Newspaper Transcripts

The Windsor and Eton Express.
Bucks Chronicle and Reading Journal

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Some Selected Reports from The Windsor and Eton Express

16th September 1826

Wanted, in a small respectable Family, a good plain Cook; a middle aged person from the country will be preferred, who must produce an undeniable character.
Apply to Mr.C.Andrews, bookseller, &c., 13, Thames-street, Windsor.

To be Sold

A small piece of Freehold Land, situate at Clewer Green. For particulars inquire at the Barley Mow, Englefield Green; or Mr.Griffiths, clothier, 40, Market Place, Windsor.

Workhouse Windsor

All persons having any demand on Mrs.Hirst, are requested to send in their accounts to J.Batcheldor, 1, Church-street, Windsor, on or before Thursday next, and to instead at the Workhouse on Friday Evening, the 22d inst., at Six o'clock, when her affairs will be investigated, and finally arranged.

Under the Patronage of the Countess of Harcourt, The Nobility and Gentry are respectfully informed that the Annual Fair for clothing the children of the Bray School will be held, as usual, at the Town Hall, Maidenhead, on Friday, the 29th of September, 1826. All contributions will be gratefully received, and it is requested that the price may be fixed on each article, and that they may be accompanied by a list of things sent.

To be directed to Miss Clark, Maidenhead.

Windsor and Eton

On Monday and Tuesday his Majesty drove for several hours in the Great Park.

On Wednesday his Majesty, with his usual attendants, left the Royal Lodge at half-past two o'clock, and took his favourite rides through the plantations, Chapel Wood, and the Royal Nursery, to Virginia Water; which he had not visited before for the last eight days. After inspecting the improvements carrying on, and taking some pleasant drives on the margin of that delightful lake, his Majesty returned at half past five o'clock, to the Royal Lodge, where he honoured his distinguished attendants with his company to dinner.

Thursday his Majesty left the Royal Lodge at his usual hour, and took some exercise in the Great Park, but some heavy showers came on, and obliged his Majesty to return to the Royal Lodge earlier than usual.

On Friday his Majesty took his accustomed exercise in the Great Park.

On Sunday her Royal Highness the Princess Augusta, accompanied by Lady Mary Taylor and the Hon. Miss Trefuis, attended divine service at the parish church.

Our theatre closed this evening with How to grow Rich and the Pilot, for the benefit of Mr.Penley, whose exertions throughout the season have been unremitting to render the performances of this theatre attractive; and we are happy to say that he has been rewarded by one of the most successful seasons we remember. The performances on Tuesday were by desire of the Mayor and Corporation.

Thursday afternoon a man, strangely habited, with no other clothing than a flannel jacket, with a girth round his waist, and a pair of tight worsted pantaloons reaching to his ancles, started on foot, with Moody's Windsor coach, from Hyde Park corner, and kept pace with the coach the whole of the way; when the coach stopped to change horses he also stopped, but took very little refreshment. He ran barefooted the whole of the way, and arrived at Windsor before the coach.

Wholesale & Retail Grocer, Tea Dealer, Tallow Chandler, Cheesemonger, &c.
Market-Square , Aylesbury

Begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Aylesbury and its Vircinity, that he has taken to the Shop and Premises recently in the occupation of Mr.Harrison, where he purposes carrying on the above businesses, and trusts, by prompt and assiduous attention, to obtain their support. 12th September 1826.


An Adjourned Sessions was held at Aylesbury on Thursday when the County Treasurers accounts were audited. The Magistrates afterwards dined together at the White Hart inn.

The manly game of cricket has this season been kept up with much spirit in every part of the country, and the confidence which some of the older clubs feel in the superiority of their play will most probably, in the next, occasion some interesting matches. Among these is the Wycombe club, who have a fair claim to be considered good players, and whose confidence in their skill has just been increased by the result of a game which they played on Monday last, near Stokenchurch, with the Watlington club, when, notwithstanding the latter were allowed to choose the best players in a distance of several miles, the Wycombe club beat them in one innings with 32 runs to spare.
The wickets were pitched at an early hour, and the game was decided by four in the afternoon. The day being very fine there was a considerable number of persons assembled to witness the play. On its termination the players spent the rest of the day in perfect harmony and good humour at the King's Arms inn. The return match is to be played at Wycombe Rye next Monday.

On Sunday night last, a horse, a saddle, and bridle, were stolen from the stable of Mr.Wm.Turner, of Weedon Lodge, near Aylesbury. On the discovery of his loss the next morning, Mr.Turner sent several persons in pursuit, and went himself to Oxford, where he found his horse at the Holly Bush public-house. It had been left there by a young fellow well-known in Aylesbury, named John Dancer, who had formerly been in Mr.Turner's service, and had disappeared from the house of one of his relations living at Weedon on the same night the horse was stolen. The theft of the horse was not the only robbery committed by Dancer on quitting Weedon, for in requital for the kindness of the relation who had found him a home while he was out of service, he took with him 38 shillings, his property, which he had saved to pay his rent.

