Newspaper Transcripts

The Windsor and Eton Express.
Bucks Chronicle and Reading Journal

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Some Selected Reports from The Windsor and Eton Express

1st March 1834

We hear that some of the members of the Windsor and Eton Subscription Library, considering the subject of Phrenology not fairly dealt with on a late public occasion, have prevailed on a highly intelligent lecturer conversant with the subject, to devote a few evenings to the elucidation of its principles, with the view of having the question fairly stated to enable the inhabitants of these towns and neighbourhood to judge of the truths and utility of this interesting science.

The Grenadier Guards marched from the barracks in Sheet-street yesterday to the Tower, and were relieved by the first Battalion of the Coldstream Guards.

Uxbridge, February 28

Mr.Bird, of Eton, lecturer on astronomy, after having displayed his abilities at Ealing and Hillingdon school, on the three preceding days, highly gratified the inhabitants of Uxbridge and the vircinity on Friday evening, at the large room in the Market-house, interspersing his lecture with the soft chords of that beautiful little instrument the accordion.

William Green was again brought up for re-examination before the Magistrates at Uxbridge, on Monday last, charged with setting fire to Mr.Cane's premises at Heathrow, and after a great number of witnesses were examined he was committed to Newgate to take his trial for the offence.

An inquest was held on Monday last, at Hillingdon, by a deputy of T.Sterling's, Esq., coroner, on the body of a female named Young, who after a prior attempt at her own destruction, which had failed, succeeded in the latter by hanging herself to a tree, where she was found on Saturday last. The deceased lived servant to R.Tomlinson [?], Esq. Verdict - temporary derangement.