be recommended to her Majesty to be included in the commission of the peace for the borough.

Mr.W.Jennings said he had very great pleasure in seconding the proposition made by his friend Mr.Blunt, and he did so with more than ordinary feelings of satisfaction , because he was quite assured that the election of Mr.Tebbott would meet with the general approbation of the town. It was unnecessary for him (Mr.Jennings) to make any observations on the capabilities of Mr.Tebbott for the office, especially after the able speech of Mr.Blunt for he was convinced that he would discharge the duties which would devolve on him in a perfectly upright and conscientious manner. He should, therefore, have the honour of seconding the proposition.

The Mayor enquired if there was any other gentleman to be proposed, and finding from no reply being made, that there was not, he put the question that Mr.Tebbott be Mayor for the year ensuing, when it was carried.

The Treasurer

Mr.Hanson rose to propose a vote of thanks to Thomas Arthur Moore, Esq., for his performance of the duties of treasurer. He conceived that the gentleman was fully entitled to such a vote for the able manner in which he had discharged those duties for some years [hear,hear], and therefore he begged to make that proposition, and to add that Mr.Moore be requested to continue in office [applause].

Mr.Phillips said from the able manner in which Mr.Moore had fulfilled his office he was confident the vote would be unanimous. He seconded the motion.

The Mayor put the question to the meeting, and it was carried unanimously.

The Quarterly Meeting

At the suggestion of the Town Clerk the Quarterly Meetings of the Council for the ensuing year were fixed for Thursday , the 8th of April; and Thursday, the 8th of July.

Watch Committee

Mr.Blunt rose and proposed that the following gentlemen compose the Watch Committee for the year ensuing, and in doing so he said he could bear testimony to the excellent manner in which the duties of that committee had been performed, viz:- The Mayor, Mr.Clarke, Mr.Berridge, Mr.T.Adams, Mr.W.Jennings, Mr.Alderman Clode, Mr.Hanson, Mr.Phillips, Mr.Layton, and Mr.Alderman Banister.

Mr.W.Jennings seconded the motion , which was carried.

Finance Committee

Mr.W.Jennings then proposed that the Finance Committee be composed of the same gentlemen as last year, viz., the Mayor, Mr.Alderman Snowden, Mr.Alderman Burtt, Mr.Blunt, Mr.Alderman Twinch and Mr.J.Jennings.

Mr.Bedborough proposed that Mr.Darvill's name be added to the list, which was seconded by Mr.John Clode,jun. The amendment was put and lost, and the original list as proposed by Mr.W.Jennings was agreed to.

General Purposes Committee

Mr.Twinch moved that the following form the Committee for General Purposes:- The Mayor, Mr.Blunt, Mr.Snowdon, Mr.T.Adams, Mr.J.Jennings, and Mr.H.Adams.

Mr.Layton seconded the motion.

Some conversation here took place between several members of the council, in which Mr.Clarke's name was mentioned, but its precise purport we could not at the distance we were from the council table distinctly hear. We could only infer that it was respecting the absence of Mr.C., and that that arose from his wishing to attend the Lord Mayor's annual celebration in London. Amidst the laughter occasioned by this conversation.

Mr.Snowden rose and said Mr.Clarke regretted he could not attend the council today, but he was obliged to go to town in consequence of the illness of his son, and his having that morning to meet Sir Benjamin Brodie on the subject of his sons illness, but he would be in Windsor in the evening.

Mr.Twinch's motion was then put and carried.

Swearing In The New Mayor

Mr.Tebbott, the Mayor Elect, then made the usual declaration , and took the oaths required to be made and taken on accepting his office, after which he addressed the council. He said - Mr.Mayor and Gentlemen , I feel it my duty to return you my most grateful thanks for the very distinguished honour which you have now for the second time been pleased to confer upon me, by electing me chief magistrate of the borough; and I also beg to return my thanks for the very handsome manner in which I have been brought to your notice by my friend Mr.Blunt, and seconded by Mr.Wm.Jennings, which I assure you is a great gratification to my feelings. I consider the honour to be so great, that my feelings of gratitude will arouse me to everything that may lay in my power to fulfil all the duties to which you have appointed me [applause].

When I consider that this town, is the favourite residence of royalty, it becomes the first duty of the chief magistrate to do everything to preserve the peace, so as to make it worthy of the presence of her Majesty, her illustrious Prince Consort, and their family; and, although I am but an humble individual, I will promise you to fulfil all my duties with the dignity that becomes this opulent and favoured borough [applause]. It will be my duty, although it may take a considerable portion of my time, to see every person who may wish to ask me any advice relating to the public good, and I will give it readily and with pleasure: and in all cases brought to before me justice shall be administered both to the rich and the poor [applause]. I beg again to thank all those gentlemen who have voted for me, and although some of you did not, I hope the same good feeling exists between us as with those who did hold up their hands for me. If there is any one thing that would shed a lustre on the office to which you have elected me, and which has not been the case of late years, it would be the happiest thing to me, to see the corporation once more united and cemented together as one body. This to me would be a most grateful thing, and I will say no more, but repeat a sentiment, which though a common one, is a very good one, "May the difference of opinion never alter friendship." Gentleman, I again thank you [applause].