A well contested match at cricket was played at Penn Common, on Tuesday last, by the Penn club (who have played several matches this season and been very successful) and that of Wooburn, which was won by the latter, beating their antagonists by 11 runs, as appears by the following statement :- Wooburn 1st Innings 33, 2nd Ditto 91 - 124; Penn 1st Innings 27, 2nd Ditto 85 - 113

John Slaughter, a man well known in this town, is now lying at Stafford gaol to await his trial at the next assizes on a charge of burglary.

Two Bow-street officers, Ruthven and Smith, having endeavouring to take the men concerned in the shameful riot at Akeley Wood, as mentioned in our last number, but without effect. We hear, however, that it is the intention of those persons, many of whom are reasonably connected to surrender themselves as soon as bail can be procured, in order that the case may be heard at the ensuing Sessions for this county. The ridicule thrown at the application of Mr.Risley for the assistance of the Bow-street officers, by the gentleman connected with the London papers, is, to speak of it in mild terms injudicious, and shows that they are little apprised of the terror which the name of a Bow-street officer inspires in the country. Surely they cannot mean to defend the conduct of the parties implicated, or to say that Mr.Risley or any other gentleman has not the same right to preserve his woods from the damage done to them by persons getting nuts, that he would have to defend any other kind of property. As we imagine it must be owing to a misunderstanding that the application of Mr.Risley is thus treated, we again give an account of the transaction out of which it arose as we received it from an intelligent correspondent:- The woods at Akeley and Tingewick, belonging to New College, Oxford, having generally been much damaged during the nutting season, notice was this year given to the woodmen to prevent all persons except those belonging to the parishes of Akeley and Tingewick, from entering the woods.

Public notice was given to his effect, notwithstanding which a number of the inhabitants of Silverstone, a village some distance from Akeley , persisted in going there to gather nuts, and even ill-treated some poor women belonging to Akeley who went to the woods for the same purpose, (one of whom they stripped and left almost naked;) when remonstrated with by Mr.Risley personally, they assaulted and struck him, and intimating their determination to go into the wood whenever they pleased, told him they would be there on the following day and take the wood by storm; they assembled as they had promised to the number of 100, and attacked the constables whom Mr.Risley had placed to prevent their entering the wood, Mr.Risley in consequence procured warrants for the apprehension of the ringleaders, when the men of Silverstone mustered still more strongly, and threatened to put the constables to instant death if they dared lay hands on any one of their party. Whether Mr.Risley ought patiently to have tolerated these lawless proceedings, or what other course he ought to have pursued, we are not told. The result has proved that at least he formed a just idea of the effect the presence of London police-officers would have; for it has not only deterred the Silverstone men from further lawless proceedings, but when Ruthven and Smith went to the village last Monday to execute the warrants on the leaders in the riot, they could not find one of them, and up to Wednesday last no clue to their places of retreat has been discovered.

Dinner to the Marquis of Chandos at Marlow

The above dinner, which was given on Wednesday last, would both as regards the excellence of the wine and viands, and the taste displayed in the arrangements, bear a comparison with any that have been given to the noble Marquis by the freeholders in other parts of the county. In the respectability of the company also it was inferior to none - a fact which will be readily admitted when we mention the following names as part of those who assembled to testify the respect and regard they entertain for the noble Marquis on account of the upright, spirited, and zealous manner in which he has discharged his parliamentary duties:- Sir Wm.Clayton, Bart, President, His Grace the Duke of St.Albans, Lord Boston, the Right Honourable Sir George Warrender, Bart, M.P., General Sir George Nugent, Bart, M.P., Col.Clayton, G.E.Nugent, Esq., General O'Loghlin, G.Dupre, Esq., Wadham Wyndham, Esq., East Clayton, Esq., the Rev.W.M.Bradford, the Rev.C.Fanshaw, James Long, Esq., Wm.Robarts, Esq., J.Townsend, Esq., R.Lovegrove, Esq., Geo.Eillson, Esq., Rev.E.Owen, S.Taylor, Esq., John Cundee, Esq., James Cundee, Esq., J.Carter, Esq., J.Chearsley, Esq., W.Walford, Esq., &c, &c.; John Nash , and Joshua Rolls, Esquires, were the Vice Presidents. The tables were spread in the spacious room at the Town Hall, which was decorated with evergreens tastefully disposed, and the two flags, which we noticed at the Aylesbury dinner, were unfurled at the upper end of the room. To add to the entertainment of the company, Messrs. Broadhurst, Bellamy, and Taylor, whose vocal abilities are so well known, were engaged; as were also Messrs. Hobbs and French, of Windsor - At half-past four the signal for dinner was given by a band striking up "Oh the roast beef of Old England." The number of those who sat down to dinner, which was served by Mr.Westbrook, of the Crown Inn, was about 120.

The cloth having been removed, the usual toasts of "The King," "The Duke of York and the Army," "The Duke of Clarence and the Navy," and "The Royal Family," were given, with appropriate airs and tunes to each toast.

The Chairman then proposed "The Lord Lieutenant of the County," which was drank with every mark of enthusiasm; and the Marquis of Chandos returned thanks on behalf of his father in a neat speech.

