Newspaper Transcripts

The Windsor and Eton Express.
Bucks Chronicle and Reading Journal

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Some Selected Reports from The Windsor and Eton Express

30th December 1837

Royal Tulips

The bed of tulips presented by the Metropolitan Society to her Majesty Queen Adelaide some two or three years ago, were, it seems, treated as a present to the Crown, and not as private property. They are to be still grown by Mr.Ingram, at the Royal Gardens, Windsor. We have only just learned this officially, and glad we are that it is so. Tulips were never more highly honoured than at this moment. It is a noble bed that is grown on the property of the Crown, and the accession of the noble Duke of Devonshire to the list of patrons of this queen of flowers, is highly gratifying. The bed is a hundred rows long, comprising many fine varieties , is in [a] conspicuous situation, under the eye of his Grace, and it need hardly be predicted that those who have good collections may be honoured by a visit of the Noble Duke during the bloom. - Gardener's Gazette.

His Majesty's private band has not played at the Castle since the return of the Court, the performers having had leave of absence for the Christmas holidays - they meet there to perform, we understand, on Thursday evening next.

Mutual Improvement Society

We find the society have now announced that Mr.Byng will deliver his promised gratuitous lecture on the manufacture of Coal Gas, on Wednesday evening next, at the Town Hall.