Mr.Bedborough said he was almost tempted to notice that part of the observations of the mayor elect which appeared to be addressed personally to him; but he thought the present meeting hardly the place to enter into such matters; he should therefore defer to another time any further remarks. His object in rising was to ask the Mayor, as one of the members of the General Purpose Committee, whether it was intended by that committee to notice in any way the report of Mr.Parker, the assistant poor law commissioner, on the subject of the drainage of the town. That report, which had gone forth to the public, described Windsor, in regard to the drainage, as by far the very worst town he had visited. He (Mr.Bedborough) thought it was the duty of the Council, through the General Purposes Committee, to controvert the statement of Mr.Parker if possible; or if it was correct , to provide or recommend a remedy for the evil.

Mr.Blunt said so far as regarded the Mayor being to the committee he was not necessarily required to attend it unless asked to do so. He (Mr.Blunt) was chairman of the committee, and if Mr.Bedborough chose he could bring forward a proposition on the subject to which he had referred, when the council could, if they pleased, refer it to the consideration of the committee, who would with pleasure attend to it, and carry out any plan that should appear to be beneficial to the town.

Mr.Bedborough said the report of Mr.Parker was as much within the knowledge of the committee as the public, and it was for the benefit of the public that some notice should be taken by the committee of it, for it was, he conceived , their duty to investigate it.

Mr.Blunt said the general rule was that the committee should not undertake any enquiry unless it was referred to them by the council, otherwise the real business of them body would be frittered away by leaving everything to the committee. As to the report of Mr.Parker, every one must perceive that that gentleman had taken a very superficial view of the subject, and had obtained his information chiefly from a person living some distance from the town. He should have made his enquiries of persons living on the spot - Mr.Bedborough, for instance; instead of which he had gained his information from persons who knew nothing of Windsor, who might, perhaps, know something about Clewer-lane, but not about the other parts of the town. He repeated that if a motion were made to the council, and it was thought expedient to refer the subject to the committee, they would pay every attention to it.

Mr.Bedborough said he had asked the question, in order to ascertain whether the council meant to take any notice of it, and if not, he threw out a suggestion that it was fit subject for enquiry by the committee. He knew that it was a matter which had been seriously noticed in a quarter which it was both their interest and duty to prevent being annoyed. And he might as well state that he had submitted a plan, which was now under the consideration of the Commissioners of Woods and Forests, for the effectual drainage of the borough generally, and for other improvements. He was not at present prepared to lay his plan before the Council, but if they would give him the opportunity of doing so, he would, on a future day, be prepared with it.

Mr.Blunt said Mr.Bedborough was aware that when anything in the nature of a complaint was made to the council, it was attended to. As regarded Mr.Parker's report, they could only affirm it or contradict it.

Mr.Bedborough said, of course the evil did or did not exist, of which the committee would soon ascertain the fact. He believed a very great evil did exist, which prejudicially affected all classes:- at Frogmore it was almost intolerable; besides, the very idea of the drainage of a great part of the Castle and town finding its way into the Thames above Windsor-bridge, and then mixing with the water, which was carried down stream to the water-works, which supplied the Castle with water, was anything but pleasant to its inhabitants. It was certainly true that a very considerable expense would be incurred, and it would be necessary to obtain an Act of Parliament , which his plan contemplated, and the expenses to which he proposed should be borne by the owners of property, and not by the occupiers - at least , not the yearly tenants.

Some conversation here took place respecting the tolls of Windsor-bridge, which it was understood would be affected by the proposed act of Parliament, but it seemed to be generally understood that there would be no serious obstacle on that score.

Investing the New Mayor

The above being the whole of the business before the Court, the Mayor rose , and in due form invested Mr.Tebbott, his successor, with the gold chain (the insignia of office), wishing him health and happiness to wear it.

The new Mayor then again expressed his thanks, and said he hoped that at the period of his office he should hand the chain to his successor unsullied. He promised that he would exert himself in every possible way to give general satisfaction during his mayoralty, and if he should succeed in doing so it would be to him a high gratification.

The Mayor was then congratulated by his friends, and the Council broke up.