The Chairman - I rise, gentlemen, to propose a toast which I am sure you will drink with great pleasure. We are met to-day to express our warm approbation of the conduct of our worthy representative, the Marquis of Chandos; and I am confident you will join me with hand and heart in drinking his health. Whether we regard him in the character of a senator, or in that of a gentlemen, I am sure that you will agree with me that he is entitled to be received with the greatest cordiality. As a senator he has ever proved himself a staunch defender of the people's rights; and as a gentlemen I am sure it must be unnecessary for me to remind you of his numerous acts of kindness to his friends and neighbours. I might speak of him also as a warm supporter of the yeomanry of the county; but his merits are well known to you, and I will not detain you longer from the pleasure of drinking his health - The noble Marquis's health was drank with much applause.

Lord Chandos returned thanks in an eloquent speech, of which (having so recently reported his sentiments as expressed on a similar occasion) it is unnecessary to give more than an outline. He avowed his gratification at the warm and friendly manner in which he had been every where received by the electors, and signified his determination to adhere to that line of conduct which he had hitherto followed, and which he was glad to find had secured to him the approbation of his constituents. He said in every vote he had given he had been guided by the consciousness of doing his duty; he should again go into Parliament unshacked, and would again vote for those measures which he judged conducive for the good of the country, let them proceed from whatever quarter they might - On the agricultural question he observed that he had felt it his duty to oppose His Majesty's Ministers in bringing the bonded corn into the market, for he thought the measure unfair and injurious to the farmer, who was equally entitled to protection with the manufacturer. He did not mean to contend for a system of high prices, which was the bane of the country, but he thought that the English farmer, being unable to complete with the foreign grower, had a just claim on the Legislature for a protecting duty; in his prosperity was involved that of the labourer - a class of men at present severely distressed. With these views on the subject, so long as he remained in the House of Commons he would to the utmost of his ability support the interests of the agriculturists. - With regard the Catholic question, he felt he had some claims on his constituents for the part he had taken in opposing Catholic emancipation ; for he had to contend with private regards and private feelings, but as he thought that the safety of the constitution required that no further concessions should be made to the Catholics, he had waved all other considerations, and voted against the question; he still trusted, notwithstanding that His Majesty's Ministers were divided on this question, he should see the Protestant religion handed down unimpaired to posterity, and that it might be so it should ever have his support. In conclusion, the noble Marquis again expressed his pleasure that his conduct had met with the approbation of his constituents, and assured the company how grateful he felt for their reception of him that day.

Glee - "Green grow the rushes, O."

The Marquis of Chandos proposed the health of Sir William Clayton, who as a gentleman, a Yeomanry officer, and a Magistrate of the county, had long been known to them, and secured the respect and esteem of all classes.

Sir Wm.Clayton acknowledged the compliment, and proposed "The health of the wives, sweethearts, and families of all present."

Comic song by Mr.Taylor.

The health of "The Duchess of Buckingham" being given by the Chairman, the Marquis of Chandos returned thanks.

The health of "The Marchioness of Chandos" was next given, which was also acknowledged by the noble Marquis, who gave "The Members for Marlow."

The Chairman then proposed "Earl Temple."

The Marquis of Chandos in returning thanks of behalf of his son, said it was just three years ago on that day since he had made his appearance in the world. He expressed a hope that his son would be found worthy of the friendship of the electors, that he would feel as he did that his most valuable possession was their esteem, and that he would tread in those steps which had secured to himself their approbation.

"The Duke of St.Albans" having been given from the chair, his Grace briefly returned thanks.

Glee by Mr.Broadhurst, Mr.Taylor, and Mr.Bellamy.

The Chairman proposed "The Bucks Militia," as a corps conspicuous for its good discipline , and which had evinced its patriotism by volunteering to go abroad in a time of danger to the country.

Mr.W.Wyndham, Captain of the Bucks Militia, said that as an individual of that corps, he was proud of the honour done them, and if the circumstances should again require them to go to an enemy's country, he would not be the last to offer his services.

Song by Mr.Bellamy - "When Vulcan forged the bolts of Jove."

The Marquis of Chandos gave "The English Farmer."

Song, by Mr.Broadhurst - "John Anderson, my Joe."

General O'Loghlin gave "The Bucks Yeomanry." The Marquis of Chandos returned thanks.

The Chairman proposed "The Clergy of the County of Bucks."

Dr.Scobell returned thanks, and in a speech of considerable length, stated the grounds on which he considered the claims of the Catholics ought not to be conceded.

The Chairman gave "The health of Gen.Sir.G.Nugent, and Gen.O.Loghlin," both of whom returned thanks.

Comic song by Mr.Taylor.

"The Mayor and Corporation of Wycombe," having been given by the Chairman, Mr.Carter, as a member of that body, acknowledged the compliment.

Glee - "The Speaker."

The Marquis of Chandos proposed "The Stewards," to whom they were indebted for having so well planned and conducted the sumptuous entertainment of which they had partaken.

Sir Wm.Clayton returned thanks.

At half-past ten, the Marquis and the Chairman took their leave of the company, who stood up and cheered them as they passed down the room.

We have only space to add that the management of the dinner reflects much credit on all the parties concerned, and that it gave general satisfaction to the company.