[It will be seen by reference to the above report, Mr.Bedborough brought forward the subject of the drainage of the town, and that it is contemplated applying for an act to enable the Town Council, or other authorities, to effectually remedy the existing evil. We need hardly say how highly necessary it is that no time should be lost in removing the stigma which the late report of the poor law commissioner has cast upon the town, and which now that it has been publicly noticed, will operate most injuriously on the interest of the town and its inhabitants if suffered to remain. We remain from more particularly noticing the party principally affected by the stagnant state of the ditches encircling two sides of the town, because such notice would naturally add to the existing prejudice,-]

Windsor Police

On Thursday a man named Thomas Bloomfield was charged before the magistrates, at the Town-hall, with assaulting Horton, one of the constables of the borough, on Monday night, by shoving him off the pavement in Thames-street, threatening him, telling him the middle to the road was quite good enough for a policeman to walk in. He was reprimanded, and fined 14s 6d, including costs, and he was allowed a week to pay the money, in default of doing which he will be committed to prison.

Eton Police - Saturday Nov. 5

Wm. and Anne Holloway, father and daughter, were brought up for final examination, charged with stealing a quantity of brass, forming parts of machinery, belonging to Messrs.Tipper, of Horton, their employers.

The facts of the case were these, A quantity of brass had been stolen from the premises of the Earl of Orkney, at Taplow, and a reward of �10 had been offered for the apprehension and conviction of the thieves; and it was owing to this robbery that the robbery of Messrs.Tipper was discovered. Sexton, one of the Windsor police, in the course of his enquires, went on Saturday, the 29th of October, to the shop of a marine store dealer in Eton, named Lawrence, and enquired of him if he very recently bought any brass, when Lawrence said he had not bought any for a month, and that the last he purchased was from a tradesman of that town. Sexton then went to another marine store dealer in Eton, kept by a person named Knowles, and made the same enquiry, when Knowles said a young woman had offered him some brass for sale, but as she refused to give her name when he requested it, he refused to purchase the brass, and she went away.

Knowles had a boy in his employ who had lived with Lawrence, and he told Sexton that Lawrence had bought some brass. Sexton, therefore, went again to Lawrence, who, however, still persisted that he had not purchased any. Upon this Sexton went to the Rev.Mr.Cookesley for a warrant to search Lawrence's premises; Mr.Cookesley desired him to give the warrant to Jerome, the chief constable of Eton, to execute, and accordingly Jerome, accompanied by Sexton, went to Lawrence's house, and on searching it found a quantity of brass which, however, was proved not to have been that which had been stolen from Lord Orkney's premises. On the following Monday, Jerome feeling confident it had been stolen from some other place where machinery was used, took Sexton with him to Messrs.Tipper's mills, at Horton, and it was found the brass had been stolen from thence, being identified by the engineer and the foreman. On the following day Jerome and Sexton took Knowles and his shop-boy to Messrs.Tipper's mills, and amidst the workpeople the female prisoner was identified as the person who offered the brass to Knowles for sale, and it was ascertained it had been given to her by her father to dispose of. They were consequently brought away in custody and examined before the Rev.Mr.Cookesley, who remanded them until Wednesday, on which day they were again remanded until their present and final examination, the girl being liberated on bail. The male prisoner confessed to stealing the property and ordering his daughter to sell it. The evidence now being complete, the magistrate committed the male prisoner for trial, but in consideration of the daughter acting under her father's instructions, discharged her. Lawrence was also committed to take his trial as the receiver of the stolen property.


[Before C.Clowes,Esq., C.Tower,Esq., R.Harvey,Esq., M.Swabey,Esq., the Rev.W.G.Cookesley, the Rev.Thomas Carter, and R.R.Clayton,Esq]

The magistrates were occupied a considerable time to-day in hearing a case of appeal against a poor-rate made for Denham parish. The appellants were Messrs.Van Holden and William Flitney, and the respondents were the Overseers of Denham.

Mr.Woolls, solicitor, of Uxbridge, appeared on behalf of the appellants, and Mr.Williams attended as counsel for the respondents.

The preliminary to proceeding with the facts upon which the appeal was founded, was for the appellants to prove that they had served a due notice of the appeal of the parish officers. Some evidence was called to prove this, but it was not satisfactory, and a long and animated discussion ensued upon this point between the learned gentlemen engaged on each side of the bench. In the end it was decided that the notice was not sufficient, and the magistrates therefore dismissed the appeal.

John Copeland and Wm.Gibbons were charged with having been found trespassing in the pursuit of game, on land in the occupation of Mr.Powell, of Denham, but as the accused were not sufficiently identified to be the parties, the case was dismissed.

Sarah White and Sarah Ware, of Fulmer, were charged with having on the 28th of October damaged a fence, the property of Mr.Edw.Payne, of Chalfont St Peters. The parties appeared disposed to compromise the matter, and they were allowed to retire to do so.

Thos.Green, toll-gate keeper, in the Slough-road, was charged at the instance of Mr.C.A.Saunders, secretary of the Great Western Railway Company, with not giving a ticket on that gentleman's passing through the gate when requested to do so. The defendant admitted the offence, and he was fined �5, including costs, which he paid.

The only other business transacted was the selection and appointment of constables under the Constabulary Act, when the following were appointed for the different parishes within the Eton division of Bucks:-
Eton, James Jerome, H.Swaine, Jas McCallum, John Wigginton, Robert Tarrant, John Byles, Thomas Bott , and Henry Perryman - Upton, John Foster, Jas.Calloway, Thomas Dawes, Richard Goodchild, John Wiggins, and Wm.Shrimpton.- Datchet, Francis Pond, Wm.Bidwell, Henry Newman, and J Le Grange - Wexham, Martin Burten, John Hartley, and Anthony Minell.- Horton, Thos.Radcliffe, Thomas Maish, Geo.Rothwell, and Jas.Dibsell. - Iver, Thos.Hale, Thos.Biggs, John Larkin, Geo.King, and James Springhall.- Fulmer, Rd.Sprosen, R.Douglas, and John Blincoe.- Denham, George Styles, John Howes, Jas.Coulton, and John Luff, jun., - Langley Marish, Wm.Cordroy, Jas.Broadway, John Larkin, James Pendry, and John Seymour. The appointment of constables for the remaining three parishes in the Eton division, namely, Hedgerley, Stoke, and Wyrardisbury, was not made today, and it was understood they were postponed. Several of the above constables are by the new Act paid officers, and the others appointed are unpaid, and are to assist them when called upon to do so.


On Sunday night a daring act of sacrilege was committed at our parish Church. The whole of the sacramental plate was stolen. It appears that after the conclusion of Divine service on Sunday afternoon, the sacred edifice was as usual properly secured, but great was the surprise of some persons passing the church at an early hour on Monday morning at finding the principal doors were wide open. Information of the circumstance was immediately given to the parochial authorities, when on proceeding to the vestry they found that five out of six drawers had been forced open and ransacked, the thieves carrying off with them two large modern silver flagons, one large silver salver, with "I.H.S." in the centre, of a paten to match, a large old silver cup, with the inscription of "Presented by the Inhabitants of Chertsey,1679;" a modern silver cup, with the inscription , "Presented by the Hon.Mrs.Fox," (widow of the late Right Hon.C.J.Fox); a large modern silver paten, a small old silver ditto, two silver plated plates, &c. It is supposed some person must have secreted himself in the church during the service on Sunday afternoon, as the doors had evidently opened from the inside. A reward of �50 has been offered for the recovery of the property.

Sudden Death

The Rev.A.Procter, Baptist minister, aged 30, who was on a visit to - Young, Esq, of Addlestone, was found dead in his bed early on Wednesday morning, of apoplexy. He had recently returned from Bradford College, and was just on the eve of settling over the church at Bagshot. His early removal will be severely felt by the people with whom he was about to labour in the ministry.

On Monday last some evil disposed person killed a lamb , the property of Mr.Mills, of the George Inn, Sunbury, by fracturing the poor animal's skull with some blunt instrument. The lamb was found in a saw-pit in a field adjoining the turnpike-road, near the George Bridge. A reward of �5 has since been offered for the apprehension of the villain.


Town Council - On the 1st instant Messrs. Fletcher, Humphreys, Whittle, and White, were duly elected councillors of this borough, in the place of Messrs. Bawlow, J.Lovegrove, R.Swallow and Bennett, who went out by rotation; and on the 9th, Mr.Geo.Mills was duly elected the mayor for the current year.


The tenth anniversary celery show was held on Tuesday last at Mr.Gile's, the Wellington Arms, when the amateur growers bore away the first, third and forth prizes, which were allotted for not less than three roots, each weighing more than five pounds. All considerably exceeded that weight, some six, and measuring eighteen inches in circumference. After an excellent and super abundant dinner of every seasonable delicacy , with wines and handsome desert, provided with an unsparing hand by the worthy landlord, Mr.Giles, the prizes were distributed as awarded by the judges, Mr.Howe and Mr.Gardiner, the first went to Mr.Lidgard of Hammersmith; second, to Mr.Weeden of Hidington[?] House; third, to Mr.Green of Chiswick; fourth, to Mr.Giles of Uxbridge. Some single roots of large weight, and dimensions were also shown and highly commended, but no prizes were allotted to them. The chair was ably filled by Mr.Weeden, the deputy chair by Mr.G.Robinson, with whose harmonious voice the company were highly delighted until nine o'clock, when many of the company (as previously arranged) separated, in order to attend at the Druid's Lodge, held at Mr.Chapman's, the Ram Inn, which that evening received a visit from the Lodge lately opened at High Wycombe, where harmony was kept up until a late hour.

Great Marlow

In our last weeks paper an error appeared in reference to a child named Austin, having died from the effects of a kick from the horse at the fair. We are happy to state that the sufferer is in a fair way of recovery.